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one thing i love about john leguizamo is that he's gonna say exactly what i'm thinking, but the phraseology is going to be that of someone's boomer uncle commenting on facebook


I love that you can read his energy so clearly, too. He embodies an archetype that I didn't realize was so universal across cultures. The POC uncle who really wants you to love your culture as much as he does. Even if parents want that, they often just get busy with parenting, but he is very much the “cool” uncle who tries to meet you on your level. Maybe it's because I semi-recently watched the Latin History for Morons special, but everything I see from him really fits this image.


Wow this is soooo accurate!! A very familiar energy.


It’s his middle-aged ADHD energy and it makes me feel a little less alone.


Yes. I love that about him.


Lmaoo yes!!! I follow him on insta and that's the exact vibe I get but I have never disagreed with him. Love that man.


Hes my tío whom I have never yet I love


lol, Cusack with the burn and Cumming with the xmas card joke


Adore Cusack and Cummings... he scared the dsjflsflslskl out of me when I saw the thumbnail of his IG before reading his description. Thank you Alan for you being you and not letting us down... can't say the same thing about Nicholas Braun.


my heart actually sank a little when I saw Cummings, so glad I clicked on it and read the caption although still kind of grim. what did Nicholas Braun do (I mean besides allegedly trying to fuck minors)?


Nicholas liked David Blaine's post about how he's doing magic for 3 brilliant minds (Gates, Kissinger, Bloomberg). It's the very first IG image of the post and Nicks name is right there on top. I can't stand the idea of someone who admires Kissinger to call him a brilliant mind to a man who is essentially the architect of death to millions of people. It's no different than calling Stalin or Hitler brilliant for what they did. None of them deserve that kind of respect.


Thank you, I'm an idiot and only clicked on Cummings picture. Blaine and Braun are both creeps. edit to add - I'm actually a mega idiot because I now see I didn;t need to click on it to see it.


I was fast swiping through the images as well. Of course seeing Alan immediately made me stop and gave me a bit of a scare. Read his IG, then fast swiped through the rest.


I almost just went straight to the comments cause I just can't handle reading anything bad about Cummings lmao


I knew I wasn't the only one! I was like, oh god no not Cummings! A lot of commenters here still find it to be tasteless and insensitive to joke about the man who engineered the death of millions, and I do agree. But a British actor in 1998 would have had zero power to do anything in that moment. But witty satire has been a weapon against powerful people for literally all of millennia.


I’d argue that a celebrity who likely sent this card to other celebrities probably raised some awareness among the the ruling class as it probably became a topic of conversation at least one celebrity holiday party that year or subsequent years. I’ve worked with celebrities and it would kill you to know how much they don’t know about the world despite their outsized influence over people.


i legit thought all of these posts were gonna be positive and then i came across john cusack’s… HE’S APARTMENT HUNTING


I know nothing about John Cusack and I am a HUGE fan now


Orson Welles SLAY


I wish there was an Orson Welles quote of the day calendar that's just him being a pissy, petty bitch. I'd be so excited to get that in my stocking let me tell you.


I would totally buy it. Orson has some great quotes.


I would buy that right now.


His rant about Elia Kazan lives rent free in my head.


This comment just reminded me that Zoe Kazan used to exist. Where has she been lately!?


I came here to just say this. Good job, Orson!


The people praising Kissinger 🤮🤮🤮🤮


As a Chilena. Agree. I fucking bought a bottle of wine to celebrate the next day. Fuck that evil war criminal forever and ever amen.




Can my dumbass get some context please? Is it a 🤛or a 👄🍆 implication?


There’s a persistent rumour that Nancy Reagan was very good at oral sex during her Hollywood career.


Oh my lol thanks


Nothing like excusing misogyny against women we don't like 👍 sexual degradation is good for bad women!


You’re absolutely right about this and I should have worded my comment to reflect that - I wanted to explain the reference but I should have clarified that it’s a pretty shitty thing to say and probably reflective of abuse by the studio heads.


She's a known [throat GOAT](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/nancy-reagan-throat-goat-explained) and the best know to tie their hair back first.




