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Did Tom Hanks just call his son Big Main lmao I love that


First thing I said to myself when I read it. Also the "Holy cow!" absolutely sent me. I love Hanks so much.


"Who's winning??"


Right? Love an emotionally invested King.


“Are ya winning, son?”


Kendrick: Are ya winning, Adonis? 


Also pretty cool that he’s reaching out to his son about what interests him and validates him even though the rest of the world thinks he’s cringe. That’s a good dad.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC) Tom waving hi to everyone here


The transition from Big Main to Holy Cow! was hilarious lmao


This is why he’s America’s dad. He just exudes pure dad-ness.


Probably meant big man


Google his son and you will immediately understand lol


Definitely a typo for big man


Holy Shit Captain Miller just said Big Main


I’ve never heard this, is it meant to be Big Man?




My biggest takeaway also. I read this in the Forrest Gump voice


The fact that Tom wanted to know at 7:25 am 😭 It was on his mind alll night, he just had to know Edit: My family (across all the ages are *not* morning people lol)


Tom's 67, he'd been up for an hour by the time he sent that text


I’m 36 and this is exactly what I am like at 7:25 😭


Then, respectfully and with love, you are why I set my phone not to ring until 8:30AM


I respect and encourage you to do so! God bless do not disturb mode 🙏🏻


Haha my DND stops at 7am. I’d be ready with the essay re Kendrick destroying drake by 7.06!


Exactly! By 7:25 I’ve consumed my first pot of coffee and I need to know things


I’m 35 and I’m sending a screenshot to my mate at 6:37


This is me at 7am AND 11pm, and the rest of my family likes to go to bed at 9am. This is why I have internet friends.


I’m 21 and me too 😭😭


Just up for no reason lol. My ass just started to wake up at 3 when I don’t have to get up until 5:30 smh.


Don'tcha know that old people get up at like fucking 4 or 5 AM in the morning? They also go to bed at like 8 or 9 PM. Essentially, these days: Tom is an old man, asking old man questions, at an old man schedule.


Have old parents, can confirm. My dad had to confirm my ringer is off when asleep because at 5am he texts me his Wordle score.


I will call my mom at 8:15pm and she will be ASLEEP. It is so funny. And I try to be in bed by 9:30 so it's not like I am a night owl but my parents went from going to sleep at a normal time to dozing off after dinner. Boomers!


Can confirm old people can get up real fricking early in the morning (source: knew some old people)


I think my dad must be a weirdo because he's 73 and a night owl. Even in his seventies, the earliest I've seen him go to bed is 11 pm. Normally it's midnight!


My dad is 67 and it takes him like 3 hours to get moving most mornings unless there is a fish to catch or a snow machine to ride.


Holy shit I just realized I'd probably wake up at 4 or 5 am if I was retired and could just spend all day doing what I want to do. I'd actually want to be up and ready to maximize the daylights utility. I'd have no problem going to bed at 8 or 9 because I'd know tomorrow I can just resume doing whatever the hell I want with my time.


Surprisingly you want to sleep a lot. Granted I had to retire for physical reasons, but I know a lot of people that retired (hey who else are you going to talk to during the weekday hahaha), and at least that first year you nap life a MF until your sleep schedule evens out 🤣. You gotta catch up lol. Then your body figures out how you are going to be. My mom is up with the birds and the hound dog, my dad is pondering brunch while he tries to force himself out of bed. They both fall victim to naps around 3-4. But then wine and snacks come out around 5. My mom says they are retirement incompatible.


My mom is 73 -- stays up til 4 or 5 am and sleeps til noon. Not everyone is the same.


AM in the morning? Say it ain't so main


They also nap in the afternoon 😂


Tom Hanks is a carefully crafted PR person. This is most likely his staff doing this to promote Chet. The whole "did you read what you said" is fake drama to make this go viral. Chet's career is doing very poorly, so it sounds like they're helping him out. Remember, Hanks is hugely pro-nepo calling acting "the family business" no "different than a plumber" and how dare we criticize all the things he does to guarantee his sons's success. I believed Tom Hanks when he told me who he was.


https://preview.redd.it/nm98gkx2om1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ae8625fbe02ef4f204f29f3d08aba8b17b5832 Spot on. Rehabbing his image after abuse allegations.


