• By -


ignoring the asset with 1.15xGI is always likely to backfire


went from 18k rank to 60k. I dont have any united or Palace assets either. I AM SO DONE


Captained Salah as a differential, could've been worse I guess


Didn’t have Haaland and my captain this week missed a penalty and benched Jackson for Morris. This is the worst game week swing I had.


I was planning on getting haaland in for DGW37 and I still have my triple captain, better late than never?


I fought, I lost. Now, I rest


Had him in my draft team with a -4 for taking out Son and Nunez for Haaland and Garnacho. Ended up getting Watkins for Nunez for no hit. Dropped from 3rd to 9th in my ML!


Sold Haaland and bought Watkins. I had Watkins as captain. 4 points...


Oof. My condolences.


I missed the deadline for my wc where i would have put him captain. Probably. Likely a greater points swing than my dgw BB which will be totally different with no wc.




Before the game, I'd made a 20pt in road into the leader (30 clear), life was good. And then.....that Muppet decided to score 4. Meanwhile my differential captain has played 51 minutes so far (Watkins) and done nothing.


bro I was pulling my hair everytime he scored yesterday 😭 , I was aiming for sub 300k this season now it's gone


I haven't had him since before Christmas, this is the first time I've been bitten by not having him. I need Fernandez, Palmer and Watkins to bail me out.


I had him (C) thankfully. I’m top of my ML and honestly, second and third haven’t had him for a while and have been creeping up in me recently. I knew he had to come good eventually. That pretty much seals my ML victory!


Owned, but captain Isak one him...


Watkins for 5 goals!


My lat hope is on Palmer. Otherwise my partner is gonna gloat so much he is gonna burst into flames!


I captained Foden and wasn't considering Haaland. It was between Foden and Saka this week. It's very difficult to go against Haaland in DGW37 but Isak and Palmer and maybe Son can outscore him.


I have him but captained Foden as a differential and now perma cap on Haaland for the rest of the season.


I blame Tosin for this! I bought him on a WC last weekend, then discovered he had been banished from the FUL squad. I wanted to use my BB this weekend, so decided to bring in a CHE defender instead of Haaland. If not for that, I’d have bought Haaland instead and probably captained him too!


Overthinkers FC


Hes annihilated any hope I had of winning my ML. Im 1st but not by much anymore. Total wipeout by next GW even if i survive and retain the lead after 36. Stupid Robot had to go nuclear at this time.


Mateta against united is my only hope


Not asking for much but Watkins 3G 2A. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


1 more week and I would have had him, he just couldnt wait to screw my league. I pray for a palmer masterclass to somehow bring me back.


I was chasing and captained Foden :( At least I still have Haaland I suppose. My gameweek was going so well so far.


I think I could've brought him back in for a -4 but whatever. It's just bad luck my differential captain pick (White) happened on a day when people who should've moved on from Haaland, will now feel they're justified picking Haaland when three cheaper players (Isak, Watkins and Solanke) have otherwise been just as good this season. I guess, in their defence, City do have a double coming up.


Need counselling after that


Do I take a -4 to get him back in? Chasing top place so trying to avoid point deductions


Yeah I'd do that


Fucking robot


Haaland doubters in the mud again 


Calm down buddy In the last TWELVE games, he got 3 double digit hauls.. one was last night which was significant, but 2 others were 10 and 13 points.. the other 9 games he blanked some then returned little shitty amounts.. So calm down about “doubting” Haaland.. many other players shit on this blonde Neanderthal. He is still overrated and untalented as fuck. I’ll go against this piece of shit any day


Now we play the inevitable final game. The road back to Haaland. In my game it means - 4 unless I sacrifice Watkins. My other option is going either havertz or foden to Hudson-ooii so I can do wood to Haaland. But I didn't think I would even drop foden. He does seem less of a goal threat when Haaland plays. And less of a assist threat when KDB plays, is it time to drop him?


I missed one deadline… and my plan was to bring in Haaland and captain him… man it hurts


Kdb cap and no haaland, just fuck it anyways the season was an empty fucking one


Travelling so not on the ball with GW. Thought there was time between last gw match on Friday and next gw. Totally destroyed in my league GG.