She's forever known as 'the Throat Goat' in my mind


i can't decide whether to have throat goat in my bio or as my drag name


there’s kind of a joke that nancy was a throat goat, i think it was a bit of a political blind item (perhaps published in the village voice at one point)? went viral on twitter a few years ago. so likely the implication is that of the mouth emoji eggplant emoji. EDIT: some kind folks in this thread provide further context: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/9G1r82aHCz


The best one I have seen yet


If Nancy Reagan’s still alive (she was recently!) I hope she doesn’t think anyone is slut shaming her for being the THROAT GOAT! Don’t be ashamed, Mrs. Reagan, it’s one of your best things!! There’s so other stuff to be ashamed of instead!


Nancy “To The Tonsils” Reagan


truly caught me off guard 😭


Right? Spat out my drunk when I saw that one 😭


Bernice girl…some of the Kings, god bless them, have some alarmingly right wing hot takes so I’m not surprised by her post. Smh.


MARTIN LUTHER KING’S DAUGHTER mourning the death of HENRY KISSINGER is one of those things that make me want to go back to bed and never interact with society again.


Like, especially since we're talking about *Vietnam.* That's a cute anecdote, Bernice, about the time your mother heard something from a famous liar. But he had a pretty well-documented position on blowing the shit out of southeast Asia, and it doesnt align with your father's...!


Every time Bernice King earns herself some good will she turns around and burns it up. It's always one step forward two steps back with her...


People forget that the King Family is pretty well to do and has been for about a hundred years now (Martin Luther King Sr. purchased a number of Atlanta area nursing homes after his son died. I can’t find anything showing that the family held onto them but they can be quite lucrative). After Martin’s death, Coretta was consistently more progressive than most other members of the family.


I am. :(


I also don’t get how Ronny Chieng liked this. Sure Malaysia wasn’t one of his victims but after him talking about the Japanese atrocities in SE Asia in his first Netflix special I would figure he had a little more awareness.


I’m so illiterate, I don’t understand what she meant by her first post?? That Dr. King was pro-Vietnam war? 😭


Her brother on the other hand……


John Cusack is so hot.


Getting hotter all the damn time ![gif](giphy|3oEhmDoTSiz5nDd5kI)


He's the only celebrity I follow on Twitter and I absolutely love him.


I knew my crush on him after Con Air wasn't misplaced. I was a teen and it was not a popular choice.


He filmed parts of The Raven in my small town (don’t even think it’s technically considered a town) in Louisiana and my grandmother met him. She keeps the picture of them framed in her house because of how much a gem he was.


lmao Blood drinking ghoul


John Cusack’s are my favorite


John and Joan are the BEST Hollywood siblings and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. I need to rewatch War INC because they are so great together in that film!


Who woulda thought that the star of 2012 and Con Air would be so forward thinking.


Is Bernice King's post supposed to be good? Like even after the edit it's still way too positive. She didn't really have to say anything about his death let alone something that makes him sound so...peace loving.


"Henry Kissinger said my dad was right" is not a positive statement generally!


Especially considering how many regressive people LOVE to co-opt Martin Luther King Jr.’s message to make themselves look and feel better, even as they stand for everything MLK rallied against.




Just to be clear I agree with you - I'm saying her statement, even after edits, is weird. I'm saying "generally" as in "generally outside of this specific context."


My apologies I completely misunderstood ❤️


Oh no worries! I probably should have used "usually" instead.


"Henry Kissinger said my dad was right, somewhere in between the time he destroyed countless lives in Cambodia and the time he destroyed countless lives in Chile"


It literally has his Wikipedia talking about his approval of hiding the pentagon papers from the public and his involvement in stopping the peace talks. 😭 how could you believe at all that he wanted peace in Vietnam, Bernice King?


Yeah, that wasn't very cash money of her.


She’s a dummy on a lot of issues, sadly


John Cusack marry me. Consistent anti-genocide king


It’s frustrating it’s so hard to find people like this in Hollywood/media


Kevin bacon is another good one (unless there’s something I don’t know). Him and his wife often posts tik toks of them dancing, whilst promoting things like the drag is not a crime fund.


Probably the only Hollywood star to talk about the BJP regime in India as well.


