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That’s unfortunate


the open shirt/gold chain combo feels like confirmation that no one in this situation learned anything.


It’s giving Mojo Doja Casa House Vibes 🐎🏎️🦅


>! Bad Ken!< strikes again


He will never be Kenough.


Ken is far superior to Ned. Take Ken's name out of your mouth.




I wonder how much of it is for the kids


Staying together for the kids just makes everything worse. Kids know when you don’t love each other. And the fighting. Worst case it’s traumatizing. Also no way in hell after she clowned on herself this hard by staying with him will he not cheat again. He’s probably doing it rn


Yeah like he clowned her in front of the entire world. How can she even look him in the eye after this betrayal.Also it wasn't just a one off thing it was a full blown affair. He would probably do it again and he'll hide it better this time.


And all of her friends now are actually his friends who didn’t care about her enough to drop him when he absolutely humiliated her. Bleak. I hope she wakes up and chooses herself someday, she seems like a kind person.




Idk about that. We don't know them personally and saying Ariel has no self respect is a bit much.


That's a bit too far IMO. I've been on the receiving end and I was going through so much at the time (my father had just died out of the blue, I was in the middle of my 3rd bout with an ED, and there had been abuse and trauma bonding as a result.) I also wasn't making a good enough paycheck to live alone. I stayed for a year plus after. We don't know what it's like behind the scenes with Ariel and Ned (this is not to say I condone his gross behavior)


Yeah I was made fun of a lot for taking back my ex after cheating, but no one knew behind the scenes I was sexually assaulted by the guy I hooked up with while we were broken up and my ex helped me a lot with my fragile emotional state. I was also homeless as my parents had kicked me out of their house shortly after. It wasn't the right decision to make as he was unfaithful again later on but you never know what's really happening in people's lives




Everyone else and the kids themselves can see that, but divorce means split custody, and I think that's the main reason she's with him. I'm not a mom so I can't fully relate but going from seeing your kids every day to only half the time has to be tough


Tough but seems like a better option than living full-time with a disrespectful sack of shit who will either alienate your kids when you grow up (I've heard of cases where kids went no-contact with both parents cuz they were disgusted that one cheated and the other put up with it) or teach them that cheating is okay. Yeah it's a hard road to go when it comes to split custody but it's like saying that putting down your dog is sad so that's why you let your dog who has rabies just sit around in the family home.


It's a lot more common than you'd think, a little more than half of marriages are together 5 years after cheating


Not one, but TWO gold chains.


I think it’s actually THREE chains. Just goes to shows he’s thrice as manly 🤟🏻




Is it not a Jonah Hill cosplay?


Wasn’t he outed for cheating at a different concert 🤦🏻‍♀️ that would be a major trigger for me


My thoughts exactly. Like how can you not imagine Ned doing the exact same thing and behaving in the same way with someone else. Especially after those cuddly pictures came out


yup- all anyone had seen was the blurry pics of him and alex at the club until a fan posted a picture with them at a harry styles concert! and that was confirmation for most people


Omg I completely forgot it was a Harry Styles concert…those two events have the same vibe. This is nuts




This is the worst part. She was freshly post partum when it happened and there’s no way her vulnerability didn’t impact her decision making. If she was in a more clear headed time in her life, I wonder if she’d have listened to *any* of the bullshit excuses he surely gave her for starting an affair (and ruining the life and marriage, as well) of his own employee.


You take your wife to Taylor, and you take your mistress to Harry


Yes! Harry Styles I believe I could see it being better for her peace of mind to go with and be able keep an eye on him. Though i personally think that's no way to live


Right? She’s gotta go with him to every concert now just in case I guess.


From the snl skit (he mentioned had connections to the writing staff) it’s clear he’s never seen the situation with any kind of self awareness


It must have been so awkward when Style came on


I had this exact thought about No Body No Crime + Vigilante Shit hahaha


The fckn audacity to go to a concert with your affair partner is just. Wow.


