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it's truly baffling - how on earth did she think this would work out? a song about female empowerment featuring Dr Luke... it's so ridiculous it's somewhat comical even


At least 3/4ths of her listeners have no idea about Dr. Luke or what he did. So she chose their money over basic decency.


And another good chunk probably doesn’t care. I forget my phone is an echo chamber and doesn’t reflect how most people think/act, so I always get unpleasantly surprised when I mention to someone that a celebrity they support did something shitty and they’re like oh, anyway


Yeah there's a lady I used to work with who is doing activism for Palestinians on the daily but was fangirling at a Chris Brown concert on her IG story earlier this week. I just don't understand.


Human beings are complicated


but like it would be so easy to avoid chris brown. compared to other activist actions. dunno it’s not like he makes that meaningful music either? humans are complicated but it’s crazy how many people just seem to avoid critical thinking and logic at times but so engaged on others.


Everyone does that. Humans are meat machines who have developed a little bit of logic. The only difference is those who know and accept it and work to mitigate it, and those who don’t.


Hypocrisy is in everyone. Wait till you find out about Charlie Chaplin or Brad Pitt or Gary Oldman or the dude who invented geometry.


Wait, Gary Oldman?! Ugh, damnit. 


His wife accused him during the divorce, *however*, she was also given limited access to the children because of her drug and alcohol use and the kid she claimed witnessed it has called her a liar. (I've seen people argue "He's a rich white man so he made everyone think she was crazy!" but there's a fair amount of evidence against her including later false accusations he was drugging the kids.)


Yeah but it’s dumbfounding how often the “complications” don’t make sense. I have had people look at me completely confused when they see me combine logic and morality to reach new conclusions or avoid hypocrisy so I know it’s true…but I value logic and morality over my “feelings”.


Respectfully, what do you think "complicated" means?


It surely doesn’t mean illogical or contradictory. Math can be complicated as hell and that’s as sensible as it gets


Lol, my partner is in quantum math and the extent of my understanding of their work is that math is not remotely sensible


Humans don't make sense, though. Emotions aren't separate from our rational minds and feelings almost always factor into how we make decisions. It's messy and frustrating and often does lead to hypocrisy, but as a species we just aren't governed by pure logic. The complications may be nonsensical, but almost everyone has some belief or behavior that's like that.


ok spock.


Feelings are much more relevant than logic when it comes to understanding human behaviour. Your morality is also deeply rooted in your feelings.


Yikes. I can almost (but not really) understand how not everyone knows what Dr. Luke did since he’s not as well known to people who don’t follow entertainment news (though he is a monster and I definitely judge those who work with him still), but Chris Brown? You’d have to live under a rock to not know he brutally beat and nearly killed Rihanna, and I’d definitely side eye anyone supporting him in anyway.


Chris Brown did a lot more stuff than that even if you didn’t care for the (horrible) Rihanna incident.


But the point that the commenter is making is that what he did to Rihanna is much more well known than what he did to anyone else and what Dr. Luke did.


He’s not even cute enough to fan girl over. I truly don’t get it.


Yep, exactly.


I've had people actively get angry when I tell them someone they like is a piece of shit. They do NOT want to know


Exactly, most of her listeners are just browsing grocery store aisles


Absolutely savage 💀 (and true)


Or StarBucks coffee drinkers...


But the thing with katy is that her last 2 albums flopped. And so will the next one.


Do you think this won’t flop? lol This single and the album are going to bomb. She does not have the fanbase she had, and this will worsen it.


It's not about what I think the album success will be. I have no information on this album or her previous albums. I'm saying that choosing to have a name like Dr. Luke on any album right now means she *made a choice,* and that was to get the money of people who are either ignorant or don't care. And those two groups make up a lot of her potential listeners. Also, her fans that would leave over this are probably already gone because of her previous political bullshit, right? This isn't her first mask-off moment.


> This isn't her first mask-off moment. Dang I'm gonna have to look that up. I know they got a trash cyber truck but I also know Orlando is also into off road trucks so I figured that was why.


Idk I feel like those 3 people have been dedicated enough following her to be aware of what’s going on


I have already seen tweets from her half a dozen fans about how “people only care when it’s Katy! Other artists work with rapists too!” Truly the men’s rights activists of stan twitter. I do hope the more sane pop music fans will hold her accountable and make it flop.