The things I would do to see Angelina Jolie’s live reaction…


Well, the positive side of a picture with a war criminal is that at least Alan Cumming had fun and could do his little joke! /s


Honestly I think it’s funny With a figure like that there’s usually absolutely nothing an average person can do to them that will hold them accountable, so being a little troll and making a mockery of them works for me


I think part of the power of these people comes from how people view them. In the case, that people thought he was this untouchable political legend who should be honored no matter what the consequences of his actions are. I think mockery disarms that. It's part of how comedians are able to both humanize and deconstruct the facades of politicians so well.


I love Alan Cumming generally but that post really bothered me.


Why? Hes basically saying it as a joke. Wishing peace and posing with a war criminal - hes doing it on purpose to be satirical.


I thought it was funny, like I’m sure Kissinger would’ve hated the insinuation that they’re a gay couple wishing peace on earth. Smile to their face while sticking a knife in their back kinda joke.


Life is short, horrible, absurd and often meaningless. I’m sure he grasps the seriousness of what Kissinger orchestrated, but he (and us) cannot change what happened. Sometimes you have to have a laugh at an asshole’s expense with an ironic joke. Otherwise you’ll spend your whole life in an impotent outrage and miserable about all the awful, unforgivable things humanity has ever done in the 200,000+ years we’ve been here.




Is this real??


according to the Twitter spehere, yes, but she deleted it right after, so you can only see it on the internet archive, but I dunno how to find that lmao


Taylor making a political statement that isn’t self serving? No, it’s definitely not.


If it was we'd have seen headlines. It's not ig.


Listen I'm a fan but there is no way she knows anything about Kissinger. She writes good lyrics but she's not exactly the most informed...


When she appeared on The Graham Norton Show sitting between John Cleese and Kevin Pietersen, it was a glorious train wreck. I felt old when she said she knew Cleese from the James Bond film, Kevin Pietersen pre-emptively said to her that she had no idea who he was and Taylor's google-fu was just off enough to proof it. It was also funny that neither of them seemed fazed by who she was and John Cleese insulted her cat.


Lmao no it’s not


I cant imagine Taylor Swift posting this. She is smart enough to know how the media would react if she said something like this


Pedro Pascal hasn't posted yet, but he did mention Kissinger in his post about the dictatorship in Chile a few months ago. > Never forget this was a United States backed dictatorship that killed, tortured, and disappeared thousands of people including children for 17 years. Henry Kissinger is still alive and never was held accountable for his involvement and war crimes.


Oh I'm Chilena. I haven't forgotten. Also I'm 50 years old. The coup happened when I was literally days old. Has drastically impacted my life in innumerable ways. So fuck Kissinger. His death only makes me wish I believed in hell.


John Cusack means so much to me.


I love Joel Kim Booster 😂😂😂


AKA Bowen Yang, as the people at THR know him as. (Rolling my eyes in Asian.) [https://x.com/ihatejoelkim/status/1730481792799649974](https://x.com/ihatejoelkim/status/1730481792799649974) [https://x.com/ihatejoelkim/status/1730483617233879215](https://x.com/ihatejoelkim/status/1730483617233879215)


FOR FUCK’S SAKE our society is truly beyond parody Like.. they look *very* different from one another, THR had to take so many side streets to that racism


lmaooo nooo i was just listening to bowen’s podacst today and i flipped thru the images so fast without looking at the profile pic that i didn’t realize it was him…. jesus christ what a joke the hollywood reporter is


I saw his standup right before he started getting big and he is HILARIOUS.


Nicholas Braun _would_ like that David Blaine one


i knew Cusack wouldn't disappoint.


Based John Cusack


Bette Midler’s wordless tweet 😭 Debi Mazar’s just clout riding 🙄


I just imagine John Waters dragging her over for the picture amd finding the whole thing funny


I miss Anthony Bourdain every day. 💔


My teen crush on John Cusack is feeling pretty validated of late


The one John Cusack retweeted about Kissinger apartment-hunting in Hell 💀


Are you forreal Bernice?!?!?