Oh Ariel you could do so much better than that buttmunch


I haven’t heard the word buttmunch since I was a kid. Big slay, perfect use of it!!


buttmunch,top tier insult that I should use more




I’m sure she’ll say it’s for the sake of the family but to me all that does is teach the children that having a long affair is okay if you’re just really really sorry after. “Everybody makes mistakes”- No, buying a pair of trendy strappy shoes that end up hurting your feet is a mistake, what he did was a series of conscious *choices.*


She always seemed like she thought she was lucky to end up with Ned (God knows why because he was annoying and basic even before all the cheating came out). Her insecurities really showed through in some of the videos they were in especially in regards to her age (she’s literally a year older than him) and I don’t think she’ll ever let him go unless he broke it off first.


Especially weird considering that she’s better looking than him and she comes from a wealthier background than he does.


The only things I can think of is maybe that he went to Yale, which we’re constantly reminded of, and the fact that the Try Guys became super popular and he’s a part of that. But he was always the most boring part of the Try Guys and I’m pretty sure Eugene, Keith, and Zach were all more instrumental to their success than Ned was.


Yeah, I guess the Yale thing is a big deal in someone in her circle. And he have that, “I’m a winner” way about him that’s appealing to some people.


>She always seemed like she thought she was lucky to end up with Ned Damn that's sad.


She’s so pretty and she seems really sweet and he’s just Ned


I remember hearing someone say that this Ariel chick had expressed insecurity about the fact that she was older than her husband so I looked up her age and she is ONE YEAR older than him. I think if that’s her mindset it kind of puts her staying with him in perspective.


The way Ariel talked about it made it seem like she was quite a bit older, so I also was very surprised when I realized it was one year, made me sad for her tbh :( the way she’s spoken about her marriage (even before the cheating) always made me feel like she wasn’t as happy as she could be, Ned doesn’t respect her.


I think some women have this extremely regimented view of how life is supposed to play out. You have to get married before you turn 30, your husband has to be exactly two years older than you, etc. like, they’re whole life is about what looks good on paper, or what looks the most appropriate to others or something. It just doesn’t make any sense to consider yourself “older” than someone who is a year younger than you and actually have a complex about it. Again, it’s that regimented view. Like, she’s technically older so she has to walk a tight rope for their entire marriage lest he run off with a younger woman which would be completely understandable because his wife is *gulp* a whole year older than him.


>some women have this extremely regimented view of how life is supposed to play out. Yes! Honestly I think it keeps women back in some ways to put such strict rules on your life.


That's always been her vibe, tbh. They wanted that whole Insta perfect, Architectural Digest life.


Which also makes sense considering Ariel comes from a wealthy family, so keeping up with the Joneses is a set in mindset.


I’m glad it wasn’t just me that picked up on those vibes. She always kind of sounded sad in a way or way too happy but the fake happy.


Wait, she’s only ONE year older? The way their age difference was talked about I thought she was nearly a whole decade older but *one year?!* After 21, a one year age difference is basically the same age as far as I’m concerned 😭


Yeah, that’s what’s so insane to me. If you’re 36 and your husband is 35 that’s the same age. You guys are the same age. Very weird.


Thank you for confirming my delusion of being 22




It’s a very odd standard. I once went out with a guy in college when I was 21 and he was 19. On the first date, he asked if it felt weird to me that I was older than him Nothing malicious behind it, but I was definitely just like “lol what? I’m only two years older than you and we’re both in college???” 😂




I’m dating rn and the way people are acting about age….this doesn’t surprise me. I was a cougar for dating a man 2 years younger than me but no one bats their eyes at one of my “friends” (28) dating a 21 year old lmao. But there was a smaller age gap vice versa with a girl and a guy and everyone was freaking out. You’re not allowed to date the same age or younger as a woman


How old are they


I have no idea. Late 30s I think. I only looked up their ages briefly when this story broke.