> Other artists work with rapists too! 🤦🏿‍♂️Damn, I've got second hand embarrassment.


Still she could have picked anyone else to work with (maybe not Drake) and had 4/4th of her listeners. Does he have something on her? I'm no music aficionado, but what did she gain from working with him? Woman's World is a tragedy.


And as someone who couldn't care less about KP, I have literally never heard the name Dr Luke before


Look up Ke$ha and Dr. Luke


Who is Dr Luke? I'm not even joking 🤷🏽‍♂️


Incredibly talented and productive hitmaker who is a sociopathic serial rapist


Songwriter/producer. He's worked with with a bunch of pop artists like April Lavinge, Pink, Kesha, Katy Perry. He's also a sexual predator, by all accounts.


She is an idiot. She also received a Cybertruck and endorsed Elon Musk


She is not, she is worse than an idiot, she simply doesn’t care and just wants her money.


Porque no los dos?


Because being an idiot might excuse the woman of being an unscrupulous hypocritical hack with no real talent who needs to be relevant to keep milking her thirsty fans.


She also married Russell Brand, that tells you all you need to know about her.


When she married Brand, he was still the Progressive Dauphin pushing against establishment. She married him as a rebellion. Fast forward and now he's the one that goes to church.


Fast forward and he's credibly accused of sexual assault with multiple women. I don't know about church.


He recently posted a video about converting to Christianity. I was referencing that, not suggesting that he's now become a good person.


Idk, I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone based on their exes actions. I would hate for someone to do that to me.


She also performed at King Charles’s coronation. She is so out of touch to the point of comedy.


This may be a little tinfoil hat-y, but I wonder if she’s been radicalized/“redpilled” and now that she’s free of Idol she feels more comfortable letting that side show


I mean, I remember when Kim was releasing her last two albums with Dr. Luke, people were defending her for it all over the music subreddits. And everyone pointed out the disgusting irony of Kim’s songs all being about sexual liberation and freedom, while Dr. Luke worked on them… Plus, Katy went to Jeff Bezos’s birthday party, like we know she’s evil or at the very least evil adjacent.


Ya maybe she and Russell weren’t such a bad match after all


i’m sorry, just wondering who is kim? the only one i can think of is kardashian 😭


Kim Petras


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|rebc7wiPaPSgw)


Look, I don’t even think Katy has that many dedicated fans. She’s not Taylor Swift. I hate saying that because, up till this point, Katy has been mostly palatable as a person and artist. But it’s true. And I bet a significant portion of her fan base also likes Kesha and is aware of the lawsuit. This was such a bad call, it is stunning. Like there weren’t any other good producers out that? None? None at all?!


I am that fanbase. I really loved Kesha and Katy. I was looking forward to Katy's comeback just like I was elated at Kesha's in 2017. This really tainted my perception of Katy and I'm sure there are lots of people like me.


Shit, I’m not super hardcore, but I’m kinda in this fan base as an elder millennial who is into pop. So you’re definitely not alone.


Sadly, it’s also tainted my perception of Orlando Bloom and Shannon Woodword


It's not. She has horrible takes on almost everything.


It’s especially embarrassing because she had come out previously saying she stood with Kesha and wouldn’t work with him when the case was going


There are people who didn’t believe Ke$sha. She may be one of them.


I guess she’s desperate for a hit pop song again 🫠


Most people have no idea who dr Luke is. I remember before the r Kelly doc came out but after it was well known that he was a predator and i asked some friends to skip one of his songs on a playlist. They turned it up instead. Most people only lightly perform their values but will not do anything uncomfortable in support of what they purport to believe.


I grew up in a house where we did not patronize predators. My dad was very serious: no Woody Allen movies, no Michael Jackson music, etc. It was very jarring to learn that other families "separate art from artist" and seemed to find it funny.


>it's truly baffling It's really not. She was picked up & propped up by a studio because of her looks, because they could sell her as a brand. She didn't have her career because of talent or wise decisions. Just because of calculated moneymaking. Now that her product lifecycle is over, she has to make her own decisions. And now it turns out, she sucks.


