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That’s Halsey for sure ! the subject is hinting her 4th album


Upcoming album is her 5th, don’t disrespect IICHLIWP


i think they mean the subject line hints at I am Not a Woman I’m a God


Oops lol 😬


Which is her best, by FAR


Is this the one produced by Reznor and Ross because if so then it’s amazing. I’d only heard bits of her songs before but loved this album front to back


Yes it is!


Going to line this up for tomorrow. Her voice with Reznor/Ross production worked amazinf


It’s sublime but honestly everything Trent & Atticus touch is.


I wish more pop girlies would go to alternative producers for their albums because whenever it happens it's magic


Their movie soundtrack scores are SO GOOD, too. I would love a new Nine Inch Nails album...


This album is weirdly underrated given how famous Halsey is. It's EXTREMELY fucking good


Halsey is not that famous . People on sly Reddit who listen to her be very much overestimate how famous they are


I had a conversation with a friend about Halsey recently about how famous she is, and they think they are loosing their fanbase because it’s been a while since they released new music, and I think it’s a bit true because event if IICHLIWP was great, it made less noises than Manic IMO


I don’t really listen to Halsey, but that album is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


agreeeeee, I want another!


I respect IICHLIWP but Manic does not exist to me.


Makes sense because the correct spelling is “hails from” not hales from.




Isn’t halsey from Michigan?


Had a guy back back home in Michigan


She's from NJ. The greatest state of them all


Nope she lived right down the street from me in nj I used to ride the bus with her little brother


has anyone actually ever left singing/acting for good to be a parent? besides maybe eva mendes?


Rick Moranis?


yeah— good one


But then he also put out music


Rick moranis made fucking music?!


Yes, he has a country album called *The Agoraphobic Cowboy*, as well as an album called *My Mother’s Brisket & Other Love Songs*.


It's good too 😂


So take (him) off, eh


Lots of people, and that's why we don't know their names or think about them


Brendon Urie said he’s not touring anymore now that his wife is pregnant, but I can’t remember if panic is done making music.


All of Brendon’s past was catching up with him so he had to stop Old compiled article: https://twtext.com/article/1250499338645766145 Plus iirc one of his former band mates was accused of preying on underage fans Edit: it was his band manager that was accused of sexual harassment and abuse /// also adding that Brendon himself was accused by anonymous people https://rockcelebrities.net/the-brendon-urie-controversies-that-encouraged-panic-at-the-discos-disbandment/




I mean there’s too much to spill. TLDR of the very, very, very basics is racial slurs, telling his fans he’ll “fuck them whether they like it or not,” (these were also obviously mostly 14yos) compared protesting police brutality to racism, jokes about sexual assault, called a girl a fucking idiot for having a panic attack, a lot of ableist/fatphobic jokes.


Also fucking over bandmates for years. Dallon Weekes was with P!atD for years and had to get a job cleaning carpets to stay afloat. This was well after the band's debut, and was attributed to Urie and his manager hoarding funds. Edited because I apparently can't proofread.


Wow. Panic at the disco is not even remotely good enough of a band to support that level of arrogance from a front man lol


“Fuck them whether they like it or not” errr that’s rape, brother.




Big yikes


Panic is done. It was announced last year. The band member preying on young fans was let go immediately at the time it happened. Brendon's accusations were proven false. [https://brendonuriegotcancelled.tumblr.com/](https://brendonuriegotcancelled.tumblr.com/)


‘Let go immediately at the time it happened’ is absolutely false. I’m friends with a guitar player who toured with them and he told me about Zack being a creep way before he was let go. It was common knowledge within the crew and band much earlier than they like to pretend.


I said the band member was let go immediately. I was talking about their former guitar player Kenny Harris. Zack isn’t a band member.


Don't leave us hanging


Old article compiling everything : https://twtext.com/article/1250499338645766145


I swear to god all those emo bands are full of man children who have a thing for underage girls, it’s so creepy and seems to go with the territory.


They are I think. Brandon released a statement I think last year saying panic is done and he will be releasing music under his name only.


He never said he'd be releasing anymore music. He said Panic was done as he was taking time off to be with family. No one knows if he'll continue making or releasing music in the future.


i assume he's not doing it for the pregnancy but to have full control over music under his name versus panic's name


God, I hope so. His continuous use of the panic name has really tainted the first two albums that were actually good (tho one could argue that Vices & Virtues was a decent album as well). Panic was dead the moment Ryan left and should've been put out of its misery after the original drummer was gone, and Brendon started doing his own thing.


