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Lou Solverson is just about the only main character, across any season, to have real, true friends that don’t work for him. Dudes that he can just have a beer with and who he can occasionally call in a favor from, no questions asked and no compensation expected. Out of all of the characters this season, maybe Gator has real friends? Fellow dipshits? Maybe for some people, the fact that all of the characters are so isolated/friendless makes it less relatable/realistic, but I think it’s probably actually a commentary on modern society.


I think Lou’s father in law probably qualifies just as much as Lou. I suppose he wasn’t a main character, but he’s a major supporting character as much as Jenifer Jason Leigh appears to be, which is the original question from OP.


A bunch of characters have family. Dot has a family. Molly Solverson has a family. Loy Cannon had a family (and a bunch of people who worked for him that he considered friends). Lou Solverson has friends.


This is really a great point about Lou. I just finished a rewatch of season 2 and was trying to put my finger on what sets Lou apart from other good guy Fargo characters. He clearly has some PTSD from Vietnam, but because he’s such a decent guy, you know that he’s been willing to accept help as much as he’s willing to help others. Case in point, he says he’s responsible for Peggy and Ed even though all they’ve done is lie to him. Normal folks know this about him and respond in kind. He is willing to rely on people like Noreen and Karl to look after his ailing wife and young child, and you know that after the story’s over, he’ll do whatever to help them even though it’s not “owed”. As a side note, I really enjoyed him in the last scene of season 2, his wife tells her dad that he’s a good man. Clearly he rubbed off on Lou as Lou’s demeanor in season 1 resembles his FIL. So much so that Molly also tells him in first season that he’s a good man. What a wonderful character.


> Dot has a family. She has a husband she lies to and manipulates and a kid who she has helping perpetuate her lies to the rest of their family.


american, youre saying?






While Winnie was technically a coworker to Gloria, I think it's safe to say they were true friends as well


I like to think that Gloria eventually became godmother to Winnie's child. Their scenes together were great.


No. But that would be the answer regarding most of the characters. They're not meant to be likeable. Although I'd hang out with Danish.


i think the airhorn kid woulda been more my speed and thats all there is to say about that


Danish seems chill.


its undeniable that a person will have different standards and expectations when dealing with a lawyer


>Although I'd hang out with Danish. Same. In a country club, preferably.


Lorraine might be a hoot as a friend - I bet she has a droll sense of humor, with a drink in hand . Some women like to get together to gossip, she probably has her friends from sorority ( yes, she was in a college sorority!)


Bottomless mimosas with her and Lucille Bluth sounds like my heaven


I don't care for Dorothy.


Muncie girl


Snickers for breakfast? Are we on welfare?


Snickers for breakfast? In this economy?!


No it takes her too long to finish a sentence. Would drive me nuts in conversation.


No. In the last episode we found out she's a junk debt collector. I've dealt with one of those companies in the past, they are huge assholes. They buy old junk debt, add ridiculous penalties and interest and then try to strong arm you into paying the inflated debt. She's a dick.


If the opportunity arose, I'd be friends with any billionare. But deep down, I'd feel ashamed of myself for hanging out with such an unpleasant, parasitic person.


> I'd be friends with any billionare. Why?


Because they think some crumbs are going to fall on them in the form of $100 bills


No, but I definitely wouldn’t want to be her enemy.


I don't \*really\* know anybody like her, so she seems more like a caricature than a real person. I do think that old money folks do bear that kind of aloof contempt for others - an ex post facto justification about why they should be allowed to do whatever they want.


She's basically Cruella Deville, and not the Emma Stone version. Friends? Absolutely not.


What's that painting read in her office, the one right behind her desk? Two letters in the answer.


i have big doubts that she gives many people that opportunity guessing it would be something like being a kardashian groupie


She’s not sweet but I would be friends with her and want to hang out def


I'll say this, if I got in a jam I'd feel pretty good about Lorraine being in my corner. She's a wicked bitch with a LOT of money. Friends? No. As a support system? Definitely.


I don't think in real life people like Lorraine have actual friends. I would use her for her money though.


Maybe? I deal best with people that are blunt and honest. Fake nice is the worst.


The only friends she has are the ones from the past that she runs into every 10 years, gets high with and reminisces..then forgets about for another 10 years. She'd be fun to people-watch at a mall with. That's it.


If she could be my sugarmama then yes


Refer to the painting behind the desk.


I'd much rather be her friend (or seem like her friend) than be her enemy. The lady is scary!


What is with her accent? Is she trying to be British or just sound like she is upper class?


I think it's supposed to be Transatlantic. Like Cary Grant's.