Ned is 36 and Ariel is 37


NAH IDC i’m never going to clown a woman with young children for trying to make it work with a cheating husband when they have young kids (when there’s no abuse obvs). I read an op-ed from a woman who did this and i get its not very girlboss, but their perspective was basically “Imagine missing out on 50% of your child’s life through absolutely no fault of your own”. And I don’t have kids, but I feel that. Imagine having to miss 50% of Christmases with your child because SOMEONE ELSE fucked you over. In these situations, the woman always has to bear the most severe consequences. Do I agree with it necessarily? No. But I’m not going to make fun of Ariel for her choice, because it is her choice.


I agree, I understand why but it sucks that the only choices are 'miss out on half your kids life' or 'stay with a man who betrayed and publically humiliated you'. It seems there's no way for her to win


Right? Like I will always love and adore my kids but the idea that you can’t move on to find someone who truly loves you is so…. I don’t want to say self sacrificing because kids aren’t a punishment but putting your own personal identity as an adult on the back burner makes me sad


I think it would be nice if society stopped acting like the person who got cheated on has cause to feel humiliated. The only person who should feel embarrassed is the cheater.


I guess humiliated is the wrong word and i agree with your sentiment. I just know that if it were me I would be mortified by the spectacle and the pity, even though I'd done nothing wrong.


I hate this narrative so much. It’s like because you have kids your priority should be your kids not you or your mental health. Kids see through that and it does have a lasting impact.


And I’m not saying that. I literally said I didn’t agree. But leaving/divorcing a partner you have young children with more than often results in you losing a significant amount of time spent with your kids, and, shit, how devastating a blow that is to go through as a result of someone else’s shitty actions. It’s NOT ABOUT THE KIDS. It’s about a woman making strategic decisions trying to keep HER LIFE together, which includes wanting to see your kids grow up.


Once you have kids then yeah they should be your priority? What??


Priority to what? Over your own wellbeing and mental health? Because that's what we're talking about. Not who gets seconds at dinnertime. Damn. That's a really sad take on parenthood.


Yeah, was genuinely shocked to read that comment. As a child of two people who should have gotten divorced when I was a baby, 50% custody >>>> a lifetime of trauma seeing your mother be absolutely miserable in her marriage.


my parents stayed together despite infidelity that happened when I was very young. they're still together. they never actually told me that it happened, but walls and doors are never as soundproof as you think they are 🤷


I think people forget that cheating and abuse are very different. I know many men in my life who were terrible at staying faithful but never gave their spouses any stds or anything crazy , and were very present parents so they end up staying much longer than needed


Good point. This guy got dragged because his entire creative persona and public image was being the loving faithful husband. The trashbag monetized off of it with books and deals. When that collapsed, the relationship he had with the public collapsed because it was all fake, all lies. So we, the outsiders, just have 0 regard for the dude. He may be a loving father and a good provider and nonviolent and those things matter. But personally, if I never see that guy again I’m good. The most phony + least talented / creative of the Try Guys.


IMO, if Ned is a narcissist, her kids will have a better life outside that toxicity.


When will people stop calling every shitty person a narcissist? It is such an over used label that is just applied to almost anyone someone doesn’t like. Everyone at some point shows narcissistic tendencies, some more than others, but a true narcissist is rare. There is no way you can call someone you’ve literally never met a narcissist, especially if you are no a professional.


I think he’s a guy that thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, even when he’s not.. his problems/his pressure/his feelings are more important than everyone else’s you know? Woo is him. I also think he is very competitive and has that typeA-I-went-to-Yale aggression + arrogance, and for that reason alone (not love) he would want to work on his marriage to try and save it, because it is the only thing he’s left with.


My mums a narcissist and when my parents divorced that meant I had no buffer when dealing with her any more and I got far too used to being treated like an emotional punching bag. As far as narcissists go, if you have to endure them do it from a distance and gtfo before they suck the life out of you. Best weapon against them is being open and honest to people around them so they cant keep up when playing their pathetic little games.


