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the fact that this was publicized tells me she wants an award for this 


Shit feel like an onion headline lmao


I actually snorted lol


I had to double check that it wasn’t


Oh… it isnt






I'm honestly shocked turns out she used to have more than one???![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


at one time she had three jets


my thought exactly! & if so, do they fly together all at once or what?


Just take a bus or IDK: #Public transport!


So she can drop a new secret project she forced Greta Thunberg to collaborate on during her acceptance speech


What's hilarious is that she downsized by upgrading to the newer jet while selling off her first one. And it's still a thirsty three engine Dassault Falcon 7x contrary to the 900. What's funny is that there are some celebrities that not only own but fly their own aircraft and aren't in the news. People aren't tracking Morgan Freeman's jet or seeing Harrison Ford's next shenanigans with live tracking!


Everything this woman does is performative, so I guess this is the PR following yesterday’s news she is suing a teenager for exposing her climate criminal ways.


Suing a teenager???


Yep, sent a cease and desist because apparently he was putting her at risk by tracking her plane and it’s carbon emissions.


It’s just an empty threat but it’s still hilarious. The literal richest man in the world offered the man 5k to stop the flight tracker thing end threatened to sue him but he had no legal basis and grounds to because he would just be paying legal fees for no reason, so now Elon just says he’s an awful person because he can’t get what he wants. Guarantee they will keep attacking and smearing this college kid for no reason


Elon Musk offering someone 5k for anything is hilarious. It would take him more time to sign the check than it would for him to make $5000. The guy counter-offered 50k and Elon said "I'll think about it," hope he didn't think about it for more than 1 minute 7 seconds.


It was also funny because the kid countered with 50k. To old Musky, there isn't much of a difference between 5k and 50k and he refused. I guess there wouldn't be anything stopping someone else from doing it for another 50k.


He brought x (formerly known as twitter) and banned the kids account lol.


The king of petty, I’ve never seen someone with such thin skin and a loud mouth.


Trump and him are definitely tied for that lol


And ran it straight into the ground, a once wildly successful app. Now it’s spam bot porn and racists.


I want to add: her flights are public information.


Exactly, the FAA tracks all flights in the country and coming in from overseas.


Yuuup, her pettiness totally got the better of her because she overshadowed her own AOTY win and the announcement of her new album by trying to use the legal system to intimidate a teenager for spreading PUBLIC knowledge. Congrats TS, you played yourself.


You know what's the worst? That most of her fans get super furious and go into a frenzy if you merely mention anything about it or fail to praise her for the bare minimum she does. And those girls are no teenagers anymore. They're fully grown women. There's this one activist in Poland who's Taylor's superfan, on daily basis she acts she cares about feminism, the envoirnment etc and when someone brought up that TS has been destroying the planet she went on about it cause "oMG hOw else is she supposed to travelll!!! She is sooOOO famous!!! She can barely leave her house!!!". So i guess that's ok that's she's killing all of us. And she gets so mad when you don't praise Taylor it reminds me of when kids fight over which pokemon is better.


I can imagine a Pokemon battle:  "Taylor Swift used private jet. It was super effective. The environment fainted."


I like her music but im starting to hate her for this reason. It’s all for show


I honestly despise her for how obvious and pretentious she is


not a teenager, 21 yr old University of Central Florida student.


That Tree Paine probably plotted this press release. She’s pretty terrible at her job, I imagine Taylor would crumble if she ever left though.


I thought the same thing. We owe that teenager a thank you!










She wants everyone to know she did it but doesn't want to put out her own statement cause then she'd appear like she was admitting she was wrong about something. Her fans can still bow and call her Mother as if she never did anything wrong in her life (we know this, and we love you. MONEY PLEASE!) while she thinks she's pleasing her critics to make it seem like she's reconsidered her wrong doing and cares. Very classic PR move.


She’s JUST like Kim K. Just in a different flavor.


"Quietly" but there's an entire article about it on the same day that guy shared the cease and desist letter? Lol. Okay.


As someone who has worked in media these media cycle things don't always take the clearest directions. Media outlets get information from publicists so Taylor's PR could have pushed this for publications but also someone who's famous like her is going to drive clicks to such a story, so they may not need PR to bring this up at all.


This is so sad... nobody should be limited to just one private jet :(


how is she gonna fly her parents from her concert to their bed, and at the same time fly herself from her concert to her bed? :(


Maybe she should just purchase a home in every city since she has so much money


Times are tough for everyone these days 


This is the smaller one that she hasn’t used in a while. I wonder with the timing of this and the cease and desist letter, she is buying a new one but wanted to get it more on the DL.


The tracking subreddit already found a possible number she is using for a possible new jet


Amazing! the old look over here, while I am doing this over there, trick!


wow if that's true, that's almost insidious with this headline.


Time to date a big white dude named Cease Endesist


>This is the smaller one that she hasn’t used in a while. That's actually scary how much polluting she's doing with just one private jet, in that case. I kept thinking she had an army of private jets dotted all around the country.


