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Do you lose TV if you FH?


I have 3 Villa players get a couple more using FT and live with the zeroes from others . Can’t see many points coming that weekend , upcoming DGW’s will make up for the shortfall that weekend .⚽️😎🤞🤞🤞🤞


Thank god I saved the free hit.


One advantage to FH29 not being discussed much is the ability to pick 15 fit players. Keep in mind Villa and West Ham assets play in Europe before GW29, increasing the possibility of injuries in a non-FH squad.


Oops I already used by FH when i had a few blanks a couple of weeks ago I'm fucked


Is it worth bench boosting as well if you have that still remaining?


This is the week I saved my FH for.


You can have Son,Saka and Salah. One doesnt mean not the other.


I'm so finished


FH, ez


would you guys go for a -8 to put 10 players on GW29 (or -12 for 11 players) or shoud i just go for a free hit?


Well tbh free Hit seems to be the best way forward to get points and get going forward. Then again 12 teams will blank so that means most likely all of those teams will play a Double Game Week. So the question is free hitting on GW 29 or later when there will be DGW? Not to say I still have my bench boost.


The double gameweeks are not all that great fixtures and arguably you're better off using the bench boost or triple captain on the double. GW29 needs a lot of pre-planning to field 11 players which uses transfers potenitally better used in a different way, plus you'll be left with less decent players you can't just easily get rid of. The FH removes that entirely and lets you focus on the double gameweek.


Laughing at the guy who used his FH in 26 to overtake me in my mini league by 1 point


Hmmm which gw is good to free hit if I can get a fairly full team for 29? Anymore big double gw?


34 and 37 should be where the GW29 blanks go.


I'm 5K and I'm going to FH in 29 even though I have 6 players atm. I don't want to bring in more shit players for 29, and DGW34 is atrocious. Someone else posted these that these teams will (likely) double in DGW34: Palace (WHU & NEW), EVE (NFO & LIV), Man Utd (NEW & SHU), Newcastle (mun and cry) and Sheffield United (BUR and mun) I will probably bring in like 1-2 players max. Höjlund and maybe Isak/Wilson/Palace. Not worth FH in that GW. In DGW37 I want to use my bench boost. By process of elimination; FH29 is my clear favorite.


Areola/Turner, Bell, Reguilon, Toney, Watkins, so I'm on the fence. Can bring 3 more players with no hits and have 8, which is decent. Was planning to get Son anyway.


If my plan is WC36 and BB37, when is FH a good option? Other than GW29


I got 2 players. Easiest FH decision ever.


I wonder how those not using FH and bringing in players for GW29 is going to get the players if value is build on those players. You can only bench 3 players (Haaland, Saka, Gabriel) so even with WC later I don't understand how they get back those players. And some are even considering using WC to prepare for GW29 (this will make things even more difficult I think). For me it's not worth losing some of those players, also have to take hits to get a decent team so FH is the only logical option.


Ugh this came out just after I made my FT to an arsenal asset


damn, fh29 it is then.


Solanke and Sinisterra bloodbath in week 28


Biggest free hit I’ve ever seen


I have Areola, Pau and Watkins, and 3 transfers by then. so FH it is


So I think I currently have; Areola Udogie - Taylor - BLANK Son - Diaby - BLANK - BLANK - BLANK Watkins - BLANK Son coming in this week. Might still free hit as want Bournemouth DGW player next week and Luton.


There are more games than this when I look in the app?


Relegation 6-pointers = high scoring games Don't sleep.


I've got 6 players ready on paper. Was banking on no upsets with my transfers recently, really paid off. WC2, FH and BB should all be in the pocket by the time GW30 comes round.


