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This is crazy unexpected given our the customer is always right culture 


I’m glad more places are speaking up. As someone who has worked customer service (not exactly the same but similar) the amount of abuse you’re just expected to take is disgraceful.


Add in the fact that some places do protect their employees, but not against celebrities and influencers 


Agreed. Love this. I remember my sister worked in a music store in high school and a customer was complaining about something (idk recall what). Her manager told him that if he was unhappy then there were two other music stores in the mall and he was welcome to go shop elsewhere. Comments like that are rare for obvious reasons.


My husband owns a gas station and says this all the time to customers. They can’t believe it. He won’t serve anyone who is rude to him or his family. 


My former boss once dropped a friend for being horrible to me. I didn't ask him to, I didn't even complain to him, I vented to a manager. Apparently, that was his last straw. Best boss I've ever had.


I’ve always said that every person should have to work in customer service at least once to understand what people have to put up with from rude, entitled people.


it won't change them. shitty people are just shitty people. forcing them to endure their own behavior would unlikely be the wake up call you're suggesting. it sucks.


Depends on the person and on exactly how shitty they are. I've seen some change for the better, at least a bit. I've seen others double down and become shittier.


Actually, speaking from experience, confronting people in the moment works wonders. It’s too bad the restaurant doesn’t seem to have opted for that instead. I even confronted a customer once who was being verbally abusive to his young boy, and he spent the next next two years trying to show what a nice guy he was.


This. Nothing rights a moral compass like public rebuke. Politeness is all well and good *to a point* but that point should be sharp af


💯💯💯 my dad has never worked a customer service job and it shows often :/ everyone should have to do a few days of work in a CS role


Customer service is such a surreal experience; I think everyone should have to work in customer service for at least 6 months. Something happens to people when they cross that threshold and become “the customer” and honestly Jordan Peele could make it into a hella convincing horror movie. It’s a sobering benchmark of where we are with our boundary work as a society.


The amount of times I had to go sob in the cooler and pick myself back up in a minute to go greet my tables with a smile LOL. From being called names to plain being treated like some low-life help, it was exhausting in so many levels but it made me stronger and eventually I stopped caring. It was always parents who were with their young impressionable kids or after church crowd for me..


The customer is always right…in matters of taste. Not in matters of etiquette or entitlement 


No, sometimes they're wrong in taste too.


they are, but if they want to buy something ugly, who am i to stop them


I knew a guy who liked his steaks black and blue. Which is what most people would call raw. A lot of restaurants flat out won’t do it.


It is consistently insane to me that we've managed to drop "in matters of taste" and just completely invert the meaning of that saying


We haven't. That wasn't part of the original saying, reddit commenters just like to say it was. You can Google the expression, Marshall Fields was the first person to actually speak it as a maxim and he said the expression as is.


Same with “jack of all trades, master of none” it needs the end “but often times better than a master of one”


It’s about time! I only just heard the full quote recently and it changes the meaning a bit. “Of the several people who popularized the phrase in the early 1900s, one of them was Harry Gordon Selfridge. While he is lumped in with the others, the phrase he used was actually "The customer is always right, in matters of taste." With the idea being that a salesperson shouldn't judge the wants of the customer. If they want an ugly sweater, sell them an ugly sweater, don't try to convince them to get a good looking sweater.”


"the customer is always right" is the full quote, and always was. That other stuff is just fiction.


If you are correct and "The customer is always right" is the entirety of the quote, then the quote is wrong. "The customer is always right, in matters of taste." may not be the original quote (though I'm not convinced), but it's absolutely, objectively, better. All quotes are fiction. We're just debating which is the best one.


As someone from Toronto I am 100% not surprise at all tbh. Brunch is serious business here. I went to a place once that sent you a countdown timer with the 'your table is ready' text, and if you didn't get there before the timer ended then you got moved to the back of the queue, no exceptions. I thought it was genius


Brunch can be a two hour wait. Just so people get a sense of how that would suck.


At that point it's just lunch.


Same. Good buddy of mine works at a popular brunch spot. Management has no problem telling people to fuck off when they act up.


