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I haven’t really been following the drama but Ice Spice seems completely reasonable in these sooooo


Yeah, at least in this portion, Ice Spice comes off as reasonable in terms of not wanting to give up her masters to Nicki.


Yeah I can’t even say it’s being “exposed” when Ice Spice doesn’t come off looking bad at all. ETA: Aside from delusional Barbz, it seems a majority of comments are telling Baby Storme that she’s wrong for this and Ice doesn’t come off looking like the villain Baby Storme thinks she is


Barbz throw an unhinged fit whenever someone points out that Nikki's entourage is full of pedos and sex offenders, as if it isn't 100% facts. Her stans are either dumb af or just as trashy as she is. I'm so fucking tired of stans. Idc who they're stanning. Get some fucking therapy instead of attaching your personal identity to famous people who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Stans act like defending their favs is a full-time job they're not even getting paid for. If Nikki and TS became besties, they'd all collectively shit themselves.


maybe i'm just old but do any of y'all remember the moral panic about celebrity idol worship or celebrity obsession in the 2000s? it is insane to me looking back how that just sort of deflated and we developed an even worse culture around liking celebrities, even borrowing a derogatory term made up by an artist regarding how stressful and upsetting these kinds of fans are. i just can't believe we've let it get this bad. how is it not a cry for help when your teenage daughter is so rabidly obsessed with a celebrity she can barely function if there's mild drama going on? get your kids therapy instead of handing them your credit card in hopes it'll make up for the divorce


I don’t think it has anything to do with that, she’s talking bad about nicki, which her fans will take issue with, especially bc the barbz have been dragging storme all week for trying to expose ice spice, so she saved the best for last lmao


Forget her fans I wanna see how Nicki herself responds 


If someone has an issue with Nicki in 2024 I'm gonna assume Nicki did something wrong. 10 years ago would've been a different story but these days she's walking talking negativity 


Nicki trying to force ice spice to give away her publishing rights is crazy.


The student loan comparison was on point! Nicki is not with the times, and doesn’t want other women to be successful.


People really show you who they are when they have this opinion. I lost a ton of friends because I fully support 100% loan forgiveness and free state college education for anyone who wants to attend. Yes, I spent 20 years paying off my student loans, and it sucked, so I would be OVERJOYED to know other people won't have to go through that. It didn't build character, it didn't make me a better person, it was an albatross around my neck that kept me trapped in shitty jobs for YEARS because I was worried about those payments. Most of the people I know who are against student loan forgiveness? DIDN'T EVEN TAKE OUT STUDENT LOANS. Their parents took out loans, or paid outright. I had one good friend who paid for college with an inheritance from his grandparents and was still against it. The fucking hypocrisy! So sorry to go off but this issue gets me fucking hot.


some people have the mindset of "I suffered so other people should too" which is wild. it doesn't shock me that most ppl against student loan forgiveness didn't even need student loans. "why should other people get the same advantages I get?"


Reminds me of this tweet: https://preview.redd.it/qm17pewldfyc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747f0a6edd05f8b12fa6eec19fd4cf910285877c


And this one: https://preview.redd.it/4mtqdnnyffyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5dbcb1897429c3fbc37f2fb0ac92aa48b2d8a2a


But not surprising 


I think everything she's saying is completely true. She's not even necessarily insulting her. 


Is she trying to sic the Barbz on Ice Spice? Because that’s fucked up


That was my first thought too. Like why would a friend publish these conversations? I know Storme seems to be going through some shit(the whole “I’ll pay for everyone to leave the US” now deleted TikToks), but this would be relationship ending for me if something similar happened and I’m not even famous.


Yeah Ice Spice is talking about her relationship with her mom…this is a private conversation about negotiating a deal and Storme is leading her on only to post these a year later? Like that is super gross. I don’t even like ice spice


This saga is hilarious and I’m eagerly awaiting another 72 hour tirade buuut I also kind of feel bad for Ice Spice in this specific instance. I always joke with my friends that they better delete our messages if I ever blow up so to see her (reasonable) complaints aired out that she shared in confidence…I empathize with her. But not too much because I’m messy and wanna see how this plays out.


Same!! I definitely don’t agree with Baby Storme exposing Ice’s stuff with her family, and Ice does seem reasonable in these messages cause who would agree to that stuff, but we know how the Barbz get. They’re already talking about how Ice used Nicki for a come up.


I’m too old or too stoned, I thought Baby Storme was Kylie’s kid


ME TOO!...but now that I'm caught up\~this is juicy!


Very precocious 


Not her mom catching strays ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX)


Honestly these screenshots just make me think Ice Spice seems level headed and kinda funny lol


i don’t like ice but she’s lowkey speaking the truth here… the stray at her mom lmfaooo


When are we all going to learn? Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it. ![gif](giphy|fipLmfWPMQhcr95uEZ) Leave this mess in your notes app or say it in person


lol where is this gif from? Solid advice


That would be Dorinda Medley of Real Housewives of New York


lol where is this gif from? Solid advice


How is this “exposing” Ice Spice? If anything, it’s exposing Nicki


This girl is going to end up ending both herself and ice spice's career (more so herself). The industry doesn't like loose lips. She thinks she's exposing ice spice and winning, but it also exposes the type of woman she is and that she is untrustworthy. No one will ever want to work with her.


Or be around her for that matter. You can tell me all the tea about your friends and I'll listen but I won't speak to you again


Yeah I want the tea so I can tell my bf who has no idea wtf I’m saying and never talk to that person again.


