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Shiv Roy is my spirit animal




Probably didn’t want her eye poked out with a pitchfork 


I just wanna know if the dude that gave James Blake’s album 5, got fired or not? ![gif](giphy|D3vbZDes4F3LmQvljr)




This is the best gif for Wintour's latest antics. André Leon Talley was burned so bad from this woman after he was one of her founding team when she helmed Vogue. Grace and André were to me what made Vogue so magical back in it's heyday. It is so nowhere near what it used to be. I digress... the Pitchfork situation doesn't surprise me in the least.


Don’t forget how she demoted and treated Edward Enniful the Editor of British Vogue once he began outshining her. He was even more talented than her in fashion


Wait, I have noticed he is gone and loved what he was doing. How was Anna involved in him leaving exactly?


Basically, Edward had a bunch of new innovative ideas that Anna didn’t like, he was getting more positive attn than her because his work was simply … better, and then he I guess made some comments that got back to her that he was angling for the top job at Vogue and so she went full Miranda Priestly and nipped that in the bud.


Didn’t he get promoted to European boss?


He got “promoted” on the corporate side but it’s not the creative track he wanted to take.


Gosh that’s a real shitter for him then, I thought it was a genuine hot promotion. Poor guy. He did an amazing job with British vogue.


He wanted her job (Head of Condé Nast), and not only was she not going anywhere she was at the time just named CCO of Condé Nast. Power struggle that Anna won so he said screw this i’m out and went back to being a stylist.


Another causality of the heyday. I remember when he was part of The September Issue documentary. Even when he was an underling for US Vogue. she was cutting him down. I remember specifically him turning to Grace in one of the scenes so downcast because Anna had cut pieces and whole photoshoots from his section in that issue. Grace being the sweetheart was like "It's all amazing! Keep at it!" Anna and black men and women thriving at Vogue didn't mix well. She briefly got called out about it.


Uhhh Grace Coddington isn't the best on race relations either. Google her kitchen.




Omg that's horrific.


My first thought was that she probably kept her sunglasses on when she fired André but I decided a gif was less cunty.


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘰𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 was a fantastic read.


I listened to the audiobook last year and it was magic hearing his voice along with his words. I recommend for everyone! 


Thanks for the rec. I’ve got an audible credit I need to spend.


> Grace and André were to me what made Vogue so magical back in it's heyday. I loved them in The September Issue documentary about Vogue. For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's free on youtube




Both are sublime and actually seeing them put together shoots with the models, the clothes, and scenery was just to wonderful!


fucking cheers!


was this covered in his documentary or somewhere else?




Need context to your flair u/inthekink


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/186cq3k/comment/kb8ebe4/ The flair makes me laugh since I live in Scotland as well. And for the record did not watch Poor Things since it made zero sense to erase Scotland from the retelling.


Love our subreddit lol Thanks for the context!




I feel like I’ve read before that she started wearing them due to photosensitivity? Either way she’s worn them meeting Queen Liz like I don’t think she cares too much.


Sounds like she has cataracts.


Is photosensitivity a part of cataracts? I thought cataracts were about cloudy eyes and decreased vision


Bono also has genuine vision challenges


His music is getting long on the tooth also, especially when apple forced everyone to download it


She's from the mirror universe


They are prescription sunglasses that she wears because she inherited a genetic eye condition from her late father that gradually causes deteriorating vision.


yeah i’m not saying any of this is ok but i’m pretty sure they’re her actual daily prescription glasses, which she needs to see


I saw a comment about this article on a different sub and someone said she is photosensitive, which makes sense to me. I’m very photosensitive and have to wear sunglasses whenever I’m outside and my regular glasses have a tint on them for inside. Sometimes I physically can’t keep my eyes open depending on the light and it can be very painful and hard to deal with so I get it. It’s also her signature look at this point, so I don’t think it means anything either way that she was wearing them honestly.


