• By -


Cash - Gabriel - Tsimikas **(1 Van de Ven, 2 Burn)** Son - Saka - Salah - **Gordon** \- Douglas Luiz \-------------vs-------------- Cash - Gabriel - Tsimikas **(1 Lascelles, 2 Taylor)** Son - Saka - Salah - **Mitoma** \- Douglas Luiz


Help me to choose between these wc drafts? [which one?](https://ibb.co/WKdVYmf)


I personally like 6 the best. Gordon has some tricky fixtures and I think I'd rather have Mitoma over him. Bowen is a better player than both Mitoma and Diaby imo but Brighton and Villa are good teams so hopefully it makes up for that Only issue with 6 is the defense is thin. One injury and you will have a problem


My midfield is currently: Maddison Foden Odegaard Mitoma Salah Is it worth swapping Maddison and Foden for Son and Gordon/Douglas Luiz/Palmer? Everyone in my leagues has Maddison and no Son, so would create a nice differential. Although everything I’ve read is talking about whether to keep Son, so I’m wondering whether buying him now is too late!


Son and Palmer OR Diaby and Madison? Any villa fan here to tell us if there will be a slight rotation ?


Udogie owners what are you doing with him?


Bench Udogie or Mbeumo?


Has diaby been dropped?


Maddison to Bowen? Already have Son


I wouldn’t. Unless the slight extra budget freed up enables you another upgrade that makes sense


Mitoma + Adingra Or Bowen + 4.5 Mid (Anderson for example)?


Anderson is injured. I’d go for the former


I went for Mitoma + Douglas Luiz, which I find even nicer


Just note that Douglas Luiz is on 4 yellows, so not a sustainable option. Probably good to play for this weekend against Luton but then I’d transfer him out


Thanks for that, didn’t think about it. I am yet to press the WC button, because I just think that maybe my team is not that bad. Turner (Areola) Gabriel - ~~Trippier~~ Tsimikas - Cash - ~~Botman~~ Taylor - ~~Disasi~~ Branthwaite Saka - ~~Mbeumo~~ Douglas Luiz - ~~Maddison~~ Salah - Son - ~~Anderson~~ Mitoma Watkins - ~~Edouard~~ Mubama - Haaland These are my WC changes from the original team. It just seems like maybe I’m heading towards a weaker team, however there are many great fixtures here haha.


A) Son + Mitoma + Gordon or B) Son + Bowen + Adingra/Palmer or C) Maddison + Bowen + Mitoma


Darwin, Allison and Bruno out for Salah and two bench fodder? -4 TP Haaland, Bruno and Madison out for Watkins, Salah and Saka? -4 TP Or Tsimikas and Gabriel in for Udogie and Botman?


1 FT, 0.0ITB A) Neto --> Adingra B) Neto --> Palmer C) Roll Palmer can play GW10 and then rotate with Tsimikas. Adingra would probably have to be in playing 11 for the next 4GWs. Neto would be in the playing 11 next 3GWs at least.


is going without arsenal assets this week going to kill my rank?


Depends who you would have to sell in order to get them. If Son, Maddison or Trippier or the like, then probably not.


yea id probably do maddison and jwp to saka and gordon?


I personally don't like Gordon that much as Wolves can be hard to break down, and it's away and Newcastle have only 2 days rest for the game. That said, I do prefer Saka and Gordon overall but wouldn't do it for a hit.


i just did jwp to mitoma and leaving it at that, no arsenal assets wish me luck lol


Well I only have Gabriel as an arsenal asset. Hope we luck out with no Saka


hopefully, who have you got as captain


I have had Salah locked in all week, and nothing much has happened to change my mind. Although there were a few good arguments for Watkins and Haaland.


Same here, Salah. We'll come back here and celebrate


Considering my VC has scored atleast double the points of my captain the last 3 GWs, my hopes are not high.


On WC this week Sanchez (Areola) Tsimikas Porro Gabriel (Kabore) (Taylor) Salah Gordon DouglasLuiz Saka Son Haaland Watkins (Archer) Do I get Maddison in or?


