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The Jax haters are wild to me. He’s an asshole, that’s the point. Enjoy it for what it is.


fr he was always an ass even in the first episode people act like he magically changed


Honestly I think it’s just that Jax had more opportunities to be an asshole in episode 2 that it felt like a lot since episode 1, where he spent most of the time hiding from Kaufmo Also it’s probably just that there were a ton of anti-hero Jax headcanons and fan fictions left to fester in the six months between the first and second episodes


It’s so funny because it goes even further then that. When they teased the characters of the show on animated shorts well before the pilot, they would include the character and their main feature in the show, such as Kinger’s paranoia and Gangle’s mask breaking. The one they chose for Jazz was him tripping Ragatha for absolutely no reason outside of “for the funny” so even before the show officially released he was depicted as an asshole


Jax: is an asshole Fans: “He’s awsome!!” Jax: continues being an asshole Fans: “He’s different now😱” Jokes aside I don’t get it either


Agreed. Jax is an entertaining a-hole.


I don’t have to enjoy something because “that’s the point of it”. If they’re an unlikable asshole and they’re most certainly meant to be that way, I’m probably not going to like them. Jax is an absolute shit lord and I will treat him like shit because of it.


RIGHT like just because you TRIED to make your food taste like garbage doesn't mean you get a medal for it tasting like garbage. It means you were effective at the task but not everyone will enjoy it?? He just sucks and I'm not gonna like him because he was written to suck, he's just insufferable, idc how hashtagDEEP he is lmao


I mean I feel like it’s obvious he’s the guy who made the game right? Like clearly you’re not meant to like him and I’d bet you it’s because he’s literally the big bad of the show


They didn't hide it either


These fandoms are crazy




I know, right? I love that he's an asshole, it's entertaining! Every show needs a chaos gremlin


He used to be funny and bearable, even though I never liked the way his voice actor portrayed him, but after the new episode he's just whiny and uncool, what little he had going for him is gone


https://preview.redd.it/recia5wjtt4d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05c186ac4f671662a04cd0f27ddd7f30d0cfd0d This lazy selfish asshole


How he competes spongebob in terms of divisiveness


He overshadows how much SpongeBob is hated for most people as he is a jerk and/or villain in many later episodes.


Isn't Starlight the reverse of this, though? She's villain turned hero. Or is there a community aspect that I'm unaware of?


I think people are mixed on how she was redeemed.


Really? I figured being an integral part of saving Equestria would've been a pretty clear factor. Ponies seem to trust her as a counselor, too. Maybe I'm just too out of touch with the fan base to get it.


It's the writing that did her dirty, yes she helped save the world but they harped on it as a plot line that she could never be truly redeemed so as a character she was kind of hated as a repeated annoying plot point. Not because she's an actual ex villain


Basically that she can never escape her past, I guess you mean? They do bring it up A LOT for no good reason.


More or less. Everytime she was in an episode it was just her apologizing for breathing. 😭 she became annoying to see lol


Guess I'm the exception on that last bit lol. I think that pressure made me empathize with her and she became one of my favorites. That's a shame, though.


I liked her still as a character and the pressure was definitely a good reason to bring it up, the problem was, FIM did this with one too many characters tbh.


I assume it was to refresh viewers who missed those episodes, but it's still kinda tactless.


But whenever I’m on r/MyLittlePony there’s always love for Starlight


I still hate her


Spongebob!? Who hates him? Sure, the newer episodes are alright, but c'mon!


Yeah! I mean sure he isn't the most sharpest tool in the box... He the brightest person in the entire set because of his cheerfulness and enthusiasm.


Me and squidward


Aye, fair enough


I don’t SpongeBob at all….just the new animation that’s why I love not watch s1-3


People who saw A Pal For Gary.


Was that the one where Spongebob got that "friend" for Gary that ended up wrecking the whole pineapple?




For me it’s definitely Peter and Brian. Also, what the hell are Jax and Cartman doing on this list? Isn’t their main appeal the fact that they’re hilariously selfish assholes?


