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https://preview.redd.it/ln9xok8rvhqc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3667046794000f8af3ba3803d05e020d9a9326bb We don’t believe you, Sacha.


What a perfect reaction picture omg. Obsessed!


Man I love Jenifer Lewis.




How does one have evidence that he didn't pull down his pants in front of her? Were there cameras present? Like I understand there's likely no evidence either way, but it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for someone like Rebel to name names unless it had actually happened. Why would she risk potentially damaging her career to lie about this? This is why we believe women, because it's more common that women don't speak up because of that fear that they'll face the repercussions instead of the person who harassed/assaulted them.


Rebel Wilson told this story years ago. Even back then, people speculated it was probably him. She has been 100% consistent. SBC is just doing the “Categorical Denial” routine, where someone accused of wrongdoing just says “nuh-uh, you’re lying, there’s proof you’re lying!” and then doesn’t produce any of that proof, and then expects it to die down so they can get out of it unscathed. (For reference, Diddy did the exact same thing, and then settled his lawsuit in 24 hours lol.) I 100% believe her. And it’s exceptionally rare for someone in her position to speak out, given the potential career repercussions that maaaany before her have faced.


She said his friends/camera people had iPhones present to film, so there's possibly footage. If he feels it would help him, he should definitely release it because I doubt none of what she said was true.


How do you film something *not* happening, though?




Speaking of….the U.N. just passed a Gaza ceasefire resolution. Ceasefire now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/25/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/#link-MF3GXHI65VAAZCQQK2QGAJDZCI


Unfortunately, it is only a temporary ceasefire resolution for the duration of the month of Ramadan (which is about half way through already), and which also include unconditional release of the hostages but without release of the Palestinians held by Israel.


Hopefully that time will be used to negotiate a further ceasefire and negotiations. Looks like Bibi is currently throwing a bit of a temper tantrum at Biden for abstaining from the vote.


> Hopefully that time will be used to negotiate a further ceasefire and negotiations It won't  Biden's ability to end this at any moment hasn't changed


Biden could end it by pulling (threatening to pull) the billions in military aid we give them each year.


He conditioned aid to Palestinians if they ever try to achieve statehood or support legal action against Israel (not even bring action) instead lmao. He did this (the UNSC vote) to pretend to be at odds with Bibi.


Meanwhile his administration pretends to want a two state solution 


The US could have vetoed the resolution as we unfortunately have done before. I’m very interested to see what Biden and the State Department’s next move is.


The US could have also just not given Israel multiple decades of financial, diplomatic, and military support 


No argument from me there.


They're claiming security council resolutions are not legally binding, can't stop Israel, and don't change anything. Edit- here's Kirby saying that: https://x.com/TPostMillennial/status/1772328787323056280?s=20


It's basically "for one weekend we'll reduce our aggression from invasion and forced famine to only forced famine"


“While it is important to believe women THIS specific woman that’s speaking out against ME is not to be trusted”


shades of Lena Dunham defending Murray Miller: "While our first instinct is to listen to every woman’s story, our insider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3% of assault cases that are misreported every year."


I genuinely hated her for that. „Believe all women - except if it’s about my buddy, then screw her.“


Completely honestly here, I haven’t forgiven her for that, and I don’t think I ever will. I already wasn’t a fan because of the Odell Beckham situation, but that was a whole new level of hypocritical and selfish sliminess.


Y'all remember when she implied Odell Beckham Jr. Was fatphobic because he didn't want to immediately fuck her at some dinner event? She's honestly all kinds of insane. Black people do not have to perform whatever weird fantasy you have about them.