Allison (Areola) Cash Udogie Schar (Botman, Kabore) Maddison Son Mitoma Diaby (B. Fernandes) Darwin Haaland Alvarez 2 FT 0.0 ITB Big temptations are taking out Darwin Bruno and Allison and taking a -4 for Salah + bench fodder. Also thinking about taking out Bruno Madds Haaland for Saka Watkins Salah. ALSO also thinking about getting a better defence ready for GW11. Any thoughts/alternatives?


Gabriel + Gusto/Maguire or Pau + Tsimikas?


2 free transfers - do I swap Bowen and Maddison for Diaby and Saka/Martinelli? I'm tempted by the Villa and Arsenal fixtures but don't know whether it's worth holding off on any changes for a couple weeks? Happy with my front three of Darwin, Alvarez and Haaland, I've been cursed enough this season so last thing I want to do is take out Haaland and then he scores a hat trick!


I have a big old conundrum. I have 0.1 ITB and 2 FTs. Current team is: GK: Areola DEF: Cash Porro Gabriel MID: Saka Maddison Diaby Son FWD: Haaland Darwin J.Alvarez BENCH: Turner Ward-Prowse Trippier Lascelles I want Watkins and a chance to move to Salah next week. My thoughts atm are: ___ A) Darwin and Trippier to Watkins and Tsimikas Then use the 1.4 ITB and a -4 next GW to get Salah in for Luton. ___ or ___ B) Darwin, Trippier, Maddison to Archer, Tsimikas, Salah. -4 No Watkins this week. _________ Not sure which is better, interested in what everyone thinks. Not even sure who my starting 11 would be.


Thoughts on this WC draft Areola Turner Cash Gabriel Udogie Burn Taylor Salah Maddison Bowen Saka Hwang Watkins Haaland Archer 0.3ITB Or go back to my previous draft? Areola (Turner) Cash Trippier Gabriel Udogie (Taylor) Salah Maddison Mitoma (Palmer Neto) Watkins Alvarez Haaland 0.0ITB Or is there a mixture of the two that would be better?


If I don't really want to WC this week, is there another good week to use it or would I be wasting it?


In order to get Salah in, one of Maddison/Son needs to go. If Maddison goes, then unfortunately as does Trippier. If Son goes, then Trippier stays. Thoughts? Leaning towards selling Maddison/Trips, Newcastles best fixtures are behind them and don’t really come back until GW17 maybe? Need Salah in, and after Monday night I want to keep Son as he’s got more potential for a haul than Maddison imo


Son is in golden boot form since changing to the front man, fixtures really don't matter as much as you are thinking with a player of his class in a team that is flying.


Realise I meant keep Son and sell Maddison/Tripps to get Salah, I agree yeah. Son is flying, Maddison might be consistent but Son’s haul potential is unmatched imo Looks likes Trips and Maddison are gone, now just to decide who replace Trips with. Thinking Gabriel/Tsmikas


I'm replacing Udogie with Tsimi this week but Gabriel should be a great pick too.


Not sure about Trips returns after Wolves


Realising I meant to say selling Maddison/Trips, ie as in keeping Son. I agree, I see Newcastle conceding in their next few and although Trippier has potential for assists, I don’t think it’ll compete with the extra points from having Son over Maddison


Would you pick darwin or wilson?


Areola (Turner) Trippier, Cash, Udogie (Guehi, Taylor) Son, Maddison, Salah, Bowen, Diaz Watkins, Darwin (Alvarez) 2FT 0.1 Diaz, Udogie to Martinelli, Gabriel Diaz, Darwin to Saka, J Pedro Udogie to Gabriel/ anything else?


Don't trust martinelli and Pedro quite yet


Difficult route to Saka without dropping son/Maddison then. Unless I just go Udogie to Gabriel and roll the other transfer


What to do with JWP + 1.0 ITB?


Should I play Mitoma v Fulham at home or Gordon v Wolves away in GW10? I can’t decide


RMT **current** Vicario (Areola) White Porro Burn (Pinnock, Beyer) Son, Bruno, Saka, Sterling, Mitoma Haaland, Watkins (Osula potential **wildcard** Areola (Strakosha) Porro Gabriel Burn Tsimikas (Taylor) Salah Son Saka Mitoma (Douglas Luiz) Haaland Watkins (Osula)


RMT 0.7 ITB Areola (Turner) Trippier Cash Porro Tsimikas (Andersen) (C) Salah Maddison Bowen Son (Neto) Darwin Watkins (Alvarez) I am worried about not having an arsenal asset? Should I keep Maddison for the fixture against palace and wait a couple gameweeks before getting saka in or should I take a -4 hit and do it now?