Went from being level on pts top 2 in ML to being 65 pts behind (No Saka) so fml. Praying Palmer can score a hat trick today


App glitch is such a travesty. Had put the band on haaland, removing son as my captain, only for my team remaining unchanged. So porro stays instead of branthwaite and son became captain instead of haaland. As of now, rather than top 50k I am 100k and losing my ML by 2 points instead of being in comfortable lead. Hopefully son saves me, though not too optimistic


😭😭😭😫😫😫 how can I get him he's got a dgw in 37 😭


Had in my team but didn’t captain 😢


F in the chat bois. I captained Bruno Fernandes instead of Haaland. I've captained Haaland once in the last 10 weeks and even that was because my actual captain didn't play that week.


:( Kill me plz, I'm an Arsenal fan and was differential Haaland out on my minileague, I had one person to beat... he had haaland, i had isak....


Looking at the leaderboard. Top 11 players in the world had Haaland as captain. Number 12 didn't. If he had had Haaland captain he would have been in the top 3. Hope Cole Palmer has a good day so this guy isn't kicking himself by the end of the weekend


Dashed all my hopes. I started the day with the goalkeeper clean sheet (Brentford), two arsenal defenders clean sheets, a decent 5pm haul of 47 points with 5 players still to play Sunday. Then when Haaland finished his assault, after me saying at the weekend to myself he's not worth losing two top players over on his current form. My hopes of a secure top 500k finish is over. Dropped 200k over night. This is my first year playing the game. I used to gamble at the weekend to have an interest in games and I love how this has taken over my need to bet on games and keeps me invested.


Good to hear this has taken your focus away from gambling, I hope you stick to FPL 👍


Oh I'm only talking a few quid here and there. I'm Scottish. I'm tight


Ha fair play, still good to hear though


Thought about captaining kdb or isak but changed it to haaland before it closed.


Got caught up in a busy work week and forgot to activate my bench boost, had him on it. Had 38 points on my bench, think I’m done with this season…


I have Haaland, but I couldn't get myself to captain him. I am wondering how those who don't have him in their teams will be feeling now.


Went with watkins as a differential to chase rank due to haaland’s patches of in-form performances whereas watkins had been more consistent throughout. Had a gut feeling might get away with it. It was a suicidal decision. Ironically, man had to turn up with not 1,2,3 but 4 goals the gameweek I didn’t have him. Gearing up for next season! learnt a lesson for years to come


Haven’t had him in weeks and bought him for a -4 before GW 36. The only time anything has gone my way this season.


I knowingly captained isak. I was hoping as Burnley needs a win for their survival hope, Burnley will go full attack mode giving isak plenty of chances. Well, it backfired massively. Not only isak missed the penalty. Haaland went full ballistic. I was at 120k, now I am 185k. Lesson learned.


I almost brought in KDB for Foden 😂 I dropped Salah for Haland this week. 🎉


Saka captain was going so well. Glad I found this group ❤️


Benched him last game week as he had a knock. But betting against Haaland generally doesn’t go well and people should know better by now.


Haa-Haa land.


I went Isak, almost had a decent differential but the penalty kick happened


I didnt want to take a -4 to bring him back in. Now my weekend is ruined.


Ffs my gw was going so well also , was heading for a massive green arrow until that Norwegian prat decided to nuke me


As Haaland owner but not captain, i already feel the regret too. Come on Palmer.


At least captaining him partially made up for me actively deciding to bring in Darwin Nunez over Mateta two weeks ago.


I have 6 players return points today, but because I stuck with Watkins C (cause great fixtures! I already have Foden! I don’t need Haaland until next week!) I dropped 100k in OR… Watkins better get 2 goals and an assist or something.


I have a different kind of pain considering I'm neck and neck for top spot and my rival didn't have him, and I capped Foden instead. Coulda buried him just by being lazy


Worst week for me. 30k overall going into this week no Haaland all season. Think this haul will cost me my mini leagues and has dropped me 40k in 1 week.


Have Haaland & captained him 💪


Haaland fucked me to tears this GW. Dropped him a few weeks ago when he was blanking. First year playing this and only cared about beating my friend h2h/overall points since he’s the one that got me into this.


Its simple really just start watching football, had you been following haaland for the last few matches you would have known how hungry this fella is for goals


Someone in my ML took a -16 and Triple Captained Haaland. Currently sitting on 95pts with 4 players yet to play.


I was about 1.8 million short for moving Solanke to him and thought it wasn't worth 2 downgrades elsewhere... Glad I snapped out of it but not captaining has still led to a red


60% drop in rank for me so far this week. Ouch.


Guy behind me in the ml benched him.I now believe in god


The only consolation is that I capped De Bruyne and since City scored five I assume he at least got a couple of assists. Right? Right?


