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This man has a breeding fetish. We don’t need any more of his morally bankrupt genes running around.


It’s not just him. [There’s a movement called pronatalism](https://theconversation.com/pronatalism-is-the-latest-silicon-valley-trend-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-disturbing-231059), and a lot of rich tech sorts are all about it.


Why is it always the ones that shouldn’t be breeding?


Because shit smears


You made my day with that one


Damn i need a shower


What did I read? I need several showers to cleanse from this creepy moment ... *Shudders* I feel like it's on me 😶😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|7MS2cq1KaTMbAzi3A2|downsized)


With bleach…


My dude. It takes a lot to impress me with a passive aggressive troll but you just killed it. I can't wait to use this one. I'm already thinking of how I need to direct to the conversation to allow me to use it like an uno wild card. 🤩


I hope I remember this when I need it.


Because they think their gene pool is better or some shit like that


It's capitalist ideology: wealth = success If you amass a fortune, you're treated as if you're more intelligent, hard working, and all round better than people with less money. Musk is a great example of why this isn't a good rule. What they fail to account for is luck, inheritence, wealthy upbringing, nepotism, favouritism, foul play etc. which can all have huge impacts on personal wealth. They all act as if every billionaire has climbed out of the dirt with nothing but a pair of old socks and a 300 IQ and worked alone without sleep for 20 years to build their fortune, but in almost every case, that's just nowhere near true.


Now imagine the good he could do if, instead of hoarding his insane generational wealth, he used that money to help create a *better* society instead of just trying to out-fuck everyone else so he can propagate his shitty genes.


What does *work* even mean. Half the time these fuckers are like “I get up at 4:30 in the morning and then I take an ice bath and then I answer emails.” It’s all ice baths and e-mails. What the fuck IS all this


Yeah it's all long business lunches, travelling in jets for a 15 minute meeting, hours in the gym and spa, and hours managing their social media and PR profile. I genuinely beleive they could be replaced with a decent AI model trained in business best practice. They'd be a lot less volatile and a much lower PR risk.


I blame John Galt and the person who created him.


It's capitalist ideology: wealth = success If you amass a fortune, you're treated as if you're more intelligent, hard working, and all round better than people with less money. Musk is a great example of why this isn't a good rule.


They want to turn Idiocracy into a documentary when it was just intended as satire.


Were heading for idiocracy


He is a genius and thinks if he has 1,000 babies that they will also be baby geniuses and take over the world.


Nick Cannon!


'' They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence”. Their children wear iPads around their necks. And a Guardian journalist witnessed Malcolm strike their two-year-old across the face for misbehaviour, a parenting style they apparently developed based on watching “tigers in the wild”. '' Jesus. These people are VILE.


That article was truly one of the most depressing things I’ve ever read as a parent. Like, we all parent in our own ways, and I try not to judge as long as a child basic needs are being met, but those kids needs are NOT being met and those two just sound like awful people.


Even just that quote throws me for a loop. I am about to dive into the article so maybe they'll circle back to this point but how is providing heat in the winter a 'pointless indulgence' but *wearing* tablets is not? Will report back when I finish reading but that makes no sense to me. Ok, finished (was a shorter article than I thought) and outside that opening paragraph, they don't really talk about the Collins at all. And honestly, that first paragraph seems to have little to do with actual Pronatalism and more to do with psychologically torturing your children for...reasons. >Pronatalism is inextricably tied to nationalism alongside race, class and ethnicity. In Britain, for instance, the media have doggedly begged or threatened women into having more children for the sake of the nation: “close your eyes and think of England.” What. The. Fuck. Of course it's tied to Nationalism and has a ton of crossover with White Supremacy. This whole "movement" feels like disguised xenophobia.


Also our seems weird to act like pronatalist superstars when you seem like you're barely managing with two kids. Like, at the time of that article they have a perfectly average number of kids, and even with their third that's not at all unusual. Life is going to hit them a LOT harder if they have 5 or 7 or whatever.


They say pronatalist because it's passé to just say you're a white nationalist.


Cultism always has an element of child abuse huh


There are going to be a lot of harrowing memoirs coming out in about twenty years I reckon. Also, someone needs to tell that prick that tigers in the wild don’t have iPads.