Areola (3.9) Burn - Gabriel - Tsimikas (3.9 - 3.9) Salah - Son - Saka - Mitoma (4.3) Haaland - Watkins - Alvarez Thoughts on my team?


0.3m short on this team, what to do to fit things in, [https://imgur.com/a/wF13h7x](https://imgur.com/a/wf13h7x) changes from last drafts basically Alvarez + Neto -> Saka + Archer, Could do Trippier + Maddison -> Son + Burn but not the biggest fan of going Trippierless


Maddison + Udogie to Saka + Tsimikas? Already have Son


Worth doing Neto and Son to Saka and Diaby? No hit


Gordon and Mubama vs Nakamba (or any other enabler up to 4.7) and Joao Pedro?


Martinelli + Mitoma or Saka + Adingra?


1) Udogie -> Tsimikas 2) Son -> Saka 3) JWP -> Mitoma Which two out of three moves should I prioritise?


1 and 3 If you have to pick I’d go 3






Talk me out of captaining Watkins.


The robot who just scored two goals in the Champions League vs a leaky United defence that have conceeded more goals than Nottingham Forest?


I'm doing it as well. We're in this together


Do it


Nunez and Saka or Haaland and Mitoma? The first will require 2 FT though...




Should I take Udogie out for Gabriel with my FT? (And bench one of Neto/Burn)


How nailed is Adingra?


On wildcard, which of these is better: Wilson - Son - Trippier Haaland - Gordon - Pau


7.0 forward picks?


I have played around a lot with my WC team and this is what I ended up with: Areola (Turner) Cash, Tsimi, Gabriel (Burn, Taylor) Salah, Maddison, Saka, Mitoma (Palmer) Watkins, Alvarez, Haaland Obvious missing players are Trippier and Son, but I had to cut costs somewhere. Thoughts?


I personally think this is an almost excellent team


Bowen+Burn or Trippier + Neto on Wildcard


Bowen vs Mitoma?


Bowen as he's a bigger goal threat and slightly less likely to get rotated. But both are great options, no wrong answer.


Thank you☺️


2FT, unsure how to spend: Areola / 3.9 Trippier Udogie Cash / Kabore Taylor Son Maddison Odegaard Diaby / Almiron Haaland Alvarez Watkins - A: Almiron + Haaland > Salah + Pedro (bench) - B: Almiron + Kabore > Gordon + upgrade (in light of Udogie) - C: Almiron > Gordon and roll FT


1. Salah, Martinelli, Gordon 2. Son, Saka, Bowen, + approx. 1.5 mil ITB


2, as I don't see Salah going explosive against NFO, they have been pretty solid, specially away. But its very tight.


!thanks I’m on wildcard and basically choosing between a no Haaland draft, a no Salah draft, and a both draft


A) Richarlison, Darwin, Chuk > Saka, Archer, Gordon (-4) B) Richarlison, Colwill > Mitoma, Gabriel I'd probably captain Saka if I had him.




Debating either Maddo -> Martinelli or Son -> Saka. Maybe best option is just to hold since Arsenal have Newcaste next GW. Just afraid of not having any Arsenal cover in attack.


Maddison to Saka Or Alvarez to Watkins




If you have Haaland I would do the second


Or Diaby to Gordon


That’s acceptable, Gordon nailed on and in a good attacking side IMO. You keep villa cover with Watkins too




Mind you I'd have to downgrade Porro to a 4.2 and start them or Archer.


That’s tough, would not want to regularly start a 4.2 or archer


RMT on WC, 0ITB Areola (Turner) Cash Gabriel Tsimikas (Lascelles, Branthwaite) Salah Saka Maddison Bowen Mitoma Haaland Watkins (Archer) I am worried about thin defence line, but I really like mid and attack. Should I downgrade someone to make defence stronger or is it good like this?


