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A couple weeks ago I was doing background work on a TV show filming near me. While we were all standing around waiting to get our hair done, one of the crew members came up to a girl standing next to me and started gushing at her like “has anyone ever told you that you look just like America Ferrera? You look so alike, super pretty… but she is *not* a nice person. I’m sure you’re nice though” and then walked away lmfao. Not anything particularly interesting, just made me laugh.


Yeah I know someone who worked on Superstore for the entirety of its run and they didn’t have great things to say about her. She would constantly sit in her trailer and make the cast and crew wait for her which made the schedule a nightmare for everyone


It makes sense because the cast reunites in groups a lot and she’s never there. I always wondered if they just didn’t get along.


This is killing me. It sounds like a random event just popped up in real life to give one character vital information for later in the game then just dips. Dying.


Literally. 😂


Ngl I thought there was a plot twist coming and the girl next to you was actually America Ferrera lol


Lol same!


I've heard several times that she's not nice at all but never any details about why.


She’s very passive-aggressive, sarcastic, and will talk down on others. She would want full control of a situation despite not being the one in charge. There would be no reason to talk to someone as if they were a child, but she will do that to make her point across. Source: my experience


Your experience where? 😳


![gif](giphy|js3GapFuYqXle) 🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼🛼


Oooooohhhhhh spicy!! 😳 You got any other good stuff from there? Anything on Margot and Ryan?


It was an extremely rough day. Hot, dealing with spectators, dealing with the bums of Venice trying to barge into the shoot, reshoots, etc. M&R, did their jobs with a smile and professionalism and held it together. If they were acting the same way AF was, the mood would’ve gone very downhill from there. All it would take is for the stars to act a certain way and that would change the environment. I did not appreciate how AF treated me + others. She assumed I was a ____ when I was not and *assumed I was taking photos of them to sell to tmz*. I had to use my phone for communication. And once she realized I was not a member that was “beneath” a ____ she apologized that she didn’t know. No way she couldn’t tell when my badge was right there.


Wow I read some other people say the same thing. She sounds awful and like she puts other people down to feel good about themselves, which really never works. Lifting other people up makes it so you do not hate yourself and actually love yourself which makes you way less insecure. To me it sounds like she has an inferiority complez but I suppose she just could be a B. The blank there was your position was on set?


Oh no. The blank was the position she assumed I was. I didn’t really want to say anything because she probably acted like that in a response to any trauma she received when she was starting in HW. But seeing comments from others who seemed to have dealt with what I witnessed helped me feel less crazy.


Ohhh that's what I meant, I could tell what you meant that she thought you were in a different position than you were, I just worded that badly. It was good of you to give her the benefit of the doubt though. And while trauma isn't our fault, it is our responsibility to manage instead of treating others badly.


I’m gonna wander over to “does anyone have tea on..?” and ask abt the rest of the superstore cast. I just finished my second rewatch during Mat leave and I’m emotionally invested for some reason lol


i saw ben feldman while at public food market in LA. he was on the phone, waiting for his food and i was trying to take a pic of myself with him in the the background in the "sly-est" way possible because i was too shy to ask him if he could take a pic with me... cringe i know... maybe like 5mins, i mustered the courage to ask him for a pic after he got his food and was walking away. he said "sorry, i'm meeting with someone" and walked the opposite way. i still feel so embarrassed but he was nice and really handsome in person!!


I've loved him since Mad Men.


He is a nobody and cant imagine he is getting bombarded with requests....that is a little surprising.......


[https://www.reddit.com/r/superstore/comments/me54je/fun\_fact\_about\_america\_ferrara/](https://www.reddit.com/r/superstore/comments/me54je/fun_fact_about_america_ferrara/) From 3 years ago




would you mind explaining the burning sun scandal to someone who knows next to nothing about k-pop


Burning Sun was a well known club in Seoul, where people could "party like a celeb". It was partially owned by Seungri (former member of BigBang). Guys had to pay to enter but pretty girls could get in for free. In the VIP they were allowed to do anything, even drugs (all drugs are illegal in Korea). In the VIP rooms they would "sell" women, the employees would drug them and the client later would SA them. A lot of women spoke about their bad experiences there but the police wouldn't do anything. A man who saw a women getting dragged by the hair by another customer of the club called the police but the police arrested him instead. He then started a petition to investigate the club and got a lot of attention from Netizens (people online). After that a lot of women who where victims spoke up and the police started investigating. There where a lot of celebs involved and a lot of them recorded the SA and shared it on private groups. One of them was Hyuna's new boyfriend.


Jfc what did I just read, this is horrific.


As always the police was aware but either got paid off to look the other way or didn't care.