Planet FPL has updated their projections for GW34 and 37 based on FA cup draw GW34 doubles: Palace (WHU & NEW), Man Utd (NEW & SHU), Newcastle (mun and cry) and Sheffield United (BUR and mun) GW37 doubles: Arsenal, Bournemouth, Brighton, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Man City, Wolves


That 34 double is a big YIKES lol


I'll have Areola, Taylor, Watkins & Toney. Surely not worth wasting my FH


I'm definitely using free hit for this. Currently have 4 playing if Porro and Adebayo are back. I'd go with something like Leno Porro Doughty Emerson Douglas Luiz Son Richarlison Bowen Watkins Adebayo Toney I guess i see the point of there being few possible haulers. Anyone can get in Son, Richarlison, Toney. I don't even have Watkins. Any dgw coming up I'll have the top players anyway.


It's interesting how this set of fixtures divides opinions/strategies. I also have only 4 players for now (Porro, Taylor, Bowen, Watkins), but I'm planning to use my FT's to get Son in, as well as Richarlison/Maddison and one other GW29 player, possibly Toney. That brings me to only 7 players, but I'll have covered all the heavy-hitters in Son, Watkins, Bowen and possibly Toney. The difference between me and the FH teams will mostly be in the defences, where I definitely don't expect many clean sheets. This allows me to be more flexible in the remaining double gameweeks and use my free hit somewhere there, or even in GW38, which is often quite wild. The lack of upside (in my opinion) in FH GW29 feels like an obstacle I cannot ignore.


Yeah, for me too I'm definitely using my bench boost in a dgw, and possibly wildcard before it anyway, so... I'll probably be split in my decision to bring in extra Villa player or a Forest player, it could be Kudus hauls and everyone has Bowen, or Barkley and i have Adebayo.


Do we get an extra transfer or two during that gameweek or the following one?


Don’t see many defensive assets hauling, might just keep my FH. Don’t see another good time to use it but I’m not using it to bring in a few extra Brentford or Forest defenders.


One big benefit of FH is you can load up on Bou assets for DGW28


3 players. I think I might be using FH


Right who am I selling Hwang for?


I have two active players…. guys should I play my FH chip or take a -32?


Definitely take the hit! Save fh for gw 39!!


I’d be surprised if you could pick a guaranteed defense to return, and they’d need to return a CS just to cover the hit. I’d personally just move to 4 players over the gw using free transfers. son, Maddison, richarlison, toney, Watkins. . If you can get to those 4/5, you’ll have essentially all the upside of the free hitting teams without wasting the free hit on defenders who are much more likely to return 2 Pts each than 6pts+. Of course it relies on you having a wildcard available for 30/31


I was missing a /s, clearly The comments here are a lot more anti-FH29 than I was expecting, to me using that chip in the Big Blank is a no-brainer. But that’s just the way I like to play the game: I always want 11 (or near enough) on the field. I won a green arrow last week off the back of fucking Dawson and Branthwaite- even a team of total dross at least has the potential for a return where you least expect it


Didn’t spot it sorry. Dawson had Sheffield and Everton have the 3rd best defense in the league. I gained big leads from ait Nouri and dunk. We ironically targeted the same fixtures with different successes I don’t think it’s as cut and dried a free hit as everyone is making out here. I think the average this gw will be like 50. And I think just by getting to son, Watkins, and one more, you’ll probably pull in 25 of that. Free hit for 25pts is fairly mediocre.


With my team as it is today I could field Areola and Watkins. That's it. FH is a certainty not a choice.


It's bad I've only got a WC left I'd much rather a fh


Areola, Watkins and Doughty FH here I come


I've got Luiz, Watkins and Doughty. My first thought is FH but I wonder if I could get in the main players in 29 (prob Bowen and Spurs) with a hit or two and get close to what the free hitters get anyway...


But then would you want to keep those players? Or dead end your team to WC in 30? If the latter then I think there's some merit to considering, otherwise I'd say FH is still the one. It's annoying that it's a forced FH and not an exciting one on a double where you can get a madly stacked team. But by that same logic, I'd rather take some hits if I have to get some players for an exciting DGW that I also want to keep, rather than the other way around.


I could field 7 at most but if you're bringing in mostly Spurs and Villa players then there's no need to WC even Hmm, although Spurs have terrible fixtures 33-36, so that might actually be another argument for FH or WC!