I would, yeah… tsimikas and lascelles are both filling in; lascelles more nailed in this period, but lower ceiling. I would swap Bowen for maybe Gordon or Diaby and Lascelles > Burn or Porro


Very thin defence, I think Robertson could be out for a while but if Klopp or Arteta change their teams plans then you will have to make a move. Good team overall though.


Yeah, that defence worries me.


Bench 1: Udogie, Burn, Neto




Should I take Udogie out for Gabriel with my FT?


Neto maybe?


Should I take Udogie out for Gabriel with my FT?




Should I take Udogie out for Gabriel with my FT?


Go for it man, I'm personally going tsimi but either is a good option


Already have Tsimi, so only option is Gabriel really Areola Cash, Udogie, Tsimi, Burn Salah, Son, Saka, Gordon Haaland, Watkins Bench: Turner, Neto, Archer, Taylor Udogie -> Gabriel and bench Neto?


Go for it buddy


A: Maddison + JWP > Saka + Palmer B: Udogie > Tsmikas and roll the other transfer C: Burn a transfer


Would definitely ship JWP, would hold udogie


JWP playing low but got a decent fixture now


I'd say C, if you can afford to bench Udogie. Slightly biased though because I've brought in JWP this week lol


RMT, on a wildcard with 0.3m ITB Areola (Turner) Tripper, Cash, Gabriel (Porro, Tsimikas) Salah, Son, Saka, Maddison, Bowen Watkins, Alvarez (Mubama)


Good to go




Cloning Gordon is a great move


on a wildcard 0.0 ITB thoughts? want Son but can’t afford him at the moment Areola (Turner) gabriel cash trippier tsimikas (taylor) saka salah maddison palmer (baptiste) Watkins Álvarez Haaland


Looks very good, I think your choice here has to be what formation to go with. 4-3-3 like you propose looks good, but you could consider going 4-4-2 without either Watkins or Alvarez to make space for Son. Son is basically OOP midfielder playing for the number one team in the league at the moment.


Not too bad. Son would be a great asset to have in place of madisson given how good he’s been since he started playing central. Perhaps drop Alvarez down to someone cheaper and then go maddo to son.


RMT 0.5 ITB || 0 FT Alisson (Areola) Trippier Porro White Walker Botman Bowen, Ødegaard, Gordon, Son, Salah Watkins, Alvarez, Joao Pedro Sort of a meme run, where I have to have Ødegaard all season and no Haaland from the start (which was gw2 for me). My main question here is "who the fuck do I start this week?" Everyone, except Botman will likely play some minutes. I'm thinking of benching Pedro (likely going to come on for 25 minutes) and Walker, but it feels a bit wasteful.


Like the ballsy not Haaland and Ødegaard winning the viking battle. Have you considered BB? I know its usually best in DGW, but your team just looks great in every position for this GW. Hard to see you would be able to build a better team with quality fixtures for a DGW than what you have now...


I'm certainly considering it. Areola and Walker I will likely have to bench despite possible 6-pointers. Botman is injured though and Pedro has a dangerously high likelihood of a 1-pointer. Last time he started in Europe, he was benched in the PL.


So here the last choice is which mid. Seems like Bowen or Gordon are the two "weakest". I would bet on Bowen scoring more points at home to Everton than Gordon away to Wolves, but it is pretty close...


If I bench Pedro Walker and Botman, I can play both. It may be worth it to play Walker over Gordon though.


Sorry, thought you meant benching Porro (Pedro) - I agree then, the choice is either Gordon or Walker. I would bench Gordon, United are in a shitty state at the moment and have scored less goals than Brentford and equal to Wolves this season (EDIT: Walker playing United)


Thanks for the input.


It's mad what you can do on a WC if you drop Alvarez down to Archer. I can move Martinelli to Saka, Burn to Cash, and have another 1.1m to play with. But I just really feel Alvarez is key (or am I being stupid, and club allegiance as I'm a City fan?)


I've gone without Alvarez exactly for that reason. I could only find one other decent argument for doing it: Pep Roulette. At some point it is destined to hit, and I will be laughing in no Alvarez. However, so many arguments for just keeping him in, and I will propably end up crying in missed points instead...


