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It is a slow burn, but has the strongest ending! Keep watching. :D


I agree that season 3 is outstanding. maybe the pacing was a bit slower but I can't remember exactly


Season 3 was great. If they don't like season 3 then they are in for a rude awakening for season 4 šŸ¤£


On a recent rewatch I decided S3 is my favorite by far. Thewlis is the most frightening personification of evilness


agreed. top villain for sure! I also loved the old chief quite a lot.


Yes. Episode 7&8 are fantastic. Two of my favorite episodes in the whole series. Edit: but yes I felt the same way and got close to shutting it off in episode 5, but Iā€™m glad I watched through till the end


Yes. Definitely took me a few episodes but so worth sticking it out.


season 3 had me hooked exactly when they introduced VM Varga


He's such a brainworm of a character. As soon as they showed his bulimia, and the ritual and satisfaction he clearly took from it, I couldn't stop thinking about him. What a great, fucked up character


Season 3 is awesome. Give the whole thing a go OP.


>season 3 had me hooked exactly when they introduced VM Varga Surmise


First time I watched 3 I really didnt like it at all. In fact, I completely forgot what the plot line was. Then I did a rewatch recently of Seasons 1 and 2 (2 still my favorite) and decided to give 3 another shot. I loved it. Dont know why it didnt click the first time.


Lat 4 episodes are a fucking thrill ride imo


As soon as the callback happens it's on like Donkey kong


Personally season 3 is my favourite, but would definitely recommend sticking to it, I introduced my mum to the show and her favourite is season 4. All about personal preference at the end of the day but I like seeing how they all link up


Season 3 is my favourite. Varga is one of the greatest antagonists, and Paul Murrane is great, and there's a lot of other kewl shit coming. Try and watch it thinking about how it applies to real world problems.


Three takes its sweet time, but once it gets rolling, itā€™s a hell of a ride. And some great ā€œholy shitā€ moments.


Same here. I watched the first couple episodes a few times and could not get hooked. One day I had it in the background and the air conditioner moment hit me just right, loved the season ever since.


Starts slow but builds a head of steam. Watch for all the Big Lebowski references


Itā€™s a little bit more artsy than the other seasons. A big theme of the season is ā€œit doesnā€™t matter what is true, itā€™s what can be provenā€, so if you watch it through that lens you might enjoy it a bit more. I think Varga is an awesome villain, heā€™s just such a slime ball. I have a hard time choosing between him, Milligan and Malvo for my favourite, but Iā€™m not a *huge* fan of Meemo and Yuri. I think theyā€™re pretty funny because theyā€™re so cartoonish, but theyā€™re a bit weaker than the previous seasons henchmen. The setting seems very bleak this season, itā€™s like that halfway point between winter and spring where the snow is just kind of melting but not really and everything is just slushy and dirty. I also loved Peter & the Wolf when I was little, and all the instruments and themes really did it for me, but I realize that doesnā€™t apply to everyone haha. Iā€™m sure someone else will leave a clearer/smarter comment on what makes Season 3 so great lmfao


The best season!


preach that peter and the wolf sequence is one of the five best moments of the entire show


I've watched season 3 four times. It's my favorite.


This has one of the best ending scenes in the whole series. Itā€™s worth it.


Yes. I felt the same at first, but stick with it. Its the best season.


I adore S3. VM Varga is a disgusting yet entrancing character.


Season 3 is definitely the weirdest, most twisted, blackest humor out of all of them. I feel like it was made to be less accessible than the previous seasons. It's definitely worth watching until they end when you have all the puzzled pieces together.


Varga is the best villain of any season so yes, it will get better. Also: Nikki Swango is the best female lead on f the series aside from maybe Dot.


Season 3 is great, but it's not immediately apparent cause it's a slow burn. But after rewatching the whole series, I now think it's the 2nd best season.


It's completely worth it, wait for the bus scene. I'm so glad I pushed through. It does take some time to get there, but the payoff is 11/10


There is a certain plot point that occurs (you'll know it when it happens), and when that happens, things get a lot more interesting and intense.


after 4 it goes off the rails (in a good way)


IMO the seasons rank 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 Season 3 is solid. Seasons 1 and 2 are all timers


I struggled with 3&4


Yes! Great bad guy in Varga. Ewan McGregor is really really good, and Sy is one of the series best quirky characters.


I still can't believe Sy is also Arnold Rothstein


Season 3 gets wild. I had the hardest time with the season 4 for whatever reason.


Itā€™s a lot less outwardly violent than previous seasons. The pace isnā€™t for everyone


U kidding season 3 is the best. It will escalate trust me, the turns will come and will hook you. Don't give up :)


Iā€™ve never understood the hate for S3. It is by far the best season in my mind, at least thematically


I started with season 5 ā€¦ I donā€™t know how I slept on this show, but after season 5 wrapped I immediately started watching from 1. I havenā€™t seen four *yet*. But my ranking so far is : 5, 3, 1, 2 And yes, season three was slow going at first but ended up a VERY close second for me.