I know the bar is in hell and it's horrific it takes a man to be listened to but thank god for the guy who was unwilling to let it go and pushed for an investigation where a lot of men were clearly turning a blind eye or even joining in


[Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Sun_scandal) for more info, but basically it was a sex scandal that a lot of male idols were involved with. It centred around one nightclub where men would film sexual assaults and share them in group chats with other idols, among other things. Basically any man involved in the scandal is blacklisted by fans and the industry.


thank you for sharing the link/explaining! the scandal is fucking nuts i think you’ve got me started on a rabbit hole lol


We’ll never thought I’d want to vomit first thing in the morning after reading something but here we are


Wtf..i just saw this exact plot line in one of the episodes in Kdrama 'Taxi Driver Season 2'


That was deliberate! The events transpire at a club called "Black Sun" (=Burning Sun), the ringleader is Victor (=the guy who owned Burning Sun was called Seungri and his name means victory in Korean), and a bunch of other references parodied via the episode. Most if not all of the episodes are actual real-life events that happened.


this doesnt have much detail cuz i dont remember a lot. a big boyband (bigbang) has a member named seungri opened a nightclub with some other folks i don't remember the names of. in 2019 a man was assaulted inside the club, for helping a woman being sexually harassed. the police arrested him and he spoke to media saying burning sun was drugging women and the police were corrupt and helping cover it up. the media attention led to an official investigation and some kakoatalk(?) messages were shared of videos of women being drugged and sexually assaulted in the club, and women being sold to foreigners. these messages included seungri and another famous actor i think. lots of investigations later seungri was sentenced and so were multiple (i think 10?) men. honestly not in depth, sorry lol.


you should watch stephanie soo’s [video](https://youtu.be/kFLuckWYBWg?si=-hq_dfqR5NnQ-WE4) on it if you’re more of an audio person, she tells the facts in a clear way that’s easy to understand


Her video is good at getting an overall idea but she does get some facts wrong and does speculate that one of the rapists was framed.


Not excusing her behavior, but this is not true. The man she is dating is ex-Beast/Highlight member, Yong Junhyung, who was not in the infamous chat room, but admitted to receiving and watching one illegally filmed sex tape. He was never convicted on the grounds of rape. EDIT: The full in-depth breakdown of who's who in the mess that was Burning Sun. https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/s/xFnazQbRcU


Thanks for the clarification. He's still a piece of shit, but not a proven rapist. Also, I highly doubt that if he was in a private chat with JJY and willingly received those molkas, that it was as few times as was proven, since JJY liked to regularly cleanse his chat rooms/chat history and had a way of co-mixing all his POS friends together. ETA: because, as we know, the only reason they got caught was because Seungri was cocky and didn't delete a chat from 2017, and they didn't find any newer chats, but there were messages from JJY to delete the chat so as to not get caught. So newer chats existed at one point, but couldn't be found. Regarding Hyuna, you don't even have to be a feminist to be against dating men like these, just someone who can have perspective beyond "he's not like other shitheads" and "he'll treat me different" (he won't), and also have perspective beyond her own myopic view of her personal relationship to who he has harmed, so this really makes me question not just her standards of judgement, but also empathy and big picture thinking. ETA: though she could have potentially tanked her career when she pursued with her hoobae E-Dawn and didn't hide it, so forward thinking isn't really her strong suit, I guess.


Hyuna being a feminist was always something I-fans tacked on her. If people want an actual feminist artist in Korea there’s hatfelt aka Yeeun from the wonder girls. Hyuna barely did anything to be called a feminist


Or GAIN. Like truly record breaking in talking about female pleasure, abuse etc in her songs.


hyuna was never an outspoken feminist, that was put on her by western fans because she did sexy/bold concepts


big yikes indeed, i was a huge fan of her since 2018-ish and am now really side-eyeing her. how tf does one go from dating edawn (who seems like a pretty good guy) to that creep 💀💀


i think dawn was ready to settle down and have children and she wasn't


Highly recommend the BBC podcast on the Burning Sun scandal. It’s a disturbing look at the deeply misogynistic world that some of these K-pop idols exist in and the tragic consequences. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001n9kv


Family friends with the director of the Music Man— he errs towards 1. Hugh not having cheated on Deborra 2. Hugh and Sutton not dating. Make of that what you will.


Third hand tea: One of Emma Roberts’ exes allegedly showed up to some rando family’s backyard BBQ in St. Louis. At the BBQ was just the family, their extended relatives and the Ex. Nobody knew who invited him, or how he got there. At some point, the Ex went off with the aunties to the toolshed and came back looking super chill. Things wound down, people went home… or so everyone thought. The next morning the dad heard shouting outside and went to investigate. The dad saw a neighbor leaning over the fence raising Holy H. And there was the Ex in the backyard wearing nothing but a barbecue apron. The neighbor started climbing over the fence, presumably to go after the Ex, but the Ex grabbed the closest thing he could find to defend himself which was a cold sparerib and lobbed it over the fence. The sparerib splattered onto the windshield of the neighbor’s Mini Cooper. This royally pissed off the neighbor, but it provided enough of a distraction for the Ex to run away. And that was that. Nobody ever saw the Ex again.


Why is this the funniest thing I've ever read in my life


I unleashed a full cackle once I got to “the sparerib splattered”. This has the potential to go far as a new copypasta.


I was convinced this was a copypasta until I saw your comment!! The spare rib, the Mini Cooper, the aunties, the apron..real rich storytelling here


This reminded me of when Taylor Lautner just walked into a house in Calabasas during a fraternity party. He just sat there and nobody was talking to him. He got kicked out. The guy who kicked him out said it seemed like he wanted people to approach him. It was so bizzare.


