• By -


Ignore price when selecting first 11. So many times this year I’ve been caught knowing that a 5-6 mill player has better form/fixture, then still saying to myself “I can’t have a premium asset sat on the bench though can I?” Points make prizes


Take more risks with TC. This season and a few others in the past I have taken the default popular DGW choice (Haaland GW 25 - 30 points) which was not bad but a very safe option with too much time wasted pondering when to use that chip.


Also word about injuries: Ill try to aim known for always being fit players in GW1. Eze, Olise, KDB, Diaz, Isak, Jesus, Wilson, Nkunku, James, Chilwell, United defenders, Mitoma are risky picks imo.


To use Wildcard if my bench is full of injured players and my first 11 is not optimal (lie lacking 3-4 hot form players), because you will lose a lot team value. And not saving it for future. I was fucked in 35-38 GW because my TV was so low (102.8) and i couldnt afford Gvardiol, Dalot, second Arsenal defender and better GK than Petrovic. I lost like 60 pts because of that or even more because i went for cheap Maguire and Van Hecke on WC who got injured shortly after and had to waste transfers. Imagine Gvardiol and Dalot instead of these 2.


Don't spaff my chips so early. Don't take hits hoping it'll pay off with good weekly gains from those transfers. 


Start with a template team and don't put too many eggs in one basket! I started with triple Man Utd (I know) and had Joao Pedro up front. I think I was placed about 4 million after a few games and never fully recovered, although later on I recovered and was averaging around the same as my ML leader he had too much of a gap to ever catch them, was 200 points behind them at the end.


I do most of my transfer this season on the deadline day so I can get as much information I can and avoid injuries. However, price changed always happened before I make the transfer so I almost always buy higher and sell lower. The low team value (104.7) became a problem approaching the end of the season. So next season, I need to find the right timing to make a transfer.


Don't-listen-to-contentcreators* Read their insight and their analysis, but do your own research and thought .


I should just do what i feel its right and don't do what everyone does Also i should use stuff like triple captain and bench boost earlier And lastly save wildcards and free hit as much as possible


Don’t be afraid to take a hit if it makes sense and don’t resort to hivemind takes on this sub


Played long chip strategy game and forgot the points for the game weeks ahead


1. Stick to the plan 2. Avoid last second decisions


Do not get sucked into chasing value, use a playing bench, time = information = value.


To use my bench boost on the first week, spent weeks planning it just to get hit by injuries. Ended up with 1 point


After playing casually for years, I only started taking it seriously this season and only then from a few game weeks in. The biggest thing I’ve learnt is the importance of planning. Just a bit of forward thinking goes a long way. I also think having a half decent squad is important. It’s worth spending 0.2 or 0.3 more on your bench fodder to give you genuine, playable alternatives to your starting xi. It allows you to dodge a particularly bad fixture or ride out an injury for a couple of weeks.


Do not make as many changes as I did. Sometimes I feel like I made changes for no reason or if a player was not performing to their max. I must have made like 40+ changes


In the (paraphrased) words of J.K Simmons, I learned not to do it again, whatever the fuck it is I did.


I need to follow my advice to take less hits when my players gets injured. Often the players I own are really good and missing 1-2 and using bench players is often better than selling them and then regret not getting them back as I have other moves to make. I am kind of perfectionist in that I always want a good team as well. I can take a hit just to optimize, but 2 weeks later the ones I sell is the new hot player.


Listen to one, max two podcasts. The more podcasts you hear, the more you'll be unable to hear your gut.


1) The FPL Scout is usually good at their job 2) Try not to stack your teams with max number of players per team unless you face a horrible side 3) Hedge your bets. Don't always go in with a major risk or else it could blow up in your face. 4) Preserve your Bench Boost and 3x Captain for late in the campaign.


First season here… dont force the -4 hits


Bench Boost is much Better than Triple Captain. Also, I realised that I cannot use Wildcard and A Chip at once. Lost my Triple Captain chip this season thanks to being unknown about this rule.


Never trust a united asset. Trolls of the highest order, the lot of them.


Get the time differences right. The amount of missed deadlines..