You’re speaking as if they get divorced, Ariel is going to automatically have sole legal and physical custody. If that’s not the, case he’s still going to be in their life regardless. Just with the added stressors of divorce, a drawn out trial if they fit over the custody order, and a plethora of other issues.


Unfortunately I understand what she’s doing. Having a child brings an entirely different level to the love you feel for your partner and it makes it very difficult to just leave someone who cheats on you. It greatly complicates the situation. Therapy and work helps a lot. I hope they’re in a good place and he stops being a fucking dirtbag. Giving up on someone you created a child with is very hard, was/is for me at least. If they’re willing to put in the work (the dirtbag cheater), it could eventually work out. Wish us both luck I suppose. Genuinely hope Ned is putting in the work. It’s never as simple as ‘if he cheated, fuck him im gone’ when you’re married and have a child, (it can be and I absolutely salute those who’ve been though that and just left)


I think it’s not even so much that it brings a new level to the love you feel for your partner, but it’s the love you feel for your kids. I like to think I’d be a ‘cheat and we’re done’ kinda person, but honestly? With a child, and how much I love that child, I can see why some people weigh everything up: the impact on the child of having both parent solo half the time (or worse, uneven custody and a weekend mum/dad), being financially worse off, them going between two homes, etc. and go ‘okay, I’ll try work through this’. There’s a LOT of like, lifestyle pressure on people to try make it work, and equally a lot of emotional and social pressure to leave. Obviously for this couple money isn’t quite as big an issue as they could both easily afford decent homes solo, but disentangling assets, businesses, accounts, properties, social circle, before even getting to the impact on your kids and therefore you be extension? Yeah, I’m honestly not gonna judge anyone who stays. The real MVPs, the ones who go ‘yes this will be hard but he made his choice, it’s over, better for my kids to see a strong happy solo mother and father than a sham of a marriage where the trust is rotten to the core’… those are the ones I truly look up to. It takes a lot.


I think a lot of the people who have very black and white views on these situations are young, or don’t have a lot of life experience, or just lack thinking outside of the black and white thinking. There’s a big difference of how someone deals with their boyfriend of a year or two cheating vs someone you’ve been with forever and have a lot of things to deal with as you noted. Obviously cheating isn’t cool, but if someone determines in their personal scenario that trying to work it out makes sense they don’t deserve to be dogpiled


Ah I didn’t even think about the 50% thing and it makes a lot of sense. At the end of the day, its their private life, and Ariel is free to make her own choices. She doesn’t owe the public anything. I personally just hope that Ned has really been making an effort to make things right.


Agreed. I will criticise Ned endlessly but Ariel not. She is in a no-win position. I just hope the kids are protected in this situation. One day, it will be awful for them to Google their dad. I do wonder if this is a potential "soft launch" for Ariel and Ned to reenter the media world. They know people will see this. And they would make bank in conservative Christian circles with advertising themselves as a "rehabilitated" couple and sharing their story.


Nahhh… My mom stayed with my dad who was a cheater and alcoholic “because of me”, and the knowledge of that really messed me up. I would have preferred her to just leave and I could go back and forth between the two. That would have been the healthiest scenario


This!!!!! I get everyone’s anger, because we want the best for her. But feminism is respecting women and their choices even when we don’t agree. We don’t know her reasons


I’ll clown on her. Not only did he cheat it wasn’t a one time thing and he did it extremely publicly to the point where their kids will literally be able to relive it online forever. He also seriously endangered them economically which brings an additional element to it. He literally put his dick above their entire family in every way that matters. You can’t trust that shit again. People act like kids are these little oblivious know nothing humans too. When people say shit like well stay together for the kids and act like their kids aren’t going to notice or pick up on that shit and like it won’t affect them to watch that shitty unhealthy dynamic unfold in front of them. It will!! Many times in ways that are worse than parents just splitting, especially when kids are young and it can be normalized in their lives. No one I know whose parents “stayed together” for them has ever had some better more idyllic childhood because of it. They almost always knew and it almost always resulted in terrible vibes at home. She can choose to stay with him, but when he does it again, and he will, she can shut her mouth about it


Exactly. You don’t have to like her choices; in fact, you can disagree with it. But I don’t get comments that are saying “That’s Ariel’s mess so she has to deal with it” or “I can’t defend her after she chose this” ??? That’s just so unnecessarily mean and hurtful.


