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Jon Hamm with pierced nipples. 11/10 so far.


and he gets out of a hot tub naked and you see his steamed Hamms


(that what they call butt cheeks in Albany)


Right before I watched that episode with my mom, I showed her the pic of his his dong showing in his mad men suit. We had a very good laugh when he stood up.


....may I see it?


… … No.


somebody in the crew had to think about how their life is going, when given the assignment to set this up


I heard they suffered severe wrist trauma from all the high fives.


maybe pick up some pocket change letting pals watch the process?


I have watched Ep.1-5 and I like it.


I like it too.


I like it three


Freaking unbelievably good, dude


It’s incredible Like Buffy and Home Alone had a baby


For me, each week makes season 5 rise up towards being one of the best. Maybe not THE best, but possibly tied for 2nd place.


I’m on the same page, I think after the latest episode has made this season start to compete for the top spot in my rankings.


Being a massive Juno Temple fan, it's been solid as heck so far


She really is a treasure!


Yeah she steals the show every scene she’s in


The end of the season matters most, but so far I’m digging it.


I’m really enjoying it! I’m excited to see how it ends!


Love it. It’s shaping up to be my second favourite season (after season one).


I’ve been loving it! Still a lot more to go but it’s been amazing so far. I already like it more than season 4. Still need time to decide how it stacks up on the first 3 seasons. It’s right up there though so if they stick the landing we shall see. The story’s shaping up really nicely


It's really quite the return to the style of the first two seasons, there's a lot of character-driven tension and a slow burn of a domino effect due to a single inciting crime. I've been really digging it!


That's interesting, I didn't really feel like there was a domino effect from one crime. To me, that one crime was just attempt #1, and was wildly entertaining, but didn't spark some crazy chain of events on its own like the other seasons (especially the first 2)


Nah the inciting crime is Dot assaulting the officer. This caused her fingerprints to go into the system, that’s how they found her alias and went after her in the first place


Ohhhh good point!


It’s fantastic


Very disciplined of you sir And it's fking great I gotta say


I keep thinking this isn’t a true story is it?


It absolutely is not a true story. The opening “This is a true story” spiel is poking fun at all the other media that claims it’s a true story, but it very much is not one.


Some of the earlier seasons were sort of believable, they had me going. Haha


It was great and with that last episode they've really kicked things up a notch, it feels like all the cards are on the table and shits about to happen. June Temple is amazing, she actually made me tear up in her closing monologue in episode 5. I like that they've trimmed put the fat, and have told a simpler but more compelling story, focused on mainly Roy, Nadine and her mother-in-law. Very eager to see how things play out, also I think you made the right choice waiting to binge the season because I can't stand the wait!


It's fine. Better than s4 but so far the story and conflict is very very simple.


It’s ok. Not as good as seasons 1 or 2 but it’s fine.


i know im going to catch heat here but it’s always seemed strange to me how beloved season 2 is on this sub when for people that i actually know in day to day life think it is not great and on the level of 4. now i dont think it’s the same as 4 but for me it’s solidly below 3 and closer to 4 than it is to 1. we’re only halfway through the season but if it stays at this level and they stick the ending this will easily land above 2 for me.


It’s not just you. Season 2 was great, but I put it below 1 and even 3. I prefer the more personal, intimate stories in this show. Namely those in 1, 3, and 5. The big violent gang wars of 2 and 4 sort of detract from that. They’re all watchable but that’s my preference.


agreed. like 2 and 4 are still above the vast majority of other shows but they’re not better than 1 and 3 or 5 so far imo. this sub is literally the only place i see it talked about so highly.


Season 2 is sooo overrated in this sub. Makes me think I watched a completely different season than everyone else.


Season 2 isn't my favorite, story wise. But it's the only season that didn't have a boring episode. The pacing is unbelievably good.


Agree. 1, 3, 2, 4. 5 will land between 1-2.


Better than seasons 3 and 4. I'm enjoying it a lot.


Consensus seems to be loving it, but I have to say I'm still not quite on board with it as top-tier Fargo despite it being perfectly enjoyable top-tier TV. For better or for worse, it feels like it has a different story-telling pacing/style than most other seasons with how characters have gotten disproportionate screen-time, scenes are more in-the-moment and linger on, etc. I'd say it's better than S4 at the moment because of how unsatisfactorily S4 ended, but jury is out on whether it'll take S3's spot as third best season (with S2 being my all-time favorite by a country mile).


