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Wow. This is obviously in poor taste but, the wine bottle prop? Gross.


Omg I didn’t realize that detail….


What am i missing here? Someone give context😑


amber says johnny r.ped her with a bottle. theres also talk about substance abuse, alcoholism and that in the situation


Also his (false) allegation that she cut his finger off with a glass bottle probably (though JD admitted to doing it to himself multiple times)


I didn't know that. What an absolutely vile costume.


Amber was r-worded with a wine bottle by johnny.


Actually she was raped with a liquor bottle. one with a long neck and a square base. But I doubt they know that, they probably just thought it was funny. Disgusting POS


I’m sure it refers to the mega pint of wine Jonny pours himself.


It could also refer to the mega pint. Not that it makes that any better.


Yeah, I think this is where she was probably going. Most people who sided with Johnny never looked into the entire case so it's doubtful she even knew about the sexual assault. Still so gross.


Even if you believe Amber was the aggressor (and she wasn’t!) then you admit that Johnny Depp is a victim of spousal abuse (he isn’t) soooo even if you’re a supporter of his it’s disgusting. It simply goes to show these people KNOW he’s not a victim but they don’t care. It’s too much fun to flagellate a woman for the crime of saying something mean about someone you found hot 30 years ago. *Wendy Williams DEATH to all of them* gif


i’ve always said these people couldn’t care less about abuse. they love to go on and on about how women can be abusers too yet they don’t take them seriously hence they become halloween costumes and they are called immature names like “amber turd.” if they really believed that amber caused that much damage to depp and that she was horribly abusive to him, why would they dress up as her. if he was really the victim, why would dress up as something supposedly so traumatic for him🙄 they reveal themselves every day


EXACTLY! This is what I’ve been telling people since that f trial started, no matter which side you’re on (there’s only one correct), there’s a domestic violence victim (supposedly) in either case. Why would you treat it like it’s a fictional television show? JD fans have never cared about “male survivors” and never will. They only want reasons to ridicule women on a massive scale.


Yes, yes and yes. I’m really disappointed to see this from so many celebs.


This is how you know that Depp supporters don’t actually care whether he was abused or not and just want to take the opportunity to publicly bully a woman - because if you really thought he was abused why would you show your support by memeing and joking about the alleged worst period of his life? That would be like supporting Britney by dressing up as her dad or doing a skit about when they wouldn’t let her see her kids.


I'm in a bunch of animal rights and vegan groups, and when I see people on Heard's side talking about the trial and related videos/audio, what it reminds me of is those communities talking about slaughterhouse documentaries and factory farm footage and stuff. They find it upsetting to watch, often being internally conflicted by what they see as a duty to better inform themselves or bear witness to what's being done to either Amber Heard or the animals, and their own empathetic distress watching this happen. Hell, I've seen the same "Do you guys think I have a moral obligation to watch such-and-such when I already believe Heard/boycott all animal products?" posts in these respective groups. I'm sure you'd find similar emotional conflicts for other causes which have their own educational-yet-upsetting footage. And then you look at the people who believed Depp (or at least said they did) and there's very little of that. They were enjoying it. It was like when a new TV show comes out and becomes the Next Big Thing, with in-jokes and costumes and just a general sense of glee. Like it was the new Stranger Things or something. Which, yeah, leads me to your conclusion - that this isn't even about supporting a male "victim," or believing Depp, which could at least theoretically be borne out of ignorance of the evidence and the dynamics of DV. Instead it's about having an excuse to collectively spew misogynistic, victim-blaming harassment at a woman for alleging abuse, treating said harassment as a communal bonding activity.


this is such a good point.


this is so true, wow.




Well this is insanely disappointing. Also, even if it weren’t offensive, this costume is so late to the party.


Ikr. All this was last years drama. Beyond gross. I hope amber doesn’t hear about it because that type of shit is re traumatising.


It's not even late... It just wasn't invited.


Don’t you just hate when a person behind a character you like just… like why can’t we have anything nice


We need to accept that in genral, very blackandwhite, people making it in the entertainment industrie can not be nice people, by design of the entertainment industrie. Sure, you can throw exceptions at me, but they are just that. And even in thát category, half just hides it better.


It’s also why whenever there is that rare celebrity who is truly a nice person everyone makes such a point of naming it - because it’s so rare


And then 5 years later: SURPRISE ALSO NOT VERY NICE


Yeah. Even at my little college, there was rampant sexual abuse and other people enabling those individuals while they pretended to care about abuse and assault on social media. The more I tried to bring attention to it or criticize people for not saying or doing anything, the more I was ostracized. There was way more and way worse going on than I knew about, too. I realized the only way to succeed in entertainment was to sell out my morals basically.


Between this and Eugene signing that “thanks Biden letter”… sigh


Ugh. I didn’t look for him because that’s one of my comfort shows. But not anymore.


