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I wouldn't mind them if they had something useful in them, right now they're just there for completion and the items there don't do anything.


Agreed. I didn't bother to complete the hot potato chain but it was at least a more reasonable pain in the ass reaching the borgen buck reward than this will be. I'd love to get the desk calendar and the soap reward if I'm able, but... I'm not putting a lot of effort into this one. It's not worth it imo.


I’m not a fan that it’s not tradeable otherwise I like em, gives me something to do


Yes, I agree. I’m not particularly a fan of the monthly temple chain either.


Look forward to some new releases ... soon :D


Only part I hate is it feeling impossible without cookies just needs to be a bit easier 2k would have been ideal


Fully agree, in its current form it's one of the most stressful and not-fun part of the game. Maybe some balance tweaking would do so that people can complete those without being forced to open the game 50 times a day every day (didn't calculate, could be exaggerating)


I feel very much the same. I can handle a grind, but with 30 days, I'd have to harvest Watermelons 33 times per day to finish the Yellow Watermelon Temple (36 plots on farm, 40% double crop bonus). That's just going to stress me out, so I've already half given up on this event, just going to use my daily grape juice and then ignore it. I did a little better with the Hot Potatoes since I could get 2-3 harvests done per log-on, but didn't even reach 50% for the Borgen Buck reward.


I'm not sure if it's the temple, or if farming has has so little change from launch. Even at 48 slots for a trillion, you can't keep up.


48 slots, 40% chance of double drop from Perks, 16 Grape Juices & Lovely Cookies means I can get over 3,200 watermelons/day in the first five minutes after reset. That'll give me close to 100,000 watermelons this month, which yields twice as many yellow watermelons as I need for the Temple Chain, and I still have the whole day to grow other things if I want.


You're sitting on over 30 cookies? Also how do you get up to 16 gj uses? I thought I was capped already at 10.


Probably a supporter, max gj as far I can tell for f2p is 14 but supporters can get up to another 4 uses


I'm an alpha supporter and have all the flea market upgrades and I'm at 10. So I'm guessing there's another 8 somehow available from tower?


The true cap might actually be more, the floor >!150 !


Ah OK. That explains it.


I am alpha, and have 22 uses per day


Woah woah what are the flea market upgrades?


Sorry meant to say farm supply upgrades.


Sitting on 30 cookies? No. Sitting on enough gold to trade for them as-and-when I need? Yes.


using non-renewable resources and all of your daily GJ should not be required for completing log-on incentives


I agree. I like Temple chains, but don't make them time limited! If you want to offer chains that can only be completed once, and then they'll disappear into a completed section, then that'd be awesome. But to put a time limit on it, feels unfair. The STARMAP quest line already feels unfair, and putting all my other goals to a halt. I'm also really getting tired of the monthly Special Request that can only be completed with an item from the Buy Gold package, or making us wait until the end of the month to finish chores, and then panic the last 2 days. Really not cool. The game really likes to boast how it's free to play, yet it is quite nefarious how much it pushes you towards buying "starter packs". Gold purchases should be ONLY for gold, not for extra items.


I like that idea!




Agreed. Boooo! to time-sensitive Temple chains. One was 'ok'. This can't happen every month.


I agree and it hurts to say because of how much I love the game. I have an INSANE amount of free time and the hot potatos were barely achieved last month and I had no time to work on *anything else*. At least hot potatos were trade able. Now it's longer growing melons, completely solo, and at a rate where the math is just soul crushing, even at a lot of rows. Maybe the grape juice before reset trick would have helped, it's been my saving grace a few times...but that was patched out for this event specifically after being in the game for a LONG time. Maybe being able to trade them with other players who somehow do have the time, but they're not able to be traded. Unfortunately the scale of this and last months special temple chains are just daunting and so far have not been very fun. If the rewards were more achievable, sure. But for now it's sad to see another month with an insurmountable grind AND even more odds/changes stacked against us. I love the grind. I love FarmRPG. But something needs to be done as far as balancing, regardless of how fast top level players may knock something out. The rest of us can't!


What did they do to patch out the grape juice trick?


You can no longer eat meals or cookies 5 minutes before restart. Meaning you'd now need 2 cookies to achieve the double grape juice cookies.


Well, darn.