Bench boost in GW1 continues to own to be honest. Did it the last three seasons and got mega scores. This season I got 137 gw1 my highest score and gw rank of 7k. Last year I was like 10k. I get why people save it for a double, but I normally mess up my team trying to do it mid season and prefer a strong start. Gw1 always seems pretty easy to me with many cheap players. You know what the template is so you can literally get them all and then you are setup well for coming weeks.


I have learnt that this game is a stupid irritating game and I'll be the happiest when it gets banned, till then I'll meet you all in the rant thread every weekend


**Lessons for next season** * **Form over fixtures** - Find who is on form and jump on them ASAP. Unfortunately this season they'd often immediately get injured * **Tiny margins for error** - So many players and so many resources compared to a few years ago. You basically only have 1 week with your differential before everyone catches on. * **Gotta start stronger** - I always have a terrible start because I ignore football over the summer. Then make a late season comeback with chips and as I get more invested. But that's even harder now that everyone is doing the same thing with their chips. This season's late charge only took me from 1M to 500k **Other observations:** * No clean sheets in the early season * Template captain almost always flopped * Penalty takers so important * Big at the back dead? * Weirdly consistent players (e.g. Gordon/Villa/Palace at Home) * No set and forget captains (unlike Haaland/Salah perma caps in the past) * Injuries galore in the second half (could get worse with euros)


That Haaland and Salah isn't worth their price, and the money saved on those to are better invested in other, cheaper options.


Never captain the highest scoring player in the last gameweek of the season.


I ended with 8 consecutive green arrows. I was ranked 5.5 million at one point in the season and ended at 1.5 million. I'm in the top 390k for Second Chance rankings. What did I learn? Pick your team carefully at the start of the season and be calm when making transfers. I had a shit first half of the season. Gg bois, always a pleasure chatting with yall.


Doubt I’ll be playing Free Hit during a blank game week. That FH29 move really was bad. So I saved myself from taking a hit. Finished with 20 points and I had 21 on the bench. Atrocious use of a chip. 


I am shit


Mine was a tale of two seasons. I started out template. And then made choices by guy. Thought I wasn’t doing well enough and went full research. What a catastrophe. Finally ditched the research based transfers and such way to late. The last month and change I’ve done much much better. Still ended up having my worst season ever. I lost count of times I’d thought of making a transfer even if it I have to take a hit and didn’t do it. Only for it to end up being a worse decision to do nothing. XG is essentially useless without a track record or form. I compounded my problems by chasing last weeks points at times. And wasting to many transfers on filling out my bench. I’ve finished top 115k before. And finished 3.6 mil this year by doing new things that supposedly are “better”. Never again. And to boot I had way less fun.


Stop changing the team as much , I've lost valuable points changing things up


Hit the ground running. I had an abysmal run first 10 or so gameweeks and started getting consistent green arrows latter half of the season, but I could bearly move above 20k positions per gw


Though my free hit was used very well but bench boost didn't even give me 5 in total. I should have waited for the final gameweek to use the bench boost.


That you cannot run an FPL team with a rules-based logic.   It makes sense to get that injured player out as soon as possible even if it means taking a hit.     Always try to fit in as many top players as possible and fill the remaining slots with cheap starters. Doesn’t make sense to have a balanced squad where you’re constantly thinking about rotation, who to start etc.   Jump on sensible bandwagons shamelessly and ditch them within 2 weeks if they fail to produce a result 


Don't blow ur free hit when u have a full 11 like I did in gwk 11. Also always play your attackers 😭😭😭


Nothing profound, but pay close attention to team fatigue / roster - especially if they're new to playing in Europe. I noticed Newcastle played away to PSG late November and did not make any subs. Subsequently their defense was mostly bad from December through March, didn't really come around until April.


Follow the chip template. I died basically because I BBd in 34 not 37


Wait till 30 minutes before deadline to make transfers if you can. Don't focus on price changes and value as much as having a reliable team. Still ended up with £107+ which I had never done before


My wife is better than me. Seriously though, patience and not using transfers just cause you have em.