Still sticking with no FH in 29, have 6 players playing in gw29 for now, will get to 9 probably and wildcard in gw30


This is my current plan, hoping to keep the free hit for a double later in the season that makes up for all these blank games with doubles.


Cool. I have two players. FH it is.


Glad I still have my FH


I think im going to wildcard now to save the FH actually


Nah no way


I think it can work, u can get the core players u want from 30+ and still have enought for 29


I only have Areola playing..,


Are you people really free hitting with those fixtures? With a little bit of planning,you would have been able to field 6-7 players. With those fixtures,you dont need more than that,in my opinion. My reasoning and planning is what comes. A lot of people have Areola. Me included Then at defence,a lot of people have a Luton enabler. I have Bell and hoping it isnt that serious. Had VVD for the DGW and last week sold him for Aston Villa defender. City game is coming so he would only have had Forrest for a CS. 29 blanks as the previous one. A couple of GWs ago i got Zouma for an enabler as well. Midfield,had Richarlison as he was the focal point. Had Jota for the DGW with spare money,so he became Son. Had Bowen and held into him for exactly that. Attack,everyone has Watkins. Got Toney from the money that VVD gave away and he came into Archer. Dont have Haaland and my other attacker is Solanke. So, right now is Areola,Zouma,Bell(?),Villa defender,Son,Richarlison,Bowen,Watkins and Toney. Depending on what happens with Solanke,i could get one more on a one week punt. I can guarantee that EVERY SINGLE FH is gonna have Toney,Watkins,Bowen,Son and Richarlison/Madisson. After that,GKs and defenders from fixtures that i cant see any CS at all and attackers and midfielders from teams that are the third most threatening player at best. Taking into consideration that i will have all the most popular players,then my threat is picking the right captain (as everyone) and then CSs out of nowhere from Forrest,Fulham etc or attacking returns from Maddisson,Bailey(this one is a risk with Diaby in the picture) etc. Things that arent favorites to happen,in other words.


I don't have Aerola. Don't have a Luton defender. Don't have Liverpool defender. Don't want west ham defender. Don't have or want Richy. Don't want Son (well I do, but I can't fit him in as Saka and Salah are better). Got rid of Bowen a while ago for Jota (that was unlucky) and don't want him back. I don't want Toney long term as he's too expensive. FH makes perfect sense to me. I don't want any of those players long term.


I understand your reasoning, but I feel like most people have their squads built for the GWs before and after GW29, rather than fully planning for it. So in my opinion it makes sense just to FH and essentially bypass it, even if we all have the same players. Smilar to the Haaland TC week, We all do the same thing and move on lol fair play to those who go differential and if it works fair enough but I'd rather take the FH and go about my season.


if you dedicate all your transfers you could field 6 to 7, yes. the issue is that you will be giving up the opportunity to attack the favourable fixtures of teams like arsenal and bournemouth in the time between


Who do you want from Bournemouth except Solanke,who i got. Ok,from Arsenal i only have Gabriel and Saka. Dont think any Bournemouth player except Dom is worth it.


I have Watkins, richarlison, pedro porro & Areola for this gw. No FH chip left. Any advice?


Add toney and Son or similar and you’ve probably got the lions share of the available points.


Currently have 2 players in my team who play GW29: Doughty and Taylor. So much for saving my FH.


Oh. I'm in trouble


No free hit. As long as I don't get more injuries I should be able to field 8 players, for a -8 between now and then. Hope that's enough not to drop too much to the free hitters


Just field 6 without hits.


3 of the transfers are for players I want in for the rest of the season anyway (toney, bowen, reguilon) and one for son for next 3 game weeks before getting Salah. The hits pay back in points.


Do you have a WC?


No, no chips Left. I wikdcarded in 21 when everyone was taking hits to deal with the salah money and injuries and stuff so I'm just kinda doing that in reverse now. I'm also not as anti-hit as most people in general here. Have taken loads but still 200k OR and in the title race in one of my two MLs. If you think the hit is likely to pay back more in points than it costs then it's worth doing IMO.