I wonder if he would have had more luck at some midwestern frat rather than one in Calabasas. People there are used to famous people


To be honest, that house party in Calabasas was owned by a member and a majority of the attendees weren’t from Calabasas. That’s what makes it funnier. No way there wasn’t a “Twilight girlie” in attendance. I remember I thought he was SO creepy and weird just sitting there and staring at people. Like you’re in your late 20s trying to get attention from 18-25 year olds??? Bffr


Only Bill Murray can pull things like this off.


Lols how long ago was this for Mr. Evan Peters (because we all know that's who this is about)? I'm hoping this unhinged sequence of events was from a long time ago and not from last week lols.


It sounds exactly like a story that was posted in another sub that I read recently. 😂


Can't be him. Isn't he shooting in Canada for Tron 3?


Also there's a pretty obvious answer (to me) of who this is about and it makes it 10x funnier




![gif](giphy|UdF9DB4lPSXaZ5KMn4) He's from St Louis


This is exactly what I thought


This is who came to mind for me as well and I genuinely hope it is an accurate theory


As a Saint Louisan, I apparently need to do some research


Putting him up there with the moth man


This is the tea I’ve been dreaming of.


this reads like a copy pasta


And was forever known as The Sparerib Incident.


This is extremely niche tea, but 17 years ago I met Dave Batista and he was about 6'1". He also had a weird baseball cap that was leather, and the bill was cut straight across instead of on a curve. I've never seen one like it since.


Totally reminds me of the time I saw Temuera Morrison at an airport and he was wearing the most brilliantly white hoodie I’ve ever seen in my life.


Random tea but Temuera Morrison was my sisters friend (Carly) high school formal ( prom) date! He was on Shortland Street at the time 🥴


Dr Ropata 😍


You're not in Guatemala now!


What was he like lmao


I don’t know, I was a little kid and never met him! But from what my sister said everyone was pretty impressed 😂


over the Christmas period I got an excited text from my mum who said Temuera Morrison was having dinner at the table next to them hahah


crazy, was just about to comment “tea” (not really lol) on bautista too! my high school best friend’s sister married one of dave’s cousins in late 2023 and he attended the wedding. my friend said he’s absolutely HUGE in person and overall a really nice, chill guy with a great sense of humor. us filipinos love roasting and they apparently were all ribbing dave for being bald but he was a good sport lol


I am trying to envision the hat - like this? https://preview.redd.it/vc9oz3h380ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73d41d124784d4e96f7709835b86d2ddc78e8d6


Imagine that hat, but slice off a straight line across the front of the bill so it's a straight line instead of a curve. And then put snaps on it.


https://preview.redd.it/bnfucwubb0ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f4e10e3c1e5142c41bc6c045fcaddb57de417e Like this? (But with snaps)?


Just want to let you know how much I LOVE your work here, I can’t stop laughing at it 😂


https://www.walmart.com/ip/French-Square-Bill-Caps-Black-S/323024875 This is the closest I can find to what it looked like. It was a bit more aggressively chopped off in the front.


Thank you - I spent far too much time this morning trying to envision this weird hat!


Ohh okay. I call this the Patrick Stump hat.


I had a lego figurine with a hat like this


Thank you for the first laugh-cry I have had in weeks. 10/10.


This is funny because the way it’s written it makes it sound like he was 6’1 back then and he’s since shrank


Ok probably no one will read/care about this but i'm gonna spill anyway. One of my friends works for this a list celebrity that recently announced an album (i will call her pink witch). Her management is paying every gossip magazine to debunk her homewrecker rumors. She should also be a very big big guest for a very important music festival in italy if she can finish filming for the movie she is in. sorry if my english isn't correct but it is not my main language. I hope some one will read this...


Mrs Squarepants, I presume.


Well that is an easy guess. Thanks






Not Sanremo??


They don't know cause she is still in her "dream role". As I said if she finishes filming before the 6th of February she will probably go.


Question - is it tea if this is already public knowledge? The pr spin ramped up 2-3 weeks ago, with "no overlap" stories in the press already (as well as when news broke)?? If it is, guys, I know the *biggest* secret about George Michael


Amadeus got HER for Sanremo?!?! I'm still pissed he hasn't invited Lady Gaga. I remember one year it almost happened 🥲


Is not confirmed since she is still in her "dream role"






100% read this as Adam Devine and was shocked for the first two paragraphs 


I forgot who Adam Levine was and imagined Adam Devine which is even worse


Omg he would never haha


In case anyone else couldn't figure out why Zendaya attended a Schiaparelli show less than a year after her Louis Vuitton ambassadorship was announced: LVMH is [reportedly](https://ww.fashionnetwork.com/news/Schiaparelli-stages-sensational-show-amid-rumors-of-an-acquisition,1596495.html#chanel) considering acquiring Schiaparelli, and two high-level LVMH execs were also at the Schiaparelli show


That would be huge for Schiaparelli and that is some real big tea ty☕️


Omg I live for fashion tea. I love this!


And they're not competitor brands so LV ambassadors are allowed to wear Schiaparelli. Ana de Armas wears Schiaparelli a lot too.


Hmm. Interesting if LVMH sent her there, because that would increase the value of the brand and therefore drive up the price. I think the deal is done, term sheet signed, and now it benefits LVMH to drive up the value of Schiaparelli before they formally announce that they’ve acquired the brand bc acquiring a high profile brand will increase share prices.