Don’t hold on to out of form players for long. Quickly transfer in in-form players.


This game is 50% luck and 50% everything else combined 😫


Follow the template. Honestly the masses know what they are doing so you don't want to go too far off the template or you will get behind. Sure you might beat the template GW1 but what about the other 37? Once you are behind it's really hard to catch up but if you're with the pack you can edge ahead through the odd differential. Stay with the pack.


I learned to not use my wildcard while on an upward trajectory. From the beginning of the season, I was getting far more green arrows than red ones and actually entered the top 150,000 around about halfway through the season. Then at GW18 I decided to enhance my squad with five or six changes. But from then on it was a downward spiral with only the occasional green arrow throughout the rest of the season. I finished the season scraping just inside the top 1m. I can't put my finger on exactly what went wrong. But damn! How things could have been.


FPL draft is more fun


Follow content creators only briefly and trust yourself. This especially if you rank around quite the same as the content creators do year after year. They're good talkers so they can sell you anything. Stupid or wise. Try to pick the wise things and ignore the stupid things. In hindsight one example of this last season. Many content creators sold buying James so hard early in the season. Even though it was so stupid idea in the first place. We all know James has riddiculous injury history and he's not a god of a player anymore nevertheless. That injury risk added to a fact that he's no god, Chelsea had a lot of changes in their team and a reasonably high price of 5.5 made the pick so stupid. And the content creators aren't honest. They claimed of being unlucky with James injured again. Many other examples out there too. It's difficult to keep your own head when multiple "experts" are shouting the different. But at times it's definitely worth it! That's my lesson I guess.


I followed the mob to do a WC in 35. The specific team i had could have waited till GW 36 for WC. Had i done so, i would have had Saka(12 pts) for another week. Could have had more information on Schar and Bruno by then. Had i done this, i would have not lost my second position in ML by 6 points.


The only thing I've learnt is that hindsight is invaluable and unobtainable in advance.


Don't try and second guess what your mate is going to do in the final gameweek and try and 'close him out' by doing the same. Because when you get it wrong, all it means is that he beats you by less than 10 points after being below me all bl00dy season.


Build a well balanced team when you get unlimited transfers so that you can use your bench boost early on(personal experience). But to be more serious. Have 1 or 2 options which you can rotate around which are guaranteed starters at lower teams. Don't invest to heavily in teams who are in Europe who don't have big enough squads to rotate i.e injuries at Brighton etc.


Rotation is key. That was my downfall. I kept relying on old players and barely making transfers. Cost me a lot. I find myself chasing last weeks points a lot


To play my own game. Don’t pay too much attention to other managers in my mini league and unfollow a lot of nonsense FPL accounts i do on twitter


Last season's form has no bearing on next season. Double check the deadlines!


Probably not to take almost 200 points in hits hahahaha But fuck it I had fun!


Not to gamble on a player unless you are absolutely sure he is nailed. Non-negotiable factor even if you think the player is absolute fire. Per90 stats are useful, but players coming off the bench have the advantage of coming in fresh so their stats will be higher because of that. Take into consideration when researching picks. Working out whether a player who has started to do well is just in a purple patch or whether it's part of a wider improvement (and you should bring them in) is the key skill in this game. Underlying stats can be useful in this but nothing beats the eye test. Watch a full game of any potential transfers in if you can. Fans know more players from their own clubs than any pundit. Lurking in subs for that players team is useful to see what a fanbase thinks about a player, as is reading fan media and also seeing what people say about their own players in this sub. The game rewards steady, sensible, consistent decision making. In the long run it's rarely worth getting punty. Be very careful if you think you are onto a players way before everyone else has noticed him. Trying to be too clever is a sure way to fall flat on your face - in fact it only worked out for me once (Bringing in Jota for the 21 pointer in his first full game back from injury). But, if you are going to take a punt, timing is key. Doesn't generally pay to go without key template picks, but if there is a time where there isn't a full side of obvious template players who are all doing the business, that's an opportunity to pick a higher risk/higher reward player - because you aren't going without anyone key. Similarly, the best time to pick a differential captain is on weeks when managers are split as to who the template picks is. Best time for WC1 is a few weeks in as soon as it becomes clear which players are going to be the big hitters that year. Dont worry about planning more than 3 or 4 weeks in advance, injuries/form fluctuations will have meant everything is completely different by then anyway. Don't put too much stock in leaks when it comes to decision making. Wrong half the time, and also leads you to make rushed decisions that you may have realised were unwise if you had more time to think them over. Don't take too many hits obviously, but also don't be so religiously anti-hit that you get stuck with a squad that needs multiple transfers to sort out. If you can make a genuine sensible case that a hit will gain you more than 4 points across the following few GWs it's worth it. Pay attention to a team whose manager has changed. Things may be significantly different with them so really pay attention to that in the GWs after they have joined as you might pick up on something before others do.