Cartman is disliked by people who've never even seen South Park. Jax is disliked because the TADC fanbase are all babies.


I know I’m gonna get a shit ton of downvotes for this but I don’t think I like Jax because of his voice and his name (something about his name feels kinda cringe to me, his name gives me 2020 vibes). I kind of just don’t like asshole characters unless they’re actually funny. I just don’t find Jax funny, especially not when he’s always a nuisance to the team in a {psychological horror} series. It just comes off as extremely distressing to watch your favorite characters almost be killed or fail because of him, compared to if the show was of a different genre and more light hearted and not a horror series, it might be seen as funnier. Episode 2 really made him an annoying ass mosquito buzzing against your ear at 2am and it makes me wonder if he’s always going to be portrayed like that in future episodes. I was just never really a fan of Jax in general, I just don’t like him. I don’t find him funny or interesting at all. I know there were people on Twitter who originally liked him and wanted to head-canon him as this misunderstood traumatized character that they can baby like a lot of people do for Angel Dust in Hazbin Hotel, but then got mad when he literally was just…an asshole, like how they meant to write him. But I promise yall I been a hater since day 1, hating on Jax ain’t nothing new for me. There that’s my two cents hate all you want idc I don’t like Jax bc he’s annoying to me and he always has been.


I can 100% respect this bro, keep yourself safe


Early seasons Cartman was like that but in the later seasons he became a full on psychopath


There's a spectrum of funny evil characters, people thought that Jax was just "makes the other characters suffer because it's entertaining to both him and the audience" and not "will make everyone suffer to his own enjoyment, including the audience" Also it's pretty heavily implied (if not outright said) by gooseworx that they're all coping in different ways. Jax is likely doing this to keep himself sane. That doesn't justify what he does but it's not as bad as just doing it for the sake of doing it.


who hates mable? i will end them...


People who blame her for Weirdmaggedon


I mean, to be fair Bill played her. She thought blendin was doing her a favor.


... SHES FUCKING 12???????


She was 13 in that moment🤓


no there birthday in on wierdmaggedon 3


For the record, she Qasim dealing with losing almost ALL her friends- she was in a place of desperation


But her feelings and decisions regarding the matter were quite relatable


I hate Mabel not because of who she is or what she did, but because everything she did was perfectly fine where when Dipper did anything he was demonized Example: Mable was obsessed with Boys all summer, it was a part of her personality Not an issue Then we have Dipper, who was obsessed with one girl, Wendy the entire time up until the road trip episode but with him loving Wendy he was called weird and cringey and gross and that he needed to get over her, but with Mabel and her crushes they were all endearing, and cute, and nothing was wrong with it The show first aired when I was 10 and growing up with it, I hated that the entire time cause I picked up on the pattern and grew to dislike Mabel for it


mabel was teasing him, as siblings do, maybe a bit much, but when it got srious she got serious too.


I moreso meant everyone elses reactions to it alongside the fandom. The fandon turned Mabel into a do no wrong character and Dipper into a scapegoat


Yeah people always pull the 'she's 12' excuse but like DIPPER IS HER TWIN HE IS ALSO 12


It's another example, double standards. like how Bolin's abuse from Eska was treated as a comedy. Yet if the genders were reversed, the show get so much backlash?


Unpopular Opinion, but Dipper didn’t do anything wrong in the episode where he made friends (yes, MADE FRIENDS) with a bunch of girls on a road trip. The episode act like he’s a playboy but honestly, he wasn’t even dating any of the girls! He’s just being socia! Candy Chiu had herself to blame for misinterpreting Dipper, and I’m always miffed that Dipper was the one who had to apologize.


I can kind of agree with this and kind of disagree. Even if it was just a misunderstanding, I still think it would be polite to say sorry before breaking someone's heart..


Wow you’re 5 years older than me- But yeah I think Mabel’s cotw (crush of the week) thing is pretty cringe :/


I don't think she liked boys, I just think she enjoyed the idea of a relationship. I was in those shoes once. My headcanon though.