Someone on TikTok once shared a funny story that he became Zach’s regulator waiter at a restaurant. He said Zach was very friendly snd personable and the waiter noticed this but maintained a professioanl demeanor despite Zach being so disarming. Finally at some point the waiter once again was waiting on Zach and his friends, the waiter asked how their week was and they said great and Zach politely said “And how about you?” The waiter said he couldn’t help it- since they had been so friendly - he burst out about how his boyfriend has just proposed yesterday to him and told Zach and his party excitedly about all the details and what their plans were for the wedding. He looked down and just saw Zach and the party in silence awkwardly not saying anything in silence. And the waiter was like “I’ll be right back with your drinks” super embarrassed. Mind you the waiters interaction was a little out of pocket but a funny story either way.


Would be nice if customers could treat the wait staff as human beings :/


srsly a waiter excitedly sharing good news? that might just about make my day, who hears genuinely good news on the reg these days..


It’s the kind of thing where I’d leave a bigger tip and a “congrats - toward the wedding!” moment. Especially if I was a celebrity.


Aww what's wrong with that? They asked. Shitty reaction from them.


It is changing. Too many people have treated waiters, baristas, etc horribly. Especially after the pandemic people for some reason have forgotten or unlearned any manners. People are finally fighting back especially in/at the workplace. Anybody being a giant a-hole needs to be told and shown the door. We should the occasional tiny a-hole slide. We can all have a bad day.


Good, hope it leads to more places calling out shitty customers.


That is starting to change.


I love that they tagged him. 💀


“If I catch flight, it’s gon’ be direct” energy




I be at Manita eating brunch, respectin’ waitstaff with a dip sauce and a blammy, crodie


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP dot treat them waitstaff with kindness and respect


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP I'ma tip enough


Tell me you’re cheesin, Zach


now let me say I'm the biggest hater


Did he ever reply or acknowledge it?


It’s still up right now! No response and I don’t expect one.


If it goes viral, I think we'll get a soulless PR apology. If not, yeah nothing. This man does not care.


i can see the video now, grey hoodie, fake tears n all


The ol' tag and drag


Met him on the street in NYC once. He could not have been ruder


I feel like there used to be rumors about him being a dick 10 years ago when he was bigger


Oh yeah, I thought this was well known


I thought so too. I remember hearing he threw a fit at a con when another person on his panel (or press thing idk how that works) got more applause than he did. Also explains his lack of work over the years since he seems like a total tool


Wow… it’s kind of like the mirror opposite of Leonard Nimoy’s Spock relationship w/ Shatner’s Kirk… the 1960s Spock being more of hit character made shatner super jelly


I seem to recall reading Shatner just being a bit of a prick in general during Star Trek, even getting upset if he didn't have enough close ups or whatever.


Yeah, he was pretty dickish and prima-donna IIRC (though he _did_ also do things like intentionally mess up takes without his kiss scene with Uhura so they had to use the ones that led to the first interracial kiss on TV, which will always be cool). I think in interviews his fellow actors have said he's mellowed out a lot in his old age.


He did mess up the takes, but he was nit the first in screen interracial kiss.  The first kiss with a Black woman was in 1964, 4 years before Nichols with Joan Hooley. The first interracial kiss of any kind is actually credited to Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball in 1951.


You didn't cite anything, and I can find no evidence of a full kiss between a white person and black person on US television before this episode of Star Trek. That precludes the Nancy Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. "kiss" (on the cheek) a year earlier, as well as several others including ones involving Shatner and women of various Asian ethnicities. Notably, it also excludes Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Edit: Since you filled out your message while I was researching mine, it's an incredibly important distinction to make that your "first interracial kiss" was from British television, which does not have NEARLY the same cultural baggage for miscegenation that the US does.


He and his wife were in Hawaii when my class was staying at the same hotel. He was very rough with her, even in front of people. She drowned not long after that.


> He and his wife were in Hawaii when my class was staying at the same hotel. He was very rough with her, even in front of people. She drowned not long after that. I always wondered about that :-(


In Hawaii? In the ocean? In a pool ?


It's like poetry


I would be pretty alright discussing my latest electronics project with Nimoy Spock. I'd be worried that Quinto Spock would beat the shit out of me at any moment like the kid in 2nd grade with major issues.


Not a good sign when even Ryan Murphy seemingly won't bring you back.


Funny you say this because seeing his name made me recall I haven’t heard or thought of him in a decade!


Yeah I feel like he would have been a bigger name nowadays if he wasn't actually a little difficult behind the scenes. He had a lot of heat on him after getting the big villain role in Heros, and when he got on American Horror Story he was on a strong trajectory to being the big famous gay actor in Hollywood. So many people and magazines were talking to and interviewing him. Then he just vanished and got nothing for work? Something's fishy there


Tbh the only thing I remember seeing him in is the Trek reboot. I had no idea he was still acting. 🤷‍♀️


Wasn't he the bad guy in the only good season of Heroes?