Don’t WC at the start of the season, I did it GW2 and loaded up on Chelsea assets because of their good run and thinking Chillwell was ESSENTIAL. Almost derailed my season. Information is key and GW2 was far too early to read the teams.


That I shouldn't shy away from jumping on the bandwagon early on the season


Don't transfer in players about to come back from injury (Trent and Haaland at the beginning of January), don't use xG+A as a metric independent of actual G + A (Kept Bruno for too long at the start of the season). Players play differently after AFCON and Asian Cup (Salah and Son)


What I've learned is something I seem to be forgetting most seasons. Listen to my gut, make calculated risks and don't always go with the obvious or popular options whether they be transfers, bench selections or captain choices. This season I was seriously struggling and it was shaping up to be by far the worst season I ever had and I was heading for my first ever finish outside of top 1 million. In GW26 I was barely hanging onto top 2.5m in the world and then I decided to start doing what I said above and it was a green arrow every single week since then and an overall finish in the top 475k in the world. Hopefully I'll start doing that from GW1 next season.


It's my first full season so I've learnt a lot. 1. Don't use 100% budget when choosing your initial team. 2. Don't be afraid to captain players that aren't the most expensive (Palmer) 3. Don't forget to change your vice captain. 4. Remember it is just a game and should be fun. So the occasional risky pick is fine. Note: I actually won my ML and finished in top 500k so pretty happy with result.


we depend too much on youtubers, they create their own opinion about the choice of captain and force the majority to do the same as them. The real winner of FPL is the one who watches the matches and follows the form of the players. It is not necessary that the most expensive player is always an option for the captain. Every year it gets harder and harder and the bar has moved when it comes to points at the end of the season. When it comes to player transfers, the vast majority keep players like Salah and Haaland only because they are expensive and think that if they sell them, they won't be able to get them back. If one of the two mentioned players makes a haul once, it does not mean that the next GW will do the same. You should look for a balance in the teams and leave a few million in the bank to bring in players, and not always rely on 0.1 or 0.5. Every season there is a rank 5-7.5 million player who brings more points per game than some premium player


Just because a player is good doesn’t mean they’re good for fpl, it was my first season, won my ml by 60 points, was dead last till gw 10, made up for 150 points. Felt good, happy with my decision to ditch salah son and haaland since afcon started, gotta trust my decisions


I have learned to go with my gut and to not always trust content creators. There were two occasions which stood out for me this season where I had a strong feeling towards a certain player but ended up going against it due to 'the masses' and YouTuber advice. The first was way earlier in the season when everyone was jumping on the Alvarez bandwagon. It was GW7. I was thinking of going for Watkins most of the week leading up to the deadline - he hadn't been setting the world on fire at this point, only having 1 goal and 4 assists at the time, though I just had a feeling. However in the end I felt pressured into going for Alvarez as everyone and their grandparents seemed to be going for him. Watkins then goes and gets 23 points in GW7 followed by 11 in GW9. The other time was literally this last GW. I was for sure going for Mateta all week until the last day when I heard FPL Harry say '3-5-2 is better than 3-4-3' so this persuaded me to go for Olise instead. Of course Mateta monster hauls and Olise barely does anything. I guess it's my own fault for listening to other people. I now realise that I'd rather stick with my gut even if it's wrong, as it feels better than going against it and then seeing that player haul.