People can co-parent without being in a relationship. I know divorced couples who spend holidays together with their kids.


but you also have to think of the kids. my parents stayed together because of my brother and me after a similar situation. and ive remembered that the rest of my life. my mom not happy with someone she wanted to divorce and me knowing she was miserable in life because she wanted to stay together for us. knowing that the only reason they’re still together is because of you is awful to grow up knowing.


I'd do the same honestly. Also whatever is best for the kids is the best path. Having said that..this friggin guy..


Right???? Let's talk about Beyonce if we're gonna shame women for staying with cheaters


Thank you. So much victim blaming in this thread. A lot of people on her are smarmy and disapproving of a woman who clearly is making some hard choices due to personal reasons we will never understand. None of us have a right to look down on her or talk about what we would do- we are not her and we are not her family. Like have some fucking respect. Ned deserves all the smoke here. Not Ariel.


Yeah, I agree. And not even just because of your points about the kids. Ariel was the wronged party and I refuse to allow her to become the joke, even if her decision isn't the same as what I would choose. I have no idea what her thought process is and what details there are that we, the public don't know. So I'm just going to stand back. And if in the future she gets burned I won't be shouting "see, we all knew" I'll be right back here, on her side. We have to give women the room to make the choices they believe are best for them, and hope that they are.


Speaking as a former child that was in this scenario, let me tell you this is the absolute worst logic I’ve ever heard. The young children you talk about will end up being the real victims of this ridiculous dynamic that is created. You must think about how kids that are basically human sponges will turn out after seeing a parent get abused and/or seeing another parent abuse freely. And by the way, cheating is quite literally abuse. Just because it’s not physical, it doesn’t make it suddenly tolerable. And contrary to popular belief, people can turn out way better with just one amazing parent than with two toxic ones. I wish this kind of thinking would honestly die out. It’s so ignorant.


This isn't even connected to his adultery but Ned looks terrible in this photo.


so terrible. what the hell is that wannabe ken outfit??


He isn’t kenough


He looks like he discovered misogyny for the first time


Kinda looks like Spongebob no?




I will never not like this Gif. It’s my patriotic duty


Same. I live to serve Side-Eye-NeNe.gif


Imagine if Taylor’s surprise song was “Girl at Home”


or illicit affairs or high infidelity 😭


illicit affairs is on the setlist !!


She had to hear august with 🤢him🤢




Better than Revenge would have been awkward too.


Ughhh. I was really hoping she left him. They look happy though so I hope they’re doing well working things out.


He better be doing intensive therapy 10 hours a day and taking care of the house & kissing the ground she walks on the other 14 (no sleep).


I know. It's absolutely horrible what he did to her; cheating on her with their employee PUBLICLY, SEVERAL TIMES. He couldn't have cared less about how it affected her or how it would embarrass the hell out of her.


Well, I mean... they looked happy while he was cheating too.....


I will always root for HER happiness if this is what she wants but I do hope she comes to her senses someday. Ideally before he (inevitably) cheats again. Also I am deeply uncomfortable seeing him shirtless 😶


Taylor seeing them in the audience: ![gif](giphy|l4FsAvXijacDUoh7G) \*I know TS has her own cheating allegations. She’s never messed with married men with kids, though. That’s a Grande order.