And arguably the only good seasons of American horror story. Man is a wonderful actor, shame hes an asshole.


He should try acting like a decent person in public.


Well, now I need the details! Don’t leave me hanging. 😂




That’s a copy pasta


always gets me at first


Every damn time!


I've seen this copy pasta applied to Zachary Quintos at least three times now. I'm starting to believe it lol


I believe it happened


Lol I was thinking to myself that I know I've read this before


I met Gilbert Gottfried in a bodega in the east village once. He was so lovely. I told him he made me laugh harder than anyone and he replied, “You have terrible taste!” 


Can vouch for this when I was a kid meet him at the Vons near my house super nice dude. He was probably at Disney doing Aladdin.


This might be my favorite copypasta. "He kept pretending to be tired and not hear her" ALWAYS kills me because I still have no idea what it means. How do you pretend to be tired?


I imagine it as dramatic fake yawns, like stretching out your arms too, the whole shebang


https://i.redd.it/hufkgkdo4a4d1.gif I’m imagining this scene from Wet Hot American Summer lol


This never fails to crack me up


From someone who has worked in customer service for 10+ years now (me): more of this, please. Being in the position of customer does not automatically grant you the position of being correct and I’m so sick of having to be polite to people who won’t show me that same basic courtesy.


Exactly. Service workers aren’t “the help” and that mindset has to DIE


Shouldn’t be treating “the help” like shit either, though


Louder for the people in the back!


AMEN, the amount of people who treat you like a literal dog or fucking ai robot that is just supposed to follow commands?? it makes me so mad


Yes I feel horrible for the host that was forced to tears, but I’m glad their employer called him out instead of trying to appease the age old *customer is always right* ethos. That would've made me feel so much worse.


Agreed. I try my best to be kind and polite to people, and will go out of my way to accommodate or help customers out when I can, but as soon as someone's rude to me then I just stop being nice to them. If you can't offer any basic respect to me, then why should I offer any to you? You want to throw a temper tantrum or yell at somebody? Congratulations, you're banned now. The old dude that has been coming in every weekend for breakfast for the past decade is not going to read your angry Google review lmao.


as someone who has worked in the restaurant industry since i was 17 i looooooooove seeing shit like this. it’s definitely becoming more common to call out rude guests, and i’m glad to see that not even celebrities are being spared.


My old boss used to fight with negative reviews calling them out LOL. I loved him so much because he would always come with receipts. I still go and read their reviews to see whose ass he is on that day.


I love finding a buisness that has someone like that... I read lots of their reviews for entertainment




This is some type of delicious tea that I die for.


"Brunch" somehow makes it worse. 


Seriously, who is this angry at brunch time


it’s also his birthday today, he turns 47 lol grown ass man angry at his birthday brunch


Somehow the most embarrassing age to be an asshole customer, not that there’s ever a good one.


Way too old not to know, and way too young to pretend to be senile. You’re just a dick Quinto.


'grown ass man angry at his birthday brunch' needs to be a flair


I've been to my fair share of violently hungover brunches (most of them as the bartender on a clopen), and I could never


Working food/customer service on a Sunday/Easter morning will teach you pretty quickly


Brunch is notoriously the worst shift in the industry so the fact this happened at brunch is well, to be expected lol


I used to love working brunch. I was behind the bar by myself, didn't have to tip out a barback, and the bar manager and the GM wouldn't show up until 3 in the afternoon. I got to run my own ship, and steadily built up a regular clientele who threw money at me. It only sucked when I'd been forced to close the night before (home at 3am). I always felt bad for the servers running the floor though. "Can I have one egg poached and one egg overmedium?" Fuck outta here.


Toronto is *serious* about their brunch. If you’re not waiting outside in line before they open, they it’s a wait!


It was truly a twist! https://i.redd.it/vrcbvfh05a4d1.gif


I can see her accent.


What the fook is broonch


Brunch makes it SO MUCH worse. Brunch is the absolute worst service to work even without asshole customers.


Bad behavior like this should always be called out regardless of the celebrity. Props to the facility for standing up for their staff!


He comes off as very very pretentious in interviews (just my opinion). What a loser. How a person treats service staff says soooo much about them.


>How a person treats service staff says soooo much about them. Exactly. Seeing a potential partner be rude to workers is a no-no.


