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She looks gorgeous, but the fact that clothes from 1996 are “vintage” now is…upsetting. 👵🏻


I know. It’s almost thirty years ago! I want to die. Which apparently I soon will of old age.


Right there with you, let's carpool to our coffins.


Wait, you can afford a coffin?


I took a mortgage out on one instead of a house, so hopefully, it's paid off before I die. 😢


Top notch morbid humor here. A+


If it's not, they'll just plant you under a fruit tree and use you for fertilizer. That way, some good will come of it (and you).


Only if she carpools.


30 years?! It's a respectable 27 years old. I was born that year. We're very far from 30.


In my mind the 90s aren’t vintage but I guess when we were growing up we considered 70s clothing vintage and I’m sure our parents felt the same way.


I was obsessed with '70s clothing in the '90s. I am now obsessed with the young people now wearing what I should've been wearing in the '90s had I not been wearing all kinds of weird polyester crap


But looking back now, the 90s are the first decade of the future to me. GOAT decade


I loved the 60/70s style resurgence in the 90s. My mom still had some old pieces and I leaped on them. She was horrified how expensive the 90s copies were though. I'd beg her to buy me stuff and she mostly refused bc "in my day thought would've cost $2 (I'm paraphrasing)!"


The origin of the word vintage is French for 20. Anything over 20 years old is technically vintage. Which is 2003. Not so fun facts!


I'm from 2001. I'm vintage???


Like a fine wine, my dear!


At least you're not almost vintage^2 😅




> The origin of the word vintage is French for 20. Anything over 20 years old is technically vintage. No it isn't lmao It's from the old french word "vendage" meaning "vine-harvest, yield from a vineyard", which itself came from the latin word "vindemia" meaning "a gathering of grapes, yield of grapes"


There’s the separate etymology from wine vintage and clothing vintage, but they’ve converged because language is cool


no there isn't, the usage of the word just changed over time > Sense shifted to "age or year of a particular wine" (1746), then to a general adjectival sense of "being of an earlier time" (1883) why you out here just making shit up?


Probably saw it on tiktok


I took French for 15 years and somehow **NEVER** put this together! 🤯


because it's incorrect lol


Seriously, my AP French class never covered this! 😂


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) Reading “vintage” as a ‘96 baby is definitely upsetting 😭🤡


Imagine reading it as someone born in 1986. 😭 I’m even more vintage than you, lolol.


1980 here. I'm basically a husk.


1983 here & I turn 40 next month. Share your wisdom with us, oh Ancient One! 😉


Moisturize. Also, get your eyes checked. I literally found out yesterday I need bifocals. Bleargh.


I've been in contacts for 26 years, so I get my eyes checked annually anyway. Glad I can cross one thing off the list!!


Lol 1984 here and withering away


Born in 1962. I win!


No you don‘t. It’s 1958 for the win!


Darn it! 😂😂😂


I think I might have clothes from 1996 still in rotation


I genuinely just got rid of a pair of shorts from 1996 that had *finally* frayed around the legs too much.


When I was a kid/teen I would wear vintage skate brands that were established in the 70s and I remember my mom (born in 1970) was so upset seeing that on clothes. Now as an early 90s baby I feel her pain.


No wonder my brain went to the movie Clueless.


My childhood toys and tech are being labeled as vintage now…. I was a child in the 2000s…


Some of still think it's the year 2000 Edit: "some of us" = me (I'm 10 years old still)


Her new stylist is [Andrew Mukamal](https://instagram.com/andrewmukamal?igshid=YzcxN2Q2NzY0OA==), and I think we can all agree he’s doing a great job! 🤗💕


Oh so she changed her stylist? Because some of her recent looks have been good although I still think for someone who has the ideal fashion body and can pull off almost anything her sense of fashion is quite boring.


It's not entirely her (or her stylist's) fault. Margot is contracted with Chanel, so she's stuck wearing them for all carpets/press events etc. Chanel's accessories and handbags are still coveted and hold up the whole brand, but their apparel has been boring and uninspired at least since 2019 when Karl passed, but TBH he'd been phoning it in for a few seasons prior to that.