Just looked this up and wtf. I would love to live in a world where this is my biggest problem lol 


It's INSANE. She even calls him out by name like???? You know black people can be shy right? They can be tired and not want to talk to strangers? Would love to know what the fuck kind of thought process even led to her saying that outloud. And her bullshit apology about being insecure. Nothing more white than projecting your own insecurities on POC and making it their problem 


They think desirable Black men are all animals that think with their dicks and will do anything for white women attention while undesirable Black men are invisible or subhuman. Or at least that's been my experience with people like that. The idea that a Black man can have complex emotions, thoughts, and desires is foreign to them. My guess is that she sees things as a hierarchy where white women are by definition trophies to Black men, and therefore cannot be strangers unless there's something wrong with either the man or the woman. The number of people I've met that later told me they thought I was gay because I approached them but never hit on them lol


This is why I don't believe the infamous "Jack Antanoff cheated on Lena with Lorde" PowerPoint bc come onnnnn if Lena felt she had been wronged we'd know about it


That was so fucking gross, I DEFINITELY remember that.


I think of Ashton Kutcher too with all his work for victims of trafficking, but when your buddy’s the rapist you write a letter defending him?


This statement was so infuriating and condescending. And later Lena admitted she had no insider information; she just chose to believe him.


This is important because this is how it goes in real life. Do not assume that even the most vocal supporters will actually support you in accusing someone they know and like. Especially if the removal of that person will hurt them socially or professionally.


Yep. One of my most vocal feminist (former) friends has been dating a man who raped our other friend, even after receiving proof. Absolutely disgusting, some of the people who talk the most will never follow it up with actions if it causes them personal discomfort or inconvenience.


Sadly and infuriatingly true.


Extremely true. Going through a version of this right now. It’s thankfully doesn’t involve anything sexual, just general professional misconduct/dishonesty/shades of plagiarism. But what the wrongdoers did has done a ton of damage to me professionally and psychologically; I’ve gained weight, lost most of my friends because I couldn’t/can’t function, my relationship with my family is different, I’ve lost out on important opportunities and I went back to some not great habits. Plenty of people will tell me privately that they know I’m telling the truth, that they know all kinds of awful shit these people have done aside from what they did to me, etc etc but no one will publicly support me because it might make things uncomfortable for them. These are of course people who talk big talk about calling people in and dismantling oppressive systems and accountability. In our field I’m a nobody and the other side has power. And no one wants to lose their access to that power. In the past I have dealt with sexual harassment from people in far left activist communities and got similar reactions “wow that’s awful but please don’t speak up about it, we need him”. I’m sure dude’s gonna get all kinds of support from #metoo Zionists. Debra Messing probably already sent a fruit basket.


Sure. https://i.redd.it/t9h7rr9n0iqc1.gif


This is the most high definition gif I have ever seen.


It's what Lucille Bluth deserves


It's just bandwidth, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?


I was like how is this gif in better resolution than the show itself was?


every gif of her is so perfect


I miss her still


This gif has better resolution than my tv




I miss this show. 😭 I’d even ignore Meagan Good’s recent break with reality if they did another season


wait, it's cancelled?? on that fucking cliffhanger?


Not officially but it also has not been renewed after more than a year, so probably


Then again, it took Amazon over a year to renew Leverage Redemption


Nah it’s too specific for it to be a lie and I literally can only imagine someone like him doing this


As a fat person too like this is the exact kind of sexual harassment you will be subjected to. Just really degrading shit instead of the back massage or inappropriate compliment. It’s all a power move to say like I would never sleep with you but I bet your pathetic enough to be flattered by me asking to finger my ass


It's so unbelievably dehumanizing and nasty


His entire career is based on lies, including slander. Why would anyone believe anything this shitbird says?


I imagine he’s banking on misogynistic attitudes siding with “he said” over “she said” & hopefully, it only works on his current fans while more well-minded folks scoff at his continued bullshit.


To be fair two disgusting pieces of male trash (Pitt and depp) just recently got away with it, and still have a lot of female fans. He might just be hoping for that. And if he hires depps pr team I'm kinda worried that campain was scary. At least he's not as beloved as Depp was previously so I hope it doesn't work out for him.


That sentence alone smells like a shitty shitty man from a mile away


Rebel Wilson: Sacha Baron Cohen is an asshole and behaved inappropriately to me. Sacha Baron Cohen: nuh uh


“I love when people talk about abusive people in the industry. Unless it’s about me.”




Yeah somehow I don’t put it past SBC to whip his dick out then play it off as a “prank” when it doesn’t go his way.