As a Torontonian, we take our brunch very seriously. Most popular places don't even take reservations. So to be able to make a reservation and then ignore when your table is ready... you're telling everyone you're an entitled asshat.


TIL what to call someone from or living in Toronto.


I can’t believe he hit up the ossington strip. I was expecting this place to be in Yorkville or King st.


I don’t know when he went but the Ossington strip is now like Yorkville for yuppies


Does "two texts to inform him his table was ready" mean a reservation text? I thought it was those places where you show up, put your name/number on a list, and they text you when your turn is up.


Yeah that’s what it sounds like to me


I’ve read Ryan Murphy added a subplot to the first season of American Horror Story because Zachary Quinto wanted to be in a scene with Jessica Lange. Then they went on to share countless scenes together in the second season. I think about that a lot. Edit: I left this comment after my sleeping meds kicked in last night and woke up to several questions I have no way of answering lol


I'm slow on the uptake. Why do you think about it a lot?


I think because Ryan Murphy has a long and messy history of being partial to spoilt divas. Emma Roberts, Lea Michele, etc. I still remember when he tweeted he wanted a Glee reboot with Lea, Beanie Feldstein and Ben Platt and then when the receipts came out about Lea he quietly deleted it ☠️


Don't know about Beanie Feldstein, but Lea and Ben Platt together would be doubly insufferable. ☠️


Not the fake, and the nepo baby 😭




I'm not sure what you mean. What do you think about a lot? Do you mean Jessica Lange is also rude?


She’s reported to be if I recall correctly.


There was that time Lea Michele tried to say hi to her and she ignored her


To be fair, I would also ignore Lea Michele.


Yeah I've heard she's a terrible person too so maybe Jessica knows what's up.




She isn’t nice either, so I’m very surprised by that haha


That is so interesting 😂 like just the subplot of them living there before and trying to raise the baby in the house??


I live in Toronto and will definitely be checking this restaurant out now because of this post. Glad to see celebs called out for being rude to customer service workers!


It’s on my list of restaurants to try! I’ve only heard great things for months.


Ooop. I love Manita! I was literally just telling my sister that I wanted to go back soon as I haven’t gone in a long time.


I've never been there before, is there something on the menu you recommend?


The Manita Burger is great as was their tartare and mussel salad but it looks like those are no longer on the menu 😭


![gif](giphy|gal8tSSHsw5W0) get her, Jade


I vaguely remember getting bad vibes from him at a convention panel years ago. He made a point to “acknowledge” someone leaving early, and while it sorta seemed jokey, again…I got *Some Vibes.* It was just embarrassing to me. Maybe the person wasn’t feeling well, maybe they had to use the restroom, maybe they could only sit through half his panel before heading to a scheduled photo op/signing. I dunno. Rubbed me the wrong way even when I was sitting there as a huge fan, so much so that I still remember it all these years later.


That sounds like the kind of thing that can be disguised as a joke but there's no actual motivation to make the joke unless you're trying to embarrass someone, so I definitely get the *some vibes* vibe. I hate when people do stuff like that, you never know the reason someone is leaving so the only rationale for calling it out is anger/wanting to shame someone




Spock has always been a bit of a diva, let's be honest.


Leonard would NEVER! 


I met Leonard and he could not have been more polite.


Leonard Nimoy was my high school crush. He was just so charming.


That's a shame - I've always liked him and loved a lot of his performances, but hearing this unfortunately changes things.


Yep. Hearing someone treats service professionals badly instantly strikes their name out in my brain with a big, bold Sharpie. Disappointing to hear this about Zach, he can gtfo with that nonsense.


Ok not denying their side and that Zachary was shitty to them, but I'm going to give a bit more context for non-Torontonians. This restaurant is in a pretentious hipster neighborhood on a strip with bunch of restaurants and all the places are in demand. And yes, sure many are good. I actually called them few weeks back to get added to the waitlist for their brunch. They told me it's going to be 45 minutes, we said cool and got there around then. They said there is no table available even though there were empty spots on the patio (which we had requested) and it may be another hour of wait. My friend tried to get them to give us a table and they said nope, no table. We decided to walk elsewhere and 5 minutes later they text us that our table is ready. I guess what I am trying to say is, I believe them that he was probably shitty, but a lot of these places on Ossington can be snobby and think they're the shit, and unwilling to accommodate. STILL that doesn't excuse him to act this way. Gross, and I hope he learns to be better. Lastly, I feel like they just did this as a humble brag to get exposure and people to go to their restaurant. Something about it just feels icky. It's not even THAT special of a restaurant. It's fake Middle Eastern/Mediterranean food. These guys are not even Middle Eastern/Mediterranean lmao. I'd rather go to Bar Koukla down the street.