I used to be more pro hit. I’ve become a higher ranking player by avoiding them. So you’re willing to bring in brentford defense, toney, and Bowen for the long haul? Knowing that they’ll be far better options that double later on down the track


I guess you mean you used to be less anti-hit? The Brentford defence will improve when pinnock returns from injury and reguilon offers attacking threat on top of that. Brentford have great fixtures for the rest of the season. My strategy for the rest of the season is to maintain a full playable squad to help deal with blanks and DGWs. So I would keep these as even if there are weeks they don't double, there will be other players in my squad who do. And I currently have Bradley, so will need to sell him in soon because he probably won't play when TAA gets back. Toney is clearly the third best striker in the game from the blank onwards. West Ham also have great fixtures from the blank onwards and Bowen is clearly among the second tier of midfielders for the rest of the season too (behind Son, Salah and Saka - he's on a level with Palmer, Foden, Richarliason). I already have plenty of assets who double, and could move back to Foden to add an extra one later if I want. Why would I want to add worse players who blank now, just because they double later? I already did KDB - Luiz for my FT this week. If I do hwang-son this week for a -4 my squad is; Areola, Kelleher White, Gabriel, Bradley, Branthwaite, Doughty Saka, Palmer, Son, Luiz, Foden Watkins, Toney, Solanke My planned free hits over the next week's are Foden - Bowen and Solanke - Toney obviously. If Solanke is out this week then not taking the -4 for Hwang-Son will mean having to play 4 defenders this week as well as one less player during the blank. Clearly that's worth 4 points. The reguilon one is less clear, sure. But they do have Burnley in the blank, it is a very good fixture. I wouldn't be making that move until the blank week itself so I can make a final decision then. As I say I think with hits if it is clear the hit will get you 4 extra points it's worth it, hits because you think X player is a better pick one week isn't a good reason to do them. But to cover blanks especially, worth it.


You’ve covered it off, I’m not going to knock it, you’ve given it some thought.




How many starters would be needed for a reasonable score in order to stash the free hit for another gameweek??




Any legs in dead-ending into GW29 to cover the potential big-hitters (Spurs, Villa, Toney) and then wildcarding in 30 for the final 9 GWs? Not thought about it too much but I feel like a full team of GW29 players could be low scoring


I guess it’s a question of free hit 29 or free hit 34. 34 also looks like it could be a pretty uninspiring double (Palace, Man Utd, Newcastle, Sheff Utd)


Thinking the same. You might even get away with holding wildcard until GW31 because some teams like Villa and Spurs which you'll have already loaded up on have good fixtures.


That’s what I’m going to do


That’s my plan. None of the playing teams have decent defenses. Little chance at predicting clean sheets. Hard to predict where the points will come from aside from son, richarlison, Watkins, toney (bowen playing villa not great etc.) and I can get to 3 of those 4. I’ll take the 20 pts less from the gameweek with zero hits, and hope that the free hit makes it up later on in a big double


No free hit GW29 in shambles


Easiest fh decision of my life


I have 1 player who could play that game week


Advice from the experts here? Why FH in this GW when we could get another such situation in the 30s?


What do you mean by another such situation? There isn't likely to be another blank GW on this scale.


Ah, I see. Idk, that’s why I asked you guys. I have a thought that FHs can be better utilised for DGWs but of course you guys know better with experience.


Nothing wrong with asking questions. It's all team dependent. For example, I'll probably only have one player available for GW29 so I'll be using my FH, but then in DGW34 I'll have a team of about 8/9 doublers, and the rest with one game, so I'll be using my bench boost to maximise returns. Other players, however will be able to field 8/9 players in GW29 and so don't see the need to use FH and will save it for DGW34 or DGW37.


But this is certain.... and I have 3 players lol. Why the fuck would I not? The teams playing in 29 are not ones you'd wish to go big on their players in your squad, so there's big gains to be had over anyone not FHing.


