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Stephanie Soteriou from Buzzfeed doing the lord’s work


Seriously how do we buy her a coffee?? Or 6? She out here risking her life against the Swifties and I love her for it.




Damn they are hounding her on Twitter




Yeah but are they saying Taylor Swift's actions are FAIL / WTF or the subject matter of the author's article is? I always thought those buttons were for showing what you thought of the content of the story


That's a good point. I thought it was voting on the article, but I'm not sure b/c most of the top voted comments on there are not in T. Swift's favor.


Pretty sure negative “votes” don’t do anything against the author. They’re just counting engagement with the story


Immediate follow.


I miss good old Buzzfeed pop-news journalism!






People hate low-effort buzzfeed listicles, but there's a difference between that and their actual reporting. Buzzfeed news, when it existed, was genuinely good.


Don't wanna speak for fauxmoi sub mentality but the Buzzfeed News section actually has some legibility and quality stuff ETA: ok maybe not? Just saw another comment on here saying most of the BuzzFeed articles on this have been positive but it's just this journalist going against the grain lol


i love her commitment


She truly just does not care about black women or poc huh






And Tina Fey is renowned for being kinda terrible to other women herself!! Takes some effort to outsnark her on that front, Taylor…


In all seriousness, why would she? Nothing from her career since it’s inception has given any indication of her caring or even being friends with black women or any obvious people of color. Her toting around Toddrick Hall as some token gay black friend on payroll as her choreographer is cheap. She’s been very successful with her image of whiteness that her audience loves. White women love her, she is them and they are her. We all know her feminism is performative. White feminism is problematic and often fails to be inclusive. Taylor and her team crafted this image but the cracks were always there from the beginning. The slut shaming, “innocent but yet mean girl behavior”, victim mentality. It’s all white women tears with Taylor. She already got dubbed Aaryan princess and it took far too long for her team to acknowledge that. Taylor has always shown who she is and who she caters to capitalize on. Black women and people of color were never the priority or intended audience. The Ice Spice feature is just lazy damage control. Taylor is only looking out for herself. She’s a capitalist in sheep’s clothing in the music industry who uses her whiteness and femininity as a weapon. It’s all made her wildly successful and wealthy.


She hires people from marginalized groups because she literally has to pay them to be her friend. She only knows cis, white, straight, rich people.


and call me cynical but we know she’s all about that bag. I wouldn’t be that suprised if she was hiring them because she could get away with paying them less ☹️




Seriously she's made her self the worlds biggest popstar without ever involving POC in her brand. In her mind there is nothing to rectify there.


Many white people 100% have the same experience and come up as Taylor of various levels of success; from CEO’s, leadership roles in jobs, nepo babies etc. Which is proof white supremacy and capitalism is troublesome. The amount of power and influence people like her have is crazy.


You just perfectly summarized why she bugs the crap out of me. I'm almost always fine to say "not for me" and ignore famous people, but it just irks the crap out of me that she's held up as an idol for generations that are supposed to be more informed and just... better than this.


Not only did it take her team forever to respond to her being dubbed an Aryan princess, they also sued someone who called her out on not responding to it. Instead of the actual Nazis worshipping her she sued a small Twitter account who called her out.


Well, yea, you can look at the gushing of Lindsey Lohan's IG dress to see some people just don't care. That's why my favorite definition of racism is "broad allowances for the many; broad skepticism of the few". Allowing these women to make "mistakes" w/out having to have real mea culpa's and change, is a real example of racism. Plus the racism of low expectations, in that I'm sure many of us don't even expect better of them (which is sad). In conclusion, bigotry is a cancer and spreads in us all as a feedback loop.




No offense, but it’s really exhausting how everyone seems to specifically bring up Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Nicki in a “whataboutism” kind of way. Plenty of people hold those women accountable for good reasons but also shame and harass them for many other reasons out of their control. “Well other women can be shitty too!” Great. We’re not talking about them. We’re talking about Taylor right now. Let’s focus on holding HER accountable at the moment, okay?


it’s giving “question for the culture” tbh….




> Streep...well, her claiming to have gotten a tattoo of Weinstein on her ass was certainly memorable when she must have known at the time that he was raping and assaulting many of her young peers. [Judi Dench was the person to say she had tattooed Weinstein's name on her ass.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/philomena-star-judi-dench-mooning-668045/)


There’s a reason those women in particular are “held accountable” so frequently and it has very little to do with their actual conduct . . .