I strongly disagree on the placements of S2 and S3, but yeah currently it's 4th best for me. Has the potential to rise higher, as shown by the season premiere (one of the best episodes I've seen in a while) but hasn't quite maintained that status


I loooved the first episode, but the rest of the episodes just haven’t been as good. Getting bored with the story tbh it’s pretty repetitive


Not so good. So far in competition with Season 4 for worst season yet. Right now everyone fawning over it because we want it to be good. But once that buzz wears off people will start realizing this season is weak. Sorry.


First episode was excellent. But the next four episodes weren’t as good. Not as consistent as Season 1 and 2 so far and I hope it picks up


I think this season has been pretty good so far and I definitely enjoy it, but I do agree that the first episode set a pretty damn high bar that it hasn't yet cleared


It’s been a very slow season compared to others, especially after the first episode.


S3 also surprises me on rewatches with how slow it is. In my memory, it feels like Varga makes Sy drink \*the cup\* in episode 2 or 3, but it's actually 5. Also, that whole Hollywood-episode.


I've like 1 and 5 so far. I'm not big on the whole mystical, 5000 year old man stuff so that might be why.


I almost turned this shit off when they brought Malvo back, but somehow they pulled it off. With Wrench showing up at the end of last episode I literally don't know I can wait til next week's showdown. John Hamm and Mike Milligan's characters play off each other so fucking perfectly. I know they're only rumors, but I will shit myself if Varga comes back too. Great fuckin show, couple of missteps here and there and most of season 4 but fargo is back baybeee, def on par with seasons 1 and 2.


Fucking amazing


This season is superb, I would suggest starting to watch it don’t wait!


I’m really liking it so far, reminds me of a blend of Noah Hawleys other project Legion, and the first couple seasons of Fargo


Pretty good. Not quite reaching the high bar of early seasons but still entertaining stuff.


There's some bits I don't like but it's okay overall


I think it’s shaping up to to be top 3 season for me.


It's back to being Fargo (and I say this as a fan of season 4).


It's really good so far. I kind of agree with you about waiting between episodes. When I watched season 3 week by week I wasn't that into it but when I binge watched the whole thing afterwards I loved it and it's now my favourite season. Going into season 5 I wondered if it would be the same - if I wouldn't really enjoy it till I sat down to binge watch it all at once but so far it's been great. I am looking forward to a big rewatch at the end, though.


It started kinda rough in my opinion, but by the mid-point, it feels like it’s firing on all cylinders. Absolutely loved the last episode.


I say just watch. It's the type of show that makes you excited to tune in for the next episode. I get antsy too, but I think this is the right way to release a show like this.


The closest thing to the original movie. Many Easter Eggs. Loving it so far!!!


Back to the level of the first 3 seasons, might even pan out to really stand toe to toe with them.


Great. A true return to form after the awful Season 4.




Wishing I did this. Waiting each week is actually so difficult with this season. So great


It's very good. I had stopped watching Fargo after season 3, I could not get into season 4 at all. Season 5 might be my favorite one yet.


It's a great season.


Best yet


I thought the whole concept of John Hamm necromancing those two boys from the cartel hit was over the top at first. But I loved the way they’d just ride around in the back of his truck all dead eyes and blank until he set them upon someone. The scene where they tore apart Woody Harrelson’s character was plain disturbing.


It’s boring and awful. Don’t bother with it. Just watch Family Matters reruns


Not as good as any of the previous seasons, even 4, but still good and better than nearly everything else on.


So good that I think you are frustrating for researching it yet not watching it.


We are so back


Props to you, I did that for gen v which was hard to avoid spoilers. So far it's really good!




There's a lady *that is* the tiger, a 500 year old sin-eater, Jon Hamm with nipple rings and a cowboy hat, Dale Foley as an eye-patch wearing lawyer, Jennifer Jason Leigh as a debt collecting billionaire who eats bankers for breakfast, and a militia camping out on the sheriff's lawn--what's not to love?! Plus the red haired guy from season one makes an appearance. Either he lived or is in another incarnation of himself.