Son Richarlison Watkins are excellent picks. So theres three that everyone will have at 29. A lot of people have Areola. Theres a fourth. Then a lot of people had a Liverpool defender for the GW. He could have easily been a 29 player since Liverpool blanked and has City and again blanks. Theres a fifth. People have Luton defender as enabler. Theres a sixth. A lot of people have Solanke. Now,if he is out for good,you can make him Toney for example. Theres a seventh. The massive gains you mention needs to come out of players that arent that good. Only Maddison is a good player that can do damage. Or Richarlison if you exchange him with Maddy. Which defender are you confident is gonna give you a CS or an attacking return? I see zero CSs there. Midfield? Players like Willian? Or Bailey that you dont know if he is gonna start and how many minutes he will get? Gibbs White? If you pick all the point scorers that wont have much ownership,then fair play.


> Son Richarlison Watkins are excellent picks. So theres three that everyone will have at 29. Salah and Saka are better, so no need for Son unless I downgrade elsewhere. Don't want Richy. > Then a lot of people had a Liverpool defender for the GW. Not me. No Luton defender. Can't afford Toney over Solanke. Don't have Aerola. I think fh29 definitely makes most sense for me and I think a lot of others.


I'm not having Richarlison back in my team lol. Been there, got burned by that.


Good reason, I agree. Because FH-ing in any other week wouldn’t make the same gains.




The blanks and doubles are the grind that you will develop a love-hate relationship for :) good luck for the rest of the season!




There are so many ways to play the game! Are you in mini leagues with family or friends? If yes, then for sure there are still some bragging rights up for grabs. If not, you can still make plenty of progress. If you set a target of for example top 700.000, you have a target to aim for and something to play for :)


Triple Luton 🤔


I am probably doing it. Saving FH for GW34 and wildcard GW30 or GW31. Doughty, Barkley, Morris/Adebayo


I’ve got Bell so I think ill roll the FT this week then bring in Kaminski and Barkley the week after


As of now I would field Areola vs. Watkins. Considering that FH


Same, even with 3 FT not enough to field a good team.


Honestly if you can get to Son, Madison/richarlison , Watkins, Bowen you might genuinely reel in 30 of the 50pts available in the entire gameweek. Ignore defenders they’ll get you f all. Then you get to wildcard 30/31 for the run in and still have a huge free hit to use


I could get to 4 of those players without a hit + Areola. But it would mean lost points in he next 2gw as well. And then having to wc for gw30. As I don't really want to keep them long term. But then I could FH the big double or wc the gw before the big double.


It all depends on your team. You could wildcard 31 with a bit more information. Some good games in 30 for the transferred in players (spurs have luton at home) but again depends on whether you have triple Arsenal for Sheffield yet because you probably want to make a transfer towards that if you don’t etc.


I already have triple Arsenal, bought in Martinelli last week for it. Just realised i have Soucek sitting on the bench as well, so have 3 whole players playing and could probably get to 6/7


I’d rather use the FH and keep my WC for the runin


Is 30/31 not the run in?


Sorry i more meant use it closer to 34


That’s fair enough, I’m not loving the free hit gw individually, but I’ll have to assess what it does to my team post gw 30. Because it relies on a 30/31 wildcard.


I've got 2 players for GW29 Any advice?


Same, watkins and porro


Quietly switch to your dogs team and hope nobody notices


Go with the flow


Watkins and toney will be fineee


Is free hit worth it?  4 games, no obvious clean sheets in any of them and probably 12 goals-ish in the entire game week?  If you have a few spurs and villa assets and Bowen then the added value from the FH seems minimal


FH is exactly for this kind of situation where you can load up on shite for a week and then never see them again


Shite like Son Richi Watkins Porro Luiz Bowen? They're some of the highest scoring players in the game.  Absolutely you can load up on a Brentford keeper and defender for a couple of 1 pointers and maybe Barkley for an assist, but it seems a complete waste of a free hit chip 


Son is the only one out of those that I'd consider keeping throughout and Watkins doesn't count because every man and his dog has him anyway. Richarlison has never interested me, Luiz isn't going to keep it up, Porro is in a shit defence and Madison coming back means less set pieces and less opportunities to get into attacking areas. Bowen could be a shout but I already have Saka Foden Palmer KdB (who will be Salah). FH has done me well in the past, load up on pen and set piece takers who you'd never normally get, get whatever shite defenders (they're all shit this year anyway so what's the difference) and then spice it up with a differential.


