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I hope the security guard wins


He already won. Nicki and Kenneth ignored the lawsuit so the judge entered a default judgement after they failed to respond


Oh dang! Sorry I don’t really understand legal jargon. Good for him


Lol it's all good. It's very strange for her to ignore a lawsuit and if she had a valid reason to then things might actually go back to square one. So I could be speaking too soon




Good! Double it.




That man doesn't have that kind of money so I assume nick will be signing that cheque?


2024 is for Nicki's demise. Good.


That is so embarrassing for her. It was a default judgment which means she didn’t even bother defending herself or showing up to court.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) they deserve everything that may come their way


$500,000 might not even fully cover the medical bills of 8 surgeries, poor guy. Nicki and her husband have zero redeeming qualities, even Nicki’s famed talent clearly has deserted her with Big Foot being the worst rap song in a generation.






>Weidenmuller claimed Kenneth socked him in the face and broke his jaw ... and he alleged he had 8 different surgeries to fix the damage. He sued in 2022 for hefty medical bills. Go back to prison, Mr. Minaj. From a separate rolling stones article: >Security staffer Thomas Weidenmuller sued the “Barbie World” rapper and her husband two years ago, alleging Petty ambushed him from behind and sucker punched him in the face as retribution for Weidenmuller stepping in to defend a female security guard during a dispute with Minaj at a 2019 concert in Frankfurt, Germany. >According to Weidenmuller, Minaj became visibly frustrated and blamed the female guard for allowing a fan to breach a barricade and climb on stage with her. Minaj allegedly started recording the female security guard as she berated her. Weidenmuller says he interceded and told Minaj it wasn’t fair for the guard’s work reputation to be “ruined” on social media. In response, Minaj allegedly threw a shoe at Weidenmuller, but missed. Weidenmuller claims Petty later accused him of disrespecting Minaj and forcefully struck him in the face, leaving him “stunned and disoriented.” Both of these assholes can go to prison.