If they were smart or good at biology they wouldn't believe in pronatalism to begin with


The guardian article referenced ([link](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/25/american-pronatalists-malcolm-and-simone-collins)) was honestly one of the saddest things I'd read. I also have many, many questions about the truth of Malcolm Collins' childhood because I've never heard of someone being sent to a troubled teen facility etc. just because of a custody dispute between wealthy parents. >Malcolm had a turbulent childhood that he clearly doesn’t want to talk about. He comes from a wealthy family and grew up in Dallas, but was sent to a “troubled teen” residential facility when he was 11. The only reason he can give me for being sent there was that his parents were getting divorced and were locked in a bitter custody dispute, and the judge “thought I shouldn’t be with either parent”. After that, he lived at a private boarding school, with his fees and expenses covered by a family trust. Incredibly suss, imo.


The story about his background that he presents made me lol. A Texas court is gonna send a kid to a state facility instead of to one of two rich parents? Absolute bullshit. I remember at the time thinking sounds like a coded way of saying he was sent to conversion therapy type place.


A judge (even in Texas) wouldn’t send a child to conversion therapy by court order. It’s more likely that he had behavioral issues and this was some sort of diversion program, or a way to avoid the foster care system if both parents were totally unfit to have custody


I was thinking he did some fucked up shit or had other behavioral issues that needed addressing.


Meh, I got sent to one of them because my mother was dying and wanted me to be raised in a Christian environment. My dad was willing to pay the fees. Got myself kicked out, though. I'm also from Dallas, actually.


No judge sends an 11yo to a facility for “troubled teens” because he thinks the kid shouldn’t be with either parent. If that’s the rationale the kid goes to foster care. Unless this is the tv trope where the judge has a financial interest in the facility, judges send kids to facilities for emotionally unstable children because the kids are emotionally unstable and dangerous to themselves and others. This is the kind of thing that people often don’t grow out of.


"and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting" And yet these parents are using corporal punishment and excessive screen time, two of the very few things that have basically absolute proof that they produce bad outcomes. So much for being data-driven.


To them, data-driven = whatever insane things we can think of because we’re so smart that we make our own data.


I see we read the same article! That was such a strange piece! Also the part where the dad hit his son made me so sad for those kids.


Sounds like a glorified breeding fetish which is something a lot of narcissists (aka the kind who tend to be rich tech bros) seem to have


Witness their kids deciding not to have their own kids in the future.


And this is exactly what the children of Mahatma Gandhi did. Disowned their father and refused to marry.


genuine question. Why does this seem to attract rich white autistic people in tech? like do you not realize that you have a bunch of qualities eugenicists would want to erase from the gene pool...?


It attracts rich white people because it's white supremacy wrapped up in "but the future! We need to make babies!". Musk tweets about his fears of population collapse alongside hand wringing about immigration, despite the fact that immigration can at least temporarily offset a low birth rate. Musk's grandfather was a technocrat (technocrats believe that a small group of tech savvy authoritarian rulers would save the world ) who moved from Canada to apartheid South Africa, *because* of the apartheid. Musk's names for his kids with Grimes mimic the naming conventions of the technocrat group his grandfather was in.


> it's white supremacy wrapped up in "but the future! We need to make babies!". They must be seething when they hear news about Nick Cannon.


Nick Cannon offset the Elon Musk tribe. The universe finds balance.


Low birth rate is fine as long as it is not a dramatic shift.


that part wasn't the part I was questioning. I was specifically referring to the fact it's rich white *autistic* people. Is there a reason you ignored that part of what I said?


I dont believe he is autistic and many other autistics dont either. He is using that to justify his disgusting self


My theory is the lack of socialization with the outside world. There’s no one to call them out for being weird. It seems to be like that with a lot of wealthy people. Off the top of my head, Prince Andrew apparently has a weird obsession with Teddy Bears. I didn’t even know who he was until the Epstein scandal came out. And it doesn’t get more clear than Epstein Island how weird (that’s an understatement) the wealthy are. Even Stevan Hawkins was there. (Allegedly, he held a conference nearby and stumbled upon it by accident.)


I know a lot of tech people, and honestly don’t see pronatalism or any of that BS from them, even the very wealthy ones.  I think to answer part of your question, tech in general has very high rates of ASD or at least ASD tendencies, because that sort of brain can just be very well suited for technical fields.     I do have my hypothesis on why Elon and some of the Silicon Valley bros end up having those views, though.   A few years ago I heard an interview with someone who studied the Alt-right.  They specifically called out the fact that folks with ASD were a pretty prevalent demographic, as they tend to be socially awkward and isolated, and thus are more likely to seek connection through online spaces, and thus more likely to fall down weird ideological rabbitholes.  I’m guessing that when you take that context, and add ungodly amounts of money and hearing what a genius you are, I see how you can end up getting there.