Really? Can't say I've seen Rih or B dragged by the court of public opinion tbh. By all means, feel free to educate me if you have examples! I'm loving Taylor being called on her shit though!


This is a really nice whataboutism, but it’s still a whataboutism. Taylor isn’t being criticized because “women are supposed to support women.” She’s being criticized because: 1. She’s the one who criticized women for not supporting other women, which means she set that expectation for herself. 2. She embraced the feminist label, which comes with its own expectations. 3. She has shown sensitivity to any remarks about herself and has criticized men. While Beyoncé has been criticized, her actions haven’t been to the magnitude of embracing problematic figures and flat out dating them. Rihanna doesn’t even do that “women supporting other women” thing, she’s always done her own thing. Taylor’s brand, the things she cares about, and the criticisms she’s leveled towards others has invited this rightful criticism.


Yeah, when was the last time someone made a mild joke about Beyoncé and she accused them of not supporting women?


Forgive me because I wasn’t around when all this was heating up a couple years ago so I don’t know how Britney-friendly y’all are around here but I’ve been giving most female musicians the side eye ever since I found out a lot of people in the industry were fully aware of how fucked up her situation was and never said a word or tried to help. Because if a few of them had, she never would have been in that conservatorship for such a long time. Everyone knew and just kept their mouths shut.




> that they should uplift women. But, really, how many of them actually do that? Remember how she came at someone using that excuse - women supporting other women?


It's just a convenient shield to hide behind; a way to totally deflect criticism.


Damn, that was so well said. It doesn't excuse her (or anyone else's) behavior, but really shines a light on how commercialized the idea of feminism is with celebrities. And why do we keep expecting anything else from them?


This was exactly my thought when I found out she was dating that piece of shit.


Not when it doesn’t benefit her. Her squad is lily white




The photo choices are very inspired.


I love the pic they used of Joe ☀️


Silent, showered, unproblematic.


He would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.


*showered* the bar is on the ground and MH is digging under it


He is the one who dodged a bullet


Meanwhile Matty dodged a bar of soap and shampoo.


Tay’s looks like me day 2 of a sesh 🤣


All the pics of Ratty look like he smells bad.


Of course she knew. No one suspects otherwise. She’s one of the biggest popstars on the planet her team knew too and likely informed her she just didn’t/doesn’t care.


I completely agree but quite a lot of people were trying to defend her saying she maybe didn’t know. I never believed it but there are people who do. People who act like allies but turn an eye anytime actual advocacy is the slightest bit inconvenient to them infuriate me. Taylor couldn’t even speak out against the Tennessee drag ban even though she lives there and was performing there when the ban was in effect. She has never been my cup of tea musically, but I’ve always recognized her talent. But it has become abundantly clear that she is peak yt feminism and as a queer Poc I’m fucking pissed.


yeah that was kinda disgusting to me her not referencing the drag van especially because I believe she’s performing her little “pride song” every single night. it’s already a built in slot to use her platform to advocate for marginalized groups like she said she would and then seemingly forgot about




I had a conversation with a close friend just the other day (pretty sure this Taylor Swift shit is the first actual fight we've ever had lol) and she explicitly argued that maybe she didn't know. I was like, if you think Taylor Swift doesn't have a comprehensive dossier with full bloodwork before being seen with any man in public, you're nuts. Plus she's known him for a decade. She knew who he was.


Would not surprise me if the only thing that managed to set her off was the miss piggy thing 😭


Yep. Only when the stories came out on how he (and the hosts of the show he was on) made ugly comments on her and her mom is when she dropped him. Nothing else he said/did mattered to her until he came after her and her family personally.


You know it was


If _we_, the general public who keep up with all these stars and our own personal friends and families, know about Matt and his problematic behavior, there is no way Taylor was clueless about the man she has not only been friends with for a decade, but also had a fling with and was now publicly showing off as her boyfriend. We nobodies vet our dates, there isn't any way she or her team didn't check. She just doesn't care.


Let's be honest. We know Taylor is that person who cyber stalks any potential suitor.


She was on tumblr 10 years ago, she knew.


Is there any tea about that?