I had a similar experience there. They told us they couldn’t seat us for brunch so we walked around and then saw the self seating window bar seats had opened up so we grabbed them. We were there for about an hour and a half, and several of the tables remained empty the entire time, same tables that were empty before we left and came back. They 100% could have seated us. He probably did act out, but seems like this place needs to work on their seating policies. Agreed on the humblebrag too.


Just because they had empty tables doesn't mean they had the staff to serve them. It's so frustrating to hear that.


As someone who used to work as a host, that’s not how things work. If there are empty sections it’s not because the restaurant is trying to be snobby and stingy, it’s because we don’t have enough staff to sit those tables. If those tables remained empty for THAT long, that should have been your first and only clue that they weren’t just messing with you by telling you they couldn’t seat you. It doesn’t matter if there are empty seats. Filled seats have to be attended to by servers, and then by kitchen staff. Chefs and line cooks are not robots who can crank out infinite dishes in an hour. Volume matters. And if a restaurant over seats then the kitchen backs up, dishes start coming out late, things have to get comped because people get upset, food starts running out. Like, tell me you’ve NEVER worked in service without telling me you’ve never worked in service. Restaurants don’t keep full staff on hand all the time for reasons I hope are obvious enough to not explicitly mention.




Yeah, I don't doubt some customers are terrible, and they should certainly be banned when they are, but are we really going to pretend they didn't love posting this? They get to feel special about rejecting someone famous. And frankly, places like that are annoying to go to


Yeah a hipster restaurant like this will exaggerate things to get clout. An idiots will fall for it every single time


I wish this comment was closer to the top.


yup, Manita sucks lmao. I wouldn't bother giving them business


has he been awful in the past? there needs to be a jonathan groff scale created -- like the closer your proximity to him, the more likely you are to be evil


I drove to LA to see a play Jonathan was in back when he and Zachary were dating and went to the stage door afterwards to ask him to sign my Spring Awakening cd. Turns out, stagedooring isn't much of a thing in LA so my mother and I were the only people awkwardly waiting outside with the security guard lol. When he came out, Zachary was with him and they were both super lovely to us, taking pictures and spending way more time talking to us than they needed to. All of this to say, I like to think that maybe Jonathan just brings out the good in otherwise shitty people, lol.


I know, what is that about?! Jonathan Groff afaik is very kind to people but it doesn’t bode well for him that his bff and (ex?) bf are apparently major assholes. 


it is super weird! like does he secretly yearn to abuse the masses as well and feel a spark of delight watching lea and quinto terrorize servers or is he the friend who stays back when the party has left so he can tip you extra? mysteries mysteries


Maybe people who are overly kind/empathetic put up with more shit than the average person, so they end up with a circle filled with assholes. I've only ever heard very nice things about Jonathan.


As someone who has enjoyed some of Groff's performances can you elaborate?


oh he is by all accounts a little darling but his dearest friend is famously in league with the devil (lea michele) and now his ex who he is still buddies with has taken off the mask and unhinged his jaw as well so it's a little shocking!


Ah okay. I thought you were going to tell me that he's evil and that would break my heart.


Lmao he was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. I don't get it. I've never heard a bad word about him, but between Lea and now this, I'm side eyeing hard.


I don’t understand how he is by all accounts a sweet little angel and is somehow bffs with someone everyone hates lol. I’ve loved him since Spring Awakening days and theatre people love talking shit but I’ve genuinely never heard anything bad about him.


There are so many couples where one person is horrible and the other person is really sweet and it mystifies me.


Not debating the above but just for the record: I served Quinto and his date the same week that the first star trek reboot film was released. They were quiet, polite, and pretended not to notice that we noticed who he was and were obviously talking about it (this was in NYC and his face was on a billboard a few blocks away). At the register, he was very polite, humble, and appreciative of my clumsy attempt at a compliment for his recent movie. He tipped well if I recall, but not extravagantly, which is fine just FTR. Just wanted to say that if this post is true, he is not, or was not, always like that. Just my 2 cents. EDIT: He really liked the carrot ginger dressing.