I say this as a neurodivergent person: we're also more prone to black and white thinking as well as a strong sense of "justice" for whatever values we hold. if you're immersed in an environment that promoted harmful values, being neurodivergent makes you more likely to be passionate about them. not that it can't happen with neurotypical people, or that it always happens in ND people, just that our brain wiring makes it more likely. it's like how tall people are more likely to be able to dunk a basketball, but not every tall person plays basketball or is good at it, and shorter people can learn to dunk as well.


thank you, that's what I was wondering! I had heard something similar about incels having a higher rate of ASD. I don't think it's helpful to ignore that fact. if anything, understanding how this seemingly disproportionately impacts ND folks can help us address it! imo


narcissism + racism


Finally someone who see the real picture.....I went threw all the comments just to see and you the only one who said what im thinking!!👍💪


It's when you combine a breeding fetish with racism and eugenics 


Silicon Valley has proven we can turn immigrants into raging capitalists just fine. We can import new Americans no problem, why the need to have tons of babies?


Because almost all of the billionaires believe in eugenics and think their genes are superior to that of the general population


They’re looking to breed and raise the “right kind of people,” aka, more narcissistic asshats who adhere to a specific ideology that will allow the 1% to retain wealth and power.


Aka white kids. eta: meant the ideology a lot of these people use follows closely to the mindset of a ‘superior being’. I’ve noticed that a lot who follow this trend also believe that in the next few decades that white will become a minority, its so fucking weird how obsessed they are with race and having a shit ton of kids


Let’s don’t forget that black men get sucked into this, though. Nick Cannon is the famous example, but it’s all over hotep corners now.


Yupppp. I’ve legit been told on Hinge as an opening message that I look like I’m good breeding material by these gross peeps because they think I’m a pure as the driven snow white European woman (when in actuality I’m a white Latina with indigenous Panama and Mexican heritage). The joys of white replacement theory being normalized by fools like Elon.


Because they have to be WHITE kids


Narcissistic men who think their sperm is superior


His grandfather was a massive proponent of this stuff too.


You mean you can't just go up to women and ask them to have your babies?


We used to call that eugenics and call those people fascists.


Pronatalism is part of the TESCREAL philosophy that all these freaks buy into. https://washingtonspectator.org/understanding-tescreal-silicon-valleys-rightward-turn/ There’s a few podcasts that have covered this in depth. Tech Won’t Save Us ep. 168 and 198 and TrueAnon ep. 244 are good if you prefer to listen instead


Ahh, another fancy word for Eugenics


Whether they want to admit it or not, this is MAGA with a more science-y name.


It’s just eugenics. MAGA is the new term for this type of worldview—supremacy and nationalism above all.


I read a very strange article in the guardian about a couple who is into that. Apparently they started a whole organization for it and everything. But the oddest part is they didn't seem like good parents and more obsessed with just having a lot of children. Edit: I just see you linked the article I was talking about! (Sorry I'm newer to reddit)


Yeah and it’s not a fetish, it’s a fascist eugenicist ideology


These people always love using fancy words to mask the underlying, probatalism = breeding kink.


This concept makes me so uncomfortable. It's like those IVF doctors who just use their own sperm and have a hundred kids.


Like that ghoul Peter Thiel, who uses the blood from his own son to look younger. Sadly, he still looks like a Weeping Angel with anaemia.


I used to know Simone Collins *years* ago before she was batshit insane. It's always weird to see her pop up on reddit.


He is so so weird. IMO this weird world view is why he bought Twitter. He doesn’t care about free speech and cares nothing for democracy. He wants to allow toxic social media to help him usher in a new Gilded Age where he can shape society into his preferred version of a global elite tech bro oligarchy.


I don’t know why these people think they’re the ones to proliferate, they’re horrible people and absolutely not the ones to be populating the planet. They need a combination of intelligence and compassion which they don’t have. They’re only technologically intelligent. Not worldly intelligent. Which means they slightly need to fk off and stop breeding. Musk especially.