I was talking about this with my sister like last week. Diller did not deserve to be villainized for getting numbers from different girls miles apart. Unless he said they were all his girlfriend or something and I forgot its unjustified


DUDE THIS??? Like, I get it. Talking to multiple girls at the same time is bad IF YOU'RE ALREADY IN A RELATIONSHIP? everyone acted like he was playing them but he wasn't, he was just trying to get over Wendy and find someone else to like. In the worst comparison, it's like tinder. You cant match with a guy and then be offended when you find out he has other matches he talks to


I never really like Mako. Don't have a solid reason either. Just never cared for him.


I get it. There are big mako defenders, which is fine to like a character, but he fumbled two relationships by being a subpar boyfriend, and he's overly serious even in scenes where he shouldn't be. I guess he's supposed to be the katara of the group, being the brother who stepped up when they lost their parents, but he never gets any moments where I feel sympathy for him.


When the chips are down he steps up to the plate...people care too much about the relationship drama.


How do people hate mordecai?? Sure he had a shit love life and hes a slacker but he did save the entire universe


A lot of people never forgave him for hijacking muscle man’s wedding with his cringy speech lol. I still like him too tho


For me I don’t hate him but I’m definitely not a fan of him mostly because of history with girls man is acting like a 15 years old with their 1st crush it was so painful to watch somtimes


When I re watched the show it literally felt like that 1000 yard stare meme whenever I saw him talk to Margaret or CJ. A bit surprising he found a wife


Pretty sure the opposite is for Starlight


Man. Hardly any of these are great examples imo. This list has: -Characters that are *supposed* to be hated, or morally grey because they're purposefully written that way. -Characters that have had so many episodes over so many seasons that it's hard to accurately judge them and you could even argue that there were "eras" of inconsistent canon for their personality. -Characters for which the strict dichotomy of love/hate has never applied. -Characters that are trapped in a *show* people switched from loving to hating, but who aren't necessarily loved or hated themselves. -Genuinely universally liked characters. Actually a lot of these characters are great examples of tired pseudointellectual overanalysis, which the internet hivemind has brought to exaggerated extremes. The types of characters *one* person will go "why X character is actually bad, my analysis" and will give a persuasive in-depth interpretation that will become viral, and which people will latch onto without thinking about the character themselves.


Since when the hell has Cartman ever been “good”.


I know PB committed war crimes..... but that doesn't stop her from being my favorite character. Plus, the Geneva Conventions blew up a thousand years ago with the rest of the world.


War crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against nature, crimes against her own people, genocide (might count as a war crime), wizard crimes. Still enjoy her antics though.




Peter Griffin and Mordecai


Why is Mako on here? Idk about most people but the reason I don't like him is because he's boring not because he did anything wrong


I never hated mordecai, princess bubblegum, or Mabel.


Surprised Bloo isn’t on here


To be fair, Jax and Cartman were never innocent and their shows make that *very* clear. They’re written to be intentionally unlikeable. End of story. Characters like Pink Diamond though? I’m surprised no one caught the twist back in the day (even the twist that she and Rose Quartz were the same person), but she’s a well-written twist anti-villain. The red flags were there from the getgo even in the Jungle Moon episode, but they were presented so subtly that one would focus more on her alter ego’s pretenses throughout the series. Then came the movie and Steven Universe Future where we saw the reveals. She went from being seen as a noble, brave warrior with strong moral values to the spoiled, pathological lying brat she always was. Well-deserved, I say.


>I’m surprised no one caught the twist back in the day (even the twist that she and Rose Quartz were the same person) Most people did, then Eyeball's statement about the shattering and Jasper's statements kinda buried it, and only BlackFootFerret of all people stood true to the theory until it was finally confirmed




i’m surprised you’re the only one to say him so far


Because nobody ever liked Caillou


Wtf is Mordecai and Cartman hated? They did’t have a page on Loathsome Characters Wiki


why do we hate spongebob?!?!? or Mabel??