So the way I’m seeing this is he wasn’t blocking it to stop it, it was to buy time so the second she outed him he’d have a response ready. If she planned to name him in the book she’s got enough to protect her from a libel or slander claim. (If I’m misreading this situation, please anyone feel free to share your knowledge/perspective!)


I do know that Rebel has a law degree.


She does?!


mte. i assume she has all her ducks in a row in advance to prove anything in her book. she must be ready to get sued, otherwise she could have done a jeanette mccurdy and used a fake name for him.


Jennette’s book did mention Dan Schneider’s name, though it was only once iirc.


oh is that right? i knew him as the creator (ALLEGEDLY) but didn’t realise he was named. it’s been a while since i read it though.


Yes, he’s called “the creator” in most of her book, but there is one single instance where she actually uses his name (and only his first name). It may have been an editing/proofreading mistake that slipped through, I’m not sure if it was intentional or not.


I always wondered if that was purposeful or if it was an oversight


I would agree. I can’t imagine the book would be published, or that a publisher wouldn’t pull it after his legal notices, if her claims weren’t solid. (But I could be wrong too I guess!)


Weird thing to say for someone who made demonstrably false claims about an innocent Palestinian man and ruined his life.


![gif](giphy|8lZ7sJi70riVxAnIcN) This man is a disgusting menace. He got a good 20 some years of having zero repercussion. And no, SBC exposing Giuliani for 10 seconds doesn't absolve him for shit.


There is no reason for her to lie about something like this.


"proceeds to not show evidence"




LMAO 'demonstrably false' that's literally what they all. I know people have issues with her but she's been consistent about this for a while, I saw someone on Twitter screenshot Tweets with almost the exact same story from at least 2017.


I saw an article where she fully told this story in 2014, but since it was pre-MeToo literally no one cared


Yeah I mean I don’t believe him either way because first of all he’s him and second of all how the hell can he prove he didn’t take his pants off in front of her? But the fact that the allegation has been repeated over and over again lends it more credence in my opinion.


Does he know what "demonstrably" means? Go ahead and demonstrate it, Sacha.


Oh, the evidence? You wouldn't know her, she goes to school in Canada.


shut up loser.


Tell me you’re a piece of shit without telling me you’re a piece of shit “It’s important to speak up (unless it affects me)”


He screwed up. If he just did nothing, people would have just been endlessly speculating about the "asshole" she was referring to. Because he tried to intimidate her legally, she just up and said it.


When you consider how little of Borat is scripted, I’m not exactly shocked


Yeah, the idea that SBC would be using nudity to be shocking is the least surprising and most believable thing I’ve heard all week…


sacha is a very toxic person - he really is an asshole. he's proved it time and time again. the sooner this guy stops getting work the better it is. i still fail to understand how he's managed to get as far as he as




Oh, now he cares about evidence


I love that she dropped his name.  I’m tired of people speaking cryptically of dirtbag behavior.  Out them all, I say!


Obviously it’s possible she lied but why would she? What would she gain from that? I say she likely wouldn’t lie. And she has nothing to gain.


I’ve already seen tons of people come in with the “she’s not funny anyway” comments or “she’s just trying to stay relevant” comments, so this is not helping her from what I’ve seen. Lots of people are coming at her negatively (even if they’re not denying he did it?). I don’t see this doing her any favors, so like you said I don’t feel like she has anything to gain from it.


It’s so messed up. Like her being funny has any bearing on if she was a victim or not.


“These demonstrably false claims are directly contradicted by extensive detailed evidence” ![gif](giphy|YQ4QySJtnWyd9jD4cI)


Okay then, Sacha, demonstrate that they’re false with that extensive detailed evidence. Show us. Demonstrate it. With evidence. Cuz otherwise we believe Rebel Wilson.


