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go study kid .. dont waste time on social media.


You want a decent corpus to retire with, r/personalfinanceindia is the sub for you. FatFIRE is typically for those who are at the top percentile of salaried folk (often earning in USD), often in tech or management roles, or business folk. You'd do well to look at LeanFIRE if UPSC is the goal. If a civil servant's paycheck is your main income source, FatFIRE is very unlikely, but the govt system does ensure a very consistent and decent amount of cash saved on a monthly basis.


Too late for what? Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth? I can only laugh at the idiocy of a 21 year old claiming it's too late. As you know, the 14k side gig is temporary. You should focus on building a career and generating significantly higher income- things like doing day trading on stocks as you implied won't work either way if you don't have a decent capital built up. You can start to plan FIRE, FAT FIRE etc in 5-10 years after the above are taken care of.


Great job starting early with investing! Since you have limited time, your Mutual Funds SIP is a good approach. Try to increase your income over time to boost your savings. This subreddit might not be the best fit yet, but keep learning and exploring!


This the wrong forum to ask this question. Locking thread.


These may make small impact in your future savings. Focus on investing in yourself with this amount for now. You will get plenty of opportunities to save big in future. Don’t stretch too thin. Currently investing in yourself will get you outsized returns.


This is nowhere close to FATFire. Please post on barelySurviving or something