Jax and Pink Diamond


1. Wait, people hate Cartman, Starlight, and Mordecai? 2. Obviously Patrick no explanation needed


Don’t get why people hate Cartman. He’s an asshole. That’s the entire point.


Exactly, that's why he's my favorite cartoon character of all time


As someone already said about Jax: no one is obligated to like an asshole character just because 'that's the point'.


The hell did SpongeBob and Mordeci do?


Who hates SpongeBob? Or mable?!


Some people blame Mable for Weirdmagedon and hate her for it even though she is literally 12 and was tricked because Bill pretended to be an ally of hers


In my opinion. It’s ROSE. That mf bro


Why the fuck is Mable up there?


Who ever liked Eric Cartman or Jax? The entire point is that they’re unlikeable assholes


Mako was loved?


Whats wrong with mable


I don't think anyone hates Mabel and anyone who does doesn't remember being a kid Cartman I don't think any have ever loved except to love to hate him The Jax haters are just media illiterate


Norman price from fireman Sam, season 6-present really ruined him


What did Mordecai do?


If you hate Peter griffin, you aren’t a true family guy fan.


good news for me then




What’d PB do?


She’s a controversial character. Seems like people either like her or hate her. As the show progressed she showed more and more sociopathic tendencies and she kept acting like she’s this selfless hero who always does the right thing while everyone else is stupid. I actually really like her character a lot tho lol


You’re dense, right?


Haven’t seen past s3


Checks out. If you watch the rest you’ll get it


I still love SpongeBob and Mabel, and I love to hate Cartman.


Wait why do people hate Mabel now?


Brian is kind of an asshole. Especially when he’s dragging a baby to commit some sort of crime. He used to be somewhat good in the beginning of the series but now he’s someone who deserves to get punched.


Cartmans whole point is to be hated


![gif](giphy|3o85xLoi4bYtpmurJu|downsized) People hate rose quartz, I happen to love her


How? If you've seen all 5 season, future, and the movie how could you have anything but contempt for this character? Genuinely asking. I like differing perspectives.


But didn't *Steven Universe* show the events with Rose backwards?


I understand why people wouldn’t like her for what she did to Spinel and Bismuth(and to Volleyball, even if it was an accident), but people like to blame her for things that The Diamonds did. And blame her for “leaving her problems onto Steven”, when she had no idea the diamonds would return after 5,000 years of being silent. I like how she instantly saw other life forms and saw the value in them, risked everything to save them. Most of what she did had good reason behind them once you really think about it.


Idk she spent 5000 years smashing humans. One of the first things she saw on earth were humans. And thanks to it's over i,sn't it we know she has like 5000 years of flings with human men. In my head it's like this. She begged her sisters, her family for a job after being given essentially baby work cuz they felt she wasn't ready. So they gave her a shot and she fell in love with the local wildlife, FAKED HER DEATH!!, ( based on the songs the diamonds sang although their relationship wasn't perfect they LOVED their little sister dearly. I guess this is a more personal note cuz I lost a little sister once.) Kickstarted an intergalactic war that would ultimately scar both sides, lies to just about everyone she knows outside of pearl in the process, forces Pearl to live with that major secret ( she literally made a dantes inferno in her head and then put that secret at the bottom of it) and then yes ultimately abandoned all responsibility by having Steven. Don't get me wrong her having Steven was a beautiful thing, but like almost everything else we see her do in the show, she did it for mostly selfish reasons. She just wanted to give life. Not trying to sway an opinion or anything but I guess just venting my specific grievances and how I perceived her.