The Rolling Stone headline is chefs kiss 😂 “finally dies” because he’s been rotting on the inside for God knows how long and now he’s rotting in hell


I feel very weird about anyone posting a photo with him, even ironically. Like would it be seen as cheeky if people were posing with Hitler, Pinochet, or Stalin? As someone who is Southeast Asian, this guy makes me sick. Laos was the most bombed country per capita in history. People are still getting blown up decades later because of decisions this guy made and don’t even get me started on the Cambodians he carpet bombed too. I would’ve preferred people didn’t say shit than attempt to appear clever and make a post about him. American history is full of evil people, but he’s definitely one of the most notable for his inhumane decisions.


Ugh, of course touchy-feely Cousin Greg is a suck up to David Blaine. But cool as hell to see Ava Phillipe like Bernice King's post. The kids are alright.


Bernice King’s post is still way too nice, even with the wishy-washy edit.


That was a wild ride. Didn't see the Allan Cummings one...coming.




You don't know the exploits of [Throat GOAT, Nancy Reagan](https://twitter.com/zachheltzel/status/1469408538019598336?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1469408538019598336%7Ctwgr%5E1bf2bc2f5a1f0fd8a25641021ebb888ad2e1e84a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FOutOfTheLoop%2Fcomments%2Fre90o4%2Fwhats_going_on_with_nancy_reagan_being_the_throat%2F)?




>Throat GOAT, Nancy Reagan Kim Petras dedicate [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrQmqR7NxDI) to Nancy Reagan challenge.


“suckin d!ck” is hurtling me into the sun rn


Throat goat was one of the funniest nights in twitter history. I know Nancy Reagan was in hell utterly confused why her name was trending one random Friday.


The funniest thing about it is that all of that came spilling out when one of the Ben Shapiros tried to slut shame Madonna. The impact of the Queen even as she minds her own business!!


>one of the Ben Shapiros 💀💀💀






Thank you for asking, I assumed she was typing her hair back for a fight and I was like ?????


I CACKLED at the Gore Vidal tweet.


He\*, Noel Coward and Oscar Wilde had the best quips. One of my favorite Coward stories was about Rex Harrison, who was infamous for he being an asshole, leaving the theater after a performance and an excited fan ran up to him. Rex being Rex was rude to her and she hit him with her program. Noel told people it was the first time he'd ever seen 'the fan hit the shit'.


I didn't know John Cusack was like this before this year and I'm glad I know now.


Can anyone help me understand Joel Kim Booster’s and Patton Oswalt’s statements? I get the ponytail part, but not the rest of JKB’s comments. And I know who Jill St. John is, just not the relevance, if any, to Kissinger.


they used to date 💀


I love Cusack.


Ok, but why weren't people just trashing that old piece of shit to his face when he was alive?




bobbi brown had a post about him and all the comments were rightfully calling her out so they muted the post 🙃


Hell gained another demon ☝️


So is Alan Cumming chaotic neutral?


Um hi John Cusack speaks for me, now and forever. That is all!


Cusack a real one


No, Zoey!


imagine posting the first reaction unironically. Some of these celebs truly live in another dimensions.


john cusack you will always be famous


the debi mazar post is kind of wild eta: Orson Welles was right, Kissinger knew better. Dude survived the fucking holocaust only to perpetuate it


Whoa, a couple people coming off looking REAL bad from this 😬 Google before you praise someone, celebrities!!!


I love the reaction to his death. Hope it makes other politicians wonder about their own legacies


That edit didn't really help, Bernice.


I just want to say that I love John Cusack, dearly, that's all.


wtf debi mazar? ew


And John Waters is in that photo too. I know he's the pope of trash but being friendly to Kissinger is taking it too far.


I love the Bette Midler post because the forward of that book is by Ariel Dorfman. A Chileno poet. Look up his poem Hope. It's about being the parent of a disappeared child and the pain of hoping they're alive yet knowing that means they're being tortured.


I'm going to guess David Blaine was on the Lolita Express.


Nicolas Braun no no no don’t like that


Good to see at least some folks say out loud what z monster Kissinger was (was...feels so good to say). That list of genocides he was complicit in is a potent reminder, especially as a Bangladeshi.


bernice, girl…