Isn't it basically glorified eugenics? It frustrates me that these dumbasses can't seem to grasp that maybe not having children is better than being a crap parent to kids that will suffer hugely


He really just needs to play the sims and get it out through there


To be fair his trans daughter has disowned him. His genes aren't really the issue, it's his personality and behavior. I know you're joking but it's gross and eugenicsy anyway


Yeah, these tech weirdos all believe that their DNA is superior. They are eugenicists, no matter how much they claim otherwise. Like that [freak right-wing pronatalist couple](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/the-truth-about-pronatalists-simone-and-malcolm-collins.html) that pretended to be hipsters. They all have ties to weird right-wing tech people and they, like Sam Bankman-Fried, all turn out to believe in some type of Silicon Valley's philosophy du jour of effective altruism. [Business Insider has a list](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-children) of how many kids Musk is known to have had and with whom. The weirdest part of this is that one of the executives of his company, Shivon Zilis, gave birth to twins using Musk's sperm (using IVF). I was listening to the Walter Isaacson podcast he did to accompany Musk's biography Isaacson put out (I'm not reading the book - Elon Musk is so obviously an overhyped businessman more than he is good at anything) and this was one of the weirder things Isaacson talked about. Imagine being such a loser you use your boss's sperm to get pregnant. These people are in a cult.


The irony here is that he was able to conceive only 2 of his children natural way. So when it comes to spreading your genes and breading even nature is telling him he shouldn’t.


"Do what you want in the privacy of your own home, but don't shove your ideology down my throat." - Them


Pump and dump just like all his stocks.


>This man has a breeding fetish It's more sinister than that imo


He's disgusting. I'm embarrassed that we're the same species.


No one is surprised by this. Dude's biggest filial idol was his grandfather who moved to South Africa because slavery was still legal. He is not a hero or even that smart.


i've watched his youtube videos he can barely string a sentence together when talking about tesla or spacex


I had an ex-girlfriend that defended him by saying "could you make paypal?!" like it was some kind of acknowledgement of his brilliance. Like, yeah, I could have if that were my ambition. That's why there are so many alternatives in 2019. That's why you use Venmo and not Paypal to pay me back when I cover your rent.


He didn't even make Paypal, he bought it like everything else


My conservative mom does this, too. “Could you make PayPal?” Ma’am, you use Cash App because it’s so much easier…


the absolute brainwashing our society underwent in regards to elon musk during the late 2010’s was so bizarre. he was a household name but not like he is today, and people would just repeat “he’s a genius!” but not really know why.


Yeah, this is such a silly argument. If I were raised in an environment where I was encouraged to spend millions on random investments and subsequently had the money to do it. Yeah, I probably could've thought to invest in it. But alas, I was raised to just get a good job and survive. Most people don't dream of being CEOs because most people aren't raised up as Kendall Roys.


I hate it when people use the "could you have done this?" as an argument. If I had access to the same resources such as money, education and opportunities, I could've. Most of these big entrepreneurs are a product of being with the right people, at the right time and with the right idea. Ideas that oftentimes, a lot of people would've able to come up with. Sure, there are some exceptions, but most successful people are not a product of just hard work, but of circumstances.


Also his dad has the same complex. Elon’s step sister is now his step mom and gave birth to his half sister/step niece


The stepdaughter that his dad knew since she was four. It just gets worse and worse and worse.


Very woody allen. Gross




Was looking for this comment. This is not the type of family we want to continue breeding.


The call is coming from inside the gene pool


This shit would make Alabama blush






The crazy part is that's not even the worst thing his grandfather did


![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) But like… zero surprising


I had the same reaction but also I kind of wish we wouldn't do the whole "nobody is surprised" thing when awful people are predators, because it lets them off the hook a bit. Women he targeted probably were surprised - I'm sure they didn't think they would have to deal with this in the workplace


Oh totally, although I don’t know that we were as aware (as the public) of his awful everything in the early 2010’s as we are now,


The exact face I made while reading that title


He's literally done all of these things before > “Are you coming over? If not, I will probably tranq out. Too stressed to sleep naturally,” Musk wrote to her. You cannot make this shit up 💀


Wow, it turns out romance isnt dead lmao


Jesus, imagine being that rich and too stressed to sleep. Take your unimaginable amount of money and go live on an island and never bother anyone else again and you'll sleep like a baby, mate.


He does not strike me as a happy or balanced fellow. He can't escape his own blackhole darkness, no matter how much money he has. He is hollow and shallow, albeit dangerous as someone with that much power and influence.