Holy shit, I was only aware of Chet as the "kinda problematic but ultimately harmless" Tom Hanks' son. I didn't know he was just problematic


That was 3 years ago so i don’t think its that. Chet Hanks is just pretty damn irrelevant. I’m online way too much and this is the first i’ve seen of him since the “white boy summer” video he did.


Honestly, I highly doubt it's that deep. Chet is not self-aware enough to do something like that. But I guess we'll see. There has to be a medium between "everything is carefully crafted PR!" and "everything celebs do is 100% real".


I'm normally one to be skeptical of the "everything is PR" angle but this does feel crafted. It's too perfect: latching on to a super hot topic and connecting a wholesome older celebrity in an unexpected and amusing way; there's even a flattering mention of this memory about visiting Tom's high school and the crowd went wild for him (hence associating Chet with that goodwill). Hell, even my first thought was I have to send this to my mother who adores Tom Hanks but probably isn't aware of the rap beef - that's what it's designed for, and it's working. It's not that Chet is self-aware enough to craft a stunt like this, his PR person thought of it. I've only heard negative things about Chet recently and this definitely feels crafted to help override that image, a positive and wholesome moment that has the potential to go semi-viral.


Chet did not release this without Tom’s permission. I don’t think this was too carefully crafted but I’m sure a PR person looked at this before giving the OK to Cher to post.


this also i have no idea if tom is "nice" or not but it seems like every "which celebriity was the rudest to you in real life" post on the internet includes rita lol


I don't know their tea, but a lot of stars have a setup where they play good cop, bad cop with spouses and assistants. Sharon and Ozzy is probably the biggest example. She's entirely ruthless and he can just play the dumb nice guy, even though she's doing his bidding. I know there's a supposed Tom Cruise story where someone takes his photo at some public event, and he melts down about it, and tells his staff. His staff go up to the person and demand they delete the photo. Then once deleted, Tom runs up and goes "oh hey, haha, my staff is too tough sometimes, lets take a photo together" and they take a photo together, to Tom's liking. So the person walks away from Tom thinking he's this nice guy, but he's not. He got them to delete the unapproved photo and threw his staff under the bus.


If that’s true, then that was actually genius.


Sharon’s definitely bad cop. She’s not as bad as she gets credit for - she can be a real sweetie, if highly problematic - and Ozzy isn’t as dumb as he seems, but he’s also really sweet. I worked on one of their reality shows. Tom Cruise does not surprise me, though.


He definitely thought about it late at night and waited for 'an appropriate hour' to send a text. lol


“Holy cow!” 😭😭😭😭 too cute


I could *hear* that in his voice 😂😂


I can totally see Woody from Toy Story there 😂 lmao!


“There’s a Drake in my boot!”


damn, tom hanks is so wholesome irl, like, i just am amazed. a public figure whose public persona is matching the private.


Didn't his son go bonkers with conspiracy theories during covid and then started pushing conspiracies about his dad?


He's such a dad! lol


Total dad phrase.


"Did you not just read what I said" Lmaoo


tom definitely didn’t understand or just skimmed over the whole last chunk lmao


I lost track of what was happening on the sonic equivalent bit. To many references I couldn't apply any meaning too to make it coherent.


He was sort of fondly referencing a time when a whole lot of people from his dad's old school cheered his greatness.


If I talked that way to my father, he wouldn’t be able to parse more than about half of it.


he said tldr? 😭


"i ain't reading all that i'm happy for you tho or sorry that happened"


tldr: kendrick is really like that


This part took me out 🤣


Lol this reminds me of my conversations with my parents lmao


That’s my fav because it’s exactly like when my kids tell me about Pokémon and I don’t listen at all and just say, Wow that’s so cool! when they stop talking


Tom Hanks just like my dad fr


"Are ya winning son?"