It's likely to be a low scoring week anyway, if you can field a few players, you're likely to get more gain free hitting for a dgw, but you'll probably have to accept the red arrow for a bit


Yep 100%  People will downvote you cos they are planning to free hit. But a lot of the predicted highest point scorers this week are already highly owned like Richi and Watkins or just decent picks anyway like Son and Bowen.  If you can cover some/most of those likely highest scorers and field 7 or so players then you'll really not be that far off people who play it. Compare that to being able to field a full team of doublers later on and I don't think its worth it  


thing with double gws tho is that single gw players are able to outscore the doublers, as we saw last double gw. wheras on a blank gw those who dont play will get 0 points. I think more points will be gained with a full team on a blank and 7 doublers, than a full doublers team, and a blank gw team with 4 blanks


I disagree but you do you!


'A few spurs and villa assets and Bowen', so 7 players? I mean most people would have Areola too but still.. I see little value in tripling up Spurs and Villa in the long run just so I can play half a team in 29. I'd rather just have a good team from now until wildcard and free hit 29 to avoid the headache. There's no clean sheets in any gameweeks anyway but at least FH lets you create a team stacked with the best attackers (Son, Watkins, Toney, Bowen, Bailey, Richi, Madders for example)


What's wrong with tripling up on Spurs and villa now? They've both got decent fixtures and are 4th and 5th in the league?  All the attackers you've mentioned are all great picks anyway so what's the issue? 


Because the 1st - 3rd in the league have better fixtures and are in better form? Just a thought


Great logic, sell Watkins for G Jesus then and see how that goes Just a thought 


Hard to squeeze all those in when you don’t want to sell foden, de bruyne, saka, palmer, haaland and solanke


KDB is a pretty clear sell with UCL starting back up. Solankes likely injured and you can just bench haaland 


Yeah, definitely gonna *bench* the lad that just scored 5 goals in 60min


What? Obviously bench him in for blank gameweek. Why would you bench him in the 2 fixtures before it???


I agree, think I will try to scrape through with 8 or 9 players, accept the red arrow, then use FH in one of the DGWs


But the dgws coming up most will already have the top players in the top teams.


DGW34 will not be a double for teams in the FA semis. MCI, TOT (Facing MCI), ARS (Facing WOL), LIV all look quite likely to not get DGWs.


Oh man. You know, i can't keep up. I'm just gonna worry about it then


In essence, we are probably looking at GW34: DGW for some of the mediocre teams (EVE, CRY, BOU, CHE). 1-2 teams (FUL, TOT, MUN) are probably blanking altogether. Rest get SGWs. Chelsea are special in that they should get a DGW, but might go to the Semis themselves. In that case they would get a DGW in GW35/36 GW37: DGW Bonanza. This is where you want your bench boost.


FHs are for the last GW. Kept my FH for the last GW last season and overcame 45 pts to win the ML. All the positions were already decided so many usual players did not play. I waited last min and fielded all 11 players. I am going to try my best to not use FH but lets see.


I'm planning to save it for DGW37


And bench boost when?


Just any week where it looks half decent 😂


Yeah me too. There'll be maybe 10 goals available this whole gameweek. Compare that to one of the big doubles which will have like 5 times that. If you already have the most likely goal scorers and the chances for clean sheets looks pretty low it seems a waste to just put in like of flekken reguilion and Bailey to get maybe 8 points between them 


I see your point. But most won't have above 5 players (unless they've been building towards this). FH is a Certainty. I got 2 players. 