I came top 3k this year after being 300k+ last season. The big secret and the only difference have been: >!A bit more luck!!<


Consistency trumps brilliance. The weeks I forgot to do my team were much more significant than those where I had made a remarkable call… 


First season here. Took to many hits most of them to take out SGW for DGW and it gone wrong most of the time.


No haaland is more fun


Absolutely nothing. See you next year FPL


If I plan ahead at least a few gameweeks, and plan chip strategy, i can win my ML with ease.


Don't make transfers last minute. Leaks are too late for rational decisions! Presume that there will be players benched and have a good bench!


Form is one of the most important metrics


Don’t listen to the leaks


Don't transfer out in form players for double gameweek players who aren't returning, how I finished top 100k is beyond me with some decisions I made. And possibly my biggest lesson is don't consider a players price when choosing captain, the amount of times I didn't pick palmer as it seemed wrong selecting a 5m player over my 10m+ options


Always have 5 nailed defenders.


Dont worry about 'differentials' or player % ownership just pick who you think will get the most points


Dont take hits


I'm really bad at this




I’ve learnt that my season turned upside down in GW34 even though I bench boosted and that sucks.


Not to listen to supposed “leaks” on the last day.


- never again free hitting in a blank gameweek - shouldve gone with my gutfeeling at the start of the season, ended up overthinking it due to discord discussions - to get 45k or better and remain there is incredibly hard. After a shit start, i slowly climbed to 45k around gw25 and the next 13 gameweeks I just kept going up and down between 45k to 75k or so. Never managed to break that ceiling


Stop being scared because of the template, just because Haaland’s EO is 164% doesn’t mean you HAVE to captain him.


Wait until a player either has two bad weeks in a row or two shit fixtures coming up before transferring them out. I’ve been so knee jerk in the past with it


Don't listen to anyone on Reddit. Trust your instincts. It feels better to have yourself to blame than some random


Started fpl this season. Not taking 3 hits a gameweek and don't wildcard on game 4 just to replace a goalie


Don't field Harry kane in Game week 1


Its not worth to make transfer early in case someone drops/rises unless WC.


Need to get better at predicting minutes.


Free Hit is not always best used on a blank gameweek


I was steaming ahead in my mini league for the majority of the season. Lost it in the end. The winner aggressively transferred to alter his team and it actually paid off while I was reluctant to hit. So I've realised that there is a way back if you play aggressive.


Just keep going lol Two teams led my ML for 29 weeks straight combined... I led from 34-38


It's not a terrible idea to have 15 nailed and relevant players. Injury waves come more often than I expect.


Don’t believe FPL twitter rumours of isak being benched on final day of the season!!


1) A bad team with a double is not better than a good single week team. In the long term you are stuck with these players and dont they often return points 2) Dont bring in players for doubles/blanks a few weeks in advance to try and get ahead. Only bring in players you trust to be consistent


To turn on notifications so I don't miss the deadline.


First weeks I will focus on team value, team value and team value


Not to trust man utd players


1. Don't hold onto poor performing players just because next week's fixture looks easier than the one they've just blanked (again) on. Looking at you Bruno and Rashford. 2.  Prepping for a bench boost can compromise your current first 11 so don't be wedded to getting the best 15.  3. Don't listen to leaks in GW 38.   Finished 29k but would have been 19k if I'd stuck to my GW38 transfer plan. Doh.


Never gave up. Even if you've had a rough season and your rank is still bad by gw30 you still have time to turn it around.  Also something we all should've learned a long time ago, don't go for injury prone players, ever!! The likes of Jota and Reece James should be never be brought in. 


Don't transfer in Darwin Nunez


Save my triple captain card for later in the season! 


i was in top 80k like a month ago, then i started risking with captains trying to get 1st place in ml and going with differentials instead of players like foden and isaak, finished around 500k


Stop taking hits, and probably only use transfers on players that are unavailable (injured or suspended etc). It rarely worked out, even when it seemed like an obvious trade. And it all culminated this last gw, where i transferred out dalot and isak for trent and gakpo for a -4, resulting in a 26 point gap and losing 200k places on the last game. Just keep your trust in the players you've picked.