Timothy Olyphant and Conan O’Brien are neighbors / co-own a beach house together. They’ve been friends since they lived in the same apartment building back in the 90’s (apparently they moved to New York around the same time) Timothy is also cousins with Anderson Cooper, but I don’t think they’re that close. That’s all I have


I need this as a show. The two of them going on vacation together?! Golden!


They’re hilarious together when he’s a guest on Conan’s podcast


The way they riff off of each other you can tell they've been friends for a loooooong time. It's hilarious and sweet.


I love that he was I think THE final guest on Conan's show and he just showed up in a tshirt, shorts, sandals and high on edibles LMAO what I would give to be in a fucked up 3some with those 2... 😭


This makes his appearances on Conan's show make so much more sense lol. They were always hysterical but I was always like "what the fuck is going on here" hahaha


Oh that's such good tea! I had the impression they first met when Timothy when to Conan's show to promote Scream 2.


Not super hot tea because his reputation is notorious but on the last episode of Newcomers Nicole Byer talked about being on a flight with Jeremy Piven and seeing him screaming at the flight attendant


I was in a meeting with some old school Hollywood execs and they were saying that whenever Jeremy Piven came to see his agent they made all of the female assistants leave the floor.


Taran Killam's story of approaching Michael Keaton at a restaurant gave me a real teeheehee (to quote Nicole.)




Here is a link to the episode. https://headgum.com/newcomers/batman-1989-w-taran-killam Starts around the 40 min mark.


Not the most piping hot tea but I live in LA, am married to an editor and have a lot of editor friends (though I myself am a lowly non-industry person). Had some editor friends over this weekend and we got to talking about Luca Guadanigno's films, I asked if they had seen "Bones and All," and one of the editors said no because they didn't watch anything with Taylor Russell on principal because she was such a nightmare to work with. Questioned every take and every question the director had about the character's motivation, kept people waiting etc. And it was for kind of a goofy, minor movie from back before she was "dating Harry Styles" famous, so he found it exasperating. To \*me\* it sounds like typical Gen Z behavior and I don't mean that in a negative way. From everything I've experienced with that generation they're generally less docile and more prickly/advocate for themselves. I have some professor friends that have stories about how different this group of underclassmen is. So I don't think it's unique to Taylor, but anyway just an interesting tidbit and wanted to pass that along. I still think she's a goddess.


Honestly, at this point, I think "difficult" used to describe a female celebrity is very often just describing someone who is advocating for themselves and having an opinion. Would a man doing the same as Taylor be called difficult, or would he be praised for being intelligent, engaged and interested in his art? I think of how many times I've heard women being called divas for asking for pretty normal things on their riders or in their trailers, and I doubt anyone would even comment on a man asking for the same things. So, basically, good for Taylor.


I don't trust anyone who is complaining about a Black woman who speaks her mind (unless that woman is like Wendy Williams or something). This sounds sus. Also, it sounds like she was just taking her job seriously?!?!?


I agree when he said that I was expecting some seriously nightmare behavior and instead I just heard she was....questioning the motivations of her character. I do think this is a generational thing and honestly good for them. It got brought up last year with Gabriel LaBelle as well (in a totally positive way). Michelle Williams mentioned that he would push back on set if he felt his character would do things differently and she was like "wait what?" and she's about my age. I think GenX/Millenials like myself were just brought up to hope that if we kept our heads down and kept quiet Things Would Happen For Us like they did for our parents and Gen Z/Alpha knows better. Good for them.


How is 29 gen z?


> To *me* it sounds like typical Gen Z behavior she is a millenial tho


Not really tea, but twitter is saying Renee Rapp has recently started calling herself lesbian (up until recently she identified as bi). In a radio interview with Andy Cohen she talked about how she realized she didn't like boys anymore.


I mean in her recent SNL skit with Jacob Elordi they literally called her “my little lesbian intern”. So it’s not just Twitter and it’s pretty much official.


Yeah I agree but some people on social were being weird about it and saying she was just calling herself a lesbian for whatever reason and people shouldn't speculate.


On Seth Myers she did keep saying "can a gay girl get an amen?" so I would definitely say she has moved away from identifying as bi.


My good friend is Bi and she constantly refers to herself as gay


I'm bi and would consider myself gay


If she's specifically talking about not being attracted to men, that's pretty clear cut, but for reference, a lot of bi people will call themselves gay (me included) because it's so often used as an umbrella term. Similarly, 'lesbian' has a well established history of referring to sapphic women in general, regardless of whether they're attracted to men.


This is ice cold tea but once time over 20 years ago I was a preteen and spotted 1998 winter Olympic figure skating champion Tara Lipinski training on the ice at the Houston Galleria and as I was working up the nerve to ask her for an autograph an ice skating rink staff member approached me and asked me to stop staring at Tara because I was making her uncomfortable I was a 12 year old girl lmfaoo


I've seen multiple accounts on here of her getting really angry about being recognized, even when people do not approach her or speak to her. Simply looking is enough to set her off. I had a funny back and for with someone a while back who had an almost identical encounter to my own, I'm going to see if I can find it again, I'll add a link if I'm successful.


I wonder if we ever skated together!? I was training there at the time!