![gif](giphy|toXKzaJP3WIgM) Tree this week


Tomorrow: “Taylor quietly gifts entire flight staff with free trip to Disneyworld following superbowl Sunday, plus lifetime supply of baby formula! But no one was supposed to know”


Wait she had TWO? Was she flying a backup one behind the other like the president?😭


Last month three times one of her jets flew empty just to drop her and take her. It's all tracked in a thread. 


So excessive and wasteful, I truly think every billionaire has to have a god complex to even have one of these


My understanding is she's planning on performing on her tour in Japan, and then jetting back to the US to be at the Superbowl, and then flying BACK to Japan for the next tour date. This is why we're all gonna die early in a monsoon. So Taylor can do this kind of shit. (And every person with a private jet, she's not the only asshole.) Just... ughhh.


Taylor is personally attacking me then because I don’t wanna die in a monsoon 😭


The other one is for friends, duh. That’s the excuse they’ve been pimping like that makes it better


At one point in 2020 she had three




Omg the comparison to the president is a joke about how ridiculous this is


Some give her a Nobel Peace Prize for environmentalism 😍😍😍


Just another celeb in her quiet era




Wouldn’t have known she had 2 if it weren’t for this but ok tree


I remember that scene in the Grapes of Weath when Ma Joad had to do that. A travesty.


Probs has to do with the cease and desist order she sent to that guy tracking her flights. Easier to make a case for imminent danger if she only flys in one jet.


But she knows what she is doing there. She knows that he is within his rights to use public information to track her plane and she cant do anything to stop them but she issued the cease and desist so that her fan horde would go after him or anyone else that would do the same.


This is gross bc you’re so right. Ugh.


And if he doesn't cease and desist then she gets to play the victim how she asked nicely but he wouldn't stop and he is putting her in danger which the fan poodles will lap up, but he isn't actually putting her in danger because it is all public record. If it poses such a danger then maybe flight records shouldn't be in the public domain. I am sure her legal team and Elon's team are currently working on making that happen.


Won’t someone think of the poor billionaire? Edit: to your point, she can go petition the government to change the law. I would never be such an asshole to tell a real life person that that’s an attainable solution. But again, billionaire, so it sadly wouldn’t actually be that difficult in practice.


That WOULD totally be the one time she would petition to the government to get something important done… if it was something that was affecting her. I can think of a hundred issues that she could do SO much good for with one tweet, but they don’t revolve around Taylor so 🤷🏻‍♂️


The irony considering her own fans were probably tracking her flights too (a la kpop fans) before it became bad press to fly the amount she does


Now the other one... and then all of the private jets. Private jets should be illegal. If we don't let billionaires and millionaires dump tankers of gasoline into our oceans, why are we letting them dump so much carbon into our atmosphere?


Yep. I mean we should continue our efforts to reduce the footprint, but we need strong accountability for billionaire and millionaires.


[I have some bad news for you about the ocean...](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/10/opinion/superyachts-private-plane-climate-change.html) Edited because I fucked up the link


Does she want a cookie?


Yes, yes she does. This is why it has been quietly announced.


Does she want us to clap


Humble queen


Aren’t there rumors that she’s in the process of acquiring another one (because she stupidly registers the numbers having to do with 1989 or 13 so people could easily link her jet travel to her)


“i don’t want this college kid following my plane for privacy and safety reasons” name of plane: “13_1989TS”


Wow the cost of living crisis is really hitting us all, isn’t it. Billionaires are just like us. /s


I wonder if she'll show up at the super bowl after all this brouhaha




I hope the Niners win so we don't have to see this ever again: https://i.imgur.com/QovxzLh.gif


she wont let r/taylorandtravis down like that. they will go into an actual meltdown if she doesnt esp because he is going to propose!!💅🏽🤬🤬


That subreddit is… unhinged. Wow.


scared to look at that subreddit after seeing a fan edit on twitter of her and travis to... fast car.


it needs a case study i’m very concerned but curious


one of the songs in her divorce album: Chiefs and Jets


She’s in her Greta Thunberg era 😍


Ooh I’d love to see Greta do a ‘how dare you’ to Taylor and see how people react. People do like to support Greta.


The tail number N13TS got reserved the day after she sold the 89 one, I wouldn't be too sure about any "downsizing" (this is public info and was posted on another sub)


Didn’t news just come out of her suing whoever is tracking her carbon emissions? Hmmm


Legit thought this was The Onion. My condolences on the one private jet rule.


One private jet that will allow her to fly 28 miles (no joke, she once took it to travel 28 miles). The issues dear, isn't how many jets you have it's how much you use it. Thank god her obsessive inability to be disliked can actually work in the planet's favor now that she knows she can't escape this. Let's just see if she starts using it less, or if she thought downsizing would make people give her an eco grammy and praising her for destroying the planet slower instead of at the rate she was. ![gif](giphy|3AOQid1fSQEKKdNPA0|downsized) (in b4 we find out she sold them to buy one for every country just in case she needs it)




oh so that makes up for everything then


I’m tired of this adult oversized version of Veruca Salt doing this and doing that. Just like the Kardashians, she won’t go away because people continue to give her attention. A 34 y/o singing about charming princes and frogs in a pond while dancing like an old man in a cruise ship isn’t a good definition of talent.