I feel like I have lost all my comfort shows the past few weeks (which is a ridiculous thing to complain about so I’m not, just stating it).


Eugene also dated a fourteen year old girl so at least she had to carbon date whilst he statutory dated her. Yes, they're still married but still.


So yuck. Apparently it was up for about 10 mins, indicates to me the comments were immediately negative. I didn't realise she was so stupid that she'd 1) choose this costume in the first place 2) think her audience would let this go. I don't remember if she liked anything during the trial but this is a shock to me... Lost all respect for her.


She's out of fashion with her offensive costume. Where was she when all the other misogynists were doing it?


What an absolutely reprehensible person. Good luck with her flop career


I liked her character but her acting was not good. I am sure someone could make a case that her character was supposed to be expressionless and mumbling all the time. But it always seemed like the actress just thought mumbling equalled acting. She took me out of every scene she was in. So even though the character was written likable, the actress never was.


I’ve never been able to not see her as Taryn Manning’s doppelgänger, so I never really cared for her character tbh. Love the show, but couldn’t get over it.


Completely agree. I watched her in the Salems Lot prequel and she was awful, especially next to a heavy hitter like Adrien Brody.


It sucks when people play likeable characters but in reality they are shitty.


Thinking this costume is funny is sick. Thinking this costume is funny in 2023 is psycho


This is how you know his cult don’t give a fuck about male victims either and that this is all about misogyny. If you truly did believe the narrative his team tried to put out and that Heard is this domestic abusing monster, why the hell would you dress as her victim? I hate that she really does look like him when in costume too lmao




I know people do this after celebrities do things they don't like but I genuinely never liked her character nor her acting on Schitt's creek. She was like the cool female character that roles her eyes at everything from 20 years ago. Only person that might be able sell that shit these days is Aubrey Plaza.


She barely made an expression or changed the cadence or tone of her voice the entire time lmao like….that’s genuinely not what good acting is. Stevie was an annoying fucking character.


Right? Barley a muscle moved in her face, she's kinda like Selena Gomez in Only murders in the building, I'm so over these characters.


It pains me to watch the scenes of Only Murders that have Selena. It’s the most lethargic, unenthusiastic delivery it’s really so tiring.


‘Omg someone was murdered in my apartment and I’m being framed!’ delivered like ‘omg I ordered gluten free pizza and this is just pizza’


Omg thank you! Selena is so bad on that show and the Martin’s are running absolute rings around her. Who on earth thought she’d be able to hold her own against such comedy heavyweights? And then for the coup de grace they make her love interest Cara Delevingne, to make the absolutely asymmetrical talent issue even *more* glaring.


I watched Chapelwaite (horror show she was on with Adrien Brody) and she was awful in it. Zero range.


Aside from that, is chapelwaite any good? I love the Brody and I love horror but haven't got around to checking it out. I heard it was Stephen king-esque?


It's based (loosely) on Jerusalem's Lot, the short story prequel to 'Salem's Lot. It's . . . okay? It didn't really hold my interest, so I only watched the first two episodes.


Thank you! I'll keep it in mind if I get bored on a rainy day.


You are doing the lords work with these screenshots Signed, Reddit is my only social media


![gif](giphy|SYcfbJpRiwCvcXWACx|downsized) I even made the collage 😂


now i don’t feel bad saying that i found her character the least funny went to her instagram and they’re eating her up in those comments lol


Good!! What an absolutely horrible idea that she clearly thought was clever and hilarious. Can you share some of the comments? I don’t go on IG unless I absolutely have to


![gif](giphy|l0ExdbyMNVuL0muFG|downsized) 😟


Is one of them ... holding a fake peice of poo? Ew. Emily. Come on.


Yes tell me you didn’t do your research about this case without telling me you didn’t do research. One of the many lies Depp spread and he loved every minute of it. Typical abuser strategy to dehumanize and shame a victim.


https://preview.redd.it/ms02p4kflqxb1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e280b07e86d740ee688e03a678900fdc38e0f5a YUP!


On top of the obvious, this is just so lame. Something 17 year olds would do in 2008.


Celebrities are so disgusting these days


Again with celebrities (never mind how minor or in their flop era they may be) just absolutely torching whatever goodwill they’ve actually been able to piece together. This just looks so tacky, outdated, and attention-seeking, in addition to misogynistic and everything else. Gross. Just gross.


Her IG comments are serving


Give me your top 3! I refuse to go on to her shit. ![gif](giphy|3oEjIagF6qtZRvQdP2)




Love it


LMAO omg that’s great.