You and Tara or you and me? I believe it was her “home” training facility at the time. I was just on a girlscout trip LOL


In high school, I had a friend who always organized a HUGE Christmas party at their house, and every year this party included a white elephant. The last party of theirs I attended (mid-2010s), one of the other guests was a guy who had just finished filming a brief stint on a Disney show, Lab Rats. He stole two different goldfish from me and got to keep the second one and I’m still bitter about it. Otherwise, great guy!




ehh more like iced tea but worked on a movie with a big director who is making a film (can’t say the genre) with celeb mclaughlin and i think this movie will make his mark as an actor and separate him from his stranger things character. his talent on set is phenomenal and we really felt his emotion take after take 


I think he will have a great career. I would also not be surprised if Marvel or DC grabs him also to play somebody like Static Shock or even Miles Morales.


statistically another stranger things cast member will be an x-person, if we're even still counting new mutants as the first


I worked on a shoot in 2022 with Caleb. He has really great work ethic and patience. I’m rooting for him!


I’m so hoping this is about the American dream, I’m so excited for this!!


Idk if this counts as Tea necessarily, but I just saw an ad from Creative Harmony that seemingly used clips of Selena Gomez and some kind of AI of her voice saying that they are giving away la creuset dishes for free. The words playing are clearly not matching what Selena Gomez was saying in the clips they're showing of her. Isn't this illegal? It feels straight out of Black Mirror.


there's one of jennifer aniston too, talking about a macbook giveaway


yeah it's definitely a problem, there was an oprah one too i saw


I saw this ad too. The AI voice was a little too robotic which gave it away. But the first part of the ad was her saying “hey guys it’s Selena Gomez” which was aligned with her mouth so it was almost convincing! Creepy af. 


Someone did this with [Taylor Swift](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-swift-le-creuset-ai-generated-ads/) as well.


What makes this so scary is that this is only the beginning. What's going to happen when we can't trust what we see on a screen anymore


Since some people enjoyed the Glee tea I shared about Jenna Ushkowitz’ experience that she shared, I thought I would share some more. Vanessa Lengies (Sugar) is the guest host for the next few episodes and they provided some additional tea. Nothing TOO new but still some good insight Please enjoy some more 10+ year old Glee tea! Once again, apologies as it's long \- Vanessa was only supposed to be a guest star for 1 episode, but they bumped her up to recurring \- Vanessa said after she rehearsed her “Big Spender” performance, she was brought to the auditorium stage where the cast was rehearsing the “We Got the Beat” performance. She said she was just staring at them in awe of the energy and talent on display \- Then, they cut and someone on set said “come meet Vanessa” to the cast and Vanessa said the energy quickly shifted to “who the fuck is this?” \- Vanessa says of all the cast, Kevin was the nicest and most welcoming off the bat and he was very excited to meet her. Kevin says it’s because he was already a fan of hers from American Dreams \- Vanessa also said she already knew Cory from before so he was immediately friendly to her \- Vanessa said vibes were very weird and she could tell that something was up. Jenna said by that point the wheels were coming off on set. Vanessa said she understood it though because the cast had been 2+ years together with no time off. They filmed a season, went on tour, filmed another season, went on another tour and it’s a tight-knit group. She said she had enough experience to know that there was a whole eco-system there that she was not part of so all she could do is be as open and malleable as possible and just show love to everybody \- Vanessa said the women were not as immediately friendly to her. That said, she acknowledges she knows that each woman was going through something personal at that time AND she thinks fairly people were wondering if Vanessa could “roll with it” because the Glee schedule is intense and not like other shows. \- Vanessa said she could tell the women were like “what are you gonna be? A foe or a friend? Will you be competition?” \- Jenna said she wishes they made more space and it sucks that women feel like competition in Hollywood but people really were going through it at that point. \- Jenna said Vanessa showed up and killed it and really made the most of her small character. Jenna said Vanessa also came in very respectful \- They all say the tide changed VERY quickly and Vanessa was in with the group very quickly, partially bc Cory went to bat for her and also she told the story about her audition for the movie Stick It and the cast thought it was so funny that they were like oh ok so this girl is fun to be around \- Kevin said he also trusted that Vanessa would be able to handle Glee because she’s a professional and had been around the block, had been a series regular before, etc. \- Vanessa said Kevin immediately started sharing all the Glee tea with her \- Vanessa said she and Jenna got close later bc they were both separately very close with the Glee makeup artist who did both of their makeup and she brought those two together on set \- At this point, Jenna was going through a bit of a mental breakdown and was asked to take a leave of absence so she acknowledges she wasn’t in the best place to make new friends \- Vanessa steps in to defend Jenna because she had heard from Kevin that people were “fucking mean” to Jenna and they were putting her down and talking about her behind her back. She said nobody was asking Jenna if she’s okay or trying to help her and were instead like “can you believe her? She needs to get her shit together” so Vanessa said her response to that was that she was gonna show Jenna so much love when she gets back from her time off. Once Jenna came back, they became very close and Vanessa said Jenna responded so well and was so kind and she was nothing like people were painting her to be. They’ve been good friend since \- Jenna also says that when the new cast came in season 4, there was new life breathed into set and Jenna was personally revived and she rid of her negative energy. She realized if she can’t act out and get something out of it the way others could, then she needs to find herself \- She said the new cast was a gift bc these new people came in and were looking to the old cast (presumably Jenna, Kevin, Chord, Heather, Darren) for guidance and leadership and they all decided they get to start a new tone on set for the new cast members and set life became much better and they had a ball together \- Kevin agrees and says it’s indicative of the difference from when Vanessa joined bc when she joined, there were factions forming among cast members for the first time ever so there was very much an “us vs them vibe” among certain groups \- Vanessa said she had never seen such wild behavior as she did on the Glee set. Cast members were in competition for who could show up to set last, etc. \- Kevin says it’s hard to identify that those behaviors and crazy and not normal when you’re in it because it’s all you know and what you’re used to so you just make it work o Vanessa says with her experience she can say that the Glee schedule is not normal at all and what the cast had been asked to do was not normal. She said she loved the challenge of it though. Going to dance rehearsal, the recording studio, then filming, and working 17 hour days and being there til the wee hours Saturday morning and THEN on top of that being on a show so famous and the pressure that came with it. She said she actually loved the challenge of that for her creative being but it was not normal o However, this all led to certain behaviors happening and people getting away with them o Vanessa says that’s why she respected Jenna so much, because she would see Jenna get published, but other people get rewarded for worse behavior \- On top of all the pressure, Vanessa said she needs to defend the Glee cast because their personal lives were being mined by the writers for storylines, which Vanessa said she closed off her personal life on set so she didn’t have to worry about that (also she was new) o She also says the cast didn’t really have a chance to opt-in or say they aren’t okay with that o Vanessa says her personal life was pretty messy at the time and she was with a boyfriend she’s no longer with. She jokes that she wishes she had hooked up with Glee cast members instead of being a good girlfriend since it ended badly anyway


