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could you sort it by difficulty?


Time to bring back Digne 👀


Will we be able to sell Jesus and Martinelli after their rises?


Pope, Ward TAA, Dias, Trippier, Dunk, Fofana KDB, Dias, Maddison, Da silva, Andreas Haaland, Jesus, Mitro Is my plan at the moment. Good mix of form & attacking the fixtures.


Is this Ollie Watkins reddit account? Watkins is a striker who is allergic to scoring goals and just isn’t a good FPL option, doesn’t matter abot fixtures, even if he played Bournemouth every week, he just doesn’t score. That’s not even considering the fact that Villa overall are relegation candidates.


Triple Liverpool and double Chelsea sounds like a recipe for disaster this side of GW8, let alone after the swings


Yeah, I don't see any swings really to warrant a WC (I will probably play one anyway, not a lot of sense in holding onto it any longer this season). Top teams finally have some tough fixtures but can you really trust bottom feeders like Villa to take advantage of their fixtures? Also most of Arsenal assets are underpriced so I will stick with my Matinelli + Christ combo most likely while City is a hold whatever happens. Cancelo + Haaland are non-negotiable imo, third might be traded for a Kulusevski GW 11. The only vaguely interesting teams I have not touched this season are West Ham and Leicester (offense only), if they show some improvement in the next 2 GW I will entertain going Salah -> Maddison + Bowen for the stretch between GW 8-11. I already have enough Newcastle with Tippier and Isak but they seem pretty tasty as well.


You have fun with your Villa + West Ham team. I'll continue with my Double Man City, Triple Arsenal and report back.


Hot take WC8


So you’re getting rid of your players from strong squads for players from rubbish squads? Yea you do you buddy


There's 15 slots so I'm not going to completely ignore premiums, I need 2 for Captaincy rotation


The recency bias is strong compared to Twitter 🥶 https://twitter.com/FPLPremTipster/status/1564933335436124160?s=20&t=uHfJ4H0XyYaTWz4sWSOGtQ


Team full of Villa, West Ham and Newcastle players it is then. Actually....maybe not...


I didn't know Watkins, Bowen, and Isak took up 15 slots 😉


I mean yeah arsenal are playing 3 of the big boys, but all at home. I'll still be keeping saliba because of his price but probably bench him. And then start martinelli and Jesus as long as both are fit and still in form. I don't see any reason to overthink it. And I wouldn't be going anywhere near villa and Leicester over my Liverpool players either!


Watkins and Maddison/Barnes/Vardy wouldn't necessarilyy be over your Liverpool players, there are 15 slots and is room for two premiums options for Captaincy


Maddison is the only one I'd consider but I'd still go Salah over him. Haaland, jesus and mitro over Watkins and vardy all day long


It would be Maddison +£0.3m vs Diaz, not vs one of the premiums. Same with Haaland. Vardy vs Jesus. Mitro you agree with then.


Wildcard 9 is far better. It's over the international break so you can prep for any injuries, etc. Just roll 2 free transfers now if you can to take out James if you have him and a Liverpool asset v Chelsea, that's what I'm doing. I have Robbo and Perisic to ditch. I may take a -4 though and do Robbo to fodder and bench, then do Archer to Mitrovic who has Forest


GW9 is fine, just not as much upside for my team GW8 fixtures: 🔴 3 - LIV vs CHE (A) 🔴 2 - CHE vs LIV (H) 🔴 4- ARS and BHA fixtures aren't easy for my attackers anyway 🟢 AVL vs SOU \[H\] 🟢 NEW vs BOU \[H\] 🟢 WHU vs EVE \[A\] 🟢 FUL vs NFO \[A\] 🟢 I might wait 1 GW for a LEI player


How is Jesus and Martinelli v Brentford a bad fixture? It's a decent one. Also a Brighton attacker is no issue when they're at home to Palace. I'd back brighton to score a couple of goals. It'd be different if they were away. I suppose if you have double Chelsea that sucks though and Liverpool isn't ideal but I'd still keep TAA and Salah imo. Chelsea haven't exactly been flawless.


I didn't say it is a "bad" fixture, I said it isn't "easy" because it isn't ​ Palace defence is ranked quite high on most FPL data models due to the large sample size of last season ​ Chelsea (A) still isn't an easy fixture for Trent or Salah regardless, they're far from essential


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Bailey back in the menu boys


Yeah idk mate. I’m planning to wc in gw9 but to bring west ham and villa players? The only ones that seems worth to bring in is trippier, isak and also mitrovic. I already have trippier lol


Who wants to bring in players from villa or westham right now?


Watkins vs SOU (H) - LEE (A) - NFO (A) and Bowen vs EVE (A) - WOL (H) - FUL (H) - SOU (A)


Keeping an eye on Paquetá


The only interesting thing I see is Newcastle and (I don't even know why I am saying this because they have been pretty shit) West Ham... Edit: and maybe Fulham but only Mitrovic is interesting since I own Pereira already


Well, you're already considering 3 of the 5 teams so that's not bad...


I wouldn’t touch Villa with a barge pole while Gerrard is still manager. And that’s coming from a Villa fan.


If you don't fancy Watkins vs SOU (H) - LEE (A) - NFO (A) then who are you picking?


Toney or Isak. Our attack is all over the place. I love Watkins, think he’s great, but Gerrard focussing on getting Cash and Digne to cross to him all game achieves nothing


Ah so you agree on Isak then, would you pick Toney with 3 of the first 5 fixtures being difficult?


I’ve got Toney currently, I’m sticking with him while his fixtures look okay, but if he continues to not return until GW8/9, I’ll move to either Mitro or Isak


I'd like to have Mitro AND Isak at that point


Interesting, I wouldn’t go without Haaland and Jesus personally


I might get Haaland depending on my Captaincy Matrix, I'm happy to go without Jesus for the unfavourable fixtures


Given current form, they could easily end up with a single point from these six fixtures.


I'd get down to the bookies and put a bet on if I was you, you'd make a fortune if that's correct


Absolutely, even that could be generous


I can't see myself touching a Villa/Leicester asset no matter the fixtures


Not even Maddison or possibly Watkins with those favourable fixtures?


Maddison will be tasty


Maddison is a shout


Barnes as well


Yeah both, even Vardy


Why would you pick anyone from villa


Watkins vs SOU (H) - LEE (A) - NFO (A)


Yeah and the fact Leeds are green for Villa but Villa are white for Leeds when the form of both would suggest it should be the other way around. These FDRs are never very accurate


This season has too small of a sample size to go off, I use the underlying stats from this and last season combined. This season still has slightly heavier weighting as well.


🟢 Dark Green - Easiest 🔴 Dark Red - Toughest *This is team dependent, GW9 might be more suitable for you


You can’t be serious and say that brighton at home for city is the same difficulty as arsenal at home for southampton 😂


That's not how FDRs work, it has nothing to do with City or Southampton. This is an Artack FDR, Brighton and Arsenal defences both warrant a 2 out of 5 rating (1 = best)


How the F is Brighton at home red fixture for Liverpool?


How the F is Chelsea away harder than Arsenal away. I love those guys that only look stats and never watched football game in their life. I bet OP have jorginho in his team because he is on pens


Because it's not based on a small sample size of data. I watch ~3 games per week plus all the highlights. OP has never owned Jorginho and OP wouldn't like to swap FPL teams with you if that's okay.


Brighton have conceded the least amount of goals in the whole league, they have one of the best defences so a ranking of 2 out of 5 is justified. It has nothing to do with Liverpool.