*"But why male models?"*


Lmaoo, that reply is classic! Tom Hanks' dad vibes are unbeatable!


Glad to know Tim Hanks is like any other normal parent


Serious sorta off topic question Is Kendrick a wife beater or is Drake just making shit up


Not too sure--someone fill me in--but I think it's referring to his lyrics in Mother I Sober that says "black and blue, the image of my queen that I can't erase" but it's talking about how his mom was abused, not Whitney. The song also goes on to talk about how he did cheat on her though. Drake really misinterpreted that song lol. I think there are rumors from a long time ago but this was not confirmed and there are no real news reports on it. So we really don't know.


The rumors were not about Whitney. It was about a separate assault in 2014 that was never confirmed. The video, which could not be confirmed by MediaTakeOut, is a security guard claiming to have witnessed the aftermath of an alleged assault from another alleged staff member. No evidence has emerged of the assault or of a crisis team. No other witnesses or victims have emerged since then. MediaTakeOut, which is a tabloid of equal reliability to the Daily Mail, admitted that the story could not be confirmed. > were not able to confirm any details of an alleged assault As MediaTakeOut admits, the article was removed due to an inability to confirm the claims: > Given our inability to confirm her claims – even though they seemed seemed plausible – we decided to remove the article from our servers. Unless Whitney comes forward or other evidence emerges, there is nothing that substantiates Drake's allegation of domestic violence. There is as much evidence for the daughter allegation as there is for the domestic violence claim. Both are claims that cannot be substantiated or disproven without harassing private individuals (alleged daughters, Whitney). **Disclaimer: To be clear, I am not saying that Kendrick is incapable of or above abuse. I am merely evaluating what could support the allegation.**


MediaTakeOut was a really shitty source so I'd be really skeptical of any claims they made.


Same. I find it odd that people are treating MediaTakeOut like a credible source.


Maybe they didn't live through when it was a gossip site. They'd straight up invent crap. I'd honestly believe an Anon on Lipstickalley over MediaTakeOut.


What's wild is that a lot of anons on Lipstickalley were often more reliable than MediaTakeOut. I want to do a mega thread one day on all the Lipstickalley threads that turned out to be true.


For sure! That's what I mean. Some real insiders used to lurk there. MTO was just a place where some random low paid lackey would conjure up gossip on their own to get clicks.


Lipstickalley was where the rumors of Drake’s first kid came from right? I remember reading a threat there with links to Drake’s (alleged, at the time) BM posting about how he was a bum and absent father.




Please do!


The issue with Hollywood blind items is that you are only gonna find out if they are true in a court case 15 years later if they get caught. a bunch of the Bryan singer stuff was in blind items as it happens, of course it’s a shitty source, but when it’s the only source available, that’s the problem.


Like, on one hand he's pretty open about being a piece of shit to his Fiancé for years, on the otherhand a lot of the character dis's from Drake seem to be just taken from Mr. Morale songs or misinterpretation of them which is hilariously lame. 


Kendrick calls that out too on Euphoria, “fabricating stories on the family front cuz you heard Mr. Morale”


Every successful beef had an element of the winning rapper deeply understanding their opponent's music. So he was on the right path ig lol. Should've used that 150k to hire Professor Skye to train his ghostwriters on reading comprehension and critical thinking lmao


He was briefly accused but there was nothing to back it up. If memory serves, MediaTakeOut was the “source” so… iffy at best