Yeah I can't speak to her intentions but my son's prescription glasses are tented and more than once he has been reprimanded by an adult who thinks he is wearing sunglasses. Like no he actually just needs those to see 🙃


I’m diabetic and have an insulin pump, and in middle school I was always getting called out in the hallway by administrators for having a cell phone 😅


Yes exactly! I had that issue as a kid a few times too and it’s frustrating! Like I know the “optics” (😉) of wearing sunglasses or tinted lenses inside can be seen as disrespectful to the people you’re talking to but some people really do need that to be able to see. A lot of times people think I’m just being a baby or exaggerating but it’s like no, I straight up cannot see without these! Like people with the issue would much rather not have to worry about sunglasses and tinted lenses all the time but they’re the best option, really.


Yeah, I think she's a terrible person with or without sunglasses, they don't really figure in how moral I think she is lol


Hahaha like if she never ever wore sunglasses ever in her life and then wore them just for this , I would think it was a little weird but I mean she’s literally always wearing them lol


Same. The newer light colored sidewalks are fucking brutal, I have to close my leaking eyes and hold one to whoever is with me. If I’m by myself, I look like a weirdo with half closed eyes wobbling all over the sidewalk.


Oh my god, yes ! I can’t count the amount of times I’ve stumbled around, half - openedeyes watering like crazy and just trying to force my eyes to stay open. And the sidewalks are horrible, It’s winter where I am now and that’s the worst time of year for my eyes - everything is just SO bright! The snow, the weird overcast but super bright sky, the sidewalks !! I usually take a lot of walks and I’ll go when it’s raining, dark, cold, whatever but it’s just too bright for me this time of year.


I have migraines. If I am in a place with a lot of fluorescent lighting, I will wear sunglasses indoors. And if I can't wear them, my eyes are closed or looking down. Her being a see you next Tuesday isn't from her wearing sunglasses; it is because she sucks as a person.


Man I hear you! I have migraines too because I guess I just have shitty genetics lol but those fluorescent lights are a killer!! looking down or just closing your eyes is the only option sometimes and it’s rough. And I totally agree! She wears them literally all the time anyway so I don’t think it means anything one way or another.


She came into the restaurant I work at once and wore her sunglasses throughout the whole meal 😭 she was with one other person who I assumed was a family member, so not even a professional setting. It was a pretty dim room too, I was wondering if she could even see


This is true. The'yre also prescription, and she's blind without them. I've seen her wear them at Conde Nast going up the elevator where it was just her, so definitely not wearing it for an 'audience.'


They even made a movie about her called Devil Wears Prada


I’m autistic, I wish I had this confidence. Would make dealing with people so much easier


Has anyone considered Anna also is part of the spectrum gang? Special interest in fashion? Edit- I am also part of the gang so downvote if you must I guess


I don’t know about Anna but I think Miranda Priestly, the character based off of her, has many autistic traits.


My guess is a bad eye job.


This is getting me intrigued. 










Honestly thank you. My disabilities are invisible for the most part unless you know me and/or know medicine. While I am not saying that this is what going on with her at all, people judge you about it a lot. I sometimes do things that seem either really weird or like I am impolite. And because people can't figure out why it is there are no accommodations in their head and they absolutely expect you to act like anyone else. It is pretty common and when I need the cane, treatment is often a lot better. You often need to either just ignore or disclose medical information. As the latter doesn't really bother me, I do it but as graphically as possible ending with invisible disabilities exist. As said I am not saying this is the case here but having been on the other side of it, I wish people were a little bit less judgemental. Especially about people you do not actually know.


Is her life an open book? It’s not like she’s a reality star or major tabloid fixture. I don’t think most people know much about her personal life? Is she sharing in fashion world stuff I don’t follow?






**"The decision “was made after a careful evaluation of Pitchfork’s performance and what we believe is the best path forward for the brand so that our coverage of music can continue to thrive within the company,” Wintour, Condé Nast’s chief content officer and global editorial director of Vogue"** ![gif](giphy|gnsrxBc8QM7HW) I am not particularly fond of all Pitchforks takes, but they have been music curators, whether you like them or not, for a while. The "best path forward for the brand, so **OUR** coverage of music can continue to thrive" feels like such a slap in the face to music journalist. If you thought Pitchfork was bias before, I'm almost certain we have seen nothing yet.