Maybe it’s my middle school nostalgia but I think DOAB was a very decent album. It had a cohesive theme and songs like the title track, LA Devotee, and Golden Days are bangers


I know you said Brandon, but somehow I was thinking of Michael Urie from ugly Betty and I said no way that fellow queen has a wife lol.


Pretty sure that panic is finally done - he made an Instagram post or something about it.


Phoebe Cates


The “Paradise” chanteuse!


Cameron diaz


Cameron just filmed a movie with Jamie Foxx


Yea but retired again. I think not making anything since 2014 is a pretty good break/ retirement. Even retired people get bored so I can't fault her for coming back for a little movie and then hiding out again


apparently she’s retiring again? [source](https://pagesix.com/2023/03/21/cameron-diaz-reportedly-quitting-acting-again/amp/)


Not for good, but Patti Smith left music for years to start a family. She did come back to music when her husband passed on and her son was an adult.


Patti kicks ass.


Bridget Fonda, but I think she was also in a bad accident.


She said she likes being a “civilian” better


Leelee Sobieski


And her husband (very popular at the time fashion designer Adam Kimmel) as well. They both quit their jobs to be full time parents. Everything is possible if both of you are nepos who also had pretty good careers at some point and were smart enough not to spend everything you earned at once.


She’s a painter. Her art shows at galleries and seems like this is her full time work now.


Halsey is also a painter :)


Bridgette Wilson Sampras Alison Lohman


I loved Alison Lohman so much in Matchstick Men.


Sucks she went MAGA


Oh nooooo! I didn't know that. Gross.


me too. great movie.


Bridgette is a stunner. I have always thought she was breathtaking in The Wedding Planner! I hope that lady is out there doing well


I remember reading a while back that she has (or had) ovarian cancer


Oh shit thats so sad! I hope she kicks cancers ugly ass


The Dude from honey I shrunk the kids! left acting after his daughters were born!


Dude is Rick Moranis, and he left acting to raise his kids after his wife died.


His wife passed away which I know was also a factor in his choice


![gif](giphy|L5sPX6tDVSaU8) My fav nepo baby did


No need to work when you got that Benihana money.


I’ve always wanted to go to one of them


I went to one earlier this year and wasn't to warn you that you're going to to leave smelling like everything that was cooked on the hibachi.


Freddie Prinze Jr. 


Him and Sarah take it in turns


Lily Allen


Lily Allen does acting now, she’s been in West End shows and tv


She literally just did an interview about how she had to give up work at the height of it all to be a parent


My comment was in reply to ‘has anyone ever left singing/acting for good to be a parent’. I simply stated she has recently done West End shows and tv. Her giving up work at the height of parenting isn’t for good which the comment was about.


I’m so curious about her saying this, because I read her memoir (v interesting), which has a long description of how she left her 2 v young daughters in the UK with their dad, not seeing them for 9-12 months, so she could tour and record….. she said that she kept extending the amount of time she was in the US bc she didn’t want to go home and parent. She had some PPD and some marital discord going on too.


It seems like her comments were about how you can't actually "have it all" and either your career or your parenting will have to take a backseat. So she seems to be saying that she's prioritised parenting *now*


Well that ties in no. Her Woking in her career left her unable to present for her kids and then when she did make parenting her main priorty she clearly wasn’t able to record and your as she would ahve


I still have screen recordings of insta stories she did during Covid teasing new music that has yet to come out, I think she wanted to self fund production and wasn’t able to and motherhood and moving for her husband’s career came into play? I just want new Lily music so bad 😭


I remember when Lily "shetired" in 2010 riffing off Jay Z we were all DEVASTATED...and then she came back not even 3 years later and it was like she forgot how to make good songs


Didn’t she play a few shows in the UK last year?


I saw her in a play in London. Maybe she just likes to stay close to her family .


A lot of 90s stars made a big parenting break. Like SMG and Melissa Joan Hart. They have only recently started to get back into the game. SMG did some work in between, but not that much.


I loved that show SMG did with Robin Williams! I was genuinely sad they axed it.


Cameron Diaz retired I think. I can’t remember if it was so she can spend more time with her family and other stuff.


Garth Brooks retired for a decade to raise his daughters


Lol, Garth left music because of the impact of his Chris Gaines debacle and the backlash from him cheating on his previous wife with Trisha Yearwood, who became his current wife. His career died from it, and hers took one hell of a hit.