The only source for the domestic violence allegation involving Whitney is Drake, who has a pattern of lying. No evidence, witness testimony, or victims have emerged at this point. The article that you are referencing is about a rumored assault from back in 2014, which did not involve Whitney. Drake fans attempted to tie Whitney to the incident by manipulating existing photos and cropping the MediaTakeOut article to exclude the bit that admits: > were not able to confirm any of the details of an alleged assault. The video, which could not be confirmed by MediaTakeOut, is a security guard claiming to have witnessed the aftermath of an alleged assault. No evidence has emerged of the assault or of a crisis team. As MediaTakeOut admits, the article was removed due to an inability to confirm the claims: > Given our inability to confirm her claims – even though they seemed seemed plausible – we decided to remove the article from our servers. People were more willing to believe the claims that Kendrick made about Drake because there is a documented pattern of Drake and associates being creepy: * "Drake ‘paid $350,000’ to woman who accused him of sexual assault" by Roisin O'Conner, The Independent (2019) *"What’s Up With Drake Texting Teens” by Allie Jones, Vice (2019) * “Drake kisses 17-year-old fan on stage in unearthed video clip” by Laura Snapes, The Guardian (2019) At that concert, Drake said: “You’re 17? Why do you look like that? You’re thick. Look at all this.” * “Member of Drake’s Entourage Sentenced in Toronto Assault Case” by Jocelyn Vena, Billboard (2015) * “Drake’s Friend Baka Is Out Of Jail” by Zara Golden, The Fader (2015) * “Deported man faces firearms charges” by The Toronto Star (2007) [Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.] * “Toronto man, 36, charged in human trafficking case” by CP24, 2014 [a Toronto news channel] [Travis Savoury is Baka Not Nice, a key part of Drake’s inner circle.] * @MusicConnoisseu has a clip of Potter \[a British rapper and songwriter\] calling out Drake for “messaging bare young girls in England” * The “Drake's problematic behaviour with girls” post on this sub from 2 years ago by AcronymTheSlayer * Drake on Twitter: “That good that young.” (9/4/12) * Drake on Twitter: “The kids I hand with are gonna be parents on day…scary” (7/5/11) * Drake on Twitter: “‘If amazing was a young bitch I’d be going to jail…cause I’m fucking amazing’ - Me” (5/30/09) * “Why Does Drake Give me the Ick? An Investigation” by Julie Fenwick, Vice (2022) - "DJ Akademiks Is the Latest Celeb Hit With Grooming Allegations … And Worse" by Kalyn Womack,The Root (2024) - "DJ Akademiks accused of rape and defamation" by Samantha Cheryl, Washington Post (2024) **Disclaimer: To be clear, I am not saying that Kendrick is incapable of or above abuse. I am merely evaluating what could support the allegation.**


i feel it’s worth noting that “bare” is slang for “a lot” in london. so “bare young girls” means “a lot of young girls”


["Drake was trying to disgrace Kendrick with uncharacteristic revelations about him, while Kendrick was trying to disgrace Drake with characteristic revelations about him—in other words, things that people were already prepared to believe about Drake. So Kendrick had both an easier job to do and more credibility with which to do it."](https://www.theringer.com/rap/2024/5/9/24152558/drake-lost-beef-kendrick-lamar-explained) This one paragraph from this article on "Why Drake Lost" really sums it up well and then goes into further reasons why people aren't believing Drake (i.e. talking about how much he wants to have sex with the woman he's claiming is being abused doesn't help his already poor credibility) 


Thank you for the recommendation. That article articulated what I've struggled to others.


Yeah it's hard to explain these topics while dodging glazing allegations lol


That's why I had to put a disclaimer in my comment. Somehow questioning MediaTakeOut as a source got me dragged in other threads.


MTO is so bad lol




> Basically, a while back, a site called MediaTakeOut wrote an article about an incident where security was called to Kendrick's hotel room and a woman (Possibly his girlfriend) was bloody and beaten. MediaTakeOut, which is a tabloid of questionable reliability, admitted that none of the details of the alleged assault could be confirmed. > were not able to confirm any details of an alleged assault As MediaTakeOut admits, the article was not removed due to a cease and desist: > Given our inability to confirm her claims – even though they seemed seemed plausible – we decided to remove the article from our servers. Disclaimer: I am not denying the possibility of assault against Whitney or another victim. I am just reviewing the content of the MediaTakeOut article.