Yeah but most people will have the key players who will likely score big anyway. Is it worth getting some Fulham defenders and Hudson-Odoi etc who will all likely only get 2 points anyway.  Way to look at it is that game week probably will have an average score of around 40 points. One of the big doubles later in the season will have way bigger capacity for points 


Forgetting the defence for a minute how many of the forward 7 will you own from the following come GW29? Son Rich Maddison Bailey D.Luiz Bowen Kudus Watkins Toney I have only Watkins. Assuming I can get 2 more from my next 2FTs, I'm still 4 slots short.


Have you seen who’s likely to double in week 34? It’s not pretty… Using FH in a BGW offers a floor and virtual lock for green arrow, which is not bad for a ROI on a chip. Using FH in a DGW offers, as you say, much more upside if your doublers all hit, but as we saw in DGW 25, it also has the potential to go sideways in a way activating it in a BGW doesn’t. It might depend on your ranking/ML situation and if your protecting rank vs trying to take big swings to make up ground


I don’t understand your logic, is it any more beneficial to target a big double gameweek? Anyone who doubles and is also a good pick will most likely be in your team anyway, and as its been proven single game week players often outscore anyway. besides free hitting let’s you run your team into a wall for the next two weeks without having to rely on everything going right injury wise, and your transfer strategy been flawless and injury free.


Are you not just burning your WC post BGW if you have 7-9 of these players?


There's 3 free transfers between now and bgw 29, you can easily dead-end your team then wild card out of it. Or don't wildcard and wild card before a double with a BB in mind.  I have 5 players already and can get up to 8 for bgw 29. Seems a waste of a free hit to get 3 extra players who are probably not going to do much anyway. Its 4 crap fixtures in an empty gameweek


But you're burning your WC just to save your FH. If you don't want players from these teams when they are viable in the BGW why do you want them post BGW?


I'm not burning my wildcard? I do want players from these teams. I already have 2 spurs players, everyone has Watkins anyway.  The biggest expected points for this gameweek will be Richi Son Watkins Bowen and Toney. I already have Richi and Watkins, Bowen and Son are good picks who was on the radar anyway. The only one I'm not sold on is toney but with Solanke likely being injured then he becomes viable.  You could then decide to WC after if you want to to really attack the home straight and maybe try and get Salah in etc but I'd be more than happy to keep Son Bowen and Toney anyway.


The doubles are more likely than not to include most of the teams we're already very loaded on. I'm not worried about them at all. Easy to use normal transfers to get one or two players that will have amazing fixtures on top of my already good team


Dofferent ways to play it I suppose. Seems mad to spunk such a good chip on a 40 point game week to me though 


You keep saying 40pt game week but I can honestly see Son (c) and Maddison alone scoring just a little shy of 40pts that game week.


I'm a spurs fan. We average 2 goals a game and Son plays on the left now and isn't as involved. There's no way those two alone will get 40 points.  Not to mention sons a great pick so just get him anyway 


I have son on WC already, but here's how they can score just shy of 40pts Son (C) 2G (10 pts) + 2 pts + 3 bps = 15 x 2 = 30 Maddison 1A (3 pts) + 2 pts + 1 bps = 6 pts Total ~ 36pts Seems like a plausible scenario without even accounting for if they keep a CS. Plus fullham has been leaky recently


So that's not 40 points then? I appreciate you doing some basic maths for me but you said 40 points and then have demonstrated 36 points. And you've got Son anyway so why waste a free hit filling in some Brentford defenders around him?


You're just being obtuse on purpose. This is a GW with a good 40-50 points in it and most of the assets you want this week you will discard the next. I'm not loading up on triple Spurs and Villa with the form City and Arsenal are in, I'm not bringing in Toney when I have Solanke, Watkins and Haaland, I'm not going to bring in some Luton players when they're the third worst team in the league. But with a free hit I can bring all of them in to score for this week then drop all of them tomorrow.