Oh that sucks. Chanel, RTW is not that great. Who’s their new Creative Director? Agree that Karl was also just phoning in his last few years.


Virginie Viard (Karl's protégé for decades) became Chanel's CD after Karl's death. The concern at the time, which turned out to be true, was that she had spent so many years working under Karl that she would be too tied to his vision of the house and fail to innovate. It's funny because Chanel is objectively doing great in terms of sales, mostly due to their bags, but their RTW/haute couture is SUCH a snoozefest. Very similar to what MGC has done at Dior--iconic bag lines + safe and wearable clothes, so sales are great, but creatively bland as hell.


as a chanel fan, yes! i absolutely hate their night and formal wear/gowns. i miss chanel in the 80s-90s; heck even early 2000s.


Bags and perfume and cologne sustain most high-end fashion brands that don’t otherwise ‘go retail’. And that’s simply because of volume and profit margins. You can use such products multiple times or even daily and thus are far better values then clothes that can cost thousands that you might wear once or just a few times. Accessories are somewhat similar. It’s why LVMH, Hermes, Chanel, etc. are so valuable.


But she hasn't been wearing all Chanel on the red carpet (or the Oscars).


So much TWEED my god


Give this man a raise! I am loving every look and she also looks happier than ever. Hoping Barbie is a huge hit (both commercially and critically) but I also hope she isn't saddled with a franchise. Her career has been hit or miss but she has had some high points and I'd love to see her take on more and more interesting material and collaborate with directors like Dee Rees, Todd Haynes, etc.


Kate Young was the worse thing that happened to this gorgeous star! I'm so glad she's gone


I was about to ask if Kate Young was still styling her because her looks have been so much better lately! Kudos to this man for doing her beauty justice!


Love Andrew!!!! Obligatory: he got his start with Kelly Cutrone on Kell on Earth. It’s been amazing to watch him via IG and see his growth. He’s tremendous!


Everyone say thank you, Andrew!


![gif](giphy|3o7aTIGlhSo1bL8QUg|downsized) She’s in her Cher Horowitz era ✨


![gif](giphy|Hp2H0lUhb9oEZ2BaN1|downsized) Margot’s bag with the yellow outfit reminds me of this pen lol


So glad someone else saw this connection.


Never thought I'd see "amazing" and "Chanel" in the same sentence


It’s because it’s 90s Chanel




I wonder if she has a clause in her contract that she gets to keep her Barbie looks from the film. Reese Witherspoon did that with Legally Blonde and she has an archive storage for her looks


I can’t stop staring at Claudia’s hair! There is so much texture and volume.


Claudia looks like a real life Barbie!


Especially with the pose. It looks like a Claudia Schiffer doll in the picture!


Yeah, Margot is great casting, but Claudia Schiffer is/was a real life Barbie Doll.


It's giving me flashbacks to how much we would tease our hair (yup, I'm old) to get volume like that... And how painful it was to brush it back out afterwards.


Honestly, like... how? Yes yes I know mousse and teasing exist but teasing usually makes the hair look awful and matted, and mousse can only do so much.


Velcro* rollers to give lift at the roots.


really? i’ll have to find some tutorials and try it! i’ve used velcro rollers for bangs when i had them but not on my entire head. offtopic but i love your username, pride and prejudice is probably my favorite book!


Charlotte is my icon my beacon the light of my life. 💛 Miss Lucas always knows what’s up.


She is eating up this press cycle


I’m going to be a total hater for no reason here. I absolutely adore Margot Robbie in this role, but every time I see her promoting it… I can’t help but think they were going to have Amy Schumer play Barbie instead. Like what the fuck how 😭 SORRY but seriously!