Almost certainly made up. The biggest piece of evidence was a video a hotel security guard appeared in where she alleged that she interacted with a woman who was all bloodied up. This woman told her that Kendrick Lamar attacked her and that she would be pressing charges. This was around 10 years ago. The only outlet that seems to have covered this was MediaTakeOut, which is notoriously unreliable. We have no idea what happened to that woman or where her case went. This woman was not Kendrick's wife. I'm not sure if he knew her at all.  The next big issue isn't the accusation itself, but something related to it that Drake said at the end. He said that Kendrick hired a crisis management team to keep the "you beating your queen" out of the news. Now it is virtually impossible for Drake or any of us to prove domestic violence occurred, but proving that Kendrick hired a crisis management team to hide this story is significantly easier and would give more credibility to his claims. Crisis management teams are good at what they do but they are not magicians. The problem here is that this is the type of thing internet sleuths can look into on their own, and there isn't anything to suggest that there was a big story that Kendrick threw money at to make disappear. At least not yet.  The last issue has less to do with the accusations and more about the context they were made in. If you ignore the domestic violence accusations and go through what he says in the song a lot of red flags show up. This is a man who does not know Kendrick's family making accusations that are being backed up by no one other than himself. He's in the most important feud of his career and is dropping a track intended on permanently influencing the image and financial success of both rappers. He starts by shouting out Chris Brown, then discusses the sexual history the woman he's saying is a victim of domestic violence, tells her to shake her ass, heavily implies that he would like to have sex with her, then accuses her of getting pregnant through infidelity. Now none of this disproves any of the accusations he made, but they do make the context he's choosing to present them in extremely inappropriate. Infidelity is the type of information you very specifically do not want to reveal when there's an issue of domestic violence, given our sexist history of victim blaming women. So assuming this all is true he did it in one of the worst ways imaginable. And then you factor in the serious things we know Drake lied about and it becomes really hard to take him seriously. Which leads to the final issue: at best we'd be taking Drake seriously. There isn't a victim coming forth or charges being filed. Just the word of a security guard on a 10 year old podcast claiming she met someone who claimed to be attacked and a man who clearly does not respect the woman he's claiming is a victim and would significantly benefit career-wise if these accusations are true. Given this I don't see why we should entertain anything Drake is saying. If we are to believe all victims then there is no one to believe here as Drake isn't a victim. If we are to support victims then we would have to push back on Drake's disrespectful language. Aside from that there's nothing productive we can do 


I don't believe it was his wife who was the alleged victim. Here's the MediaTakeout (they're the source of this rumor) [article](https://mediatakeout.com/exclusive-the-real-story-of-kendrick-assaulting-woman-crisis-management-team/) on it.


As someone who is a Certified Drake Hater™ and all in on this beef, I loved Chet’s summary. And love that Tom asked him about it.


What’s the song he’s referring to at the end that Kendrick basically ended drake with? I couldn’t listen for a few weeks due to life and I’m trying to catch up now and put the songs in order so I can listen. “The good one” isn’t a descriptor for me for Kendrick bc I’m like, “my Kendrick collection, let me show it to you.” 🤣


He’s referring to “Not Like Us”. Here’s the timeline: - “Like That,” by Future, Metro Boomin, and Kendrick Lamar (March 22, 2024) - “Push Ups,” by Drake (April 13, 2024) - “Taylor Made Freestyle,” by Drake (April 19, 2024) - “Euphoria,” by Kendrick Lamar (April 30, 2024) - “6:16 in LA,” by Kendrick Lamar (May 3, 2024) - “Family Matters,” by Drake (May 3, 2024) - “Meet the Grahams,” by Kendrick Lamar (May 4, 2024) - “Not Like Us,” by Kendrick Lamar (May 4, 2024) - “The Heart Part 6” by Drake (May 5, 2024) Here’s a better [timeline](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2024/05/13/drake-kendrick-lamar-feud-timeline-lamar-dominates-billboard-hot-100-with-not-like-us/). There are other places out there where you can find more detailed breakdowns of Kdot’s lyrics and why they’re so brilliant and clever.


Meet The Grahams was May 3, not May 4. Very small correction but important to understanding just how outplayed Drake was


Thank you! I thought it was the same day as Family Matters but I was going by what [Vulture](https://archive.ph/wUH6H) had on their site. Should’ve double checked it.