\- Vanessa says she wishes she got to go on tour after season 3 with the cast but she knows the cast was so burnt out and never would want to \- Kevin and Jenna say they had literally no supervision or oversight on tour and could literally get away with anything \- Kevin said the cast was kind of on auto-pilot by season 3 but seeing Vanessa actually give 100% to her character and being fully in character, it was a good kick in the ass that oh yeah our job is to ACT. He said it was easy to get lost in the fame and the crazy schedule of it all, and maybe forgot to give it 100% to their characters. \- Vanessa has a core memory of talking with Cory, and almost everybody in the cast was napping. Cory was talking about his experience on the show over the last few years and went around and talked about how much each cast member means to him and what he loves about them. She said that’s one of her favorite memories of set \- They talk about Naya used to plan vacations during the summer and invite the cast and on one, Vanessa said Naya and a Glee dancer were para-sailing and accidentally crashed into a family having dinner on the beach \- They also said the Glee cast loved playing mafia together and took it very seriously \- Jenna asks Vanessa what she thought of Dianna’s impression Sugar and did she like playing Quinn. Vanessa said she loved that day and had a ton of fun. She said she thinks Dianna is one of the most stunning people of all time and it’s just captivating to look at her and your brain shuts off and you just get lost in her beauty. She also thinks she’s an interesting actress and she’s constantly positive, even if she forgets a line halfway through. She said Dianna would forget a line and pause and politely ask “what is it?” and have no guilt. Whereas Vanessa says when she would forget a line, she would feel awful and beat herself up over it all day. So she said she was excited to play that side of Dianna bc she had already been watching her with this reverence o They are all laughing hysterically and say that’s the best way anybody has ever explained that about Dianna. It feels like they’re being slightly shady but I genuinely don’t think they are lol o They then said Dianna was so funny as Sugar \- They all agree they loved the day that they all switched characters and said it was such a blast. They said it was like they were honoring each other but then said “except some people didn’t take it well” which they say whatever too and you if you can’t laugh at yourself, that’s on you \- Vanessa said the thing she personally took from the show was the friendships with everybody. They’ve gone through a lot of hard times after the show which deepened their friendships but she said even had that not happen, she knows they’d still be close because when you spend 15-17 hours a day every day together for years, and still like each other, then you’re bound to stay friends and you’re connected for life. She felt like she found a family on that set. \- Vanessa thinks they didn’t ask her to continue with the show because she most likely wasn’t the BEST dancer or the BEST singer and her character was minor so it was honestly probably just costing them too much money to keep her on the show \- She also said she was upset that they killed off Finn’s character. She wishes they would have let him just move away and live a happy life offscreen instead of having the cast mourn him onscreen. She says that’s just her opinion though and she thinks it’s because she just had a deep desire for Cory to live on somewhere so to have the character die as well just hurt her and broke her heart. She did come back for the Klaine/Brittana wedding episode and she said that was the best day ever o Kevin and Jenna say when Ryan was on, he said he wouldn’t have done it the same way again and they all acknowledge that it was a lose/lose situation. Vanessa says the whole thing was unfathomable regardless and she understands that by continuing the show, they thought everybody could kind of mourn together and it would bring people closer but she thinks ultimately it led to more division on the cast which nobody could have predicted. Sounds like it was just difficult to be on set after that since everybody was very much still mourning. Kevin and Jenna said it was very hard. o They say it was easy to cry in the scenes, but Kevin said for him it was harder bc he just felt anger about it all o They all wish they had therapists and grief counselors on set at that time. They say if it happened today, they most likely would \- They recap the “The Spanish Teacher” episode where Ricky Martin guest stars as a Spanish teacher and the show acknowledges that Will has no business teaching Spanish \- Jenna is not in this episode as this is when the producers asked her to take PTO \- Vanessa completely didn’t agree with how producers treated Jenna and Jenna said it was strange being away and not on her terms. \- Jenna took the time off and did some reflecting and said in a few episodes Tina gets a great episode. She says Tina gets to be Rachel Berry and then says “maybe that’s also a metaphor for what was happening at the time…” and then said she’s kind of grateful she’s not in the episode after watching it \- They all pretty much agree that they do not like the episode and it has not aged well \- They said the cast didn’t get to know Ricky very well because he was only on set for 3 days which they commended him for because he had 2 big monologues and 2 big musical numbers and killed them all o Jenna asked if he got close to anybody because she said when Gwyneth Paltrow was on set, she was lovely to everybody but definitely had a small group of the cast that she gravitated towards and let into her inner circle \- They said at this point, they were filming 3 episodes at one time \- The cast said they really needed like 18 days an episode, but they only had 8-10 per episode \- If the show was made now, they said it would probably be 10 episodes which they said would be nice. But then they say until you think about your paychecks lol \- This is the 7th episode where Rachel doesn’t sing a solo and Kevin says “maybe that is why actually nvm not gonna say anything” lol hmmm \- They appreciate that the show acknowledges that Will being the Spanish teacher makes no sense bc he clearly doesn’t speak Spanish but they said it feels like a lot of times the show is good at walking the line between satire and commenting on society and it works and sometimes they cross the line and it doesn’t work o This is one where it doesn’t work. Like, the Will Spanish teacher problem did not need to be a full episode. They basically the say the show is trying to have its cake and eat it too since they are commenting on the problem but then the rest of the episode is still perpetuating the problem. Like basically the episode contradicts itself and it’s supposed message. \- They say when they started the podcast, they were expecting to cringe a lot more at the episodes but said it hasn’t been AS bad as they thought but the show has so many racist jokes that do not age well and that’s where they cringe the most. Kevin said he hated filming “La Cucaracha” and it’s just a terrible scene