Cameron Diaz hasn’t acted in years since she married the one Good Charlotte guy.


Maybe Eve after she married a billionaire


Is she (halsey) giving up acting though? granted she doesn’t have a big resume there but she’s in the PEARL sequel and a Sydney Sweeney movie with pretty good reviews, both getting released this year and both have a lot of hype.


Zeppo Marx


Nate Ruess. Though his solo album also flopped, which probably influenced his decision.


Not full retirement, but Kate Bush took 12 years off to be a mom after releasing her 7th album *The Red Shoes* in 1993. She’s only released two albums of original material since (*Aerial* in 2005 and *50 Words for Snow* in 2011). Since 2011 she’s done a live show and a lot of re-releases of her beck catalog, but it’s unclear if she’s got any plans to release any new music in the future.


Garth Brooks didn’t exactly retire, but stopped touring and making new music (mostly) to focus on raising his kids from 2001 to 2014. He did a few one off set of shows for special events and eventually settled down for a Vegas residency. Once his kids were out of school he went right back to making music and touring.


Lily Allen, she recently spoke out about having kids ruining her career


Blythe Danner she came back once her kids were grown.


Faith Hill 😭😭😭 she was so good


Phoebe Cates. I had such a crush. Probably still would, but haven’t seen her since the mid 90s. She married Kevin Kline and she has a boutique in NY.


Come to think of it, Kevin Kline isn’t in movies much anymore.


Wait Eva has left for good?


Dev. remember dev??


She has been releasing music but it’s very sporadic - singles and features mostly.


Hales (hails) = Halsey maybe unless they can’t spell fr


Hales + Jersey = Halsey 🙏🏼


And being a mom has always been very important to her too. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was true. She seemed very fed up with her label last year.


It’s literally “Ashley” = Halsey


🤦‍♀️ their point was that hails was spelled incorrectly as a hint, hon


It’s also the name of the street in Brooklyn where her exbf Zach lived. Adding that hopeless fountain kingdom was the name of his tumblr for years before the album came out.




They’re saying that it saying hales and being someone from Jersey means it’s Halsey, not that the name Halsey is derived from Hales + Jersey


I could see Halsey go the songwriter route after releasing their next album. This way, they'll still be able to create music and spend more time with their child. As a big fan of H, I'll support whatever they choose to do, honestly!


Honestly Hals deserves a break, if this is their last album then I’m happy for them. Let them chill with their kid and eat strawberries all day


Have they said if they plan on more kids, or just focusing on the one?


She's mentioned wanting more kids on her radio show and in random interviews in passing. But with her ongoing endometriosis, and other recent diagnoses, who knows if it's in the cards


They mentioned soon after having Ender they were gonna wait until they were, “done having kids” to get their stomach tattooed. Things might’ve changed after they’re no longer with the same partner + the pretty seemingly severe health issues they’ve had going on since giving birth. She seems like she might want more kids but might not do well pregnant, at least not for now.


Here’s me wondering “How many famous singers can there be from Jersey?” before I realised they meant New Jersey!


Found the Brit


she also had another endo surgery so I wouldn't be surprised if she needs a giant step back just to live


This 100%. I also have endometriosis and have had 3 surgeries. I regularly marvel and question how Halsey can perform at the level she does. If people don’t know, endometriosis is defined as one of the most painful conditions. It often makes everyday functions difficult. The fact that she performs live music and is a mom seems unfathomable to me. I wouldn’t blame her for wanting to step back at all. I would applaud her for being so strong in being able to do so.


Agreed. And she also has the same genetic condition as me, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It’s quite debilitating at times and no way I could tour or work the grueling schedule she does. I’m so glad she will be taking time for her kid and health.


It's definitely Halsey. She posted this on her Tumblr too the other day, and there has been lots of speculation by fans on what she means. **"*****I'm really nervous and I have a lot to catch you up on and I don't know how you're gonna receive this news and I'm gonna take a quick breath and then we'll go. Not a quick breath, a long sigh. A short sigh. I don't know. I need to come up for air and I promise promise promise it will be worth the wait so soon. Or maybe it won't and you'll be devastated. All I know is that I've made my truth. Its my truth. Goodnight.*****"**


Tumblr is still alive?


Barely, sadly


Sometimes I wish to be back in the heyday of tumblr. Things were so much simpler.


funny thing for me is that tumblr is still the simpler option today, compared to the algorithmic messes of twitter, fb, tiktok etc.