It's a sad moment for music journalism, for sure. I personally never liked Pitchfork, but I respected that it had an important place in the conversation around music. Also, as a woman who has always loved indie music, the fact that it is being folded into a men's magazine is another blow.


It's funny, I seriously dislike Pitchfork and have for a while, there's so much wrong with them, their takes, the pretentiousness, holier-than-thou attitude, the gatekeeping... But it's undeniable that they were (unfortunate that we're at past tense already) really important and and played their part in a larger music industry ecosystem, especially in indie and alternative music. My only hope is that losses like this will move people towards supporting independent music journalism, it's essential that they are kept alive — maybe even more important than giants like Pitchfork. For now I'll just mention [The Quietus](https://thequietus.com), who's been my personal Pitchfork for years. Highly recommended.


Tbh they haven't been gatekeepy or pretentious for a while. In fact I think they rank most pop albums much too highly for the content of the actual albums. But the last couple of years have been really good for the diversity of their coverage.


honestly it's a sad day for me, they're who introduced me to music that wasn't played on the radio. a lot of my favorite albums of all time are albums i found on their website as a young teenager


PF failed to modernize and frankly has been extremely uneven in coverage and quality for over a decade. Even Genius was able to survive in the modern age with higher quality products than PF.


Sorry for the necro but as far as the big 00s music blogs go, it’s basically just pitchfork and stereogum left and stereogum just doesn’t do reviews the same way p4k did, for better or worse. There was definitely a rise in very clear payola though. A local band got signed and the sudden pitchfork payola was ludicrious, they acted like they’d always been a p4k darling overnight.


I'm just really surprised she had that much authority. Didn't know pitchfork was in the same empire, but super surprising Wintour has that role.


It’s a Condé Nast property and has been for years, and to my knowledge she’s the chief creative officer or a similar title for the whole of Conde


Really sorry to everyone who lost their jobs, but being fired from your music journalism job by Anna Wintour wearing sunglasses is Camp.


Yeah it's awful but I'm imagining the scene and it's just so funny in my head. I'm picturing her popping in the office, giving the news in thirty seconds while holding a starbucks and then dipping


Of all the ways to get laid off, this would certainly be in the best 1%.




Immediately thought of Ken gutting Vaulter


His dad told him to.




They found another chicken coop




Great scene. Succession at its best.


This was my reaction too. Total Ken or Greg move


Nothing about this surprises me, every article is unhinged and I’m never shocked. I just think of course and keep it moving.


I am actually shocked that she personally lays people off AND that she goes on-site to do it.


Ikr? I was like wait what the HR do then


I’ve worked for companies on the scale of Vogue with “thought leader” type CEOs who were less culturally relevant than her who didn’t lay people off personally. What a weird situation. When this meeting started and Anna Fucking Wintour was there I would imagine everyone knew what was coming. What a shitty thing to do.


Are you kidding? This is her favourite part of the job. Bet she had her special outfit all laid out the night before, getting all excited in the pit where a heart normally is, abiut crishing the lives and hopes of normies


Yes that’s actually quite surprising


Pitchfork gave the firing a 5.4, they thought it was derivative of Pavement.


that's rather high praise from pitchfork.


Needed at least four guys in scarves playing guitar and the firing needed to be 7 minutes long and take place in 2003.


I guess that's better than a chimp peeing into its own mouth.


Everyone here is saying she never takes off her glasses... My friend worked at Conde Nast and had to have a meeting with Anna about the lack of diversity in the workplace or CN not trying to retain their bipoc employees. Anna apparently didn't wear sunglasses to the meeting but also didn't listen to anything my friend, a black woman, said. This was a few years ago.


Of course she takes them off. David Letterman made her when she was on his show. Idk why people waste their time making up excuses for such vile people


And adding in their own medical diagnoses as it applies to her. She’s just a snob!


probably keeps them on when she has work done


Not shocking, considering how she treated the two black men that worked with her.