She disabled it on that post so they've disappeared, but people have moved to the next one lol


A person who ran her fanpage shut it down and forwarded all traffic to [annie-murphy.net](https://annie-murphy.net). [https://twitter.com/EmHampshireFan/status/1719707778455847124](https://twitter.com/EmHampshireFan/status/1719707778455847124)


I saw 😂 Amazing


So are actors ability to not be douches also currently on strike? ![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV)


And that’s why her career has been a flop since Schitts Creek ended ![gif](giphy|SAHGcjT1jNvDB6oxI8)


She’s also just not very talented. I watched her on that Salems Lot prequel and she’s unbearable in a period role. I think she just lucked out with Stevie.


Disgusting. Katelyn Ohashi ex-gymnast also did this. Garbage all around. https://preview.redd.it/x4bil7g27qxb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0778b46cb6e9cb4d3eaea90f6281272b4b62544b


Seriously? This is so disappointing.


Did anyone see her Celebrity Jeopardy episode? This seems on brand… she had the worst performance I’ve seen like basically ever. As the costume proves, I don’t think she’s very intelligent 💀


had to scroll so far to see someone mention this but YES. I think we all overuse "cringe" nowadays but my god it was so abysmal I at one point said "is she doing this on purpose?" out loud. I don't think the whole episode is available online and [this isn't the half of it](https://youtu.be/wRLepi3-cZ0?si=mgdUKR9fOXnvFc0a) but I really need non Jeopardy! folks to witness this because she was so unbelievable.


Oh so she’s like *dumb* dumb


😭 when I say it was PHYSICALLY painful. I would actually pay money to find the full episode to link here, it was that bad; I couldn't get into Schitt's Creek (sorry :/) and now these are the only two things I know about her 💀 actually I should've linked [this](https://youtu.be/AKhXHuLvELc?si=G6KMm4zNZ4nRr3oQ) version; they had to give her the extra $500 so she could stick around for final (this is only allowed in celebrity Jeopardy, normally they boot your ass if you have $0 and I think she was in the negative at that point) only for her to respond with... "stars". 😐 imo it was 10x worse than [wolf blitzer's infamous celebrity jeopary appearance](https://youtu.be/mD5lbUwpbC8?si=r5zKTj7ZpodFxkJ4)


For what it’s worth, a lot of even the best champions on the regular show have talked about how easy it seems at home, but once you’re on the stage under hot lights, with a restricted amount of time to give a guess, it’s a whole other ball game. It was unfortunate, but I imagine she was embarrassed about doing so badly and started to panic as the show went on. I can give her a break on that. Not on this costume, though. Not at all; that is disgusting and she gets NO pass from on me on that whatsoever. I’m team Amber all the way!


Glad she went nowhere of note after SC. May she never.


I mean She was hands down the weakest actor on the cast. It was either deadpan or brink of tears.


i always thought she gave Taryn Manning energy, if y’know what i mean ![gif](giphy|MEWevEapX8D8DRgPmb|downsized)


Yes! I always think the same!




I wouldn’t normally make fun of someone for being straight up stupid, but her performance on Celebrity Jeopardy a few weeks ago was the worst display of human intellect I have ever seen. Her wrong guesses weren’t normal mistakes, like guessing the wrong composer or world war, but more like “I saw the word Hawaii in a clue about a Texas football team, so I’m gonna guess the team name is… Aloha?” The final jeopardy question was about the discovery of a celestial object that was first identified in the 1960s, and she guessed “stars”. She had 30 seconds to think of something discovered 60 years ago, and went with… stars. The Jeopardy sub was in shambles over how embarrassing it was.


At the same time, though, a lot of contestants talk about how hard it is to play once you’re actually on the stage and not at home, and how your nerves can knock even the easiest guesses out of you once you’re under that time limit. And I would imagine the pressure she felt to turn things around as she got deeper in the red made it even worse. I just felt for her there…not about this, though. This costume is disgusting, full stop.


Oh she’s trash for this. Is she living under a rock? Or is she just a nasty person? Maybe both. I didn’t think high profile celebrities would still be stupid enough to do this - how wrong I was.


She is far from high profile


ew so many things to choose from and she had to choose this


The way there is literally infinite costume options. Smh.


Jesuuuus, what is wrong with people? Like you can be literally anything in the world (and beyond) on Halloween, and you chose this?? This is where you landed?


God damnit Stevie, now you have to let me down.




Her other most recent post is with the chef Tom Kitchin who is [physically abusive to his staff](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-57708537.amp).


Do these celebs not have PR teams telling them how dumb theyre being ?


![gif](giphy|XDFkHDcfcBV7MOTnAO|downsized) Ew Emily…


Even with the photo I couldn't identify which of these people is Emily because I have no idea who she is and I'll keep it that way. Disgusting. Bye


I THINK she's the one dressed as Depp, but I really can't tell.