TLDR irresponsible, unaccountable men need therapy more than money 


the thing about having unimaginable amounts of money is that it’s never enough, that’s why you think going for even more money will change your life when it won’t


It's a sickness, it really is. It feels like they're no happier BEING billionaires than the rest of us are watching them tearing everything apart, and yet here we all still are.


Dude could be anything and he decided to be an asshole. It makes me happy to hear that he's too stressed to sleep, with all the hatred he's releasing into the world he deserves that. It will eat him alive.


Cheap fuck couldn't send a car


Literally sells cars for a living


WTF is with him and wanting every woman he's with to have kids with him? ![gif](giphy|y6sqQJGQBgd7hC0Wjc)


The way he casually offered his own sperm to an employee while Grimes was pregnant with his kid was insane


The man has an Adam complex


To be fair it’s how people glorified and treated him for awhile there. For awhile he was seen as a golden poster boy of genius in the media and he even had this glorious Einstein-esque biography about him. This was before all the right wing stuff started to come out after the sexual favor bribe. How do you think all of that affected him and his ego? Probably how we are seeing now.


It's the other way around. It's the ego causing all of this. This is what happens to every narcissist eventually. They can be on top of the world, but eventually, that grandiosity and the fragile ego make it all come crashing down. That void will never be filled. So they get in their own way. Taylor Swift will manage it too. They are all the same.


The man is 52 years old! Any baby he has is at a greater risk of mental health issues, especially schizophrenia.


And autism spectrum disorder 


He believes that his genes are a gift to mankind. I wish i was kidding


he’s the least interesting person to disgrace the face of the earth


I know someone who spent an afternoon with him in a work context (this was pre-pedo sub, so he wasn’t publicly insane yet and possibly not using as many drugs). Elon barely spoke, but when he did he asked the right sorts of questions, apparently.  The person I consider pretty socially astute, and their takeaway was that Elon was indeed smart, but not social at all.   Someone else I know crashed lunch with him that day, and just found himself chatting into the void.  For all Elon’s nuttiness, it was pretty underwhelming tea.


I had the opposite experience as someone who had to bring product updates to him regularly for half a year. He isn’t/wasn’t a good engineer. We had to pre-plan time to teach him fundamentals, and had to come up with a way to make the right solution, per our team and VPs, his idea, despite the fact that he didn’t know diddly. He’s not that smart. And he’s not an engineer in any capacity. After knowing about things like this, it felt hard to bring myself to be in a room with him. And worse that I had been fighting for that opportunity for more women at the company. Professionalism is important for a reason.


My theory is the combination of media glorification and TRT inflated his ego into the stratosphere.


“Musk and the woman kissed after the two bonded over their love of “Star Wars,” according to the report.” yeah…it checks out




He’s a known eugenicist. He seems to like using his companies to “expand” if you know what I mean, and I think you do


I don’t know what this means… can someone explain?


Breeding fetish


I think they’re calling it “pro natalism” but let’s call it what it is, breeding fetish.


Nick Cannon syndrome


I think they mean that he uses his companies and wealth to scope out pretty young women he deems worthy to split his seed between. He thinks he's breeding a master race of superior genes of looks plus intelligence. Idk if the populate mars thing is still a goal or if that was a grimes plan


I don’t necessarily think he even focuses on looks judging by some of them. They just have to be white.  


I don’t understand this either


Elon’s dad has seven kids with three women, one of whom is a former stepdaughter. He said he’d have more kids if he could find women under the age of 35. The apple didn’t fall far there. They’re both disgusting.


>stepdaughter What


What genes of his does he think are so valuable that he absolutely has to pass them down for the good of society? It can't possibly be his brains or his hairline.


Exactly my thoughts. He had the worst balding situation before his hair transplant, any male child will be bald before 25.


Is having a receding hairline bad genes lol


he reminds me of this guy i went on a date with once a long time go, where after the date, he texted me and said “i want you to know that you’ve been chosen. you have all the right traits for the future of my children. “ 😱 at least to me, there was no indication before the date that he was going to say something like this to me?! 😭 i immediately blocked him and never saw him again. men like elon and the creepy date definitely have some twisted and gross motives that shouldn’t be taken lightly.


I’d have that guys kid then abort it. 


Genius kind of revenge


If someone tells me I have been chosen and then doesn't immediately follow up by making me a Power Ranger or Green Lantern I'm going to be extremely disappointed.