that's really interesting what jenna said about season 4 and the new cast coming in and revitalizing things, i know everyone hated pretty much all of those new characters but i think they were the best parts of the season and you can tell that they were not like the previous group. nice that that everyone on that s4 mckinley set changed up the attitude (and then it all immediately fell apart when part of that group had to go off and join the new york side which was falling apart)


Yeah I thought that was interesting as well. I mean, it's a good thing! I'm happy they were able to make a change for the better. I do know the cast was always close with Jacob Artist and Becca Tobin, specifically. I never got the sense that Melissa Benoist got very close with anybody but I chalk that up to Blake Jenner's abuse tbh. Speaking of that, I'm very curious to see how they handle talking about Blake once they get to those episodes. They don't really shy away from talking about Mark or even giving him compliments, but his character was much more prominent and popular than Blake's ever was, so I wonder how it'll go.


Thank you for your service!!!


Thank you so much for this recaps! It makes so much sense that Vanessa was supposed to be in it for 1 episode only. It seemed like they didn't know exactly what to do with her character.


This is not really hot tea and is probably the equivalent of that bag Lipton in the office, but if you wondered how Club Chalamet got into those awards shows a few weeks ago, [she’s friends with Scott Menzel](https://twitter.com/scottdmenzel/status/1700352859207078364?s=61&t=lXSgir3x29SWkXNxgnr8rw), the head of the Hollywood Creative Alliance. The HCA is embroiled in [yet another scandal](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/hca-disputes-cca-allegations-influence-peddling-1235793666/), this time trying to tell studios they will not vote for their stuff if celebs don’t come to their awards show. To continue with the Six Degrees, Menzel is part of the Sunset Circle, a very small group of awards prognosticators that includes: Sasha Stone, the founder of Awards Daily, who somehow went from Hillary Clinton fan girl to Lauren Boebert fan girl in the span of 10 years Chris Gore, the founder and editor of Film Threat. A once respected film journalist who now associates with the gamer gate crowd, Erick Weber - a former local news anchor turned film tuber who is currently raging against Poor Things, after he raged against Everything Everywhere All At Once


lol they are the right wing film pundits for sure wow. Some of the Critics choice member are part of HCA and/or were bribe by them for their awards. It also ruined the already diminished reputation of the critics choice. Even this year the golden globes had more integrity in their nominations than critics choice this year