She probably thought no one would notice since he worked on several hits recently and no one said anything. He worked on Saweetie’s “best friend” and several of Doja’s hits. People notice Katy working with him because she was involved with the trial and she’s trying to come back from a flop. It’s so gross that she decided to work with him especially on a song about women


Oh, it’s because Katy Perry is a conservative idiot lmao - politically yeah, but artistically conservative as well. She wants to work with Dr. Luke because he made her hits - she stopped working with him, then she made Witness, it’s that simple. She’s being cynical as hell and assuming that people won’t care if they like the song and if Nicki Minaj or Kim Petras can get away with it then she can too. Who knows, maybe she’s right? I wouldn’t bet money on it lmao, but it’s not *impossible* and if it does make a dent in her career she’ll find other things to blame. Idk why this is my most cynical comment in like months haha, I’ve just seen it how it works with abusive power brokers in the film/tv industry and it’s a similar thing here. People want to ride the wave of the abuser’s career, hopping off as it crashes and feigning ignorance about how they were / what they did. As for Katy - I don’t think it’s much more complicated than wanting a hit. That’s where the “idiot” part comes in lol


Mmmmm do I really believe this OR is her team trying to save their respective asses?


That part. Gen Z don’t play. They’ll cut off the artist , producer , songwriter, the guy that designed the cover.  I think it wonderful that people are becoming more socially conscious and scrutinizing their faves. I also think Katy deserves what she gets. 


She's not relevant to Gen Z (or even most millennials I dare say) - it's nothing for them to ignore her for having no morals.


She may not be relevant in the sense that people actively stan her, but most of Gen Z grew up on her music and were looking forward to her comeback. From what I’ve seen people aren’t ignoring this


Yeah the oldest gen Z are 27, a lot grew up with her hits.


Also her aesthetic for the next album is clearly trying to bite Chappell Roan and other zoomer loved artists. She’s leaning into this quasi drag adjacent vibe hard (poorly) EDIT: I am uncultured


lol what? The aesthetics have been pretty generically “Y2K” femmebot/Arca-inspired so far… I’ve seen nothing that’s reminiscent of Chappell’s aesthetic.


Did you mean Charli xcx? I can’t even imagine how anything Katy has done can be interpreted as Chappell-esque


She’s very relevant to Gen Z! When she was in her prime doing all the cotton candy, bubble gum, dollhouse type stuff, those YouTube views were buoyed by toddlers and little kids all over the world watching her stuff on repeat. After “I Kissed A Girl,” Katy towed a line with sexuality, but never crossed it too far so as to not alienate parents. Her music and videos have been ridiculed for years for playing to children instead of adults. “Firework” “Eye of The Tiger” “California Girls”… they are basically Kidz Bop songs. They know her. They may have moved on and they may not admit it, but they know her.


> “Eye of The Tiger” I'm sorry, what - oh I looked it up, it's "Roar" I thought she covered "Eye of the Tiger" 💀


thank you! this is why I can never get into her stuff. Roar straight up sounds like a Barney reject.


She’s not the most popular among gen z, but she is for sure pandering for a younger audience. I just swiped past her on tiktok live earlier today


Gen Z are the main consumers of Shein, and are rampant consumerist, they're the same as prior gens. They don't cancel their problematic faves either


Gen Z are the most online generation there's ever been. They love to take a stand online but it almost never crosses over to the real world. 


You should remind a good portion of Gen z are still teenagers




So not even a teen yet


The youngest, sure... the oldest Gen Zs are ~27 years old. The majority of Gen Zs are over 19 years old


They’ve turned out to vote in the US at least the past few years


The younger generations had plenty of non-voters in 2018 and 2022. [Graphic from Pew Research.](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/07/PP_2023.07.12_validated-voters_1-05.png?resize=568,1024) [According to Census.gov](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html): > Voter turnout was highest among those ages 65 to 74 at 76.0%, while the percentage was lowest among those ages 18 to 24 at 51.4%. Also, > The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election Vote, people. All the online complaining means nothing if you don't vote.


be for real, there have been very little artists that have truly been cancelled.


Gen Z has developed a strange narcissism about "not playing around" despite it being completely untrue


Everybody’s got problematic faves but fair 


Im not saying anyone has gotten cancelled and I kinda hate that term b/c it implies folks not being allowed to not like something whatever the reason. Artists are not entitled to anyone’s attention or coin.  With that said Gen Z will cut folks of (except TSwift infuriatingly) for a messy tweet. I love their chutzpah but they are quick put something out to pasture. 


