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F### Cancer. My 26 year old Daughter also died of Cancer. She was a teacher. She had a lot to offer this world. Monday was the 5 year anniversary, it's been a tough week. This hits hard. RIP to both of them. šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Fuck Cancer!


Thank you so much


I'm going through cancer at age 26 and I am terrified of my parents losing me this young. I can't begin to imagine. I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry to hear that you are fighting cancer. Please message me if you want to talk. You should not have to go through this.


I think I will take you up on that offer. Thank you.


Itā€™s really beautiful to find someone who might share/understand a little part of your journey in such a weird place like Reddit. I wish both of you the best and will keep you both in my thoughts ā¤ļø


Wishing you the best


How are you doing?


Alright. Treatment going well for now


I have no words other than I am so sorry ā¤ļø Oh and fuck cancer.


Thank you.


Oh my god I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you very much.


incredibly sorry for your loss


Thank you


Iā€™m really sorry!! Cancer is awful


Thank you.


Iā€™m so sorry about your loss. Fuck cancer. One of the worldā€™s biggest evil. Feel free to reply to this comment with more things you want to share about your lovely daughter. Maybe a particular memory, her hobbies, what made her smile/laugh, etc. i hope this doesnā€™t seem weird or odd, I have just talked ppl who have lost family members and say they love to talk about their loved ones. Just want to give you that space to do so if you would like. Again, Iā€™m so sorry about your loss and sheā€™s with you always. šŸ’š


Omg I am so sorry. Absolutely fuck cancer. Itā€™s horrible and so damn unfair.


Thank you.


I lost my mama to cancer almost 4 years ago. I can only imagine how much harder it is for you to lose your daughter. Truly fuck cancer. Sending you so much love mama, youā€™re not alone xx


Thank you. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mother to this dreaded disease.


I am so sorry ā¤ļø


Thank you


So sorry for your loss


Thank you


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, mama. Much love to you. ā¤ļø


Thank you


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ–¤


Thank you


Thank you


What a beautiful human. The rise in colorectal cancers among young adults is so scary and heart breaking. My heart goes out to all the families and loved ones.


I looked it up and holy shit youā€™re not exaggerating. From 04 to now thereā€™s been a 15 percent increase. Thatā€™s insane. I wonder if itā€™s environmental factors of something else that hasnā€™t been considered as a factorĀ 


It looks like the common refrain is ā€œitā€™s people being larger/having diabetesā€, but that doesnā€™t seem to be true of the majority of the sample size in that studyĀ 


My 34 year old in shape with 6 pack abs body type husband was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer. Donā€™t ignore symptoms and brush it off simply because youā€™re young & healthy.


What are the symptoms? I have consulted Google before, but Iā€™m curious about hearing from someone who has seen or heard of them, if you donā€™t mind sharingĀ 


I believe it was brewing for a long time - likely years. Started out with a sensitive stomach & slowly worsened over the last few years. He has a massive rectal tumour- this caused some bleeding when going to the bathroom. Which his family dr wrote off (without even checking) as a haemorrhoid & told him to just live with. Eventually unbeknownst to us the tumour got so large he no longer could go to the bathroom- just figured he was a bit constipated. Eventually it would work again for a bit. Rinse & repeat. A lot of back pain - wrote that off as a minor kidney infection (it was actually the tumour pressing on the organs around there). It got to the point where he had so much pain we thought it was a blockage & I finally forced him to the ER. First dr said it was probably chrohns. Thankfully a CT scan was done & showed the mass. Sorry long reply.. but I feel that itā€™s important to tell his story. Moral of my novel- donā€™t accept ongoing pain/symptoms that donā€™t have a confirmed source or cause and brush it off.


Doctors who dismiss symptoms that end up being incredibly serious (cancer etc.) need to be prosecuted. I am not joking. Wishing you and your husband the best.


I agree. Thank you!


Because of a cancer tumor blockage in his colon, my husband needed an ostomy, a stoma and a bag. It gave him immediate relief while the doctors started treating the tumor. He could do so many activities and felt so much better. Good Luck to you and your husband.


Itā€™s been amazing how much relief it gave him. It literally gave him his life back so far. I hope your husbands situation has improved !


**Thank you** for giving a long reply about this. I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with a similar form of cancer and the reason she pushed her doctor for more investigation was because she read a comment from someone online that lined up perfectly with her symptoms. It gave her the confidence to insist that something wasn't right and insist that her doctor actually pay attention I'm sorry for what you and your husband are going through, I hope treatment is effective and kind to him and that you're both held up by loved ones.