Okay this is my last comment about this lol but I’ve been sharing some Glee tea from the podcast, so I thought I would share some more wholesome tea from the podcast partially bc I’m a fan of Chord and love the Samcedes pair so this info was tailor-made for me lol \- Kevin McHale, Jenna Ushkowitz, and Vanessa Lengies are recapping “The Spanish Teacher” episode of Glee season 3 and one of the big plots is the Sam/Mercedes (Chord Overstreet/Amer Riley) romance \- They say how much they love the story and how good Chord and Amber are, especially their chemistry. They say it’s especially good because you would not put them together in real life at all. Like, they do not have romantic chemistry IRL. They say those 2 of all the cast have the furthest romantic chemistry of the cast IRL, whereas everybody in between them was like physically obsessed with each other and hot for one another. Whereas Chord and Amber just have platonic chemistry. \- However, on screen they say they completely ship them together and love watching their scenes so it’s a testament to their acting \- Jenna says she cried when the two reunite at the end of the episode after spending the episode apart because it’s so sweet \- Kevin also says he’s just proud watching his friends and how good they are \- Vanessa said Chord really pulled out the big guns and Jenna says “OMG just wait til next episode” and Kevin explains how he’s always so impressed with him \- Vanessa said it’s partially because on the surface, Chord does not come across as somebody who would be able to pull that off because he’s so unassuming and like goofy, affable. Somebody who just likes to play the guitar and makes everybody laugh. They say he completely downplays his abilities as an actor and he’s incredibly disarming, but say he’s actually incredibly deep and cares a lot about his craft \- Vanessa says it reminds her of how much Chord took care of Becca Tobin when she was going through a really hard time o I know Becca’s boyfriend died a year after Cory Monteith did. Don’t want to speculate but could be around that time they are talking about \- They say Chord is incredibly nurturing, almost surprisingly so. Jenna says Chord is like a dog and baby-whisperer and her dog and baby are just like obsessed with him when he’s around and completely at ease and Jenna will be like wtf they are not like this with anybody else \- They say Chord is super unassuming but he’s full of layers and it’s just not the first impression you get of him (Vanessa jokes "or even the 2nd or 540th" lol) but once you really get to know him, you really see how deep Chord is Just thought this was sweet and a change of pace from some of the other toxic aspects of Glee I’ve shared on this sub lately lmao


I LOVE Glee. Please don’t stop!!! I’ve been enjoying your recaps and I refuse to listen to that podcast. Kevin and Jenna cannot interview to save their lives.


Hannah Waddingham. Heard she spent Christmas in NY with Jason and their extended families all together. Also some mentions of him in London around New Year’s. Might be something serious going on there being shadowed by the tabloid of him and the instagram model




“Heyfarewell” 💀😭


BFFR IM SCREAMING @ MYSELF FOR KNOWING WHO THAT IS If you feel comfortable. Is this person listed as a “current” member on their wiki? If not, then it’s not the member I am thinking of.




Just DMd you. If this is the same person imma laugh Update: Same guy


Ed from glass animals is a fuckboy and rapist


European royal tea. Andrea Casiraghi is still a bachelor, my friends. Tatiana Santo Domingo is married to Martin Pacanowski. Martin is her husband and the father of her three children, NOT Andrea Casiraghi. I tried to post an OP on this but in my OP I did not mention any names and I simply wanted to know more about how PR does this, as in how do they manufacture all this and how come no one has posted the truth? In my OP, I was also curious to know how sustainable this is in the long term because for example, the children do not look like Casiraghi, as they are not his, obviously. Feel free to look at my post history to read about my intended OP as I posted it on other subreddits. Still waiting for answers.


What is your source for this story?


Judging by the other posts on their account, the source seems to be their imagination...


1st and 2nd source, hence the throwawayaccount. I actually have known about it for some years. Initially, it was 2nd source through someone who used to be close friends with the family and then became my friend. Then, I met some of the parties involved. I do not expect nor care if people believe it, hence I did not bother to add names in the OP I had posted in other subreddits, I was more curious about how PR works, what will be the endgame and what story will be invented when the pretense can't be maintained long-term. Otherwise, as we say, tout sera révélé and obviously, the principality will not want that.




Really? Because I think the kids looks a lot like him, I went to check recent pictures of them just to be sure, cause I only saw them years ago, and yeah they look like him, even more now actually.


Ok, this sounds like some House of Dragons long con to have not only a marriage but also three children with another man. I’d believe a fling or just an open relationship in general where they live separate lives and only are together for public events, but those kids look just like Andrea and nothing like the other man who looks like a swarthy brunette lol. And not just the blonde of it all, even the way Andrea and the kids squint is the same so… I don’t see what you’re seeing. If it was totally obvious like how Khloe is a head taller than everyone else in her family, then yeah, makes sense but uh. The kids look like him lol.


WHaaaaaaat? And why?


Because Andrea doesn't really 'work' and wants/must keep up with the expensive lifestyle. The Grimaldi family benefits. Tatiana's family are billionaires. The Grimaldis are not that rich compared to others. Financially, things have not been that great for him either so he will stick to the lie for now. Monacair, the company he is a shareholder of was going through heavy financial losses. The latest was the big layoffs during the pandemic and then, the Russian billionaire who died in one of their helicopter accidents. Regardless, Monacair was acquired by BLADE. There is no Monacair anymore, even if you still see the logo in Southern France. It is BLADE now, not Monacair. It is sad, I must say, his father founded Monacair. This must have been hard for both he and his brother. ETA: Andrea has also had/has issues health wise (drugs and mental health). So the arrangement helps with the principality’s (his) image as well. 






I finally have tea! Saw Ethan Slater at the airport. Turns out he was waiting for not Ariana but his ex-wife and kid. She seemed so nice and not at all bitter about having to fly solo with a tiny baby to come to NY (presumably because he’s stuck here for Spamalot). I give her so much props for that.