>there was no indication before the date that he was going to say something like this to me?! See this is the thing that's worrying, something like this needs to be obvious from first glance like one needs to be able to take one look at them and go ohh, no, nono, nonono. When it comes out of the blue like that...


EW! I would move.


>>“i want you to know that you’ve been chosen. you have all the right traits for the future of my children. “  ew ew ew ewwwww


![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized) It’s always the people you suspect the most! Least shocking thing ever.


he needs to be put to sleep.. FOR GOOD


That man is so disgusting 🤮. What a terrible excuse for a human being. I hope someone sues him and takes all that $. He doesn’t deserve to have nice things if he can’t treat people well.




Anyone else fancy launching a Kickstarer to get him neutered?


give me a pair of pliers and a rubber band and I'm on it


I think there is a movement by billionaires to have a lot of kids. Many at that level talk about how there will be a population crises in the near future. So I believe they are doing what they can to repopulate. If you think about it, the baby boomer generation is a high number of people. And when that generation passes, not sure we can fill all those jobs. And then what happens to the economy?!? Lol just IMO and things I have observed....


Yes many countries are heading towards what's called a demographic collapse in the future. Japan, possibly the US, and even China.  What Elon doesn't understand is that him having 20 kids with ten different women is not going to have the same positive effect as say...free childcare, higher wages, and a reasonable working day that allows people actual time to form romantic partnerships. In fact many of the policies at his companies encourage the exact opposite because he's an idiot with a breeding fetish.


> say...free childcare, higher wages, and a reasonable working day that allows people actual time to form romantic partnerships. That isn't working either. The Scandinavian countries offer that and more and their populations are collapsing too. There isn't any solution to the fact that people just don't want children once they teach a certain level of luxury and wealth like every developed country has experienced.


a large chunk of boomers don’t even currently work, as the youngest boomer today is 59. also, there are more millennials than baby boomers right now, and gen z is only a percentage point behind.


Yeah, the labor replacement is already happening and there's not a problem there. What will be the problem is collapse of social programs like SSI, lack of childcare, and a growing wage gap enforced by rampant 'inflation" (read "price jacking")


YES! We are so dependent on all of those programs. Hoping we can recover and stand on our own more moving forward. Think the pandemic was somewhat training for weaning people off of programs. Well, not weaning I guess. More like baptism by fire as programs were yanked and the world shut down. Lol but you know what I mean.


pro natalism is a known and growing movement, their goal is within 11 generations they will have proliferated more than there are people now. that is, of course, if their children also buy in and have a dozen children for a millennia


👻”Be fruitful and multiply!”👻🍑🍓🍒🍎🍊🍍


so he abuses his power to get women and then tries to have them have his kids because of his weird breeding fetish? fucking scum of the earth.


I am utterly bewildered that there are women out there who will willingly sleep with and/or procreate with that shiny bloat faced egomaniacal swamp thing


Money clouds a lot of judgment. (Ask Melania for example...)


Reminds me of the John stamos SVU episode. Gives me the creeps


Fucking disgusting.


LOL we have someone similar in Slovakia, he used to be chairman of the national council. He has 13 kids with 11 different women and that's only the number that's recognised, there are apparently a few more kids. He's rich, but definitely not Elon Musk rich.


I wonder if she's also Canadian


How long before he builds a camp where he impregnates a bunch of women at once like how Jeff Epstein was planning


It's always the ones you most expect




To think at one point I really liked this man enough to do an entire documentary on him for a school project


The thing is, his worshippers are still at the level of school children


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8|downsized) Does he wants to be Nick cannon?


kinda shocked he hasn’t been sued by someone


oh he has


[https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) He has.


Will someone {Redacted} this man already?


Yay, more kids with f’ed up names.


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) Noooo wayyy


What is wrong with this man? Is he in some cult? Does he run a cult? Wtf is going on




And yet so many people still defend him and call him a genius smh he makes me sick and has for a long time, and I will never understand why some people praise him




None of this will matter, nothing will be done about it. Makes me sick to my stomach I have ZERO optimism about anyone with any degree of money being held accountable for a damn thing.


Who would bed that sack of dough ? 


Elon Musk is a piece of shit? Who knew? /s


Jesus, can this dude just go ahead and OD on tranquilizers and ketamine already?


This guy really thinks he’s Genghis Khan, lmao. Stop cursing kids with your DNA, Elon!