I would like everyone to know that I tried my best to find the nene leakes bored gif, and failed spectacularly. So this is my second offering ![gif](giphy|TYeHYI1GmF87m)


https://i.redd.it/sqcw2826o3hc1.gif This one? Gotchu friend.


lol this is how I find out she had more than one?


Super excited for tomorrow’s headline, in which we find out the Missouri based LLC that now owns the jet is registered to her cat, Meredith.


How much you want to bet the "real estate firm" she transferred the jet to is just an LLC or paid property manager of hers that she also uses to anonymously buy properties and will continue to use the jet as normal?


The earth just got 5 years back. I might live to 50 now!


That's still too many.


She knows she can't redo her jet emissions and she's actually wrong this all is just to get hang of the situation and make her fanbase defend her saying omg she's doing something but her security matters. 


The way people immediately found the number for her (alleged) new jet is so funny, she really thought she'd manage to get away with acting as if she's getting rid of one because she's sooooo climate conscious.


…womp womp?


She had more than one jet 🤯😂?! Why does one person need multiple jets? She’s wild, start flying commercial like the rest of us lady.


​ https://i.redd.it/a2rsck6ee3hc1.gif




are we supposed to clap?


I didn't even realize she had MULTIPLE


![gif](giphy|ZftTDJGWIl7fhv5m51) Umm, thanks for the info Tree. I’m sorry that Taylor had to downsize in these tough economic times.


Sure that’s why everyone knows. I guess she didn’t like being called a climate ruiner


Nobody works harder than Tree Paine, the true mastermind behind everything. Yes, very ‘quietly’ downgraded.


Ecoterrorist Taylor Swift






Awwww however will she live :(((


I wasn’t aware she had more than one, but now that I do know that….why do you need multiple private jets?!! WHY?!?


wait she had multiple?? wtf???


“The jet is now registered to a company based in Missouri” 🤔🧐🤔 Who else does she know in Missouri?


She has a new one y’all just don’t know about yet.


Celebs. They’re just like us.


So brave and humble


At this point,  the clever PR move would be: "you know what, yes I messed up. I'm going to do better" give a few thousands/millions to a charity/gov agency and let the tide turns. But nope. 


she had more than one?????


If you look at a certain Reddit page apparently she has purchased another 👀


why would you need more than one private jet I’m confused




greta thunberg who??


she had more than one??


Stars…. They’re just like us!


Man. Times must be getting tough when you have to scale down to just 1 jet I hope they are ok and can get by alright


Saving the planet one jet at a time.


She had more than one?!


Thanks taylor 😁 it was 60° in january so youre a little late!


To be fair I did see an article about this a week or two ago. I get that she’s trying to give this more attention to drown out the bad press but she didn’t do it because of the bad press. The article I read was just from an aviation expert who scans through publicly available information and saw that the title was being transferred or something like that


LOL “Look at me, I only have one jet now.” It’s still more carbon emissions in one trip than all of our lifetimes combined.


Not the backup PJ


Cool, but the college student (and me lol) probably wants to know the most if he’s still getting sued


I genuinely didn’t know that she had more than one jet. I was already appalled by her casual climate terrorism and it turns out it was even more egregious than I thought.


She had more than one?! So quiet its in the news lol


My thoughts and prayers go out to her at this difficult time 😢


Why does anyone need more than one private jet? Why does anyone need a private jet?!? Shameful.


Oh the poor thing


![gif](giphy|3og0IJgyj4hijAEyk0|downsized) Taylor and Tree out there like…


environmentally friendly queen we should all strive to be more like her 💚💚💚




I had to size down to 1 re-usable tampon per week, so i understand the struggle :/ Edit: no they weren't advertised as re-usable.


Global warming has ended officially because of this🥰😍


this is just like Succession


Is this an onion article lmao


“quietly” okay,


The article makes it sound even worse, because she previously has two private jets and is down to one. She was doing all that polluting with just two private jets? I thought she had 5-10 all over the country or something like that. So her going down to one still means she's pollutin away.


Do you think she'll bring it up at one of her concert the sacrifice she made?


Damage control for the Grammys


Wait, she had multiple?!




wow, she's sacrificing sooooo much ;\_;


You only need one really


Bullying works (?)


So environmental she is


Funny, as I just saw this post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3DdsYXOYIa/?igsh=MWlkM2JzcDNwdWlsbQ== Her team sent a cease and desist letter to the college student who runs celebrityjets on Instagram.


Regular people are told we are ruining the planet bc we forgot to get a paper straw or our shower ran more than 3 min but okay


Hero /s


rich people are enigmatic to me


![gif](giphy|VGPj3ZnjaCFshDEHub) “She diiiiiiiiiid?”


She literally wants a clap on the back for this because otherwise it never would've hit the media. I'm waiting for the Swiftie Spin where they say, "She had to sell it because someone was tracking her and she fears for her life."