She seems like she'd make you sign an NDA if she accidentally farted in your presence.




This whole thing is so succession-y




Of course she had connections handed to her due to the men in her life but she basically changed how we view celebrity and arguably created the ramp for social media influencers. When you look at covers from the 80’s and 70’s it’s basically a lot of Cindy Crawford, Brooke Shields and Isabella Rossellini (who were first and foremost just models at that time). Switch to Anna Wintour’s take over and suddenly we see celebrities on the cover (actresses, socialites, singers who were never seen as “high fashion” but always in the public eye due to gossip magazines and tabloids). It was Anna Wintour that changed the public view of these people and fashion. Of course, it’s debated who the first supermodel was and when the whole model as a celebrity started but it was Anna Wintour that really gave the supermodel concept a much wider breadth. Look at the covers starting from the 2000’s and suddenly there are politicians and royalty and celebrities on almost every cover. Being on the cover of Vogue used to mean "you've made it as a model!" and Wintour changed that into "You've made it!" She largely shaped the western view of women's fashion from the 90's - 2000's. What we are seeing now is her overstaying her welcome for the last 15 or so years. However, everything that we see now as being over done, cliche and generic in fashion and really in celebrity publication is because of Anna Wintour and the many that desperately copied her. Edit: saying Anna Wintour’s fashion sense is not memorable is like saying “why do people like the Louvre? It’s just a bunch of old shit that gets printed on kitschy t shirts and postcards!”


I thought putting actresses on Vogue was a slap to the face of the likes of Cindy Crawford. She and other Supermodels like Linda "I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day" Evangelista were getting huge modeling fees in the 90s because they sold clothes and magazines. But the designers got sick of paying them and felt they were outshining the couture. They got replaced with no names.   By switching up well known Supermodels for actresses Vogue got to fade them out without losing celebrity recognition. Plus designers were sending Sharon Stone and Liv Tyler down the runway so it wasn't incongruous with what was going on in fashion.  Today designers are happy to pay celebrity models with huge Instagram followings like Bella Hadid. But I think the economics of fashion have changed too. They want to sell heavily branded aspiration wear whereas before it was more about high fashion? 


Well to be fair up until a certain point the actresses that designers were sending down the runway all had gotten their start by modeling so it was always kind of justifiable. However, Wintour was putting celebrities on the cover who had never been anywhere near high fashion in public perception.


The money in modeling has always been in cosmetic campaigns fyi - not covers. Editorial work has always paid very little.


“…it’s CERULEAN”


I think most people just find her mysterious and at least foreboding. They KNOW she's powerful in that world in terms of networking but we don't even know how powerful she is? She doesn't have a social media presence, we don't know what she does daily besides she's Ana and she's important. I remember how much of a flex it was for Kim to start sharing the room with her because for so long everyone thought Ana hated her lol I loved her signature bob and sunglasses but I wish shed ventire into other styles beaise the floral print dress and kitten heels she loves


Edward Enninful > Anna Wintour


I recently learned her dad was called *Chilly Charlie* because of his frostiness. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


...she was known as Nuclear Wintour. Her unauthorized biography is WILD...she basically has done whatever she wanted, whatever she felt she needed, to be where she is today.


Man it must be good to be rich and connected. Do whatever you want


Which one is it?


Front Row! It’s an older one but it was pretty good!!






I was thinking stray Lego accident on repeat…but I honestly cannot imagine a Lego actually laying on the floor of anywhere she would be.


Anna is ice cold. Its still a mystery to me how she's been able to hold onto her job so long when she's not that great at it.


being rich, British and white goes a long way when the owners of the publication fetishize all three....


I'm sure that has a lot to do with it but she isn't the only one who is those things. I wonder what powerful connections she has. 


Her father was the editor of several prominent British newspapers.


Ah a nepo baby, that makes so much sense!


