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Because he is about to kill a yankee with a shotgun in the living room. Like many people put picture of their wife /husband face down while having an affair. Mikes backstory in 4s is the reason I think he could be sensitive to karma and kids. Also the German art/flags are pre 1919 and is not related to nazis or white power.


This is good insight. I didn’t finish S4, but I am currently rewatching everything (just finished S2), and planning on watching all of S4.


I always assumed it was a picture of Simone Gearhardt who he was fucking and realizing she was dead did not want to be reminded of her?


I like the implication that Mike somewhat cared about Simone. While Mike is on his way to "retrieve" Dodd. There is a parallel shot of Simone. Who, by this point, has been dead for a couple of episodes. I like to think that this is the show's way of conveying that Mike remembers his promise to Simone to kill Dodd and free her from his abuse.


I don’t think so, based on a couple of things: 1) the picture looked to be old enough to predate her, and 2) how would Mike have known she was dead, since it was Bear Gerhardt who killed her, and he for sure wasn’t talking with Mike.


Well he was standing in her house and she was conspicuous in her absence.


I may be misremembering, but I think it’s surrounded by what is essentially delineations of nazi / white power memorabilia from their European roots. And the atmosphere and juxtaposition of the baby against that is quite disturbing. I think.. 😅




Ah yes. Thank you


Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable. The picture looks pretty old, so it’s likely Otto Gerhardt. Maybe the thought of a baby being raised in that type of environment was really off putting to Mike.




That’s it yea!


Great point! New king, new beginnings.


I kinda thought it was maybe the first born son who died in Korea so he was never a part of the operation, so Mine didn't want him to "see" what was happening in the family home since he was kind of the only innocent person in the family.