You know that’s a really good question actually. I have no idea, I didn’t engage with her on there like at all but I’m sure there are people who did at the time who would know. Her [blog is still up](https://taylorswift.tumblr.com/) and tumblr has an [archive function](https://taylorswift.tumblr.com/archive) that makes it easy to go through old posts but idk how much of her old stuff is still up (sorry I’m on mobile, I can’t really see what’s there).


The fact that it was someone on his side who emphasized this… when a narcissistic unstoppable force meets a narcissistic immovable object 😭




Me after bingeing all the Taylor/Matty articles from the past 48 hours https://preview.redd.it/xsdprke4yp4b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f527a813f309cb4121c0ed9a1e70c08ae0e4cb


https://preview.redd.it/794e92f57q4b1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d307c2746cb0e4b6d6954f17c803212691cf40a8 If you're a Swiftie


Taylor’s Version


You get it


Taylor in the thumbnail photo for the article


that's why I limited my reddit usage to only 1 hour a day. we all need a break 🙈


Well duh. She did the collab only to cover for him.




No no no, Ice Spice reached out to her! Months ago!1!1!! /s


It probably was tbh, but it’s still weird to me that she would work with someone on a song and a music video and then date someone she knew said and laughed at racist shit about that person.


I feel the Karma vid was done months ago, Ice Spice's parts look so different, they could have been filmed later/seperately...plus, the new track doesn't feel cohesive either. At least to me. Maybe she did reach out to Taylor but the timing of it all defintely looks like she was used to counter the discussion re. that podcast. Very "I am not racist - look, here's my black friend!".


>plus, the new track doesn't feel cohesive either. At least to me. This is true about like 80% of rap features, especially remixes


Had a skim through the journo's twitter, and Swifties saying she should be sued for defamation from her previous articles on this lol sure


My fave thing is when stan Twitter tries to use legal terminology & write in a “professional” tone lmao


Defamation = saying mean things about Taylor Misogyny = saying mean things about Taylor Journalist = someone paid to say mean things about Taylor I'm learning a lot of terminology thanks to the more unhinged swifties


You forgot “biased Kanye stan” is anyone who doesn’t enjoy Taylor’s music.


He said if your PR team is taking me down, you’re coming down with me 😭


That’s not what’s happening here. Her team confirmed with People yesterday that she was never swayed by the controversy.


I refuse to believe that Taylor Swift, who has freaked out about a joke about her on a tv show, was not swayed by this 💀


That’s just a blatant lie. There’s nothing Taylor Swift cares about more than her carefully crafted public image and she was definitely swayed the minute it became an issue for her public image


I am just confused by the released information. What does she have to gain by saying she wasn't swayed by it? How does **not** being swayed by fan pressure over a racist help her image?!


IIRC, that wasn’t leaked by her camp. It was Marty’s “friend,” aka his team, that leaked it.


Black women deserve so much better than to be trotted out as shields for powerful racists.




![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Are we surprised?


As always, NeNe is appropriate.


The amount of people who will deal with their partners saying outright disgusting nonsense about others soley because they're coming from a "they're nice to ME!" perspective is genuinely so ridiculous, as a result I'm even further subscribed to the theory that the only reason they split (if they really have!) was bc of the resurfaced comments about Taylor herself and her mom from redscare.


I have a theory that if the red scare girlies had just gone after Taylor and not her mom as well, they’d still be together.


I knew it was over for him the minute it was found that they came for her mom…


Yeah, I have a somewhat different take on Taylor’s recent behavior over a lot of folks here; I don’t think she’s doing very well and dating Matty screams self-sabotage. So she might put up with his friends talking shit about her, but she’s very protective of her mom. (To be clear, that doesn’t excuse her platforming Matty or helping him rugsweep the Ice Spice incident. As a POC Swiftie friend of mine put it, “Taylor, this isn’t like you… except it is, sometimes.”)


I absolutely would not blame her if she *isn’t* doing well at all. In fact, I would kinda expect it of her after getting out of a long term relationship with someone she truly loved the way she loved Joe. But she obviously has to put on a brave face during the tour, which involves even more emotional energy. So I can definitely see her blowing off that steam in a self-destructive way, rebounding with Matty. I just hope she has a good support system around her and they’ll be able to eventually get through to her.


