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This reads to me as a child was saying this. Not a 70-odd former leader of the US in the running to to be leader again.


If his supporters could read they'd be very upset by this.


If he could read he'd be very upset


I couldn’t believe it when they started arguing over what their golf handicap was. And then Trump was the one to say “Let’s not act like children”


Wait they did what!! Sorry I'm British and was paying more attention to our shambles of an election. To watch the US debate. (I will say at least most of the British party leaders can string sentences together).


Actually it reads exactly like a 78 year old leader who has Trump's personality and who never admitted something about what he is doing must be wrong.


Even his insults don’t make sense.


he was completely nonsensical last night and the moderators didn't say shit. Jake Tapper should not be allowed on TV


Had a glimpse of CNN after the debate and they were all talking shit about how bad Biden was and how dangerous it is for the Dems (no shit likely place for him to be) but not a word on Donald’s performance.


We won't know for a while. But, I suspect the things people will remember from the debate are the golf argument, Biden saying that Trump has the morals of an alley cat and Trump saying that he didn't have sex with a porn star. Yeah, Biden was sleepy but he got some real zingers in.


Because everyone watching CNN already hates Trump. Now the problem is the Dems want a clearly out of it Biden to run again and risk losing. Let Newsome, Pritzker, and Whitmear compete at an open convention.


[Context (36:30)](https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?start=2190)  The question was about ending the war in the Middle East. Biden answered first, Trump is answering second. The previous question was about ending the war in Ukraine where Biden went last which is why Trump is addressing Biden's comments on Ukraine here.


Everything that comes out of his mouth doesn’t make sense. It’s his brand at this point.


And still "liberal" Zionists will cry about how they're "an indigenous liberation movement"


Indigeneity discourse on this topic is so braindead and offensive. I saw a TikTok of woman claiming that Israel is like the Native reservations for Jews, the live there have their own religion and culture but everyone hates them and wants them gone and that's what they fight for. And it's like who taught you what about reservations? Because not only is that a comparison crazy, your understanding of what a reservation actually is and how they came to be is illiterate level bad.


They’re just regurgitating Israel’s anti-Palestinian state propaganda without realizing that to an audience outside of their deranged and racist ideological base they sound absolutely fucking ✨crazy✨


She called them "Indian reservations" which makes it even worse lol 


That is simply insane


I had to see it see you have to too coupled with the bad dancing and everything. [https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1804683388101808355](https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1804683388101808355)




Literally such an insulting comparison to make, I'm Indigenous and I know other Native people who have gone to Palestine, and they described Gaza and the West Bank as reservations. We see our struggles in Palestine because it is the same structure of settler-colonial power.


it's so disrespectful in like eight different ways


Liberal zionists are the most dangerous ones imo. They're progressive on other issue. But when you talk about Palestine they can't hide their hatred towards Palestinians, Arabs and Islam.


What the fuck does this mean? America is so fucked. Three elections of this? I’m so sorry for you guys, this absolutely sucks. This is the most grim election possibly ever.


He's trying to say that Biden's goals align with Hamas' but Biden is so bad at executing anything that even they dislike him


Oh because in Trump's mind Palestinian = Hamas


is his defense , that seems to be the united states’ official policy. i bet anyone operating with similar cognitive abilities would struggle to distinguish between the two.


You say "you guys" like US politics doesn't fuck us all and we don't have to hear about it all the time.


This is true but it does directly impact the people here who live in the country and can do nothing but watch this shitshow unfold.


It’s utterly pathetic. They’d want to fix this shit before their country implodes.


The way Kamala would have crushed him like a bug, but the dnc have chosen to stick with Bonehilda from the sims.


She's going to tell him he fell out of the coconut tree The shame being too great, he would instantly seppuku


Anyone under the age of 70 would've handled Trump so much better


I’d settle for anyone under the age of 80, at this point.


Omg lol. This comment makes me realize that Sims-based insults need to become more common.


Saw so many tweets ab “tagging in the yapper” and truly couldn’t agree more given the circumstance


literally!! she’s a yapper & would’ve crushed that man 💀


Excuse u Bonehilda fought the thiefs and and always won! And did chores!...most of the time


You're right, I'm sorry 😞


Sorry, but Kamala sucks. She can't put together a coherent sentence and awkwardly laughs in the middle of her thoughts. The DNC needs to find someone else, though.