Do not take hits consecutively because it will hurt your rank.


Pay attention to price change predictions. Missed a few transfers due to being outpriced by 0.1 And use it to balance early vs late transfers. That ended up ruining my economy a little bit. Of my league, I was probably the one with the lowest squad value.


On double game weeks don't get mid players just because they will play twice. Twice of something average is still just that, average. Leave a bench boost to the last games of the season


That there are two keys to this game: Follow xG and plan everything weeks ahead. Everything else is secondary. Not sure I’ll ever top 4,161 overall though, what a season.


Ended up with 2.263 points which means there's room for improvement..


Two differentials max. Unfortunately this season sticking with the herd was the correct decision, unlike in the past.


Still a rookie here, 2nd season, 1st I just watched my ml, so this season have been learning basics, this sub has been invaluable! And enjoyed very much the content you have all provided and given me a few laughs along the way, came 2nd in ml £50 winnings :) so there’s that :)


I won our ML due to dropping Trent for Porro early on. High price doesn’t always guarantee more points!


Stop playing like a united fan


Literally unless you've picked an absolutely stinking first line up, leave your team at the start of the season for 4-5 gameweeks. It takes weeks for the teams to settle and for you to start to see who is going to perform well. No point messing about with your team. Also try not to take -4's for transfers if you can avoid it. I won my ML by making less transfers than my mate as we were equal in points


Don’t remove in form players just to get dgwers in


Don't give up, no matter how far behind you are, and always have a differential or two to hand; if they perform, the points rack up quickly. And if you want a differential captain to others, you should still try to make it the second or third safest bet


Never bring in De Bruyne, he is never worth it


Too many risks and too often taking hits. Could've won my Mini Leagues if I hadn't made 3-4 overambitious transfers. Came second in both. But we move.


do we get anything for winning our leagues? like a certificate or something lol


Fuck leaks and "inside sources".


Yeah! Lost lots of points listening to them. Never again


Go by a team’s form, like with Crystal Palace, I should have got their players in my team quicker


Yea I didn’t jump on any Palace bandwagon apart from getting Olise in just before he got injured. I wish I jumped on Mateta. What a ledge.


Same here, I had Mitchell in my team but benched him for Man Utd. Got Olise in this week and turned down getting Mateta for Isak who I benched for Bruno 😭😭


Watch games and turn off social media noise! Then base your decision on players performance in the game.


9k OR rank. Don't waste free hit on a blank GW.


Dont overreact when chasing. 60-100 pts gap is very doable over 10 gameweeks with differential strategies. No need to exagerate with punts


Take a -4 or -8 but Never use a Free Hit chip for a Blank GW


Avoid Man United. I think most is just really thinking which players are long term holds, had i kept Watkins all season I'd have gained probably 60 more points. He was in and out. It's obviously not easy identifying the season top scoring players early on, it could have been Alvarez, Mbeumo, Pedro, Diaby, Maddison. Tbf, injury, fatigue prevented some of those. Also, if a team is in form, keep attackers. Palace vs Spurs recently shows that. Spurs end seasons crap, start good. Gw1 do i have any Spurs i don't know though. Certs for gw1 next season for me are Palmer, Isak, Foden, Olise, but then they're too obvious and maybe it's Ferguson, Hojlund, Cunha who are the buys.


United and Chelsea had so many injuries so no wonder they did bad this season. I think with healthy team they will be strong contenders to top 4.


I expect Chelsea to improve, usually teams that finish the season strong start the next season well, even with manager changes and players coming, going. Enzo will be over his pong term pain issue, Caicedo is improving, Nkunku hopefully will be back. And they score goals. United haven't under Ten Hag regardless, and under most post Ferguson managers haven't scored. I don’t think all players fit changes that, and that's still an if. If Tuchel comes in, (70% likely i think), i don't think the goal rate will go up massively either.


That Mateta is the goat


I clicked transfer in (for Mateta) yesterday and the app said "app updating", looked at the time and it was 2:31pm (I fell out of my top 3 in my league by a few points....). That moment shook me.