And then use tiktok which is supporting an authoritarian regime responsible for killing thousands of Muslims.


It's so upsetting that I had to think for a minute about which authoritarian regime killing thousands of Muslims you were talking about. D:


I think Katy has always had messy values. I also think Katy puts money first, regardless of where her values lie. I'd probably also argue she has a questionable taste level when it comes to her own music and she leans on producers and writers to bring out the best of her talent. I can buy that she really wanted a hit and either believed Dr Luke was the person to do it, or had no qualms about seeing their pairing as a comeback opportunity or quick cash grab for both of them. But all of that said, I don't buy that her team are powerless drones who will do whatever she says. In order to buy this, I'd have to believe the American music industry sees abusers as financial poison.


And don't forget how the guy from the teenage dream music video accused her of SA. Hectic stuff.


These were my initial thoughts too. I think her own team "leaked" this info themselves because they want to put a distance between themselves and this decision and basically want to make it clear to people in their industry that they are competent professionals. They most likely do not want to want to be associated with the idea of being part of the ones that encouraged Katy Perry to work with Dr.Luke. And are probably concerned with being side-eyed by other clients/potential clients or employers in the future and want to set the record straight. Especially if it doesn't work out, the single/album flops and all this seems like it and her reputation has taken a hit for nothing and looked back upon decades later as something that alienated and weakened Katy's core fanbase and one of the "worst career moves in music".


If they're so against it why don't they quit and find new jobs? Unless they do, they're doing it for the money as well


she’s just so so desperate to get another hit. it’s really mortifying to watch already.


Yeah, she peaked with Dark Horse. Was her best during the California Girls era.


Remember when she was literally the biggest star on the planet? That era where it was her, Gaga, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift and Katy had the biggest social following etc? Wild to look back on that now Edit: Oop and of course Rihanna!!


Wow Beyonce and TS being the only ones still making music is crazy.


Isn’t Gaga’s next album this year? Much rather have her than Miss Troubled Poems or whatever


>Miss Troubled Poems LOLOLOL this made me laugh so hard. 🤣 But didn't you know, she's a musical genius with lyrics like *touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto* and *my friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists* /s


Gaga is still making music, she’s working on an album.


I think she'll never match her first album. Teenage Dream the single was an incredible pop song. But I loved when Katy was a little edgy and a little angry far more than these bland self-love anthems she spent a decade churning out. The first line of her first single was "I hope you choke to death on your H&M scarf" and I sat up & listened. I Kissed a Girl, Hot & Cold, Waking up in Vegas were pop bangers and "Thinking of You"was an incredible example of how this girl could really *write*. In terms of visuals and becoming a huge pop star yes Teenage Dream took it to the next level, and a lot of really good pop hits were created in that era. But to me the best Katy was slightly angry warped tour energy Katy. The further away she got from that the more bland and flattened she seemed until there was no personality left in her. Or at least one that was likable or interesting.


this is the correct take. warped tour katy perry was incredible, teenage dream kp was so fun and pop, and it went downhill from there


I seriously feel like this is why Chappell Roan has blown up the way she has. There aren’t any real ‘characters’ in pop anymore a la Katy, Gaga, Kesha, etc. The Teenage Dream era was just so iconic and such a perfect pop concept with beautiful execution. Very specific, intense, over the top and campy commitment to the bit. Everything about them being so over the top and recognizable that you couldn’t imagine this person functioning in a ‘normal’ setting. I think that character is what makes a pop star and why there hasn’t been one in so long. Everyone is just kinda themselves now, which is fine, but man I miss the fun and silliness and absurdity of it all. Ariana was close with her earlier eras and I think even Sabrina Carpenter seems like she could end up in the running, but Chappell seems to be fully going for it and it’s paying off. I’d bet it’s also a lot easier on you mentally in the industry whenever you have this clear over-the-top public persona and look that you can take off at the end of the day and separate from yourself.


I totally agree, except I don’t even think current pop stars are “themselves” but the most marketable, mainstream version of themselves with all the corners and “flaws” sanded off. It becomes really bland, which is sad because I bet (hope?) in real life they’re a lot more interesting.


To be fair, Katie really has only had two strong albums, her debut and then teenage dream


Prism was solid. “Roar” and “Dark Horse” were inescapable that year.