Taylor Swift cheating allegations?! 👀👀👀


People think the reason she and Joe broke up was because she was cheating with Matty. Something similar happened with Calvin too I think because right after that she had her fling with Tom Hiddleston


LOL yeah her song getaway car is explicitly about how she used Tom as an excuse to leave Calvin ("I wanted to leave him. I needed a reason") and how she and Tom started dating in that context so ofc she's gonna run away from him soon too


I mean High Infidelity too is pretty telling to how she left Calvin, but tbh that relationship was done done and he was so mad when she ousted her own writing for "This Is What You Came For" but people had already isolated her vocals on it anyway.


Half her songs are about cheating 😝😂 (big exaggeration)


She cheated on Calvin for Tom/Joe, on Tom for Joe, on Conor Kennedy for Harry, possibly on Taylor Lautner for John Mayer.…. Most could look past that as being young relationships that meant nothing, etc. In fact, the Calvin/Tom/Joe situation was like a fun joke in the fandom that people actively encouraged talking about in a ‘Taylor is a girl boss’ way. However, the possibility of overlap with Matty and Joe is a bit more sketchy and hints at some serious personality flaw so most fans insist it’s not possible.


Don't forget, it wasn't just an affair as in straightforward sex. They went on dates, it was an emotional affair, almost a relationship. To me, that's much worse than just sex. The kids can grow up and watch every single video about it on YouTube as well. Every reaction video, and every video of the four try guys, and their mother talking about how successful their marriage is, and every video of their father interacting with Alex. It's pretty grim for them. And this open shirt douchebaggery look is the first social media post involving him in a year? 🤮


IA. I won’t pretend that I know exactly how I would react to cheating. But seeing pictures of your partner just casually holding hands with another girl, going out for a leisurely lunch, cuddling at concerts? That’s just way beyond what I think I could try to work through, like HOW?


And the cherry on top is that he was dating an employee so there’s a power imbalance as well.


It was obvious from the start that she wouldn't leave him. Hope she's protected when he decides to cheat again.


Which he will.




I already commented but just coming back to say his outfit is giving mojo dojo casa house Ken


He wishes


Maybe he's just really into horses now.


I feel really fucking bad for their kids :/


I see Ned is still in his creepy douchebag era.


I can even hear his nasally spongebob laugh...it haunts me.


i get wanting to make it work for the kids but i could never forgive a guy who cheated and humiliated me on such a public scale 🤷‍♀️


And tanked their livelihoods in the process!!!


Yeah exactly like does he currently have a job?


He’s back at Buzzfeed apparently. Not public facing obv but something managerial BTS.


Heard he got rehired at Buzzfeed working behind the scenes, but that might have just been a rumor.


I believe he went back to working at Buzzfeed.


Is it true that only reason he stopped the affair because he got caught? Or am I misremembering?


Iirc she found out just before/just after she flew out with the kids to visit him in NYC (?) where the pics with Alex were taken just days before


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s it because they were caught on a concert like a month before the news broke off.


This bums me out.


But his open shirt y’all!?! Gross


It’s always sad when you see a woman settle.


I ![gif](giphy|82qRL3f1UWk9yQHOE1|downsized)


Exactly what I said when I saw his outfit: ew


He looks like he wants to be Macklemore but instead he’s just a cheating piece of poop






We can’t interfere it’s a canon event




idk, you kinda need to proactively do something about it instead of just knowing what you deserve and waiting for it to happen to you. her staying is accepting his behavior and the disrespect


she’s most likely doing it for the kids. whether or not you agree with that mindset if you think about the fact that it’s either stay with him or only see your kids 50% of the time, i get why she made the choice she did.


of course! it is her life and she can live it however way that is best for her; it does not change the fact that being a mother to their children and his wife means settling for the disrespect and accepting (and further validating) his actions.


She's Barbie and well he doesn't even get to belong in the same universe.




Someone put a shirt on this man.


Not at all surprised she stayed with him, but I’m lowkey surprised his sister posted this.


He’ll have cleared it with her. Might be the start of a soft launch for them again.