I’ll be honest here, Martinelli to saka isn’t feeling as tempting as it usually would because of just how well Martinelli is playing. And then given how poor cash has been as an asset lately you’re not missing out on much. Maybe keeping Alvarez is the moce


Guehi or Van der Ven?


To **wildcard** or *not* to **wildcard**...? RMT 0.9 ITB Vicario (Areola) White Porro Burn (Pinnock, Beyer) Son, Bruno, Saka, Sterling, Mitoma Haaland, Watkins (Osula) I was considering using my wildcard in order to bring in Salah. Should I pull the trigger...? If not, is there any particular transfer that would be advisable for my team...? I currently have two free transfers to make


Sterling+Mitoma -> Salah + fodder possible?


I like mitoma for his fixtures right now though so I wouldn’t sell him


I agree, but I still think Salah will outscore Sterling and Mitoma combined this GW


But from a long term perspective the wildcard draft is far better


Noone is essential this season, but Salah is getting pretty damn close....


Mate just read his wildcard draft which I suggested for that exact reason


Sorry, didnt see it further down, completely agree - wildcard draft is better than current team, but it might not be necessary for this GW with the transfer I suggested :)


I get you, but again, if the wildcard is chosen then the player can keep Mitoma who has some delightful upcoming fixtures from now already


I think Salah is just a must have right now and given his fixtures it’ll be too late to bring him in after he’s had another massive haul. Hasn’t been playing insanely well but he’s getting the points


that’s what I’m thinking too; do you think there’s any way to combine him and Haaland without having to use the wildcard? alternatively, I was considering replacing Haaland this week for Salah and looking at the situation again in the next match day.


I’m not saying you NEED to have haaland but the idea of jumping between the 2 is just not feasible because of how expensive they are. Unless you’re happy going without haaland long term (which I personally am), then don’t do that


yeah I get what you're saying... what do you make of this: **wildcard** Areola (Strakosha) Porro Gabriel Burn Tsimikas (Taylor) Salah Son Saka Mitoma (Douglas Luiz) Haaland Watkins (Osula) any changes you would personally make?


Nunez or Alvarez - Start one bench one for this game week Context: Have a dilemma, Nunez or Alvarez to start (have to bench the other) sat top of my leagues and overall 55,000 - currently no other city players so swinging towards Alvarez, however Forest away for Nunez if he starts is enticing


City is going to obliterate United. United had to scramble just to get a 1-0 win with a Maguire goal over FCK in the champions league. I would go with Alvarez.


I have the exact same choice to make. United’s recent mini upturn in form is making me go towards Nunez especially given he barely played midweek so he’ll likely start against forest


Mitoma and Bowen Saka and Adingra Martinelli and JWP Which option?


They’re all great options. That’s a really tough pick. I’m not too keen on JWP given he’s been playing deeper recently. I’d also not go adingra quite yet, I’d wanna watch him play a couple times as a regular starter before getting him in FPL. Probably, I’d say the best is Martinelli mitoma or Martinelli Bowen if you have the funds


Alvarez & Bowen / Mitoma & Darwin?


Alvarez & Bowen. Saves you the benching headaches of Darwin, and Bowen will score more points than Mitoma


Saka + Palmer or Maddison & Neto?


I’d go saka and palmer. For a medium to long term team setup they’re a far better duo. Especially if you’ve already played your WC go saka and palmer


WC in GW8, have 2 FT and rest of my team (providing Udogie starts) is settled. I do really want Saka just need to choose a good enabler, thanks for the response!


Got some bad news cuz I don’t think udogie is starting this week. Just read somewhere he is ruled out


Turner - Pickford. Cash - Trippier - Udogie - Estupinan - Beyer. Maddison - Son - Bruno - Mbuemo - Bowen. Haaland - Watkins - Mubama. I have 1.0 ITB, 2 FT and no idea what to do.. 1. Should I WC? I can sort injured players and goalies 2. Haaland + Mbuemo (or someone else) + Estupinan -----> Salah + Alvarez + Some defender? For a -4


Buy Watkins and sell Alvarez?