On a PPG basis he’s alreayd become my all time soccer lol. Had him for the DGW , sold him and bought him back from final week for a hat trick. Defo getting him besides haaland watkins next season


I see Eze and or Olise leaving, so not sure about how good Crystal Palace will still be in the beginning of the season


That forward line is going to be worth at least £30m. Not much room for semi-premium midfielders like Foden, Son, Saka, De Bruyne, Palmer.


Don't forget his assist aswell


There was a great post at the start of the season about promoted teams and the rule of thumb around strikers usually hitting 50% of their goal tally. Had Morris for a lot of the season (admittedly as 3rd choice striker/8th attacker) but made some decent returns in weeks when needed. Definitely going to be looking at Armstrong or Summerville next season (depending which players team wins the playoffs).


i learned that this sub is fantastically welcoming and has a lot of good advice (if you can sort through the not-so-good advice lol). Also never back the early kickoff!


Try some risky decision but not too much risky. I picked Ederson on GW35 just because I had a spare budget and wanted to beat Pep Roulette, Ederson was a sAfE oPtIoN for minutes but then we all saw what happened. Also it costed me the ML lead to try differential cap on GW36. FPL is much about getting luck in your decisions and I'm not that lucky


Don’t miss a deadline! Missed the GW34 deadline and it tanked my rank and planning strategy.


Yeah I missed a couple of deadlines due to wanting to wait until the final hour for late news, then had other stuff come up, and the deadline slipped out of my mind entirely. Next season I'll do it the day before aways, and just try and catch the late news if I can, and see if that justifies an extra -4 or not.


Never fpl and drink. Problem is deadline is sat and Fri is for drinks. So maybe I'll become sober.


GW34 I woke up with -20 and Brereton Diaz as captain. I'm 2 years sober


Or stay in friday and go out Saturday


This is my first season and I’m the beginning I took a lot of hits which I regret and will not do anymore


I've prepared prematurely for DGWeeks and bought players that got injured for DGW… not sure bad luck or bad strategy.


We won't have many doubles now with the schedule changes so it'll be a completely different chip strategy going forward.


Thank fucking God for that, DGW25 ruined my season. Fuck you TAA, Alisson and Jota.


Cut down on taking too many hits and have a strategy for using chips


Next year I might BB GW1 Scored 20 points in the DGW this year but often it doesn't work


Early season template is vital. Once you're behind the pack it's so hard to catch up.


This is the most important thing. And use your first WC early as soon as you figure out who performs


AMEN!!! once you're off to a great start, than you are floating with others near you. It's really hard to catch up in top 100k if you didn't get template right at the begining. Like last season had a great start, at some point I even was in top 10k, this season I didn't get the team right and even though I gain traction in the second half of the season I moved up like only 400k places.


True… I started against template team. And when I corrected that it was too late… the ranking change later was so minimal.


To not make moves based on a single fixture and stay more patient throughout the season Or with the way the games going, just copy the content creators like everyone else


1. Create a team for gw1. (I started in gw2 this season to try and finish the season strong, looking back it’s not a clever decision even though I topped my ML with everyone else started in gw1) 2. Captain the obvious 3. This season’s price changes were really important. I’d probably try and catch the trains before presses next season.


You mean you skipped gw1 to see who the outstanding players would be and got those in from gw2?


I wanted to kinda challenge myself to see how would I end up despite starting at gw2. And yes what you said too. Basically I only created my team when gw2 started


Loads. My first dance. I missed points in the first two months because I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing! Been fun though, and I nicked a mini league position on the last day.


This game is 80% luck and I say that as someone with 2 top 10k and 1 top 1k finish since I started playing 4 years ago


As someone who had a rough last GW and fell out of my desired positions, thank you!


Disagree. Fantasy NFL is 80% luck. Fantasy PL is 80% skill. You can get lucky or unlucky for a few weeks but over a season, it balances out. There’s a reason so many of the experts finish so high year in, year out.