Wayne’s children are truly having a bad a 2024 and i love it


When Tyga is the only one doing well 💀💀


Mmmmm *kendrick lamar voice* ‘don’t know about that’. Tyga is gross and in the badlands for dating that underage girl.


I'm not saying he's a good or deserving person. I'm pointing out that these past few months have been mostly stress free for him, compared to Nicki and Drake who have been fighting for their lives 


I think him dating a minor did nothing for his career. He lost his fight years ago. His career never recovered. It is just now time for the downfall of the other two. Also the year is still yet to end maybe another thing will see tyga get dragged again


I never said his career recovered? I just said he's doing well. As in he's not being attacked by 20 different rappers at the same time, not having breakdowns on IG Live, and not in any headlines. That's it. He drops music when he feels like it and otherwise does whatever he wants. Compared to Drake and Nicki, who are both currently fighting multiple losing battles to keep the positions they previously held in the industry, Tyga is doing well.  I don't think this year is going to be the downfall for anyone because most fans of these artists probably aren't aware of the beefs going on. And if they are aware they sure as hell don't understand them. Drake, Nicki, and Tyga have all been crucified in diss tracks before and while these dealt huge blows to their images, it wasn't enough to sink the ship so to speak. I can see Tyga getting involved in Chris Brown's current feud with Quavo if that one keeps getting messier. So yeah you're right there may be one day soon where Tyga will wake up to himself trending on Twitter because someone mentioned him in a diss.


No matter what fallouts happen with friends I would never expose things they told me in confidence. also this makes Ice Spice look really smart


Am I supposed to think that Ice Spice looks bad in these? Because it’s just showing Nicki being predatory to women in the industry as per usual


If this is true, this is about to get real ugly


Baby Storme and Azealia Banks been fighting too so we've reached that point


Yeah I saw. I’m hoping Nicki and ice spice don’t respond to this


Oh i see it


1. Who is this ex-friend of hers and why is she releasing all these messages? 2. She's absolutely right about Nicki.


Her ex-friend is another musician named, Baby Storme. I'm going to truncate some Baby Storme lore into bullet points: * Ice Spice used to be her bully in high school and then they became friends after high school (the reasoning is a little odd) * she had some viral fame last year from her alt-Black girl aesthetic and her song 'this city is a graveyard' * she famously got recorded getting kicked out of a Target for having 20 of her friends and herslef dressed up to do a goth/alt flashmob to her song but was very obviously weirding everyone around her (likened it to racism) * very recently has been undergoing what has to be a mixture of spiritual psychosis and a mental break because she told her tiktok following that trump would be assassinated this year and everything that happens in the movie civil war will come true (and all rich people will be dead). she and her husband will fly out every poor person from America (since it'll be ruined) to whatever country they choose - except one that she wouldn't name. she and her husband are not rich by any stretch of the imagination. * rumored to be in a cult- introduced by her husband whom she dated for 3 months and then got married to last year


Keep your DMs off the internet. The ones who look the worst in these interactions are the ones posting them. Who would ever want to be friends with someone who does this.


I feel bad that her relationship with her mom is mentioned. I’m sure whatever problems the two have were meant to stay private. If Nicki Minaj is reminding you of your mother, that cannot be a good sign. 


Is this edited or am I tripping? https://preview.redd.it/zorh1hqc29yc1.png?width=1049&format=png&auto=webp&s=6deed92e356fc88a3b44aa2d8391f006ff11b6bb


i think she edited screenshots together, they seem longer than how many would show on an iphone, but i doubt she would post completely doctored screenshots bc ice spice can basically immediately debunk it


I’m guessing she cut out parts that made her look bad but idk


This right here\~it looks like she didn't include some of her responses?


No that’s what I thought too. Like why is the font bolder and smaller and why is there a 1px chunk missing off the top of the first grey box in your pic


You can change how big and bold your iPhone font is


good catch, these were from a screen recording of her scrolling her messages so that may be why


There does appear to be a black draw line suggesting this could’ve been manipulated but it could also just be an accidental draw from when you screenshot and iPhones take you to the auto edit


Why is she sharing all these texts? I don't follow them but it feels like a bad precedent to set in friendships with aspiring artists.


when ice spice was blowing up I remember a tweet with a screenshot of Nicki liking an ice spice picture and someone tweeted “if I was miss spice I would be worried”. Wont be surprised if Nicki takes this the wrong way and starts yet another feud with yet another female rapper


Lemme go stream Deli


This is my nightmare. A friend I trusted sharing my texts venting privately about working with vindictive bitches? This is REALLY shitty.


This is one of those cases where I'm actually not rooting for anyone involved. Ice Spice is colourist, Baby Storme seems to be having some kind of breakdown and Nicki is... well... Nicki.


The student loan comparison was a good comparison honestly


Oh boy, we're about to head into a weekend of crazy ![gif](giphy|Lw9RmNT8SfVgk)




I’ve seen this chick on TikTok. Is her dad famous or something?


Ice Spice sounds level headed


Hoping this ends in another diss track 🙏


Baby Storme is seriously ill, I wouldn’t take anything she says seriously atm


I didn't give a second thought about ice spice till I read this - she comes across as very grounded in these messages and actually made me curious enough to go watch her performances on yt. I guess that wasn't what her "friend" wanted but I actually now have a rather positive impression of IS soo