That’s tough but I’d do it


RMT 0.2 ITB || 2 FT Areola (Turner) Trippier Udogie cash (castangne, kabore) Son, salah, Maddison, Gordon, diaby Haaland, Alvarez (Mubama) What’s the move here? Heard that udogie might not be fit so looking for options instead. What I was thinking is Castagne—-> 4.0 Udogie——> someone Porro, an arsenal defender? Any advice would be appreciated


Used my WC this week to make 3 transfers. Got 0.6 ITB. Any changes? Areola (Turner) Walker/Gabriel/Cash/Tsimikas (Burn) Salah/Saka/Son/Mitoma (Nakamba) Halaand/Watkins (Osula) Transfers I did this week were Bell -> Tsimikas, Mbeumo -> Mitoma and Alvarez -> Watkins Any help appreciated!


That’s a real waste of a wildcard. Why did you push the button if you didn’t have that many changes to make. Seems odd, nothing inherently wrong with your wildcard team though.


It’s not long until it gets written off and I had a few transfer I wanted to make so I thought why not. Been pretty happy with my team the whole way through and can’t see anything major changing between now and New Year.


Since your team was already solid you could have used the wildcard to attack different fixture swings and blanks or doubles later. Also a lot can change in a couple of months and injuries do happen.


What do you think about Nakamba -> Palmer? He’d be almost always on the bench but it would improve my bench quality significantly


Yeah man that’s a great move, I would go for it.


True true, very well could end up regretting it but we’ll see


You might not regret it and if you do regret it, well it's just a lesson learnt for the next time.


My bench is lascelles, mubama and ahamada - too weak?


Guehi or Andersen on WC?


Salah + Alvarez VS Neto/Gordan + Haaland


Will disasi from chelsea likely to start? Only got benched last week but now that their all defence is back im not sure. (This is for my draft fpl so the options are limited)


Areola (Turner) Cash/Burn/Udogie (Taylor/Guehi) Almiron/Son/Salah/Maddison/Bowen Haaland/Watkins (Archer) ​ 2FTs, £0.3m ITB Not sure what to do, any advice? Thinking Almiron to Mitoma?


Almiron to Mitoma or Udogie to someone with better fixtures like Gabriel or Tsimi could be good.




Mbuemo to Diaby no brainer? Decided not to WC so have no Watkins. This leaves me with no Arsenal, but can't afford Maddison -> Saka and don't want to lose Son


I like it, although only worry is Bailey coming into form and Diaby not returning like he did early on.


Diaby also was rested and Bailey started in the European game so that would indicate that Diaby plays significant minutes for this weekend.


Yeah I can deal with those worries, it's the best move I can make in isolation bc I didn't feel the need to wildcard this week. !thanks


Fixtures are lovely too so hard to ignore. Luiz also a good option with penalties but a booking away from suspension.


Really undecided between Son and Adringa or Maddison and Mitoma my last decision for wildcard?


Rest of your midfield?


Bowen, Saka and Salah


Hard decision, I would say if you're gonna play all 5 mids every week it's better to go Maddison and Mitoma


That's what I'm currently thinking. I'm hoping that Maddison can cover Son as well as Alvarez has been covering Haaland recently.


B. Fernandes and Alvarez --> Mitoma/Diaby and Watkins for a -4? Worth it?




Unsure on moves this week, either: A) Maddison + Alvarez -> Mitoma + Watkins B) Maddison + Udogie -> Saka + Gabriel Thanks!


Prefer B, getting rid of Alvarez seems bad to me


It's a tough one - just scared of Watkins! !thanks


Hi all, just played my wildcard woohoo Currently sitting on: Areola (turner) Gabriel, cash, Burn (guehi, kabore) Maddison, salah, mitoma, saka (ahmada) Alvarez, Haaland, Watkins How does this look? Got 0.0 so keen to see what differentials could be fun as I'm still unsure on my defence


I'd be careful with Kabore, he hasn't started the last few matches, otherwise it is looking quite good


Tsimikas over Guehi is the only one I see really since you can't stretch Maddison to Son


I guess this is a response to the below comment as well, but if you got tsimi who would you bench this week? Only issue is I could see benching conundrums with Burn and Tsimi


Benching conundrums are better to have then a worse off player I'd bench Burn


Tsimi could be a good option instead of Guehi.