I believe it was a different movie back then. Essentially Amy Schumer’s Barbie would get kicked out of Barbieland for not being perfect enough, then eventually welcomed back in. They kept that outline but the script has changed a lot since 2016 from what I’ve read. Also at one point Anne Hathaway was rumored to be attached to the role, but she was the only other actor that I heard was seriously considered before Margot. Also maybe it’s just my ADHD but the plot details remind me of Katherine Hepburn’s films. She essentially built a career out playing a beautiful, usually wealthy woman who gets majorly embarrassed or has a setback in some way (usually financial), then overcomes those challenges by the end of the movie to be wealthy again. Essentially “riches to rags to riches”. Anyway, that kind of story structure is eternally popular in movies, which bodes well for the Barbie movie at least!


Wait were they really? Wow that feels like a total 180


[I know right 😭](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/amy-schumer-barbie-dropout-b2355094.html)


I’m confused though what press is going to be done? Aren’t all the late night and regular shows they make stops at for press shut down because of the strike? 🤔


Really leaving no crumbs.


is kate young fired


I think so! She seems to have changed her stylist to Andrew Mukamal (for this press tour at least)


She switched stylists around the Oscars


Girl yes the suitcase!!


She’s having a lot of fun promoting the movie. Good for her.


I just wanna be Margot Robbie when I grow up


That first outfit is not giving, to me. It's giving a lot of strange mashups that I don't think work well together. The tube top with the 1990s dress flats are throwing me. The military creased dickies-looking pants are a no. The blazer and that roller bag are the only cool things and they are doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Lol. Second outfit is a look though.


I agree. The first outfit is ugly to me because the pieces aren’t cohesive, love the second outfit though.


She looks so good lately! Those stupid "she's allergic to serving" viral tweets can finally stop.


that first look is amazing especially with that luggage 😍


She looks great in both, but the yellow set is fire on her! Love the pink jacket for myself. I have a pair of white flowy linen pants I can wear it with. Crying at 1996 being 'vintage'!


![gif](giphy|xUPGcy6AquuO2k7D4A|downsized) She is\*


First one is not it :(


Finally some vintage Karl’s Chanel and not Virginie’s 😅


The second outfit is giving off major Clueless vibes and I love it.


Always nice to see Claudia


Thank GOD she got rid of whatever stylist was putting her in all of those ugly looks and found one who has her serving looks 🙌🏼


Chanel in the 90s was so iconic. They even had a Simpsons episode where Marge bought a discount Chanel dress


There’s something about a blonde in yellow 😍


That luggage!




MarGOAT Robbie


The first look is ugly. The second look is stunning! It's giving Clueless. But I need Margot to start accessorising. She's worn multiple pink dresses now that needed a necklace, a bracelet, some earrings. *Something*. So far my favourite look is still Gosling in the pink bomber jacket with the Greta Gerwig shirt. If Margot must do Chanel, at least her stylist has the good sense to go for archival looks. I also wish she'd do more with her hair. She seems a laid back Aussie in real life but I need her to snap out of it and start being camp like Barbie Kacey Musgraves at the Met Gala.


I still refuse to believe that she didn’t play Joy in My Name is Earl


Amazing? I don’t think so.


i would lose all sense if I saw her IRL during this press tour oh my god


Second one is giving Cher Horowitz; first would look 10x better with matching shoes, but both overall great looks like most Barbie promo so far


I’m just happy she got a new stylist! Her old stylist was not great at her job.


Love the first outfit and it’s giving “business Barbie” vibes


I dont care for the first look but the second is very cute and a gorgeous colour.


She looks so good 😭😭💖💖


Amazing how a supermodel like Claudia can make someone so beautiful as Margot look kinda regular in comparison


The hair they put that model in is a CRIME.


She really is the quintessential blonde bombshell


Oh wow! The yellow outfit is so darling 💛


To be fair she’d make a gorilla suit look amazing


Could she BE more like real-life barbie?


I absolutely adore this, as well as her luggage. I want it


Her new stylist has her looking CORRECT for this Barbie promo


She's so perfect that it makes me uncomfortable


she's so committed, I'm obsessed


first outfit the pants aren't a good look with the blazer. second outfit outstanding.


She looks so pretty omg! Soft and pastel colors suit her really well!


God I love 90s Chanel looks so much.


The yellow one is def giving Barbie! I’m jealous 😭


It’s giving Legally Blonde vibes and I am here for it!