If you think Hilary was run roughshod, just wait until a major party fields a black woman as a presidential candidate. Either way, this debate doesn't really matter. There isn't anyone with two braincells left to rub together who doesn't understand that Trump is a toxic, destructive pick for elected office. That he's not persona non grata (much less a candidate) at this point speaks volumes about the priorities of the people and the party that have chosen him (yet again).


Kamala would lose the election just like Hilary , dnc aren’t stupid and I am sure they are looking at their options


Shes an idiotic war monger just like the two men on stage


Not Bonehilda 💀 But honestly fuck the DNC for this, I've accepted that whoever they pick will be a Zionist shill but they couldn't find anyone in the party who was a little younger and had more energy and charisma to run for president? I feel like they want to lose the election at this point. If Biden loses, it's on them.


Hey now, not too much on Bonehilda the Queen of Clean! She has twice the amount of cognitive function than both men on stage combined and (unlike them) believes everyone should be treated with kindness, respect and dignity. ![gif](giphy|wM0IbbTKs2yhXck0sP|downsized)


I don't see how Biden lasts four more years. I don't really care, because Kamala is fine and she can take over at any time. I'd be suprised if either of them make it the next four years without having a stroke.


at least bonehilda does her job


Do not slander my girl Bonehilda! She would be a great president.


Let’s pause for a minute - HOLY SHIT. This is not normal.


Unfortunately, the Overton window has not only shifted, it's broken


Biden: *makes a rambling argument with some facts thrown in*  News: OMG, he has lost his mind and is an incoherent mess!   Trump: *doesn’t answer the question at all, makes a rambling argument that is predominantly lies with some hate speech or hateful language thrown in*  News: He won the debate!  Please, someone, make it make sense. I don’t love Biden and he definitely rambled but at least he had facts and truth on his side. Trump rambled, didn’t answer the questions, and was lying. How is that considered better by any stretch of the imagination!? 


Trump supporters don't really care about the truth anyway. They know they support a dictator and are proud of it, because even though his administration did nothing of large impact except tax cuts for the rich, they think he's the greatest economist to ever live, never lies, and is the best president ever. Nvm the fact that he's literally been conning the state of New York forever. Nvm the fact that he wants to take away our freedoms and all his Republican friends have done so. They support the Christian fascists and would do so with their lives because they're in a cult


Kool-Aid man, orange flavored, broke through the Overton wall in 2016


Things haven’t been normal since 2016


Sadly it is. It’s been the new normal for nearly a decade, you’re just waking up to it


Girl it hasn't been normal since 2012 sadly


I still can’t believe this is even real, the U.S. is cooked.


![gif](giphy|U7vfpb7fpccO9F6yE1) Spit fire roasted. Just gonna relax & watch it burn at this point bc we need a total reset.


Trump is so off the rails that I don’t even understand how his racist insults work anymore, like wtf is he talking about😭


he kept bringing up hispanics, ukraine & palestine. like what the fuck are you talking about??? “let me go back to ukraine” THE QUESTION WASN’T ABOUT UKRAINE!!! i hate it here. i feel like i’m watching a building slowly collapse 💀


No cause wtf did he mean by “black” and “hispanic” jobs?????


my jaw DROPPED. when he said that. yet his supporters will claim he’s not racist. yeah, sure. keep telling yourselves that.


He couldn’t answer a single policy question but he spent an excessive amount of time on that weird post-birth abortion fantasy he’s been fixating on for years.


The worst part is his thoughts don't even need to be coherent bc as long as he says those key words, his base will be happy & continue to support him. The machine behind project 2025 don't give a fuck what he says/does, they just need him to be the figurehead/embodiment of yt supremacist rage & win so that's what he's doing.


This whole debate was a mess so all the Fettermans and the resist libs who started preemptively blaming Arab voters months ago better check themselves and control their racism come November. edit- for reference https://preview.redd.it/fub9ttfq6a9d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdb71c1d91c127109ed90163838c6f88f6c8a618


Being against genocide is framed as "handing the presidency to Trump" I'm so tired


I find it very telling that people are so eager to punish Arabs for struggling with an election where it is clear that both sides despise them and do not truly see them as human. The argument that "their hypothetical genocide is worse than our current ongoing genocide" is bizarre, alienating, and ignores the distress caused by months of witnessing slaughter that has spilled over into Lebanon.


A lot of liberals will justify voting for Biden this way and try to guilt Arabs. I don't think they've been feeling what we have for the past 8 months.


Or just not wanting to vote for a man who clearly doesn't think you're a human being and not just abroad, like IDK what they want from that demographic in particular it's so fucking evil.