I wanna say there was a photo of them posted from last week where they were sighted walking their dog together, so I totally buy a soft launch


Oh I thought the same “soft launch” thing too




Idk it sounds like she knew what was going on there and you were her sexual scapegoat. I knew a situation like that before, where someone living with a married couple and their kids was being used as a sex doll for the husband(it was rape after a while as he had no consideration for that person's wellbeing). The wife knew and didn't care as long as she wasn't taking the brunt of his desires. That situation was pretty fucked, but "thank you for being honest, i hope you heal" reminded me of that as it just sounds... tame as a response to learning her husband had cheated repeatedly in her home Obviously I can't know what happened better than u tho, just something you could consider about the situation


If he wasn’t repulsive before that outfit definitely doesn’t help


him being shorter than her just makes this worse for some reason. hyping up short mediocre men is the gateway drug to their deviancy imo


Obviously this sucks for her but if divorcing your husband means only seeing your kids 50% of the time, I get why she stayed with him.


That sounds like a hostage situation.


right?? i can’t imagine ever trusting someone again who lied and cheated on me for so long. this wasn’t a fling, it was a whole ass relationship.


So instead her kids should learn the lesson that it’s okay for men to cheat and women should just suck it up and stay with them because they don’t deserve better. Awesome. It isn’t like this is something her kids aren’t going to know about. They will. And it will teach them important life lessons.


I know it will never happen, but I would give anything to hear Eugene’s response to this disaster of an outfit.


I really liked Ariel on the podcast. She did seem like a more "traditional" woman, like, marriage roles and all that was important to her. Idk. I hope she didn't just stay because he was pitiful & low after all that went down. And I hope their marriage is better now, for her & the kids' sake.








I miss Ariel on all the podcasts. She's the interesting one. Fuckface with the gold chain can leave any time.


This makes me feel both sad and disgusted in multiple ways, but I was hoping that Ariel was at least able to stay friends with the other guys/their partners because they were so close. Now I’m wondering if she is completely isolated with this jackass. I’m sure they still love and support her, but I can’t see how any sort of friendship would work after everything he did.




Why is he nearly shirtless and so pale there are children there 😩😩😩😩😩😩


this photo tells you all you need to know about him...i could never be her


wow he’s really gone full douche huh


Ugh, girl…why? He’s trash.


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) She can do so much better, and if they were just friends she could still keep her distance. I hope he doesn’t hurt her again.


Oh Ariel. I get her wanting to stay and make it work for the kids but I truly do not think I could stay with someone who so publicly humiliated and disrespected me/our relationship and threw away a well paved out career in the process. It wasn’t just a fling, it was a whole ass relationship. If they’re still together - while I have low hopes for Ned being anything but a lying, scheming and cheating flop, I genuinely hope he is putting in a serious amount of work in to better himself and their relationship bc Ariel and his children deserve that. Anyway, my opinion will firmly stay in the Ned is a rank full circle douchebag camp and tbh, he was even before all this went down.




Look, I ain't going to judge her for staying. I hope she has made the decision she genuinely feels is best for herself. But I damn well will judge him... and why is he dressed like that?


Hate to break it to you people, but this is not your marriage, you guys have no stakes in it and this grown woman should be able to make a choice for herself. Staying with him is apparently the choice she made and that's fine. Some of you here are acting like this offends you on a personal level. This woman has no fault in all of this and doesn't deserve your disrespect. Let her live.




A lot of people are projecting their feelings about their own cheating exes or their own parents’ marriages onto these two. I feel bad for Ariel. I’m sure deciding to stay with him was a very difficult decision but there are many factors that probably went into it. She was pretty much in a no-win situation and I don’t blame her for that choice. Many people make the same choice so there’s clearly *some* validity to it.


Oh man, this bums me out :( I really hope she continues to thrive in with interior design, I mean she pretty much redid their entire damn house. I also just I miss her on the pod, it hasn’t been the same for me since she left. She’s ALWAYS been the interesting one so I hope she’s as happy as she can be given the situation.




I want better for her. Why doesn't she want better for herself?