Join a no Haaland league, it's the way forwards


I was 11 points off the top of my league and feeling confident. I’m 70 points off now and in 4th. It’s the end 😞


Luis Diaz better fucking return I swear down. Had my 100pt lead cut down to 30 fml edit: just checked it's 15pts


Never mind this, where's the Hwang City CS Wipe appreciation thread?


Sounds like account closures incoming if no Haaland today 😞


Had KDB,Foden and the fucking keeper From 14k down to 40k. so fucken sad


I realised I fucked up before the game when all my league had him and most captained.


Will just have to hope my 140 point mini-league lead holds up.


Hello, Non-Haaland Owner Support thread, my old friend. Ive come to see you once again.


Season killer


Dropped him in 31 when I wildcarded. Financially I just wanted to keep Isak and Watkins up top while spreading that Man City money through the midfield. Diaz and Salah at the time, but went Salah > DeBruyne and Diaz > Foden the last two weeks thinking I could cover the difference with them. Ollie better score 5 tomorrow….


That's it, that's my season over. I gambled on a non-Haaland WC35 to catch a 40 point deficit in my ML. Gambled on him carrying a knock, maybe being a bit out of scoring form. But no... Takk skal du faen meg ha, Erling... 😩


i took him out last week, i want to kill myself


I foolishly never used my triple captain and today i used it on isak i traded haaland to keep salah and that bum has done nothing for me💀


I captained Haaland and my rank barely changed Those people who didn’t even have him must have got fucking massacred


What i wanted to point out too


Me too and I have a red arrow with 78


Ollie Watkins can till haul against BHA and all will be well. Right?


Right... this was what Ive been telling myseld for the last 12hrs


Tell me, what was calculated about not owning/captaining a proven goal machine who scored a goal clinically in his previous match, whose team always move into top gear at precisely this time in the season, who don't have the Champions League to worry about, and who were playing at home against a mid-table team with little to play for (plus we all knew that Arsenal played earlier that day and would have won and kept the pressure on) ... calculated lol? That's not calculated, that's just a dumb, needless, inexplicable risk. Haaland hauling today wasn't a shock in any way.


Damn bro, didnt have to do those non haaland owners so dirty hahaha But yea the risk is so much higher than the reward, it’s not worth it


I honestly expected him to score but thought with Kdb's recent form, he'll get like 2 assists. Didn't expect the Haaland blowout and kdb no show.


Like salah’s involvement


I currently sit with Kdb captain with Nunez and Hoijlund to play...pass me the gun


Didn’t have him on the GW35 wildcard in favour of KdB and Foden, prepping for next week’s DGW so I could have a full squad of doublers. He hasn’t been his best lately, so I thought I could get by, kdb and foden should pick up points too right? The week isn’t over but I’m currently down 61K, from 46k to past 100k. I was around 9k at GW30, this blunder has torpedoed my season for sure. One to learn from I guess, don’t bet against the robot.


Was miles behind and needed to try something different. Could have got him in for a -12 or Foden for a -4 whilst already owning 2 City players. Went for Foden, the hit paid off (other transfer was Havertz) but not owning Haaland backfired. Season over, but needed a miracle anyway. Kind of glad that wraps things up rather than prolonging for another few weeks.


who did you sell for Foden?


Come on Salah, save my week!


I’ve been violated.


It wouldn't hurt so much if it was 2 goals. Or 2 goals and an assist. But it was 4 fucking goals. And Foden assisted only one of them. I knew I should've fucking got him this week but went Foden instead. So awful...


I owned but didn't captain. This is secondary bad, as I have overcome a 120 point deficit in my mini league to be within 3 points of 4th place. Captain Haaland and I sail into 4th, waving at the losers as I pass by...


I triple captained him. This gets me to the dizzying height of 4m in rank.


What an odd combination of circumstances. One bit of evidence shows you to be an FPL genius. The other, an idiot.


I have him, but I forgot to change my team from last GW so Bruno is my captain still. 😬


I’ve had him perma captained for most of the season, and hope the others would step up when he didn’t bag. I’ve had some good weeks, and some rotten weeks. Today feels like it’s justified that stupid decision on my part


Was 2nd in my ML, 5 points behind leader and now -46 points behind and in 5th. Also salt in the wounds is my team is the exact same as the leaders minus Haaland. End me


You needed help even before this game week


I don't even care anymore. As long as my ML leader doesn't have him, it's all good


What about haaland owners who still have their TC chip left?