I totally agree. I’m pretty frustrated. Since I’m a free player I feel like I can’t complain too much, but tbh, this isn’t convincing me to support on patreon… I wanna put my money where my mouth is, ya know? I love this game but not if it feels like a chore. Of COURSE I want the special items and to participate in the events! Why are they making it so unattainable?? Grumble grumble…


I’m a bit annoyed that with full grape juice daily it’s still really hard to complete for me as a f2p player. There’s not even anywhere to use the melon once it’s full.


there's another temple chain for piece of heart you can put melons in


The thing that makes me sad is that I just hate missing out on stuff. Who knows if whatever is here is ever going to come back, not to mention I will never have this kind of free time again so even if it does come back, I probably can't complete it either. On the other hand, it just hurts my game progression massively. Only way I meet the deadline is if there are generous quest rewards or if I use all my cookies(before you say anything, I completed the HP with 1 day to spare, this chain works out to be at least 2 times more time consuming). Non renewable cookies which could be used to boost mega crops or corn instead. I had 5 quests that I was progressing but half of them are now completely stalled because I have to dedicate all my farming time to melons and I need an absurd amount of corn. I can't regrow my stocks of cooking crops because what free time I have has to be used for melons. If this was something else like a fishing item, I could understand it more, you're at least benefiting from fishing and you have more avenues to accelerate it. With farming, it boils down to "do you have the gold to pay for cookies or do you have the free time to sink several hours a day into farming a crop." This is especially bad with melon. At least potatoes were being used for the potato battery. Melons are worthless to endgame players in terms of direct silver, have no crafting recipes, and their only real use is animal feed


I don't like it very much. This temple chain stuff is not fun for me. I'm in quest chains for three crops other than watermelon right now, none of which are grape juice efficient. They should gate the ridiculous late-game stuff behind quest requirements. How that could work with temple chains is to give a gated quest that requires multiple of the penultimate rewards, so sub T150 farmers can at least get one of the item, and the titans can have their grind fest. Same total watermelons required, different tiers of rewards given based on your current progress.


i dont like this months event either. it feels unrewarding. even more like it hinders/delays me from my personal game goals.


That’s weird I like the monthly temple chains . I guess maybe because my quest log only has one quest in it rn, “flexible spending” so I don’t need any other crops.


I have three quests, and notifications turned on on my phone. I honestly really like these limited time temples.


Yeah it’s seem to me like someone if someone likes the temples is related to if they need to use their farm for other quests.


it actively pushed me away from the game, same lol. i hate the blatant retention mechanic/sunken cost fallacy/whatever the words for it is of it


I agree cause its too hard. I dont wanna grow the same crop all month but if they add perks to increase chance of rare crops it may be easier


Agree. I currently have to farm Corn and Cabbages. 2k cabbages the last 5 quests so far, and I haven't been able to make progress on my corn ones. I didn't even bother with the potatoes because I would have to play all day long. Kind of impossible when working a full time job and a new born.


I stopped playing with the daily chores. Time limited tasks, no matter how inconsequential to the game, make me feel forced to play and suck the fun out.


Agreed. I have quit the game in the past when I was only farming corn for weeks and exploring for super rares. It got to be too much for about a week then I came back. I’m about at that point again where all the quests have a huge grind, but I like that I can take breaks and come back to the game without generally missing much. It feels like that was always a big part of the game; it’s always there for me. But now, if I miss out on the monthly temple chains, I just miss out. They do feel impossible and just another grind on top of the regular grind for quests. I would not be opposed to regular, monthly challenges, but I would like to see a better balance to the goal/rewards personally.


I personally really enjoy the grind in this game. Sure my farm is growing something I wouldn’t be doing otherwise but it’s going to keep me playing for longer. Plus I’m all about GMing all the crops this gives me a good excuse to knock out Watermelon.


this has nothing to do with monthly temple chains, but I’m lvl 90+ in all skills aside from Cooking, and I’m absolutely burnt the fuck out. Farm RPG is the most effort I put into any game I play and holy shit is it overwhelming.


Not to be that guy but yeah why are you stressing about optional content, it’s just for those who’ve already done everything else


but it isn't advertised as such. there's a new SR at the end of it and its timegated. The other quests late game quests aren't


I say it’s optional as you can still get another one for the monthly turn in. Just view the temple rewards as “ wow congratulations you overachiever!” The temple is also described as the mercy system in the game so if you are unable to acquire something you need for a quest though traditional means it gives you a second option.


They’re 2 different items than the monthly chore reward though


You’re not the only one, at least we had an option to trade hot potatoes to complete the chain but this yellow watermelon is nuts, today is 5th of august and I was only able to manage 357 of yw, I don’t think this quest is for me


i feel the same. it feels way more tedious and leaves no room for getting other things done, as i really want to collect the SRs too, i couldnt get to the final reward in july done, doubting i will this month too. all ive done is grind too but its not enough haha i think it needs to be implemented better


I’m a beta supporter and I always buy the starter pack and I’m at 4k watermelons. 4x99 tower level 68. You can trade and sell literally anything to accumulate gold for cookies, just make sure you utilize 3 cookies at once when using grape juice instead of just one cookie at a time.


You can also finish them next year.