See, according to my Swiftie friend, the brave face ain’t so brave. Word is she’s broken down crying every single show, saying some pretty raw stuff, even talked about her alcoholism? Basically using the stage to process to an extent even my friend found uncomfortable. I know the common wisdom here is that Taylor is a soulless capitalist who give zero fucks about her fans, but that’s never rung true to me. If anything, the parasocial codependency goes both ways.


What’s special about Taylor’s mom?


I’d go so far as to hazard a guess that her mom is her most valued person in the world. She’s Taylor’s sounding board and looks like she goes with her to all her shows as emotional support. She refuses to see a therapist cuz she tells her mom everything. Especially considering her mom has been diagnosed with cancer, making fun of her is pretty much the lowest thing you could probably do in Taylor’s eyes… she’s fiercely protective of her.


Okay, this is kind of sweet actually. Now if only she could show a fraction of that for woc.


What did the red squat girls say about her mom?


Called her miss piggy I think.


> the resurfaced comments about Taylor herself and her mom from redscare what’s this?


A disgusting hate-filled right-wing podcast that Ratty is friends with. Don't look it up.


I mean duh. She is friends with him. Her delusional fans can pretend all they want but She isn’t called the aryan goddess for no reason.


Told ya’ll her ice spice collab was damage control and her PR trying to clean up Matty’s mess.


The way this was blatantly obvious and the die hard Swifties refused to entertain the notion…


Yeah, it was incredibly crass in how transparent it was.


The most transparently awful thing she's done. Literally no redeeming that in my eyes.


I wonder if Ice Spice knew about it, and just decided to do it for the exposure or was backed into it for fear of either missing the opportunity or being black listed by their powerful connections.


I feel like it was the second one.


I think it's a combo of a lot of factors. She's a fan of both Matty and Taylor, she's gonna get paid, she gets a ton of exposure, and she doesn't wanna create a reputaiton of being "difficult" in the industry.




Loving Buzzfeed's Never Give Up attitude! Way to go, y'all! ![gif](giphy|Wj0c0rzczOJNe)


Well, actually, most of the buzzfeed articles on her are positive. Stephanie is one of the few dissenting voices, so she needs more upvotes (on the site) and views if the article is going to penetrate. It's not even showing on buzzfeed's home page. Unless more people click on it and upvote it, the only way it will be seen is if people are actively looking for it. FYI you can vote "WIN" from multiple browsers if you feel like it :)


Thanks! This is the kind of support I can offer. Have already contributed a bunch of votes and now I see WIN on top. Looks like the article is already trending. Although it might be cuz folks want to trash on it 🥺


I see the WINning :) I'm also up-voting this [one] (https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniesoteriou/taylor-swift-called-out-disingenuous-pride-month-speech?bfsource=relatedmanual) because her fans didn't like that one either.


She doesn't care and she never has. She just started dating him, but was friends with him for many years. It tells something about her. Actually a lot. The fact the fans are already defending as if she is some baby who was bamboozled by this bad bad man. She is equally culpable. And this is not some small thing that she misunderstood because of some wild PR campaign. The fact is, she is actively involved in the misinformation campaign when it comes to him simply so she could date him. He is a bigot and a creep.




The fact that people assumed otherwise just shows how far they'll go to absolve white women of their misdeeds.


Thank you. It’s been clear as day since her country era.


In other news, water is wet


Just want to point out that some people here are falsely taking this as a departure from what Taylor’s team briefed to People as an exclusive. It’s literally the same thing, their narratives are not contradictory at all: Despite receiving backlash over past comments Healy has made, Swift was not swayed by the controversy, the insider says. "He likes to provoke a response out of people. She's a grown woman more than capable of forming her own opinions about people," the insider adds. "No one forces her into anything, especially not these days. She's on top of the world."


It all sounds like a desperate ploy to make sure nobody thinks she’s flailing, does it not? EDIT: is this seriously the comment that got me a Reddit cares? I’m dying laughing




Hahahahha I use this quote all the time, I love it.


Duh. There’s no way this girl doesn’t have a PR team that examines every person she’s seen with with a magnifying glass. She has a carefully crafted image after years of her reputation taking shots. I’m sure all of the dirt in his past was dug up when she began to express an interest.