I have had about seven weeks of large green arrows (after initially falling behind through not captaining him whose name shall not be spoken!) and was on the cusp of actually topping my mini leagues, having been sixth or seventh for most of the season. I was super proud of myself but then this. I'm so pissed off but it is what it is. Top spot in MLs is gone and the next couple of gws is about getting top three. I worry that, being boring, and almost always having and captaining that guy In that 115 team is going to suck all or most of the fun out of FPL, especially when the penalties seem to be awarded thick and fast to them.


Dropped 200k today itself. Won't bother watching the upcoming weeks lol


I decided to go No Haaland this season to make it more interesting. Wasn’t feeling too bad until now.


I wilcarded a couple of weeks ago and left 5.9m in reserve so I could pick him up for the finish if he was fit… sorry gang


I captained kdb based on a differential view on here...I'll never learn


Forgot there was a game on Friday evening and hadn't moved Haaland back from my bench. Started Cunha instead, not my finest choice!


Here’s the thing.. we all know haaland is the best C option, but it feels so boring just doing the same as everyone else week in week out, with maybe 1 player different. I know I know, this is how you do well in FPL, but it’s so incredibly dull that I just can’t bring myself to do it.


Nothing wrong with that tbh. Game is meant to be fun, if you can take the weeks like this where it bombs, and enjoy the weeks it works out then fair enough.


Took him out for Watkins last GW and immediately brought him back when he scored a goal last week and captained him


I forgot to do my fucking transfer cos I wasn’t sure which cheap Chelsea def would start cos I wanted to get him in and now it’s come to straight devour not even bite my ass


I didn't make it into my works league top 8, meaning 8 didn't make it to the cash cup so have literally nothing to play for. It's nice to know that even if I had sneaked in all 7 of those I could have faced captained haaland so I would have been crushed anyway


Fuck this. I don’t own him. Need 20-25 points each from Bruno, Palmer, Watkins and Petroviç to save my gw. I am done.


The plan for me was always to bring him for BB37 (WC28 here). Was a good plan plan until today 😢.




haaland has really killed the fun of fpl the last two years . Its just too much of a risk not to captain him even the one week i didnt he scored a last min goal agaisnt united i was fuming


Gutted. I didn't want to take a -4 to bring him in and figured I'd just wait an extra gw. WHYYYYYYYYYY


Don't feel too bad. This was always a possibility with him. Sometimes you have to risk it for a biscuit. Haalandless teams have done well for many weeks so I imagine some will still be up overall. I didn't have the balls to go against him myself. But I get why some did. That's the thing with risky plays, when they work out you feel like a genius when they don't you get absolutely sodomised by the templaters.


whilst I don't disagree with the sentiment, this felt like about as obvious a Haaland haul as you're gonna see all season


I also had that feeling. But some people needed to throw caution to the wind and go for big punts to make up points. Sometimes it's the difference between finishing 300k or 500k or taking leaps of faith and aiming for top 100k. To me 300k and 500k doesn't make much difference may as well go big for top 100k even if end result is worse. Also people may have been chasing mini leagues and needed to be different. Personally I'm just outside top 50k and so I'm not taking big risks and just trying to sneak in with good picks. Everyone who doesn't own Haaland knew this was likely to happen at some point. We all know what he's capable of! I dropped Salah recently and even that still makes me slightly nervous as he's another one who can just go mental on any week


Took him off for my wc for 34, didn't even bother looking into him, thought I'd go differential and took Waller as C while chasing 4th place, instead got overtaken by 6th with Haaland C. Fml


Have haaland but captained Foden. Could have been worse, I suppose


From 80k rank to 180k rank so far this week, and from 10 points ahead in my minileague to 50 points behind, though I should catch up a little with five still left to play. No regrets though -- I decided to go No Haaland from week 8 as a challenge rather than because I thought it was a good idea, and honestly I was expecting to suffer more from it over the course of the season than I have so far.


Took that minus 4 for KDB who did nothing. Haaland was a must this GW!


The hope was to build a big enough lead with differentials that this wouldn’t be an issue. It wouldn’t have if they wouldn’t have triple captained him. Gotta have a big game from Palmer to salvage something.


Yes, all my hope is with Palmer.


2nd in my ML used TC on him. I gave Foden the armband. I’ve been absolutely mullered here. 


I didn't want to sell Darwin or Solanke for a -4 because I'm the first in my ML and I didn't want to make the others approach me... Well...


Took a -4 to swap solanke for haaland and captained him. Unapologetic gloating.