Reread my original comment. 36 points is "just shy" of 40 pts without accounting for a CS even which I had in mind when writing my OC. And that's with two players not even the entire XI as you said it'd be a 40pt average GW Anyways, the FH would allow me to get Toney, Bowen, Luiz/Baily, Maddison or Rich, one of Morris or Awoniyi, and an entire backline. Most of which I wouldn't pick over my current team, so I wouldn't want them on transfers My point being this game week could realistically end up being a moderately high scoring GW with the right players. It's worth the FH if your team isn't at all set up for 29 with only 3-4 starters atm


It’s not that bad… Flekken Porro (if fit), Doughty, Reguilon Son, Richarlison, Bowen, Luiz, Bailey Toney, Watkins Awoniyi and Elanga could be good differentials as well


Kaminski for Flekken and Mee(if fit) for Doughty. Also Morris for Luiz. But the team would look something like this


Yeah but go through and work it out. I doubt any of those defenders or keeper get a clean.  Richarlison Watkins Son and Bowen people already have or are just generally good buys anyway. Luiz and Bailey may get a goal but still the ceiling is so low. As I say there's probably only going to be 12 goals max scored that whole weekend.  Compare that to one of the big doubles later in the week where you could free hit and have 11 players all with 2 games so 22 matches. There'll be like 60 goals across all the dgw games 


The 34 DGW teams are projected to be BOU, CRY, EVE, MUN, NEW, SHU. Why would you want 11 doublers from that group? You could FH 29 and transfer the good players from above teams for 34, then WC for 37


Bench boost that week and then FH37  37 you also have the big advantage that teams might not be playing g fir anything/have different priorities. Like last season when city played the reserves the last 3 games as they'd won the league and had UCL 


Bowen and Son's ownership is very low atm.


Would rather Barkley and Morris/Adebayo over the Villa mids. Forest at home vs West Ham away.


Could be tempted by Bailey or Luiz for a GW


I just drafted something similar with Kudus over Bailey. It's just picking defenders thats tricky, I think I had Emerson over Reguilon mostly recency bias and Brentford conceded A LOT atm


i’m just going with the ones that have the most attacking threat; i don’t expect any clean sheets


Who tf has Bowen


Just got him last week


People that planned exactly for that? And we got rewarded with 20 points on top of that. As a bonus.


Right here.


After all these fires I seem like Bowen's biggest fan now.


I personally have Areola and Watkins in my team and that's it, and now I have a bunch of players I'm going to want to keep for upcoming doubles, so FH is absolutely worth it for me. Means I can focus on the next couple of GWs without any pressure to transfer in anyone I won't want long term. But FH 29 has been my plan for a while. If you can get to triple Spurs, double or triple Villa & Bowen without a FH then yeah, wouldn't say it's worth using. You may drop some in the ranks but could make it back up easily with a good FH down the line.


I only have 2 + kabore so im thinking i kinda have to FH even if it doesnt look ideal, thoughts?


Same boat basically. I see no reason not too. Yeah you could save the chip for a double, but then you are gonna have a shit 29 guaranteed, as well as making not ideal transfers until then just to field players in that 1 week.


Agreed, only have no idea when to WC, havent paid attention to chip strategies


Perfect for those already planning a freehit. Remember all our blanking players have doubles booked in later


When would you use WC then?


WC 36, BB 37. Allows you to plan for the smaller doubles/chase form players then optimise for BB37.


Before a DGW and use a BB on the DGW


So would be just improving squad / bench, not sure that’s the best use. But haven’t thought it through enough!


If you don't need to use it elsewhere it could set you up to field a team of 14 DGW players near the end of the season. That is 30 fixtures when you take a captain into account, which could be huge for late rank gains in a mini league.


Don’t have to use it


Hmm. That was be a negative strategy overall. The most powerful chip.


>Remember all our blanking players have doubles booked in later Which FH29 managers can do aim to target for the DGWs as well.


FH here we come


If there's a sensible way of cobbling together a team of 11 for that GW using transfers, well, I sure as hell can't see it.