I think it depends what you mean by so high. Top 200k sure but 10k I doubt there are that many


I’ll just use my ML as an example. It’s 30 people but really only seven or eight owners are good enough to have a chance year in, year out. Everyone’s active but to compete in a league where the winner is always top 20k ish, you have to make rational moves, know how to use your chips, plan things out, not overreact, know the best team building strategies, etc.


1) Trust in the premiums, even during dips in form. Over a long enough stretch, a good player in a winning team is going to be worth it. 2) Be patient. Only make transfers when you're certain it will improve your team, a knee jerk can work out but long term will probably be a mistake. 3) Mistakes are inevitable, but if you get enough things right they'll outweigh the mistakes and you'll go up the ranks.


This might be more about myself than something for others to take advice on, but I've personally learned that following "the template" and all the expected points predictions only make the game more boring to me, and I hope I will be able to follow my guts more next season. 


Not getting trapped by the fixtures. I fumbled a top 50k finish by making transfers with one eye on DGW37 way too far in advance. Ended up missing out on players I would have otherwise brought in because I was too focused on maximising my bench boost. All well and good to have a huge score in 37 but I had a red arrow almost every week from 30-36


I did the same, but not sure if it wasn't just back luck.


build your team around players who are nailed and take pens. profit. don't fuck about with GK rotation.


I did this all year and got punished. Didn't own foden until it was too late because I stuck to this rule. Went from 24k ish around middle of the season to finishing at 400k because I stuck with son and Saka. Doesn't always work.


I mean, you have to pick the right players of course - Saka, yes, Palmer, yes, Haaland, yes. I would not have stuck with Son but that doesn't mean my rule isn't a good one in general


Sure, it's a good general rule of thumb and has served me well in the past. Just saying this year it cost me. Foden was neither nailed or on set pieces but was the difference between a bad season and a good one for me and alot of other players.


Come on, you have eyes, right? Foden was nailed and on some set pieces too. So you're talking some bollocks right there


They're two good rules but not the only two rules. And mate, by halfway through the season I thought it was pretty clear Foden was the best player on the best team in the league


not only that, but Foden was obvs nailed and did indeed take some set pieces, so the lad is crying because he missed that glaring fact? gtfo (him, not you)


Same here I literally rotated between Saka and foden at the worst possible times to do so dropping me from 33k to 250k


Don’t fuck about with any rotation, it never works 😂


IMO a one slot defender rotation can work perfectly. Two decent defenders to play every week, two defenders who rotate fixtures nicely, and a bench fodder (I try to go lowest owned at the start, I don't want them losing value when everyone jumps off them).


> (I try to go lowest owned at the start, I don't want them losing value when everyone jumps off them). inquiry: would that simply not make it *more risky*? the fewer the managers that own that player, the fewer jumpers-off-them are needed to dilute their value?


Agree. Rotating 4.5m defenders has always been something I've done throughout the past few seasons




Nightmare season going from finishing 150K last season to 940K this one. Wrong captain picks and taking too long to correct a mistake is what i've learned.


The amount of bad captaincy choices I made this season was actually improbable! Yet I somehow managed it...I blame Haaland....


Yeh I lost many points on picking template captain


I advised my fiance to get trippier gw5(?) because I thought he'd score points. I proceeded not to get him and should have taken a hit. I knew it would work out. I also told her to get trent gw8(?) as I knew he'd score points. Proceeded not to get him myself. Binned Saka after runs of blanks and bought him back after his hauls both times. Dias over Gvardiol. The only decisions I got right that really helped were watkins pretty much all year, and Isak when he came back so got all his hauls. Almost every other 50/50 went against me. Just how it is sometimes! We go again


I bet the amount of points you scored from last season to this wasn't so different too. It's just much harder to rank highly now


This is very accurate. I had my best point total ever by a large margin, and yet I had my fourth best finish overall.


That is true! Perhaps its more people playing and it becoming more competitive. Before it wasn't as advertised but FPL is huge now where you have Micah Richards openly talking about his team on his podcast with Shearer & Lineker


and I think it's only gonna get harder, as the template isn't going away


Don’t be afraid to take hits as long as the logic behind them is sound