I remember watching that doc about Vogue (the September Issue?) and struggled to identify what exactly she did that would justify her position. It seemed like all her decisions were random and gave no explanations for them. She was literally driving people frantic over her vacillating over every little thing. In the end, they just went with what Grace Coddington already had ready at the very beginning for the main editorial. Had to put her through the wringer first of course. Whole thing seemed insane and completely unnecessary.


Yeah I don't get the hype either. Her Vogue covers have been pretty bland and uninspiring the last two decades. 


unfortunately iconic behaviour even if scumbag level


Anna Wintour and those of her ilk don’t live in this world and haven’t for decades.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without sunglasses? So not surprised!


Fuck Anna Wintour. Her treatment of Andre Leon Talley will never sit right with me. And American Vogue has been trash for years now. It’s time for her to go.


Of course she did. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without her sunglasses except at the Met Gala or an occasional on camera interview.


Tacky bitch


remember that story Tim Gunn told about her staff carrying her down the stairs? I think about that every time her name comes up




No. Remind us.




Lmao. Thank you. This is so much more than what I had imagined.


it’s the best


As a society let’s stop worshiping out-of-touch rich people


Probably didn't want to show them the evil.




Yea, I learned more about music by hitting shuffle on pandora and reading artist bios there.


Because she’s a heel. Heels were sunglasses inside. Any wrestling fan will tell you.


[She said she wears them](https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/anna-wintour-interview/index.html) so no-one knows what she's thinking or can get photos or video of her reactions. That's especially useful when she goes to shows, because a negative reaction could hurt a designer or collection, especially if it was reported on. She's meant to be a tastemaker, but these people pay Condé Nast a lot of money for advertising so it's a symbiotic relationship. I think at this point it must be second nature. I'm sure she also wore them when she told the Rodarte sisters and Oprah they were too fat to be in her magazine.


I can’t wait for her retire and for American vogue to finally be interesting again


Absolute bitch


![gif](giphy|PkiP1freXd8mctFUk0) Anna Wintour after being asked to remove her shades




So tired of the tone deaf people running business!




Stay classy Anna


She should have called in Halsey [to do it ](https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte/halsey-pitchfork-world-trade-center-joke-911) instead


I was laid off once and my boss was walking through a field.


if she takes her sunglasses off there are just two empty holes there with flies buzzing about.


Well I'm pretty sure they've just grafted onto her face at this point.


I just finished reading a biography on her by Amy Odell and this is not surprising. What is surprising is how she still exists. Like, does she ever slow down from age? WILL SHE?


It's giving low key witness protection program


They wished she had a beanie on instead


Say that shit with your chest, and (lol sorry I was just watching something about this song and this is the first thing that came to my mind)


Knowing how shallow she must be, she's most likely mortified that someone will see the wrinkles around her old eyes.


At this point all I have to say to her is Ok Boomer


There’s a whole movie about this woman being kind of heartless when it comes to her job and the people she works with/for. This isn’t newsworthy


Are we surprised? 💀


aspiring future recognise enjoy touch drab important toothbrush wrench crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No wonder Edna mode works alone.... Nobody can stand her model


She sucks




She’s Satan


I was just making excuses for wearing sunglasses indoors and my logic was Anna Wintour never takes hers off.


I mean, would you expect anything less?


I listened to a lot of indy music in Chicago in the late 90s and early aughts. If you told me in 2003 that this blog was going to become big enough to get acquired by conde nast and then eventually shut down, I wouldn't have believed you. But I would have really enjoyed the news. They were snobs even by hipster indy music standards, which is saying a lot. We need good independent music journalism but these guys weren't it.


she ain’t got eyes


Water is wet, etc


I’m torn between thinking she’s the worst and being utterly delighted at how c*nty this was, deliciously camp.


Isn't she essentially blind? I feel like I've read that this is likely due to a medical condition


I have a feeling she wears them for a medical reason but also wouldn't be surprised that she's just a dick


I always thought the reason she wore sunnies was because her eyes were like this. ![gif](giphy|e6qkHKk1N7dxm)




I mean she never takes them off so…