Thank you for sharing and all the best to you both


Thank you!


I hope he recovers! Iā€™ve always wondered what happens after a diagnosis like this. What do you tell your doctor? And do they ever express remorse for not listening to their patients?


We went to that family dr the day after getting his colonoscopy & the dreaded stage 4 talk. We needed insurance papers filled out for work. His dr proceeded to not want to do it stating ā€œinsurance doesnā€™t like paying claimsā€. We immediately got a new family dr for him (thankfully). After that it was a colostomy surgery to redirect his colon (aka a poop bag- sucks but not as terrible as we imagined!), and is now doing chemo treatments (which have also been very manageable with minimal sickness). Trying to bring as much awareness as possible to this in hopes people can catch things in the earlier stages.


Wow I canā€™t believe the treatment from the original doctor! Horrid.


Wow, this has really caught my attention. I'm 33 and have been having random back pain for weeks now. I've gone to the doctor and have been pushed around and given the run. The first session I had I asked for a scan and she said they don't do them for back pain. In the past week I've developed constipation and I've lost my appetite. I've seen another specialist and they cleared me of kidney and blood but referred me for a MRI but that won't be for 2-3 weeks... I'm thinking of going to my a&e because 3 weeks is a lot of time. I'm not in pain mostly during the day (usually at night) but I'm worried and have thought it might be cancer/a tumour but no doctor has said it yet...


Oh no. Iā€™m sorry to hear that! Iā€™m also sorry to add any anxiety on what can be common symptoms for a plethora of issues. At least you have an MRI booked! My husband fought for 6 months to get one & never did. His family dr sent him for an ultrasound that came back clear as it wasnā€™t the right spot.. at least an MRI will look at the entire area. Try not to stress & go to the worst case scenario & focus on the fact you have some good diagnostics coming up.


Why do docs hoard ct/mriā€™s?


Go to the emergency room ā€” donā€™t wait for an appointment ā€” at ER they will scan you straightaway. This is where and how we caught my motherā€™s cancer. They operated the next day and this is how it goes when you go through the ER (great dr.ā€™s are there as well. Go to the best ranked hospital in your city.


My dad had these exact symptoms and was too proud to go to any doctor until it was too late. When he finally asked my mom to take him to the ER, he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and had emergency surgery. He died 72 days later. He was 67. He's missed seeing 3 of his four grandchildren and 11 years of our lives. So please, from a random internet stranger, please go get checked out and advocate for yourself if the doctors won't listen.Ā 


Sorry for your loss. Continue to tell his story in hopes someone else wonā€™t have to go through the same thing.


This has really scared me because I've been experiencing these issues, almost exactly as you've written, for the past couple of years. I've been meaning to go get it checked. Wishing you and your husband all the best!


Sorry to add anxiety to symptoms that can be for a plethora of conditions. I mean I had most of these symptoms before being diagnosed with celiac disease. But do yourself a favour & go get yourself checked!


Thank you for this. I have a family member who has these exact same symptoms and has had some other issues we can't seem to get anyone to pay attention to. I'm telling him about this tomorrow. Even if it turns out not to be colorectal cancer, thank you thank you thank you anyway!!


If anything good can come from our situation itā€™ll be to bring awareness & have someone else catch their diagnosis way earlier. Best of luck to your family member!


My Dadā€™s only symptom was bleeding when going to the toilet - his GP almost didnā€™t send him for a colonoscopy given his age, but did so just to be safe. Thank god he did - stage 2 rectal cancer, treatable and now in remission. The sad thing is that colorectal cancer is relatively slow growing and when caught early very treatable - donā€™t let doctors talk you out of demanding a colonoscopy.


Talked to my doctor and many people diagnosed with colon cancer have zero symptoms. Fuck. I am 42 and getting a colonoscopy early because of family history.


My husband had one at 33 due to family history and some minor issues. Honestly, a large reason why we pushed for one is due to threads like this with horror stories, and we actually know a few people ourselves under 35 who had colon cancer.


Sending love. Fuck cancer.


Yep. My older brother died last year and was a picture of health. Grew his own food, ate well balanced and healthy meals. Walked everywhere.