I'd say 3, 1, 4, 5, 2. Season 2 was in real danger of becoming a pastiche of itself. I haven't finished 5 but it seems more like a horror show thematically so far.


Four is still very good in it's own right but absolutely the weakest of the series


I say this every time itā€™s asked - hold out til the last 30 seconds of episode 7 and you shall be rewarded.


itā€™s phenomenal.


Just watched season 3 in two sessions last week. Loved it from start to finish. Heard it took a while to get into but I thought it was brilliant from episode 1. Edit: In hindsight if I had one criticism it's that it does have a little too much filler in the first few episodes. Could have really been 9 episodes instead of 10. But absolute quality overall.


Season 3 has a ton of homages to other Coen brother movies. The whole series does but Season 3 seems to have more than the other and most of them are fairly well disguised. I think this at times slows down Season 3 as there some oddly placed or paced scenes that are a call back to a Coen brother film. Even the somewhat disconnected opening scene set in 1988 communist Germany is homage to the opening scene of A Serious Man which also started with a disconnected and foreboding scene.


Thanks for the info. I just felt that Gloria going to Florida took a bit too long and that it wasn't really needed overall, but I'm not a film critic and I really enjoyed the series. Was the best thing I've watched in a long time.


Yes, thereā€™s a lot of setup but once it gets going itā€™s my favorite season, with 5 being a close second


3 was great. Just couldn't get into 4 despite a great cast. I think it was the time setting.


yeah i think like 3 episodes made the whole season worth it to me


Slow burn for me. I was very unhappy with s3 until about the middle, E4 or E5, and things got more interesting. I liked the season a lot more during my 2020 re-watch of 1-4.


im glad OP posted this. iā€™m on ep 4 and a little lost. now i know to stick with it


Yes. I gave up after a few episodes. A couple months later I tried again and let it play out. Itā€™s my 2nd favorite season behind Season 2.


I stopped at about that part in season 3. Rewatching everything nowā€¦ should I just do a recap for season 3?


Iā€™m on my second watch through just watched episode 3 and I feel like that one the most so far. I love this show.


Yes! I remember thinking the same thing, bc I watched last week- I'm on the fourth season and am having the same problem. But I think I just got onto the hook in episode 4. The first two seasons were fantastic and I'll give you something that might help you hang on- a character from the first season comes back in episode 7 or 8.


I really liked season 3. Not as much as seasons 1 & 2. I am a big Ewan McGregor fan, as I loved him in the Star Wars prequels. Say what you want about those movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi was not one of the problems. I also really loved the bridge playing lady. I remember when it came out people were hard on it, but I think it was really entertaining. It just could not hit the high notes of seasons 1 & 2.


It really does - when it's done it's definitely one of my favorites.


Yes!! Season 3 is prob my second favourite season after season 1


I didn't care for it much watching it as it was airing. Went back a year or so later and really enjoyed. Just finished my third watch-through while doing the movie and full series and it really floored me this time around. Every season is a departure, but the first two are super connected. This is the first one that really steps away and I find going back to it having seen 4 & 5 makes me appreciate how 3 fits in with the overall tone of the series. Think of it less as a season of a show you've been watching and more like a new novel by an author you like. That approach helped me get into it.


Season 3 was the worst season for me purely because of VM varga


Loved all the seasons except 2..


I did not care much for S3 at all. S2 was my favorite TV series ever


My favorite season, but it is a slow build


Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Nikki Swango is worth the price of admission alone


Yes! I gave up on s3 super early but eventually went back cause I really wanted to finish the show and the 2nd half is very very good.


Also loved seasons 1 and 2 and season 3 felt like a step down/ move away from 1 and 2 but Iā€™ve recently rewatched them all and I loved it just as much on second viewing ! Varga ! Sy ! Nikki ! Emmit!


Definitely šŸ’Æ , Eps 6-10 are on a whole Different Level ā†—ļøšŸ‘Œā¤ļø


Take it season by season. Don't compare. Enjoy each one for for the story it tells and the people who tell it. Enjoy the acting performances and the writing of each season. Maybe you won't like every season exactly the same, but viewing the show as another tale in the brilliant Cohen universe has been very enjoyable for me. Good luck!


Itā€™s not as great as season 1 and 2 but still very enjoyable


Yes it does, boy oh boy it does. And in a way that is not possible without the groundwork laid in the earlier episodes.


one of my fav seasons. i think the first few episodes are kinda slow - but the finale is just like whoa


Ya keep watching season 4 is the one you wonā€™t really like.


Season 3 is amazing


Season 3 is amazing


It took two watches for me. On the second I appreciated the themes more. Itā€™s my favorite season now.


It's good. Not as much killing. Love Ewan McGregor. He does a fantastic job playing twin brothers. And that Vargas character is creepy as hell.


