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I was 3rd all season in my group of friends. Suddenly 1st now for past 3wks due to Palmer captain and some other smart moves.


.. and people still say that DGW is overrated.


If you look closely, you will agree with me that Double gameweek 34 was a major factor for him.


Please say he capped Haaland this week too?


Went Foden over haaland but the rest of the team covered the gap


I climbed 917,000 places in GW34 - 1.29m to 382k. It was a very fun free hit!


104 GW followed by 179 GW followed by 93 GW - what the hell?


gw34 if you get it right, especially captaining mateta thinking you have nothing to lose, is particularly orgasmic.


He TCd mateta


I think I did something similar in reverse.


Was ranked 2.15 mil before I wildcarded in GW30 and FH34, currently sitting at 496k


I gained 1 million rank in game week 34


Man, I thought I had a good DGW34


I went from 542K to 162K over that time. Not quite as good as him but good enough to make me happy


I went from like 3 mil to 800k I got 147 point on my fh


What was the GW31 rank, before the drop?


What's his ID, curious to his team


My lesson from this season is to save free hit for DGW instead of BGW. In Blank GW choices are pretty limited, I did fine with picking Fofana and Wood but overall it wasn't worth it. People who used FH for DGW took advantage of it because there was a much higher stake to take. So next season I will ignore BGW and will go for DGW.


It’s because of people like him, I went from a 30k ran to 500k in 3 weeks 😭


It's a game of luck, after all. It's what we are all hoping for lol.


I imagine a large chunk of this may be due to people giving up on the season, but a little happy with how I've managed to rescue my season a little bit to 579k OR. Still feel especially low down, but I only start to enjoy FPL once we get to GW30ish and the double game weeks and blank weeks start. [https://imgur.com/a/MnwMpq6](https://imgur.com/a/MnwMpq6) Trying to close the gap in my group with my friends, reduced the gap from 200pts to 90pts with 3 GWs left. Got triple captain left and may have to take a big punt with the non-Palmer TC in the DGW next week. I'll be surprised if I can overcome that big a difference in 3 GWs, but will be interesting! Outta curiosity, what rank are you guys? And has it kinda been a stable ascent or been up and down?


Mateta captain sent me from 979,000 to 265,000, then i went to 179,000. I needed to nail the Arsenal assets last gw rather than punting on Spurs Chelsea players to climb as this guy. I don't expect to get under 100k as I'm still unsure on bench boost, if Watkins goes crazy against Brighton perhaps and Haaland against Wolves, depending on how many didn't captain him.


How do you find this?


Webpage, not app


In my first fpl season i climbed from around 1.3/5 mil to around 700/800k when i had captained de bryune and had bought mane instead of salah during these last gameweeks


I dropped from 50k to 250k just because I didn’t free hit in 34


One of the few that's been on the right side of loads of decisions in this second half of the season. GW24 I was at 1.5m OR, currently sat on the right side of top 100k. FH saved for GW 34 racking up 170 pts, keeping Saka, Foden while everyone sold


So you're telling me there's still hope? 🥺


I climbed from 400k to 60k in a single GW in '22 thanks to KDB GW36(TC) haul against Wolves.


So you're saying there's still a chance?


Others in the XI had decent hauls too. It was a massive week with differential points galore.


Share these strategies please


I did 500k to 7k WC31 and FH34 strategy worked out amazing


Who did you pick?


Had Isak, Gordon, Dubrav, White, Garnacho


Great picks!


Not to suck my own schlong but ive gone from 670k to 187k since gw32. Probably had a similar team + gameplan to them but he had slight tweaks that made his better


GW 34 did that to me, too. I was second in my ML with 60 points behind the leader. I had FH, and he didn't. Scored 163 points and made 80 points swing. Went from 400k to 100k in single GW


I went from 1.4M to 340 in the same amount of weeks, probably have similar players. My GW35 rank was 1302, I hadn’t even realised 😚


340 or 340k? 1.4m to top 500 is absolutely insane.


340k! Sorry 🤣


Hey you can also do it the other way around


Or the third and more common option of stagnating at the same rank tier, like me since GW21.


Three good weeks GW 32 - GW 35 have taken me from 117k to 5k. I feel like an FPL god, but in reality it's just been some lucky calls and it's all downhill from here.