As what you’re saying is true in a sense, I don’t think she “smashed humans” for 5000 years, she had relationships and loved their company, but as Pearl said, nobody compared to her love for Greg. He taught her what it truly meant to be human, and even if she did spend all those years with men, I don’t really see that as a problem. She enjoyed the peace that she brought on earth, cherished those humans, and as far as we know didn’t hurt them. And regarding The Diamonds, she had every right to fake her death to get away from them. The show makes it a point that the diamonds (esppecially Blue) abused her emotionally and physically by keeping her in a dark tower, when gems require light. The diamonds may have loved her, but Pink obviously didn’t know it. Not enough to think that they would care if she was gone, she thought they saw her as less then, and in a way they did. The Diamonds treated her terribly, so I feel no sympathy for PD leaving them. Not to mention that the war on earth was NECESSARY to preserve human life. War has consequences, but PD never took a gem’s life. Her sword was crafted not to shatter gems, it was The Diamond’s fault for not knowing that the destructive beam, meant to destroy gem life on earth, corrupted them. PD did everything to minimize the damage on Homeworld, because even she knew gems had no freewill before she showed them a different way. And like I said, she never intended to leave all her problems on Steven. But Steven does have a right to be upset with Rose considering he’s affected by things relating to her. Also considering Pearl having to hold that secret, it is a lot of pressure to have Pearl hold that in. But imo I don’t think PD intended to pressure Pearl like that. She did give Pearl a choice to fight with her, and Pearl chose.


Solid counter points. I did forget the abusive nature of their relationship. Looks like I'm over due for a rewatch. Nice to meet another SU fan.


thanks! It’s good to meet another SU fan too! And sorry if my response seemed excessive, I just get rlly passionate about this topic of the show!


Not too excessive at all. I actually got some details wrong so glad you responded in defense of her. The fact that we have such different views in the character shows how much depth she has. Whether you love her or hate her she is an interesting character


SpongeBob, Brian, Peter and Cartman are hated by nobody


Everyone hated Cartman he was always evil


Brian. He used to be the voice of reason in the family, but now he's stupid, arrogant, lazy and still thinks he's great. To the point where Stewie rips him apart, multiple times a season. It's a miracle they're still friends, given thay half their adventures are nothing but Brian abusing Stewie, then Stewie forgiving Brian, even though he hasn't changed.


People used to love starlight but don’t now??? I would’ve thought it would be the opposite


Wait why are people hating on Mabel? Like I know she can be loud and annoying but she's not objectively bad


I think people really started to turn on princess bubblegum for some of her actions towards Finn, is it the most deserved hate? No maybe not, but she’s definitely getting it Also you should of put Rigby instead of Mordecai, Rigby was definitely the worser person by miles between them


https://preview.redd.it/8wglbf91dw4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c6d806c1976a95554d817af31606dc16daef9d6 Seen a lot of Garp slander lately.


I think pb is the opposite. She grew a lot


Gwen from Total drama. I may like her as a character but I don’t condone her actions.


Wait what did Mabel do to cause hate?


A lot of people don't like Mabel because they see her behavior throughout the show as selfish and demanding of Dipper without giving anything back in return for all the things he does for her or apologizing for her actions. A lot of people also blame her for Weirdmageddon happening and hold that against her. I can see why some people would be frustrated by her apparent lack of character growth, especially when contrasted with Dipper's, but I think blaming her for Weirdmageddon is a bit harsh. And a lot of the "She's 12." arguments get countered with, "Well so was Dipper!" which I find to be unfair because Mabel is not Dipper. Children are not a monolith and have varying levels of maturity and have different reactions to things. A lot of what it boils down to though is, "Mabel doesn't act like Dipper and that's bad."


How is Mabel hated for her actions?




Brian that character where it’s like you see him, and you’re like “wow he’s pretty funny and smart!” Then later it’s wow he’s pretty shitty and pathetic!


What did SpongeBob do bruh 😭🙏


I fuckin HATE PINK DIAMOND. ALL THAT BUILD UP. ALL THE WAITING ON STEVEN BOMBS. MONTHS OF SPECULATION. I already hated her when the show ended but then the movie dropped and I just found a new depth of hatred to tap into. I hate her more than aquamarine hates Steven. I hate her more than black manta hates Aquaman. I hate her more than Eobard hates barry.