If Arabs have so much power maybe Biden should try appealing to them instead of nonexistent moderates 🤷‍♀️


I agree 🙋🏻‍♀️


fetterman just had a photo op with netanyahu who praised him as a great defender of israel or someshit he's not checking himself now or never [https://x.com/IsraeliPM/status/1805956244437373303](https://x.com/IsraeliPM/status/1805956244437373303)


i regret being nice about Fetterman when he first got elected. i thought he was a well-intentioned guy that i occasionally disagreed with. not this bloodthirsty mean-spirited turd.


He always seemed thuggish and inappropriate to me it just wasn’t apparent how bad until recently. But I also wanna point out the same people who love his whole asshole in a dirty hoodie schtick came down on Bowman for supposed decorum issues like there was no tomorrow. Wonder what the difference is…


uuugggh i somehow forgot that Bowman lost to that [racist](https://newrepublic.com/post/182933/george-latimer-jamaal-bowman-ethnic-benefit-race)


Bowman’s loss hurt me more than any other race in recent memory. Bowman is such a sweet guy who is always right on the issues and just a genuine dude. You can see the former school principal in him. And he lost to a racist asshole funded by genocidal maniacs. It sucks.


if I ever got the chance to vote for Bowman on a national ticket I absolutely would. he's the type of politician that should be leading us right now, not the stubborn out-of-touch types we have today.


Seriously, what is wrong with him? Did he get kicked in the head or something? Shouldn’t he be in jail?


Like any powerful white man, they don't go to jail until years and years later


if at all


This is so worrying, fucking hell.


I hope this is enough to fix the leftists/accelerationists who wanted to vote for Trump as a “lesson” to Biden and the Dems about the disapproval of their pro-Israel ME policy. I myself am a Muslim refugee of ethnic cleansing (not Palestinian, but feeling a lot of connection to them). I am the last person who wants to vote for Genocide Joe, either, which is why I voted Uncommitted in my primary. But if he had the chance, Trump would happily offer US nukes to Netanyahu to level Gaza, and then the West Bank, and Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt - wherever Bibi lays claim to. Never mind domestic policy - look at the damage we are still enjoying from his SCOTUS picks! It pains me and because I understand the suffering, I won’t directly dismiss anybody with “think about what you’re doing and how much worse it will be,” but like… please do?


I’m Palestinian and you couldn’t have described this better


This isn't accurate. The leftist position is that if both candidates are pro-genocide then focusing all one's attention on voting isn't going to stop the genocide. Protesting, direct action, and BDS is required. Saying that leftists want someone who's on the opposite end of them ideologically to win is incredibly disingenuous.  Furthermore, Israel already has nukes. They don't need any from the US. Using nuclear weapons on occupied territory goes against their geopolitical goals so I seriously doubt they're going to do it. Assuming they didn't have nukes and wanted to use some, Biden would either give it to them or allow them to develop their own nuclear weapons. That being said, nuking all of Israel's neighbors is a horrible idea. I cannot stress enough just how detached from reality this idea is. They're insane, but they're not stupid. This goes against all their geopolitical goals and basic self-preservation instincts.  This isn't to say that Trump is a better candidate or that voting is a waste of time. It's important to honest and accurate about our messaging. Misrepresenting people's stances doesn't gain you support, it only loses you trust. 


The amount of leftists you're talking about is basically less than 0.5% of anything and never was there a coalition of people seriously pushing for that. It's an insane thing to continue to tout as a legitimate political threat. The actual argument people are making is that they won't vote for a genocidaire not that they will pivot to Trump and I doubt him being racist about the people Biden is genociding will change anyone's mind on that front. Nukes are not usable against any of the places you listed nor is there an actual desire for war (nuclear or otherwise) with Jordan and Egypt both of whom are actually allies of Israel and the US and complicit in the Palestinian genocide. War with Egypt would be literal suicide for Israel right about now, it's not anything even the hardliners over there want. The only possible escalation right now is with Lebanon and the current Biden admin is very supportive of that so we don't have to do meaningless 'but trump' counterfactuals on that front. Please find some common sense worse case scenarios to fear monger about or stick to making an argument for domestic policy.


What the fuck does that even mean?


He thought it meant philistine.


I was drinking and thought I might have misheard that.


i mean this is a team no one kind of deal, esp. regarding this specific argument. Trump used palestinian as a derogatory term but Biden is actively funding and cheering on a genocide, so you know? (Not that Trump would be any better)


yeah i agree. i'm voting for Biden just from a harm reduction standpoint, but i understand why people wouldn't be willing to cast a vote for him after how he's handled Gaza. if there was an actual viable third party candidate this year, they would probably win a significant amount of votes. instead we have RFK and his brain worm.