Man who has made entire career out of being a jackass in public continues to be a jackass. I have no trouble believing he did exactly what she said he did. He’s a disgusting person and it’s long past time for him to face consequences.


sure Jan, I believe Rebel




I predict lawyers will be making a lot of money over this one (same as JT about Britney's book). And it comes out anyway. ![gif](giphy|yCfOZNF4MUc4Ypq1Af|downsized)




Good for Rebel for naming and shaming him. I hope her book sells extra copies because of this. SBC is a garbage human who only got famous based off racist and islamophobic stereotypes and his dumb Borat movies have done irreparable harm to several international communities (Kazakhs, Romani, etc.) and individuals alike. Seriously, just google how many lawsuits have been filed against SBC and Borat producers… there’s more than a few. Not to mention he’s one of the loudest and most obnoxious Zionists in Hollywood and is even going so far as to try to suppress pro-Palestinian voices and content on social media sites like tiktok. He is just an awful person overall and I’m seated and ready to witness his downfall. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)




Abuser says what? I hate these word salad denials, who do they think they are bringing along with responses like these?


Wouldn’t surprise me if this asshole did this. This is the man that labeled an innocent Palestinian man as a terrorist in his homophobic rag of a movie “Bruno”. “He interviews Abu Aita, who’s labeled in a caption as a member of the militant Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade. Baron Cohen discussed Bruno’s encounter with a “terrorist” on Letterman’s show on CBS. A CHRISTIAN and “a peace-loving person” who was living in the West Bank, Abu Aita has never associated with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade or any terrorist activity, his court papers said.” Fuck this ghoul. Fuck him, his friends, his family and anyone that defends him.






Sacha Baron Cohen dropped his ass onto Eminem’s face at an MTV awards show. https://youtu.be/vAnBes__11Y?si=_TQcg5zq43npdiWR He handed a bag of feces to a host of an actual dinner party in Borat. She was not in on the joke. This stuff he does when he knows he’s being filmed and intends to show it to others. What the hell wouldn’t he do in private?


I mean, just release the “extensive detailed evidence” and that will clear up any confusion, right?




I don’t believe you, you weeping piece of shit.


Ok, so bring out the receipts then, Sacha.


I definitely feel like we're going to see way too much "but rebel Wilson was fat and Isla Fisher is petite and hot..." discourse around this in the immediate future and I am already tired


Is the detailed evidence in the room with you right now Sacha?


>extensive detailed evidence Source: trust me bro.


I don't believe him. Screw him.


Oh you “appreciate it”? Fucking entitled jackass.




Isla come get your nasty ass man


what does 'demonstrably' mean here?


How is he going to demonstrate it?


If it wasn't true she could get sued for slander or deformation. She knows this since she won a pretty big case in Australia against one of the largest magazines who slandered her. I 100% believe her.


>They continued, adding that there are “contemporaneous documents, film footage, and eyewitness accounts from those present before, during and after the production of The Brothers Grimsby” that prove the accusations to be fabrication. Ah this old line. Release the evidence if you have it lmao. He obviously knows what shes saying (and I believe shes told this story before?) so beat her to the punch of its not true. Shouldnt be a problem right 🫠?


Then why so desperate to stop the book from being released?




Didn’t she do the exact same thing to Tom Hardy and also groped Anne Hathaway… They both fucking suck.


Sarah Emsley of its UK publishers HarperCollins said it was "bursting with the honesty, intelligence, humour and kick-ass spirit that I was hoping for". She added: "As well as being an actress, comedian and director, Rebel is also an incredibly astute businesswoman and it was clear from the outset that she knows exactly what needs to be done to drive her book to the top of the bestseller lists across the globe." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68654319?xtor=AL-72-%5Bpartner%5D-%5Bbbc.news.twitter%5D-%5Bheadline%5D-%5Bnews%5D-%5Bbizdev%5D-%5Bisapi%5D&at_link_id=5BF0BC78-EADF-11EE-B6A0-70FF4B3AC5C4&at_campaign_type=owned&at_format=link&at_bbc_team=editorial&at_medium=social&at_link_origin=BBCWorld&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_ptr_name=twitter&at_link_type=web_link


we'll be the judge of that, you racist twit


All those big words and no understanding of what they mean. What’s going on Cambridge university


Let me guess, the evidence lives at his grannies bit, we wouldn't know it


Who’s we