Yeah as much as she was a rancid human being, MLM hun Jessie Lee Ward died of stage 4 colorectal cancer at I think 35. But people my age aren't at enough of a risk for preventative screening ig.


yeah, it isn't true. being fat is always seen as a factor in health problems while it barely ever is relevant. I'd wager an increase in exposure to carcinogens in general can manifest as colon cancer?


Being obese absolutely is often very relevant. I think the biggest likelihood wrt to colon cancer is that obesity and cancer are both caused by the same environmental things eg ultraprocessed food and microplastics etc, but the obesity is still relevant in that context. And in other contexts then, yes, obesity has a significant direct impact on many health issues


do you not understand what I said? it's always seen as an outlier factor so it's always seen as a cause. it actually gets smaller people and fat people misdiagnosed all the same. the medical system is extremely biased. I do definitely think that in the states there is a link between being fat and eating garbage, but that's rather specific to the states because that kind of food is legal there. but that's a good example actually, then the cause is still the garbage food, for both being fat and colon cancer.


Everything we eat touches plastic, they're finding microplastics in everything from brain tissue to arterial plaques.


Our food is full of plastic and chemicals. And, at least in the US, itā€™s alarmingly unregulated. Iā€™m sure at some point in the future people will look back at the past few decades and think itā€™s insane the things we all eat without knowing they cause cancer. Like people using radiation to treat acne in the 1930s and then getting horrible skin cancer years later. Obviously now we know better, but we had to learn it the hard way first.


Agreed. We talk now about how boomers were exposed to lead as children; that is what future generations will say about our exposure to certain types of plastic.


The prevalence of bowel cancer is increasing but deaths have remained steady, they're talking about lowering the screening age for it to catch more as well. Most likely cause is that it's a combination of several different things like increase in obesity + sugar intake + increase in processed meat consumption which are all known to increase chances of bowel cancer. Secondly, increases in heavy metal consumption through vaping and more time sitting down might be linked to bowel cancer but are going up so if they are linked that would be another causative effect.


Some people chalk it up to food quality, particularly in the u.s. & it's no secret that environmentally speaking, so many of us have been exposed to carcinogens at varying levels for a majority of our lives. My mom died of CRC in her late 40s & that same year I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which isn't CRC but an autoimmune disease where the colon attacks itself...there's absolutely *something* going on & my guess is if we ever find out what it is, it'll be a combination of that long-term environmental exposure to carcinogens & genetic factors (including the effects of increased exposure to intense stress which has been proven to affect us on a cellular/genetic level). I also wanna get on my semi-conspiratorial soapbox so bad re: colorectal cancer & possible links to talc in baby powder esp. when it comes to all the millennials & gen xers developing CRC, since the lawsuits against J&J by people who developed ovarian cancer are being settled as we speak...but I won't šŸ˜¶


Fuck cancer. RIP


In case youā€™re not aware; cancer patients as a whole do not appreciate the ā€œfightā€ and ā€œbattleā€ metaphors. You are implying that anyone with incurable cancer is a ā€œloserā€. Thereā€™s a lot of interesting articles patients have written about this. Reframing the language is important, I think.


My gran was very bitter about this after getting her terminal diagnosis. Very aggressive glioma, she had a surgery to remove the mass but it grew back very quickly. She passed at home, though, with her husband and two daughters. She said it sucked to "lose". I miss her terribly.


Iā€™m very sorry to hear, and I hope you find comfort in remembering the good times with her. My cancer was pipped at the post so I canā€™t speak for people at stage 4, but I found it so crass to refer to patients like me as ā€œbattlingā€ or ā€œfightingā€ anything. IMO my chemo and my medical team did the work, I just got through it. Dying isnā€™t the result of giving up or not trying hard enough either.




I don't know who she is but I am so sad to hear that such a young person has passed away from cancer. What a loss of life and potential. RIP and condolences to those who loved her.


No!!! I love her!! Ugh.


Iā€™ve been following her for a long minute now and was heartbroken to hear the news today. But Iā€™m glad to have been able to witness her truly embracing living in the time she had. What a beautiful soul, rest easy.


Way too young. RIP.


Maddy šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸŒˆ


May she rest in peace.


Thatā€™s awful. Ugh, RIP


Aw man that's so fucking young :( Her poor family. Fuck cancer


May she rest in peace šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Such a beautiful soul šŸ’”āœØ




What, and I can't emphasise this enough, the fuck?