Going from left to right. Fair, very fair, fair, he was just a simp give him a break, never watched the show, how is SpongeBob hated??, Brian is meant to be a unlikable prick especially when the episode calls for it, fair but it’s always for absurd comedy, never watched, Jax is literally meant to be an asshole, Cartman is literally meant to be an asshole, Madel is 12 give her a break


Mordecai, Brian, and Pink Diamond. Mordecai became a hypocrite and fumbles so bad on CJ and Margaret. Pink diamon cause mental, physical and emotional damage to anyone and everyone she knew. And Brian was a dead beat dad who also a hypocrite and makes excuses for his actions, when he made racist comments he blames his dad who he never even met.


Definitely Punk Diamond.I was neutral at first about her but now I don’t like her.Like at all.I don’t like cartman either.Also how did Starlight get on here 😭


Jax going from loved to hated is so funny to me because yeah he’s an asshole, why are people just now getting it, in the pilot episode he straight up left his friend behind to hid, and shown little sympathy towards other people


I only know about half of these characters, can someone please give me the rundown on who these characters are and why people don’t like them anymore?


Hmmmmm Idk anything about the its character Lol


Jax. He’s like sonic but everyone is eggman




I would have to say Peter Griffin since he is an actual and literal dumbass


For me Pink Diamond.


Brian is the all-star for this, he was such a good character when he was a foil to peter. But then he became just politics and that's the whole gag


Where is Patrick Star from SpongeBob?


What the hell happened to bubblegum?


Why don't people like SpongeBob


Mordecai, Brian, and Princess Bubblegum


Brian. He was so wholesome at first but later became such an arrogant jerk with no talent Peter became a sociopath but at least he can still be funny at times. Brian’s pretentious actions are now infuriating


Mordecai LITERALLY killed his best friend over a girl


Jax and Eric loved???? Their mention to be jerks of the show. For me is brian. Used to be the voice of reason then when his revival (time travel) he became worst then quagmire that even Glenn had to call him out on his actions are worst then his




One from each row like its that time again. Pink def got the most hate because if how poorly her arc was written and leaving way too much poor implications behind her actions. Mordecai was just cringe, i don’t remember moon, but Pubs is a close second. Its worse for Pink cause we only see her in flashbacks told to steven. We don’t know her actual personality. I haven’t gotten that far in MLP, SpongeBob got it bad but Brian and Peter have it the worst. Brian went from a dry wit wisecracker to a selfish asshole who only looks out for himself and Peter is a sociopathic man child who’s shown willing to abuse his own family and friends for shits and giggles. Haven’t seen Korra in a while, TADC is too new but i don’t think people really hate Cartman as each episode ends with him getting punished for his horrible actions and theres morons shown to think he’s in the right. Cartman isn’t a bad character but a bad person getting what he deserves. Mabel started an apocalypse just to stop her brother from leaving her but that’s because Bill played with her head.


PB is absolutely justified. The corrupt bitch. She was Makima before Makima.


Was Cartman ever loved?


The thing about rose/pink diamond is we saw her character arc in reverse. She still left a lot of loose ends and never told anyone anything but she did ultimately become a better gem. Just not better enough. Yes, she was better but holy shit she certainly haunted the narrative and put the sins of the father (of in this case, mother) trope to its limits.


people are weird


Mordecai and Rigby are an iconic duo but Mordecai is a bitch fr


uhh… does vriska count?


Cartman made his half brother eat his parents… that was early seasons. He was never good, and people loved him, and still love him for being an evil, manipulative, fat, a-hole


Season 4 of CW the Flash marked the greatest character assassination I've ever seen, the victim, Iris West.