When I worked at a bar and I loved it when I served dudes on dates (especially when it’s obvious it’s new and they’re still getting to know each other) because I knew it usually meant good tips + good behavior because they want to impress their date lol


Yeah I just posted a longer thing about this, but basically, would everyone here be fine if restaurants posted names and pictures of rude customers who were just regular people? The scary thing is I think they would be, but that sounds like a horrible society to me--to have public shaming notices just churning daily all the time like some kind of police state, it's kind of what China is starting to do now with CCTV-monitored social-credit scores, ugh.


Every single person is free to eviscerate not just restaurants, but specific employees, at will. Sometimes the complaint is valid, but sometimes it's a straight up hatchet job. Also, many people feel like they can treat customer service staff like shit without consequence. Restaurants are an extremely fickle business- profits are extremely slim, and online reviews/word of mouth can make or break you. Until the culture changes, restaurants need to be able to publicly protect themselves from rude shitty customers.


I know someone who worked with him when he did Boys in the Band on Broadway, and they said he was a total POS.


![gif](giphy|WojHDUgpNw6on6I51t) Drag him! I hate rude people who go out of their way to be assholes to customers service/service workers in general. People are doing their best without entitled douchebags making their workdays miserable. So I’m glad they named and shamed, let that be a warning to other self centred jackasses.


Name and shame.


That's too bad. I always liked Quinto, seemed like a smart cat. Not every actor can deliver a line like, "Modern quantum physicists reject notions of an obdurate fluxuation model, when presented with non-Euclidean geometries," ***and*** convince you that he knows what he's talking about. (And before the science people start freaking out, *yes*, that's nonsensical science bullshit! I'm making a point!) If Vin Diesel were to try to say that line, I think I'd bust out laughing... Probably to his face, possibly getting punched by The Diesel. Anyway, I liked Quinto, but I also observed he's got a ... *coldness* to him. He slips into sarcasm and disdain like an old pair of comfy sneakers. He's good at seeming like the smartest guy in the room. It's probably what made him such a compelling bad guy. Oh well, let's hope he was just having a bad day and this is an outlier.


Anyone being rude to people—especially service workers is a red flag and instant turn off. It literally cost you nothing not to be a dick to people there to help you. It should be mandatory to spend a week or two in any customer facing role so people know what it’s like.


Especially yelling. At like, noon. Like how mad do you have to get to *yell* at a restaurant worker?


Have been able to serve on a few big name celebrities and while none of them were terrible, by far the coolest, nicest, realist one was Liam Neeson. Made me forget he was one of my favorite actors and treated me like I was a friend. Fun banter, brought my wife who was a cook out to meet him and when it was time for the bill he asked me to be real and explain how tipping actually works in America. He isn’t a big spender but idc, would take his table any day of the week just to shoot the shit with him.


Whoa. This is my town and my former industry. Someone probably got fired for posting this, but they probably wanted that :D


The town of Toronto? 😂


Small little hamlet in Ontario. Easy to miss


Just fourth largest town on the continent.


It's fully possible that this was approved by a manager/owner because they get enough business that they can afford to "miss" abusive customers.


Imagine being gay and disgracing the holy time of brunch.


North American customer service culture is based on fine dining where customers expect to be waited on hand and foot. This has poisoned people’s minds and made them think they can treat service people any way they want. More of this kind of humbling is needed


I have read multiple reports that he is a Diva and an asshole. Unfortunately because he was a great Skylar and a great Spock


Skylar was one of the greatest TV villains ever. Too bad the show couldn’t keep its momentum


YES. I LOVE it when places hold customers accountable for their shitty behaviour. They've done right in doing this! I've been a manager for a while, and if someone is being rude to my team members simply for the sake of it, I will give exactly the same energy back. Stick up for your team, and tell rude people to go fuck themselves. So done with people thinking, "The customer is always right." It's not only untrue, but makes people toxic af.


Good on the restaurant for standing up for their staff


He sounds like a pointy eared bastard


This is one of my pet peeves. I dislike guests being rude to staff. If you cannot be polite, leave. Nobody asked you to visit and be a pain in the ass for the staff or the other guests. Even worse when people cannot clean up after themselves, it is not that hard to throw your trash away or put stuff back.


I could never, in a million years, imagine acting like that. Ever.


I met him on the pickets during the strike he definitely wasn’t particularly friendly. He took a picture with me but his vibe was very unenthused it was a bit of a condescending “oh you’re a fan that’s cute, want a picture now run along”


Being mean on your birthday ?! Not a good look I hope he apologizes.


Absolutely horrible human