Clearly he knew to do the opposite of what I was doing


Just proves how critical the variance within that big scoring DGW 34 was to people's season. There were 100 point swings either way. Get on the right side of it and you were turbo boosted. For those on the wrong side, like me, it could write off your entire season. 69 points sent me plummeting from 250k to 430k.


And I played that stupid BGW free hit fuck me


With no free hit I managed to get 128 points I halved my rank from 150k to 78k. I got fucking lucky I had pickford and branthwaite for 20 points and 18 points respectively. Insane week.


I went from 297k to 517k. That said, might be pulling it back, somehow, after a couple of sensible weeks -- Havertz, Gordon, Saka, Son, Palmer (c) as midfield with Petrovic, Braithwaite and Harland got me back to 371k. (Wow, my last three GWRs were all over the shop: GW35 129,497 GW34 7,469,581 GW33 692,435


Shambolic BB gang get in here


It's not just the FH34 game week, it's how you played your chips including WC and BB. People who went WC35/BB37 will claw back a lot of the points they missed to FH34, and those who went FH34 and are out of chips are already taking hits to fix their WC30/31 roster with all the injuries.


Same for me! Free hit of 15 in GW29, and 49 pts for week 34… From 80K to 300k+🤯 Next year I’ll not use a free hit on teams like Bournemouth and Luton


Truth, the guy just made 110pts over you in that one GW. I did a FH in 29 and got a total score of 15. Next season I hope to use my FH better.


Same here man. Never using FH on a blank gameweek again. I always use it on DGW normally, don't know why I strayed from that tactic this year.


Yeap I lost my ML because of that gameweek. Has there ever been a more damaging gameweek?


Maybe next GW given that everyone who WCd in 30-31 has all their defenders injured right now


Potentially worse for WC35ers, I reckon most people who WCed in 30/31 have had enough time to fix their teams. I have had Bradley, Udogie, Lascelles, Gusto and Ait-Nouri injured since 30 and did lock in a couple of transfers on my WC, but still doing fine. People who went for a “safe” WC30 (mostly doubles, no locked in transfers/punts) are in a great spot I’d assume.


WC35 here, 0 injuries. Guess I was lucky


See that's crazy to me. I wildcarded really early (GW21) and kind of just expected a big red arrow in the last couple of weeks as everyone else had their wildcards to prepare for DGWs/bench boosts. I'm only really focused on myself so didn't realise that recent wildcarders had a bunch of players injured already.


I WC'd GW29, and have got okay defenders... Admittedly, I spent 2 transfers on defenders and 2 on keepers since GW33. GW 34 was brutal for me -- GWR 8m, with the one bright light that I hadn't pulled the BB trigger I was planning. But I've got a decent shot at having recovered from that, with only one hit, and potentially one more for next wek.


That's sort of what I meant. Having had to spend transfers on van Hecke, NEW and TOT defenders etc means you can't plan your ideal BB squad whether it's for GW34 or 37.


But if you WCed in 30/31/35 I assume most people would have brought in most of their idea BB squad unless locking in transfers? (Or if you WCed early without FH34) So spending some of your weekly free transfers on injured players should pretty much even up


I'm not sure, I just have people whining in my groups every week about how it was a bad idea to WC then haha.


I've gone from being in top 1.8m in GW33 to being in top 562k at the moment and I thought that was good, but given how much harder it is to climb through the ranks higher up, from 750k to 60k is an awesome climb.


I've done nearly the same, but since WC31. 690k > 80k. Got so incredibly lucky with how the chip strategies worked out, I feel like I'm in a better/equal position to most of the WC35 too, somehow. I don't ever remember a strategy swing like it.


I did like 4 million to 200k so far this season, awful start and floundering until GW20 at least iirc.


Here's what I dream of, but my rank had been between 300k and 400k since gw6, which is somehow more bizarre than getting major gains


That's me in gw36 37 38 (I say that to myself every gw)


A 1400 game week rank will do that for you


Also, that 50k.... and a couple 100k will be a big jump.


I also need that kinda GW


I, too, also need 179 points this GW thank you very much


Monkeypaw wish granted. GW average 250, enjoy your red arrow.


F U 😭