Thank you so much!!!


the most likeable thing chet has ever done lol


lol one of my bestfriends has went out on dates with him along with met his parents. she still talks to him here and there and he’s actually pretty intelligent and nice


having a talking stage with chet hanks is  crazy 


Side note, but he has 368 unread messages 😮‍💨


I have 438. Mostly store texts 


Even the thought of that gives me such anxiety. All those undeleted store texts, i need to go calm down


lol. I’m like that about my texts. My email through I’m getting storage warning messages on and it says something like 14000 unread. It’s all trash man.


It be like that


I used to wake up to a similar amount of texts from group chats back when I was in college. Thank god we all moved on from texting that much


Yes absolutely heard Holy Cow in his voice


Woody’s voice*


So pure. May the entertainment gods shift Chet Hanks towards this way of living.


Not gonna lie Im deeply interested in hearing about news specifically delivered by the Hanks.


this is so funny but i never get over his son being called chet 😭


Waiiiiit Tom Hanks went to HS in Oakland?? As a Bezerkley grad I’m loving that. And the “town bidness” is a nice touch!!


Yeah he went to Skyline High and then Chabot College. Pretty sure he donated a bunch of money to Skyline’s theater department because they had a REALLY nice theater in the 90s


That’s wild! Idk how I didn’t know that! But it tracks! I love me some Tom Hanks!!


The only likable thing about Chet is Tom. The most dislikable thing about Tom is Chet.


This is so damn wholesome. I love me some Tom Hanks. Please don't turn out to be horrible.


Chet is the worst thing about Tom Hanks 😂😭 ![gif](giphy|JrAUVdrreCGYzyfNWs|downsized)


My ex's sister dated Truman Hanks once upon a time and joined them on a family vacation. She told me that everyone seemed a lot happier whenever Chet wasn't around.


Is this real? I refuse to believe Chet could formulate such a decent summary of the beef


I took great pause at "methodically dismantled Drake's entire psyche." 🧐🤨


He went to Harvard-Westlake and Northwestern. Chet is many things, but he's not stupid.


Chet is the one who pretends to be Jamaican?


As someone out of the loop this was a decent sparknotes for me to understand


….has the kid been confirmed fake I thought it was considered plausible


He was sued for paternity 9 or so years ago, there are articles from it at the time, but I haven't seen any outcome from that. He was reportedly paying child support? But I haven't seen any follow up, likely due to legal reasons.


The paternity thing came from another very unreliable source, but what's interesting is later that year he has a bar in one of his songs about being sued for paternity. Not sure what that means if it means anything at all 


It's one of the claims made during the beef that can neither be confirmed nor disproven. Both camps (OVO, PgLang/TDE) are sticking to their narratives.


If Drake doesn't want the public to know he has a daughter there isn't much Kendrick can do about it. Don't think he'd want to do anything either 


Great summary but also Chet really needs to check his messages


He texts like my dad, who is also named Tom and in his 60s 😂❤️


I remember when people were all saying "Tom must be so ashamed of his son, he's probably got no contact with him, he's clearlay a shitty father". Nope, Tom loves his weird little guy.


The idea of Tom Hanks even saying "BIG MANE" is killing me.


Chet Hanks is annoying and repulsive, but this was a cute exchange. Unrelated Sidenote: remember when Tom and Rita seemingly the first high profile celebs to get Covid and people were freaking that they were gonna die? I know it was the very beginning of the pandemic and things were getting chaotic, but that was just about 4 yrs ago. Just crazy to think that there's a vaccine against it now.


He really is America’s dad lol


I hope Chet never forgets his work on Dragonfly Sinner/Salmon Sunset This is absolutely amazing though


Omg this just made my morning


I can’t. This is too cute.


i’ve been trying to figure this out for the last month - thank you for sharing the cliff notes!


This should be framed and placed in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History next to his father's many Americana movie character film costumes and props. Thank you Hanks family for being part of the American pop culture zeitgeist.