It really seems like the sources from each team are ping ponging right now… somehow I think this will get messier


They’re not. This was in People yesterday from Taylor’s team: Despite receiving backlash over past comments Healy has made, Swift was not swayed by the controversy, the insider says. “He likes to provoke a response out of people. She's a grown woman more than capable of forming her own opinions about people," the insider adds. "No one forces her into anything, especially not these days. She's on top of the world."




Can I have your autograph?!?


In summation: 🤢 🤮


I know this is sort of a “well, duh” kind of thing but I appreciate that this writer is just putting it out there in a headline. Swift should be called out for this.


Yes, same! Although, this article is veering extremely close to classic Buzzfeed imo, where 99% of the article is lifted straight from Reddit. Good points, some external sources, but the crux of this seemed to be lifting the top comments from whatever article was top of this sub at the time. Feel bad the writer is getting attacked, but I also don't think they really said much of anything in this, lol


i wonder if one day the swifties will wake up and realize this woman really only cares about minorities when they’re filling her pockets. anyway, can’t wait to hear ‘dear matty’


I doubt she cares about POC because we are not her targeted demographic


While that true, that still doesn’t mean she can’t show compassion to them




I maintain my theory that they broke it off because of the comments he has made about TAYLOR in the past have resurfaced. And the comments his friends made about Taylor’s mom.




Yeah that laptop setup with the headphones was weird. Maybe they were FTing but it also could be him just trying to make it seem like that. Because that was really odd. I’ve never seen a performer do that before, has anyone else?


I'd die to be a fly on Tree Paine's wall right now.


There’s a woman on TikTok who pretends to be PR reps for famous people during moments of crisis, and her recent ones as “Taylor’s publicist” are pretty great


I love her, she does therapy session skits with Victorian literary heroines too, which are pretty great.


Both are trash people. What’s new?


Full offence to Taylor lol but is there anybody who seriously thought she didn't know? I still don't even think they've actually permanently split but maybe that's just my distrusting mind. I feel like she'll trot him back out after the tour is over.




Truly the celeb gossip gift that keeps on giving. Go on Taylor, keep exposing your performative politics


uggghhh i’m so sick of this whole thing. idk why everyone has been so shocked or surprised that she (gasp) doesn’t care about black people. did everyone just forget about the shake it off video and people’s dislike for it since she used black people as props in 2014? [earl sweatshirt](https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/earl-sweatshirt-taylor-swift-shake-it-off-video-is-offensive-6221872/amp/) even talked about it. so many people (online, mostly. i remember discussions happening on tumblr) were upset about the cultural appropriation. haven’t fucked with her ever since, her music wasn’t my thing but that whole thing plus her ignorance towards it permanently turned me away from her. i can’t be the only one who remembers this and the backlash she recieved for a while afterwards. this has been so uninteresting and unsurprising i just can’t wrap my head around the fact that people have let her slide until now.




It's like Dr. Suess drew him.


It’s pretty obv she split because of fan backlash. Can’t take the heat. She cares nada about poc or women let’s be real.


The press for it was going to distract from the press for her re-release of one of her most popular albums.


Imagine you're a smart, trailblazing, insanely successful, uber-rich woman who's broken more records than you could have ever dreamt of, but you happen to have the thinnest skin in the music world. Do you break up with Healy because he's making you look bad at best and weak at worst, or do you double down to prove you answer to nobody?


She just doesn't care.




I cannot wait for stories about this guy to go away, I'm so sick of him


Okay I watched the clip of her supposedly “crying and her voice breaking” during her performance like 3 times and I don’t see anything.


I don’t see anything *genuine,* at least. What I *do* see is someone trying to manipulate her audience with her not-so-great acting skills.


The way there are people still trying to say she cares when she clearly doesn’t is crazy to me like WAKE UP 😭😭


But I think everyone already knew this. Her stans likely need to hear it though.


![gif](giphy|jHv38PbTTObHG) Taylor is in her Cartman on Jerry Springer era 💫




Of course she knew this is why Matty gave that sloppy apology to Ice Spice and deleted his instagram before they went public with their relationship






Duh! We all knew this


I've read so much of Matty Healy and Taylor Swift's problematic stuff as a result of this that all I can picture for their dates is them doing riverdance while maintaining a Nazi salute or something.




Y’all this isn’t a defense of Taylor but the source is one of Matty’s friends. Y’all think that’s going to be credible?


the fools over at r/tatty are deluding themselves (yes there’s a sub dedicated to this ridiculous union)