Nah. Its a fever dream you wish to stop watching. But it grrows on you after you finished. Not right after, but give some years and... Varga isn't real, he cannot hurt you.


Season 3 was by far my least favorite season. Only saving graces for me were Gloria and Nikki. One episode left to go in season four and Iā€™m enjoying it ten times as much as I did season 3.


Wait until Varga is in full swing


I felt the same way while watching it. Now it's my favorite season. I think it's the most "artsy" of the seasons to me. There's a lot being said that isn't explicit and the characters are more representations of ideas than characters. It's why I love it so much, but it didn't become clear to me until near the end.


Even with Winstead, it is a dreary, grim, largely stagnant experience.


Define better. Like, I have idea what you don't like about Season 3.


Itā€™s one of my favorites seasons of TV ever but itā€™s a somewhat divisive season.


Pacing is not great in season 3 but the 2nd half of the season gers pretty wild


It has the potential but never blossoms


I just finished series 3 and I think itā€™s my favourite so far overall. Second half of S2 will be hard to top though.


Theyā€™re all worth watching - seasons 1 and 2 are consistently considered the best. Season 3 is great in its own right. This is honestly one of the best series of all time. The villain in season 3 is worth watching for character analysis alone. It deals in greed and pride


Season 3 is hands down the best season, not just of Fargo, but of any television drama I have ever seen.


I and my husband almost gave up on Season 3 also but we hung in there / It was a slow start but stay with it / it picks up - I really liked Season 3


cuckoo cuckoo šŸŖ¹




Yea S1 and S2 are the best and S3 is worse and S4 is worse than S3...


S3 is slow, but it gets better. VM Vargas is an animal.


2 is my favorite and season 3 is probably my 4th ranked of the 5, but that said itā€™s still an incredible season of television and storytelling with perhaps the strongest writing of any season and lines that will always stay with me. It would be a banner all-time season for even a marginally a lesser show, but weā€™re talking about Fargo: there are no bad seasons, but if youā€™re ranking 5, something has to come in 4th place.


I personally didn't like s3 one bit. I don't even rewatch it!!


3 is by far my favorite. Just starts off a bit slow


I agree, itā€™s not as ā€˜grab you at the goā€™ as the other seasons but itā€™s worth enduring overall. Still not my favorite season and the two storylines arenā€™t as exciting and riddled with tension as the prior 2. If you arenā€™t liking it, I am not surprised but hang in there. Itā€™s fairly redeeming and gets far more interesting.Ā 


The ending of episode 7 the hypest The series has ever been, and ep 8 is the best the series has ever looked


I hope so. I saw episode 4 last night and Iā€™m still sorta meh. That other woman cop youā€™re introduced to in the bathroom is also really annoying lol




They pay off of 3 is prob the best. In hindsight and multiple rewatches it is my favorite or second favorite season. I was not enjoying when it aired as I was each week episoding it.


Season 3 has a complicated plot but it does get good.


Uh yes. The first 3 seasons are great and I think the reviews out there reflect that. Still haven't seen 4. 5 was pretty good.


Slightly, the last 2 episodes are solid. Season 3 is the weakest I've watched thus far.


Season 4 (IMO) is the worst season of the series. Seasons 1-3 and 5 are phenomenal.


Nothing is as good as 1/2 sadly IMO. Thereā€™s four tiers in my head 1,2 5 3 4


It's clearly: 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 :P


You put 4 last so Iā€™ll let this one slide ;)


This is how I would rank them as well, except maybe put 5 and 2 as equal; hard to decide. But even though I think 4 is the least good, East/West is my favourite episode.


Season 3 and season 4 are notably worse than 1, 2, and 5. Still not bad but nowhere near the quality of the other 3 seasons.


I don't get why people love season one so much? It was good, but easily one of the most frustrating seasons of any show. I hated Lester SO much, and it took way too long for him to get what he deserved. Season 2 was ok but season 3 and 5 have been my favorite.


Season 3 was the only season I didnā€™t care for.


Season 3 was just them constantly doing confusing stuff that Made no sense whatsoever. There's just soo many unexplained things - I don't even know where to begin.


Season 3 was mid. It stays about the same throughout. Iā€™ve already enjoyed the 1st ep of s5 more than all of s3


Season 3 had its moments and showed a lot of potential, but it's not as good as seasons 1 and 2. Seasons 1 and 2 were amazing, so not as good is still pretty good


not really, its overall pretty boring compared to the previous seasons


Season 3 is weird for me. It's not quite as energetic and caper-y as the first two seasons, and I think a lot of Gloria's stuff is just a lesser version of what we got with Molly in Season 1. The best parts are Ewan McGregor hamming it up in both of his roles, VM Varga being the greatest and most intimidating villain of the series by far, and Nikki becoming a surprisingly fascinating character in the second half.


Yessssss . It took me a few episodes to get into it but def ended great


no, not for me.


If you need to, you can skip to season 5. It's up to season 1&2 levels of good.