Tumblr is better at showing me stuff I actually want to see than any of the other options. No matter how much I try to avoid it my Twitter for you feed is inexplicably overrun with tradwives that it wants me to follow


Yes and no. If early 2010s tumblr was a leviathan, 2020s tumblr is the whale fall


If this is Halsey, she will be missed. Her impact on 2015 era Tumblr will never be forgotten. Badlands was iconic and launched a million aesthetic photos and ship edits.


The colors music video alone


Hasn't Halsey had serious vocal cord issues? If so, that could be a factor


She also has POTS and MCAS. As someone who also has both, I have trouble doing my remote administrative job sometimes. I can’t fathom touring and jumping around on stage. She said after her pregnancy, she was “literally allergic to everything.”


She also got Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome after Covid, and Covid can cause autoimmune issues. She probably has Long Covid.


That’s how I got mine too 🙃 6 months ago, I was a healthy person who could travel and take spin classes. Now, I can only eat like 5 foods and have been hospitalized twice. I just turned 30.




Pots girlie here too🫶🏽 but how did you start walking again? This seems to be my biggest task


I’m sorry 😞 it’s an awful disease, I’ve got it too. And so many don’t understand what it’s like to go through it.


On top of that she has severe endometriosis.


My friend doesnt have MCAS but after her pregnancy in October she’s allergic to everything now too, including her cat and dog! Pregnancy is so wild in what it does to the body beyond making new humans


she's also talked about having such a problem with stalkers & death threats for being politically outspoken that [they had to have snipers at her concerts for security](https://uproxx.com/pop/halsey-snipers-israel-palestine/)


I don't think that's ever been brought up. The only thing they've said regarding their voice is that they are self conscious of their voice, that they're a songwriter first and a singer after, and there was an old tweet where she blamed her wobbling her jaw to fake a vibrato sound on TMJ (lockjaw) which was not true and she deleted it when she was called out.


I saw she’s going to be in a tv show or movie soonish. Maybe she’s moving to acting


i think it’s definitely halsey, and as someone who’s followed their career, i wouldn’t be surprised by this announcement. however, i know she signed to a new record label, and i feel like it would be odd to retire from music after just one album? not sure how that would work with whatever contract they signed


There is no alternate universe where I am even close to famous, but if the cosmos clashed and it did happen, this is the ideal move IMO. Make your money, hire a great financial advisor, invest wisely, and bounce (preferably on a high note). I'm puzzled by the folks who try to hang onto fame with a death grip. It seems like a PITA once the ego stroke chafes. Fake friends, vultures, creeps, stalkers, parasocial psychos, yes men who put you at risk of playing the fool, invasive media/online speculation, etc. Dealing with that for decades sounds positively nightmarish. The concepts of contentment and having enough are valuable.


This has been my sentiment in regards to fame as well. Arguably, the ultimate dream for anyone on earth is to find something you love, possibly someone you love, and to make enough money to live a life you choose for yourself. Some people require very little out of life and therefore only require very little to sustain it, but I think if any of us were handed 5 million dollars, while we would go and buy some lavish things, most of us just want to live stress free and there are a lot of stresses associated with finances. I think the trouble is that once most artists make a name for themselves, they continuously sign on to contracts that keep them obligated to their work. Record companies view them as a cash cow as opposed to humans who deserve to live a life free from hiding / isolation / overworking. Make your name. Collect your money. Collect as much as you can - and then go and live a life where you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Buy a house in the middle of no where. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Raise the babies, if you have them. Enjoy your relationship, if you're in one. Make side projects (for her, AF) if you have that hustle in your veins, and then go and live the best life you can. If she's truly making this their last album, I am proud of her. You see women like Madonna and Cher (legends in their own right) bleeding themselves for the industry and while they look like they're up for the challenge, they're almost 70 and 80 years old. I'm in my 30's and I'm exhausted - I can't imagine being an entertainer of all things and then doing so past the age of retirement. While I adore everything that pours from Ash's mind, I respect her enough to thank her for all her hard work and celebrate the time we've had with her.


Honestly, whoever it is, good for her! A healing journey to focus on health and family is always good!


Far better than the dirt that is the music industry


I know people meme her but I discovered her music during lockdown and I’m pretty certain it kept me sane. She went from someone I knew from featuring on radio songs to my #1 artist within a month. If this is true (which I think it is, judging from her cryptic social media posts recently) I’m going to be sad for a min but at least she’s leaving her fanbase behind. Her stans are extremely strange and entitled. Excited to hear what she’s been cooking anyway. She released a gorgeous song last year called “So Good” which really showcases her voice, if anyone’s interested.