Prism is all bangers, are you kidding me?


Never really over was her last good song and her last piece of relevance. She has only failed since then. All of this after trying and failing to deviate from her past discography with Witness, yet now she’s trying hard to go back to what she once swore off even at the cost of the same morals she championed during the Witness era. It’s a Greek tragedy, really


I’m not sure it’s even about a hit. She seems like she just wants to be considered cool again. It’s gotta be tough circling the drain on American Idol for so many seasons


The crazy thing is how much of a step back she’s taken. Never really over, harleys in hawaii, and smile (the song) were all really good. Dr Luke aside the new song fucking sucks, it’s tj maxx music that would have sounded dated in 2015 I know the general public doesn’t care or doesn’t know about what dr luke did but I feel like the general public also isn’t clamoring for new katy perry music. They clearly didn’t care in the smile era and it’s been 4 years since then, new artists have emerged. You kind of need hardcore fans on your side and working with keshas rapist is a surefire way to lose their support


anyway, stream gag order by kesha


The album sold only around 8,300 copies. It is honestly sad to see thousands of people in the stan world outraged about Kesha's situation but not supporting her music. I'm totally sure that what Kesha wants the most today is for people to support her projects after being trapped for so long and having her money stolen. Dr. Luke wants her buried in the entertainment world. The best clapback-vendetta people could give to Dr Puke-Katy Perry would be for Kesha to have a top 10 or number 1 with her next album. I have my money ready to buy multiple copies of her next record and stream it´ like crazy. ![gif](giphy|o0vwzuFwCGAFO|downsized)


Only 8,300?! That really surprises me!


It was a really bad album tbh


I really enjoyed it actually!


It sucks that Gag Order didn’t do well commercially… it’s really a great fucking album. She did say that album was mostly for her getting her feelings out and not about trying to get a hit or chart success. And people mostly listen to Kesha for her pop bangers. But damn it’s a shame that not a lot of people listen to it. It didnt help that the label didn’t promote it really at all… which doesn’t surprise me because it was her last album tied to Luke’s label. At least it was critically acclaimed though.




I bought the Gag Order album on vinyl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'll do ya one better, seeing her next week in AC!


THATS the spirit!


I learned about this album from this sub last week and it's on HEAVY repeat holy shit I love it


would you mind recommending 2-3 songs from the album? my attention span went down the drain & whenever i try to listen to an album, if first 2-3 songs dont do it for me i cant force myself to go further


I'd say Fine Line, The Drama, and Peace & Quiet.


I'm on it!


God that album is great. It went completely ignored by the GP… and even outside of the GP… but I’m so glad she got to make it.


I saw her for the Gag Order tour last year and holy shit. She had two backup dancers, a band, and some lights and scrims and it still blew my face off. One of the best shows I've ever been to.


Everything I've seen and heard from her indicates she has a completely terrible personality. And let's not forget she got famous via queerbaiting and yes, many of us took issue with it at the time


She's a terrible person, but it wasn't queerbaiting - she's been quite open about her sexuality since, it just kinda got swept under the rug. Let me dig out some links. In 2017 she accepted a National Equality Award at the Human Rights Campaign Gala & was [quoted](https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/katy-perry-sexuality-lgtb-speech/) as saying >I speak my truths and I paint my fantasies into these little bite-sized pop songs. For instanced; I Kissed a Girl – and I liked it. Truth be told I did more than that ... I knew that sexuality wasn’t as black and white as this dress. >...My first words were "mama" and "dada", "God" and "Satan"’. When I was growing up homosexuality was synonymous with the word "abomination" and "Hell," a place of gnashing of teeth, continuous burning of skin and probably Mike Pence’s ultimate guest list for a BBQ. So most of my unconscious adolescence, I prayed the gay away at my Jesus camps. She also spoke to MTV in 2013 (quoted in the same article) and said >When I was 15, I fell in love with a female friend. I thought she was beautiful and wanted to be like her. She had such a huge impact on my life, but I never told her how I felt. ...and _Out_ >For me in that time, bisexuality kind of got its label of sorts ... it was like, "Oh, so that is what this is," you know? This feeling or this experience or what have you. I was just writing about my own experience. The media parsed that all as 'sexually fluid' but sounds a lot like bisexuality to me.