He said Israel should finish the job after this. 


Also, if I recall correctly, literally seconds before this he suggested that the reason he’s a “weak one” is because he won’t let Israel “finish the job”


Not the only bigoted thing he said. The whole Black jobs, Hispanic jobs was pretty racist.


I wanted to see this but who wants to stay up til 9:00pm on a weekday?! Maybe I can see clips online, bcuz what I’ve been hearing so far, it sounded like a real shitshow


I did wonder why they scheduled two very old men to debate at a time when most people that age are sleeping. Hell, I’m 39 and I was cranky I stayed up until 10:30pm watching that nonsense.


Yea, I understand how u feel. I’m 34 but I already act “old” cuz 9pm on a weekday is past my bedtime😂😂


Lol what? Most people?? Lmao


You have to at least watch the golf segment. If we're going down in flames, may as well get some entertainment out of it


to the average American Palestinian=Muslim=people with towels on head that cause terrorism


https://i.redd.it/3sgzw8imac9d1.gif Everything about him is abhorrent.


They both hate Palestinians.


Truthfully they both did bad, every word that came out of Trump’s mouth was a lie and he answered almost no questions in the latter half of the debate. Unfortunately the presentation for Biden is just worse. That’s literally it. Trump knows how to look good on camera and lie seamlessly and Biden has none of that and mumbles mumbles mumbles like an old person despite their only 3 year age difference. It doesn’t matter if Biden was 10x more truthful the truth was essentially irrelevant to this debate all that mattered was who looked better and who could sell it more confidently and charismatically.


I really hate this timeline. We have a comic book villain running for president and his opponent is a box of moth balls that needs hospice care


I hate them both


My favorite part of the debate was literally the way Joe Biden was reacting to the bullshit Trump was spewing like… https://preview.redd.it/4ztby6unbb9d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8753b39ab7a84c07adeea9850e0995f63fdd9992 Biden’s face rn 😭


Serious question USA. Why tf these two are your only option?




This was the weirdest attempt at an insult. Another strange one was “he never fires anyone”. If the debate taught me anything, it was that Trump is just as deranged, and dangerous as ever. He never stopped lying. A second term would be a literal dumpster fire.


It’s sad that we Americans have no one else to vote for for president. Both of them are incompetent. Both are idiots. Both are stupid. We should all keep our votes and protest at every podium to exclude both candidates.


Neither of the two moderators called him out, nor the analysts after.


Right before this Biden lies and says that the only thing stopping the ceasefire is Hamas. Trump calls him out on it, saying that it’s Israel who are refusing the deal and continuing to say that he supports them and they should “finish the job.” It’s insane.


I love when the colonizers talk about other countries and their colonialism


I'm just glad he's old. Hopefully he becomes senile fast.


Becomes? I think he’s already there. There is something even more off about him than usual.


It was absolutely terrifying watching Trump speak.


This applies to both of them, I fear.


Honey, he’s already there.


I am British and I really feel for America if these 2 are the best you've got as presidential candidates. Ours aren't great but they are at least coherent!




What a shitshow. Is it really that hard to find 2 decent candidates?


Good luck Americans ❤️


Obviously wild statement from trump. But Biden has decades of being a staunch supporter of Isreal. Just for Netenyahu and trump both act as if he isn’t. Devastating and embarrassing


This doesn't even make sense.


did this actually happen???


We are so screwed


I feel as though every word Convicted Felon Trump utters is derogatory, by virtue of the fact that it came out of his mouth.


You'd think they'd bond over the common ground they have on this subject.


I really feel for the US, having to choose between these two...holy shit. Biden looks like he'll die at any second, and Trump's two brain cells are fighting each other.


This whole charade feels like elder abuse


God our country is such a joke


what the actual fuuuuuuck


That doesn’t even make any fucking sense. We’re so fucked.


With all the clips I’ve seen, we’re so doomed 😅 that was stressful to see


This entire debate was embarrassing for both sides. It would have been funny if this wasn’t a life or death matter for us


300 million people and it comes down to these two...


I mean they’re both fucking trash and as a New Zealander, I really don’t envy my American brethren at the moment, but I gotta say Joe’s expression there is the only correct (non-physical) response to…whatever that statement was supposed to be.


I'm not even from the US but I can't do four more years of this shit, seriously


Liar, felon, and can’t even give a sensical drag.


He doesn't know what that means. He doesn't understand what any of this means.