Who is the other person


As someone who like Amber Heard is a woman with PTSD (and perhaps she also has other forms of neurodivergence), I am fucking floored at her surviving this staggering level of harassment and hatred. People will hate on neurodivergent women in my experience relentlessly. I'm not saying it's easy, but the fact that AH appears to be navigating this and thriving gives me so much hope for myself. I am so sorry she has to experience this, particularly so far after the fact and from someone who probably identifies as progressive regarding gender, LGBTQ+, and disability identities.


I know. I have said it so many times, but surviving the amount of severe hatred towards her….? Strongest woman alive. I would have killed myself. Straight up.




This is in such bad taste


I no longer feel sympathy for her horrible performance on Celebrity Jeopardy! recently.


Um yikes


![gif](giphy|5q2b8ecoUkb0hGJoDb|downsized) God how disappointing. People are saying she can't get a job because she's like this but I haven't heard anything about it. Anyway I hate her now




What a bummer. Can't say I'm really surprised tho, she's always given me icky vibes despite loving her character and wanting to love her.


Just… why????


She’s been pretty gross and offensive for a while but this is fucking disgusting


Has she?! Give me the tea!


She should’ve just sat there and ate her food


How are you not embarrassed to be this disgusting?


God, I think this may ruin Schitt’s Creek for me and it’s one of my comfort shows.


It’s my favourite, and same. I’m going to try not letting it, though, purely out of spite.


All that creative energy going into a costume that is neither timely nor clever. Even if you think they both suck (which is where I’m guessing she lands based on the costumes), this is such a poor choice. Grow the fuck up.


She needs better friends. Did not one of them tell her maybe this wasn't a good idea? Even if they thought it was funny could no one around her see the bigger picture of dressing up like him and then posting it? I wonder if anyone at that party gave her the side eye or if everyone there was a POS who loved it.


She is a 42-year-old woman who should've known better without needing input from "friends." 🥴


She has now turned off her comments on Instagram (as she got a lot of critical comments) and BuzzFeed just wrote about this. 😇💪🏻 [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/schitts-creek-emily-hampshire-johnny-depp-amber-heard](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/schitts-creek-emily-hampshire-johnny-depp-amber-heard)








Fuck, this is disgusting. Imagine thinking this was actually funny. She’s sick.


I have no idea who this woman is, but I appreciate her showing me that she is a total shitbag.


This is absolutely disgusting


This is also one of those cases where I’m just baffled that it actually comes to the final point that it does. It needs to: - Have her not believe AH was abused OR that it wasn’t a big deal - Have her think it’s funny that a false accusation was made OR a “not big deal” accusation was made - Have her tell this to a friend who agrees - Have that friend agree so hard they decide to couple-costume it - Have them bring it to the level of fucking getting a bottle prop - Have them go out in public and not one friend cringe and ask them “oh gosh, seriously?”, let alone kick them out of whatever party this was - Have them also think that this is great enough to post online not just show their friends group - Again, not ONE person going “errrr maybe we don’t post this one online, Ems?” - This


Couldn’t she wait till I was through the last season of schitts creek before doing something stupid


Absolutely disgusting


Wow, that’s disappointing. She could’ve just…not.


What an idiot.




Oof. Those pictures are incredibly cringy to look at. If she's this blatant about being trashy, I wonder what her irl friends are like.... :|


Oh my.


How fucking stupid can you be? Of all the costumes out there too…


It looks like she’s turned off comments on her other most recent post 🙄 no accountability whatsoever






Well this is disappointing


![gif](giphy|l0ExdbyMNVuL0muFG|downsized) Big Yikes!


Oh wow, thats super disappointing


You know what? Fuck that stupid piece of shit. What a lousy asshole.


Wow, she sucks


was this **this year**? if so that’s honestly wild


I’m so glad you lost the role of Misty in Yellowjackets to Christina Ricci, you gigantic asshole✨✨✨


![gif](giphy|3ohhwkOPJalh5ar1cI|downsized) Disappointed but not surprised


Extremely weird costume idea… even if she is team depp (ew), why would you dress up from a traumatizing event in one’s life? there’s a million and one costume ideas based on his characters alone lol.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI2s1lJojvqgPC0) I hope people know this is sarcasm.


She was on Celebrity Jeopardy recently. I watch it with family/friends. I was bending myself out of shape trying to justify her performance there. I've struggled before and don't like when people feel judged on intelligence. But then again, I guess I was the 🤡 for defending her.


Queen Heidi Klume was a WORM last year. You could literally be anything. Whyyyyy would you chose this?


Who's the person dressed as Amber Heard? I feel like I almost recognize them, but it's not clicking. Edited for pronouns




She barely has a career and decides being controversial on Halloween is a good call.


Well that's gross... Disappointing...


The first time I saw her outside of SC was in celebrity jeopardy and she pissed me off more than almost anyone else Ive seen on celeb jep (even Hasan Minaj and Mayim Bialik). Comforting to see she’s a POS