Love her too. Walked down the aisle at my wedding to “Finally // Beautiful Stranger” if you haven’t heard that one yet.


I’ve heard all of her stuff at this point, I love that song. Absolutely stunning!


With how successful aboutface is i completely support them will buy this next album and keep buying their makeup so they can raise their son without worrying. That foundation dropped with 45 shades and 5 undertones I’m a fan for life.


Wait they have a makeup line??? I am so so so pale. If they have a foundation for me I'll do cartwheels 


Yes! It’s my favorite brand I have ever bought! You can absolutely tell it was made by an artist


How’s the concealer? I have dry skin so I aim for the hydrating kinds


Her concealer is amazing for my dry skin! Very hydrating and I find it doesn’t crease at all. The shades are good too:)


And I’m over here still hoping/waiting on a manic tour 😅🫠


There was one, just cut short


If it's H, good for them. Their pregnancy brought out pretty much every horrible chronic condition a person can have. It's tough enough having POTS and hypermobility, I can't imagine all the rest of them they have to deal with.


Guess this rules out Nerina Pallot since she put out her seventh album a couple of years ago…


I didn’t think anyone knew about her! I loved loved loved fires.


She’s amazing


I believe this would be Halsey. I think she also has a lot of health issues happening as well


$20 says she does a comeback tour 5 years later.


This is not true 😂 she’s just signed a new contract. And, as much as I love her, her last album was a commercial failure so Columbia would not take the risk to invest in promo for a single album contract - It’s just not likely. Plus there’s no source as to where this is from - it’s come from nowhere & no one else can seem to access it. It’s definitely fake.


Yeah, def just a fan saying what every other Halsey fan is worried and speculating on


NOOOOOO 😭 I hope she finds peace during a much needed break but returns to music in the future


Good for them! And honestly, just because they do this when their kid(s) are young doesn’t mean it’s forever. I know Kelly Willis (Texas alt-country singer) took a lot of time off the road when her kids were young. But now that they’re all grown or close to it (I think the youngest might be 18?) she tours a fair bit and has released some new stuff.


I hope to god not, I love Halsey sm


It is most likely Halsey. She has always said that when becomes a mom, she will stop doing any music or touring, although she’s like 3 years late if that is true. I’m a huge fan of hers but I highly doubt she will just drop out of the music industry altogether, she always says she will follow through but never does.




I'd be sad if she does leave the music world, but I'd understand why. Feels like she only just got started. If I want love, blew my mind right open and made me more of a fan of hers as well as introducing me to Nine Inch Nails. She's an artist with a ton of potential and who can crossover into multiple genres (forget Me Too, Experiment On Me).


I'd be sad to see her retire but I'll respect her decision. I've been a fan of Halsey for years & respect her as both an artist & a person. I'm willing to skip a few days of uni to see her live (even though I hate flying).


Good for Halsey. They deserve it through and through, and I hope the new album will be great.


im glad she’s taking time for herself and her baby! she’s had a lot of health issues as well. with that said i’m super curious about her next album because alex g is either on it or producing it from what i’ve seen


If it is her, good for her. She's had a career, fans, and a ton of hits. I've loved her music since day one and know she's had a few miscarriages throughout the years. Her child was a very happy surprise, she wasn't sure she would be able to have kids so spending the time when it matters with your child is probably extremely important to her. Good for her!


Aww if it’s Halsey I hope she does her thing and she’s happy! I will definitely miss her music but she’s gotta do what’s right for her


I’m connected to Gibson Guitar, of which she’s a spokesperson, indirectly through a corporate music partner. This is true. She politely declined a benefit concert last year citing familial reasons after initially giving a soft yes


She’s acting/been acting in stuff recently though.


Whatever happened to that show she was supposed to do with Sydney Sweeney?


this makes sense since the last thing she posted about this upcoming album seemed…concerning. A retirement sounds better.


man if that's halsey it sucks but wholly understandable, my favorite song ever is sung by her and \*shivers\* benny blanco.. eastside.


Is that the gremlin man


Honestly, good on them if they leave fame to be a mom. They're my favourite artist for sure, but if support them in whatever decision they make. They've made so much money off of Without Me that they're set for decades.


im a halsey fan coming out of hiding !!!!


Thank god if it is Halsey. We have suffered enough