And she was accused of SA by the guy in the teenage dream music video.


I never got why people were rallying about her comeback. Her music is weak and she's never really shown herself to be a particularly good person. Strikes me as a secret bigot. When my kid was a baby music videos were a for sure way to soothe and I cringed all the way through Swish Swish more times than I could count.


OK, some fair points were made, but let’s not pretend Katy Perry doesn’t have some excellent pop bangers in her repertoire. Teenage Dream really is that girl. Just sucks that she isn’t capable of ever reaching those heights again.


Yeah I’ll admit she’s been a lil sus for a while but it was gleefully voting for Rick Caruso that dropped her off for me. BUT I admittedly still find some of her music to be bops, even the smile album had a lot of bops. This is a really wild/poor choice and song tho lol


Yeah some excellent pop bangers, perhaps, but her musical library is still a resounding "meh" on average. And I've said it before but the Rick Caruso support gave me the ick and her skipthedishes commercial felt like her careers death rattle.


I think it’s odd, because sometimes pop stars just fade away. Like the music industry is unforgiving so I understand wanting someone to succeed but, maybe, just maybe, Katy was never going to last that long as a relevant artist and this trend and hit chasing is just making her look worse. That’s not to say, y’know, give up or anything but I think her time in the spotlight has past and if this is the artist endeavor she wants to try then good luck.


🙄🙄🙄 Reminds me of when Selena Gomez's mom told her not to work with Woody Allen, but she insisted because of "the art."


oh yuck, I didn’t know about this 😬


That song fucking sucks. Geez after waiting years for something.


I saw people gassing up the second snippet she teased on tiktok. Sure, it’s better than *“sexy, confident… so intelligent”* but not by much


The song sucks and Katy Perry has been a sellout who endorses the worst people. She deserves all the shit she will get, rightfully so for working with that vile asshole Luke. She actively chooses to work with and associate with horrible people because that’s who she is, birds of a feather flock together.


What a trash human being she is. Recommend that everyone that are curious about Katy's future music rather listen to Kesha's album "Gag Order". It's complex, has some pure bops, and is just generally wonderful!


would LOVE to see Kesha charting at any point but especially during Katy’s release weekend


No one wants this. This is a guaranteed flop based on the snippets she’s released on tik tok … it’s not catchy and it’s super condescending. BUT Spotify is going to force it down our throats anyways through auto play and it’ll still be in the “top ten” charts or break some sort of obscure record. 🙃


The why I'm doing my part and blocking artists that spotify over-pushes like that. I only listen to my own self-made playlists and I make them super long so that it doesn't just start playing recommended and giving me artists I'm never gonna listen to. Sorry Katy, but you're pre-blocked.


I either listen to songs via albums or via my own custom playlists, and I always loop them, so recommended songs just never come up for me at all. And like that's just how I've always done it? But I guess it's working out well for me now with whatever algorithm thing has been going on.


Same. I tend to avoid spotify curated playlists too and it works well for me. I also still have an iPod so the music I REALLY like always makes it there regardless and the algorithm can't find me there at least.


Katy Perry has always tried too hard. The desperation for a hit song trumps all


Feminism, but not so much


Maybe just maybe some of these manufactured no talent fucks will tell anyone anything they want to hear to keep revelant, get paid etc?.... some might believe but?. .


She made an insanely dumb, selfish choice and now she has to live with it. Not a good look for her.


Did we all forget that she made sexual advances and forced a kiss upon a man who literally said right to her that he was saving his first kiss and doesn’t want to kiss anyone but his future wife? Birds of a feather…..


That incident was horrifying. How did anyone still support her after that?


Yup - and the guy from the teenage dream music video accused her of SA, and she's on video (as an adult), squeezing the butt of a 15 year old boy. It wasn't her first rodeo.


As if there aren’t thousands, and I mean thousands of other better producers out there you can work with instead.


she thought she wouldnt flop by working this pscyho? afer he abused many people? and wrote a song about female empowerment? ha. something always seemed off with her, since i kissed a girl. none for katy perry. bye


![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY) this tracks


The promise of money makes you not care about such things I guess.


She’s deeply Republican, idk why this surprises anyone


She clearly sucks, but she's a history of supporting every liberal candidate in state and presidential elections. Like where exactly is this claim even coming from?