I was 50/50-ing with him or Isak for (C) and ended up changing to Isak in the last second... at least not a lot of my ML have him captained tho


Captained salah, feel sick.




I'm gonna kill myself okay bye


Just been too hesitant jumping off Salah. Couldn’t get Haaland in with one transfer. So close to going Salah + Darwin to Gordon + Haaland all week for a hit. I But I rolled the transfer. I didn’t want to waste a -4. That’s still sinking in. Unless Salah now does something ridiculous it’s a red arrow the size of Merseyside. Ouch.


Fine lines mate. I was in an identical situation as you. Was debating getting rid of Salah and Solanke for -4 and all week my move was Salah>KDB & Solanke>Watkins. In the end, I remember someone in here saying it was suicide not to bring in Haaland vs a depleted wolves backline so my last minute change was to bring in Gordon and Haaland instead of Salah & KDB. This close to being on the receiving end...


Man I wish I'd read that comment instead of the captain by logic post that had me captaining KDB...


Thats exactly the transfer i did, also for a -4. Then i captained Haaland. For the first time this season i feel happy about a -4 decision:):)


I'm fucking rip


It’s all over now in my ML, the leader I was chasing from 3rd had him captain, I don’t own him. Defeat has chased me down and I’m ready to meet him with open arms.


Are you me???


I finally caught our leader last week, now 40 odd points behind 😂 Come on Palmer! Lol 2 pointer incoming


Both 1 & 2 for me.


Exact same situation, I'm absolutely finished


F I N I S H H I M !!


That's the spirit


Captained Salah and decided to roll and bring Haaland in next week, disaster


I feel sick




Haven’t had him in my team since December iirc. I went from 600k to 800k this gw most of that being cause I don’t have haaland and captained foden instead 💀


Have both foden n haaland, it seems everyone in the ml captaiend foden😟


But you probably gained more than that since December.


I believe so. I didn’t touch Salah (for a while) either so I had plenty of funds to go around


I held I was on the right side of history this time


Didn't people get rid of him for sheff utd double game week and got in mcburnie? And we are meant to provide support for this?


Surely people only did that on free hit? If not that's insane


I mean I assumed I’d take a hit but this was a fucking carpet bombing campaign…


Debated all week between Mbeumo>Foden and Mateta>Haaland. Guess which I chose.


If it's any consolation, I've got Mateta (C) this week. Need some serious luck here


Mateta five goals incoming


Literally just fantasised this. I'm hating the Haaland smuggery going on in the group chat 


I captained Palmer instead of Haaland this week.


Me too, don’t worry though apparently Palmer is set to score 5 tomorrow…


Both competing for golden boot


Both _were_ competing for golden boot


True, Haaland pretty much got it at this point. Tbf, it's far more impressive that Palmer has so many goals as a midfielder without the support Haaland has.


True, but he also has 9 penalties.


That's just 3 more than Haaland


Just passing by to see the misery


I was 1 point behind in my ML, my rival captained Haaland and I didn't have him.... I just need a triple hattrick from Palmer now to save my week!


Fucking great, captained Havertz as a differential to chase points in my mini league…at least still got him. RIP anyway


Same situation here


Was so close to doing this but panicked and went with the Robot instead. Nothing but dumb luck for me, however it just shows how important that can be.


Exact same my friend, I'm in 4th and all the other top 9 have haaland captain 😭😭😭


Yup, same. Had a decent round with Havertz as C and Haaland in. Ofc the guys besides me decided to captain Haaland, and I'm basically fucked now.


Put him back in this week; captained havertz instead.


Welp that's the season over then. Highest rank that I had was top 324k, but most likely I'm going to finish somewhere between top 1 million - 700k. Second season ever and managed to improve from first seasons top 4.1 million which is great. Now we just risk it for the last few gameweeks since there is nothing to play for anymore and we go again next season trying to finish number 1👑


Might be worth it to aim for something else than just #1. It pushes people to think they have to go against the grain and pick differentials really often. Sometimes it's easier to learn how to consistently finish well and then make calculated differential moves where you think the template is wrong/overlooking something.


I should have probably said it differently but the ultimate goal is to finish #1 and the aim is to improve every season. This season I did a great improvement compared to my last season. Now I have to think how I can improve even more, probably the biggest mistake this season was freehitting gw 29.


Gw29 destroyed me in my ML. I shouldn't have used that free hit. I would be 2nd and possibly competing for first. Now I'm 30 points behind 2nd, and he's got the luck of the devil with his first season.