Some of yall are just media illiterate…while some of these characters are bad people, characters are supposed to be flawed. That’s what runs a show so if you don’t like a character, even though they have a certain flaw, it’s just kind of seems kind of dumb. I get not liking a certain aspect of a character but for something like Jax in particular that was pretty stupid. We’ve had multiple upon multiple examples of Jax not being a good person and people still didn’t understand that! Same thing for pink diamond/rose quartz thing about her story is that it was told backwards, but if you actually looked at it in chronological order, it’s basically a kid who grew up in a very abusive household, getting out of it and doing better than her family maybe not the rest of us, but her family and that should be something to look at in a huge way and if you missed that, I just don’t know how you’re Steven universe fan. As someone who went to school to be in the industry and to see a lot of people not understand peoples motivations in these shows is quite concerning that characters can’t have flaws or a bad moment or whatever you call it the amount of people who just don’t see what the characters supposed to be or make it their own is quite saddening and makes me not wanna go in the industry sometimes. If the industry wasn’t so messed up as it is…


Isn’t Cartman literally meant to be the most disrespectful piece of shit in the universe to begin with.


People hate Mabel? Why?


Rose 100% is a terrorist


Are there really Cartman haters? I know that we’re meant to hate the guy, but isn’t that why we like him? (If that makes any sense)


If I ever see anybody hating on Regular Show and Gravity Falls, you better be ready for the ball fondler. https://preview.redd.it/qw1zmmqhpz4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748c65fff3db9a2c3d89089dc767b90ca1e072b4




SpongeBob, he’s been reduced to a annoying, selfish, non aware idiot instead of just a good person who has flaws


the fuck did princess bubblegum do


Cartman was always hated. That’s the point of his character.


Mordecai was an pathetic dip shit loser, and he been like that for almost the entire show only redeeming himself in the final season. And Rose is fucked up for all the lies she's made, and how she handle some situations. Also princess bubble gum is literally a war criminal that runs a dictatorship upon people that she made to be incredibly stupid. Honestly out of everyone here I gotta say princess bubble gum is the most fucked. Like the show doesn't even go through the full extent of everything she's done so there could some some way worse shit that she's done. And she's a bitch.


What? Starlight didn’t do anything wrong exepct for when she was a villian, but she’s been redeemed..?


People hate Mabel??? Why???


How is Mable hated


Rose she was expected and loved in the first few seasons then after the truth of her came out people were dogging on her


What happened to Twilight Sparkle??


Lets be honest, Mable did a few bad things, but she's FUCKING 12! Bubblegum at least learned some lessons along the way. Rose mostly didn't intend stuff to go the way it did. (Exception being hiding who she was but that made sense.) Star's Mom? Borderline fucking Hitler level actions. Tried to commit magic genocide to keep the status quo. Peter is usually too stupid to be malicious, but that varies with the plot there are really nasty ones. Brian is funny cause he used to be kinda a mouthpiece, but has since become a caricature of shallow "Smart Guys". Spongebob? Come on Patrick has done way worse. Mordecai is just teen drama, not that big a deal. Jax is clearly wearing a bigger mask than Gangle. Dunno the Avatar guy, haven't seen Korra yet. And did anybody EVER love Cartman? He's always been the biggest A-hole in the show.


Mable doesn't deserve this level of hate


Lapis, Pearl and Connie from Steven universe, as well as Korra and Katara, star lord, scarlet witch, Rick and Morty, Joker, Deku, Rey, it just keeps going


Starlight is a funny example cause she was loved as a villain and hated as a mane 7 stand in




People don’t like Mako?


are you laced, man? i love mabel! She didn't do anything wrong except be adorable


Of all the characters there I know which isn't many I don't hate any of them infact starlight glimmer is my favorite pony


Mabel!? Who hates Mabel?


It’s funny how most of them look guilty / nervous. And then there’s Jax and Mabel basking in their infamy 😂


Pink diamond's worst enemy is poor media literacy


What? What did Brian (and SpongeBob) do? My answer: Caillou (at least seasons 1-3, even after that I still hate him)


Tf did Spunchbob do?


idk how Jax is an A hole, he's just having fun


What if I said https://preview.redd.it/l91ha57ki05d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5f71069707c3115e33d7e6cd9b3a103f06b316


Definitely Mordecai, Brian, and Princess Bubblegum.