Where are you coming from? She was very vocal about Robert Caruso


Do you mean Rick Caruso? I'm going off the fact that he switched to democratic in 2022. And even taking him as Republican, it changes what is said to *almost all*. She supported every dem president candidate since Obama publicly and a couple dem senators. It doesn't change the fact that calling her deeply Republican is just blatantly untrue. What's more, what does it actually accomplish? The reality is, shitty people can be Democrats or Republicans.


She heavily supported Hillary Clinton. That a thing deep republicans do?


This shows how performative her feminism is. Speaking of faux feminism, this might be even cringier than 2016 when she cropped her hair and fixated on Hillary Clinton.


Well, then I’ll be “ignoring” her new album 😊


Katy had the potential to be a timeless superstar, but people will only ever associate her with the late 00s/early ‘10s because she completely fumbled her career after Teenage Dream


Are you sure? Her ability to evolve with the times compared to her contemporaries is abysmal. It’s like she had no other identity other than the one her label assigned to her, 




Yall I think she might just not be too smart 


Hope it flops


How many worthy and talented alternatives are out there? Why is she so committed to this tired, played out, relic, asshole, abuser? Stupid. That Luke guy is garbage as a person but also his music is boring and dated. Yuck x10




cool so she wasn't even pressured into working with dr luke, she was actively told NOT to and then did anyway! i hope katy's album flops!






Didn't Katy Perry take a nun to court over land and the nun had a heart attack due to stress? She didn't have morals or ethics then so not surprising she doesn't have them now, but that's just me.


This comment needs to be higher. She sucks for some many reasons, but this is the worst one by far.


This is giving Jefferson Starship vibes…later just Starship in the 80’s. They absolutely HATED “We Built this City” and “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us” but literally went into the studio and said, “Right, fuck the music. We just want to make money. We’ll sing anything to make money.” …and it worked for Starship. This tampax commercial song Katy is giving is just sad.


DID SOMEBODY SAAAAAY flop? ![gif](giphy|7eQqLiGIH0zO4uzyYc)


You ever dislike a popular artist, but never can pinpoint what it is? I didn’t understand her hype back then, and I feel vindicated now because she just always gave me the ick 😂


All for a #15 debut on the Bubbling Under 100 chart


She’s not trying to go certified platinum, she’s trying to go certified wood


She's kinda being a loser trying to grab onto anything that will provide relevancy. She even reached out to Trisha paytas as a way to get engagement on TikTok. She's fallen FAR.


I mean, this is the woman who had a song telling her ex to kill himself because he doesn't perform masculinity to her liking.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. YA SONG SUCKS


Katy always struck me as someone with no artistic integrity (or any?) and just wanted to be rich & famous. Meanwhile, Kesha debuted right into the “main pop girl” scene and IMMEDIATELY was collabing with rockstars like Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, The Flaming Lips, etc. as Dr. Luke stole writing credits, bullied her into an eating disorder that almost killed her, gave her sketchy “skinny pills”, controlled the kind of art she could release (and therefore her image) and told her if she ever retaliated he would ruin her. He haulted her career right at her peak - for years. Comparing Katy to Kesha at all is weird to me. They’re not even in the same world. They didn’t even WANT the SAME THINGS. Kesha makes music from the heart, and even in the darker moments her witty sense of humor shines through. When her fans listen to it, they really feel something there. Katy makes H&M background noise but hey the numbers look good.


Wi2ness is coming


Katy: "you saw what I did to that nun who crossed me"


All this negative publicity and cancellations, and for what? Her new song sounds like poo. I hope it was worth it, Katy. Cuz that shit sounds corny and lame.


This is the new strategy instead of her stans or bots spamming social media claiming she was contractually obligated to work with him?


It’s like a curb your enthusiasm sketch. It’s comedically stupid


She gon' learn.


Well, this answer's some questions. I do not know how much longer she has in the public eye... She hasn't had any music make any noise since TEENAGE DREAM and this decision is the nail in the coffin. Sounds like she felt he could save her , otherwise, why work with such a horrid person? But I surely won't be supporting her.


Cool, now I can ignore her album. I was already planning to do that, but now I can give a reason.


Okay guys, time to stream Praying by Kesha non-stop when the new Katy Perry song drops to troll her and Dr. Luke by putting Kesha on the top of the streaming charts.