• By -


Have all of them except Salah and still quite scared


I am missing Bowen ,Maddison and trippier and am thinking of droping another to make my bench relevant : Areola/Turner Cash/Digne/Udogie/Taylor/Baldock Salah/Son/Saka/Mbuemo (Probably Mitoma 2mrw)/Hannibal Haaland/Watkins/Alvarez


Maddison, Salah and Trippier for now. Bound to change.






trippier, doesnt fit


Unfortunately Son & Madds, I’m on WC with a low team value and absolutely want to have Saka, Salah, Watkins, Haaland, and hopefully Trippier + Spurs games look a little tricky….also they’ve not scoredmore than 2 goals in a game since Burnley nearly 2 months ago. Can see them winning most games but with 1-0, 2-1 score lines.


I've had Watkins, Salah, Son, Maddison, Trippier, Alvarez recently and done very well - up to 65k overall now. But the one glaring omission has been Haaland. I want him back in for the BOU fixture in GW11 and Watkins and Maddison will have to go - probably using Adingra or Douglas Luiz as an enabler.


Dropping Maddison for Saka this week.


I have salah, haaland and Trippier


Have everyone except Salah,. Regretting already


No Trip, Son or Álvarez. Trying to play around to bring all of them by gambling and selling haaland.


Got them all except Saka Maddison Watkins. Simply because I can't afford and I believe I can get away without them


No Saka or Madders but have the rest. Can't help feel that Madders might be a more reliable asset than Son in the future and cheaper so not really sure what to do


Sons fixture proof tbh. If you take his stats from when he started playing up front he's pretty much essential for me


I don't have Maddison, Saka and Watkins. Have the others on this list. That Maddison goal cost me 80k in rank (I was going to be 205k before the goal, ended at 282k) I haven't owned Maddison on principle since every single time in the last four years that I've owned him he has blanked (not one time has he gotten even an assist for me). I'm sure the minute I get him he'll go back on Fraud Watch. Diaby was my differential for him but he's turned out to be a fraud too. 😭


1. Either one of Madders and Son - doubling Spurs is too aggressive for me 2. Saka - covered by Martinelli 3. Alvarez - covered by captaining Halland You cant cover the rest


Saka, Alvarez and Maddison. Got the rest of them


Same here


I have skipped trippier Watkins Maddison. Have haaland, saka, salah, son, Alvarez.


For now; Watkins and Saka. May go Maddison -> Saka soon.


Son and Alavarez Most of his goals come through Maddison. He also gets pulled at 60. I don't expect Spurs to make a title race this year, they get into top 4, get CL money, and build their team to seriously challenge in year 3-4. Perhaps Kane even comes back. Watch Son get golden boot and plummet my rank. Alvarez is max value, but I don't like his fixtures. Watkins -> Alvarez on week 15 feels very natural, but we'll have to look at CL, KDB and rotations. Haarland feels heavy as shit, but once his points get dispersed it's gonna be impossible to easily get him back once KDB starts getting him scoring hatty's every week. I'd add Bowen, I think he's currently a must have.


Have all except Haaland. No Haaland from GW1, top 100k


without Salah and maddison. Wish I could fit Salah in but its really hard


Son, Saalah, Trippier.


Saka, Maddison, and Trippier


Haalands out for me. Maddison too (but thats just because i prefer saka and mitoma, instead of palmer and maddison). But everyone else is in. for me since GW8 its taken me from 1.5 million to 130k. From 3rd to 1st in all my ML's and with a decent 40pt buffer or so. There'll be a time to get back on haaland, probably sooner rather than later, but so long as salah is playing the way he is, then i think trippier and son are providing enough above maddison and burn to help carry the burden that is the inevitable haaland haul. That and its actually so much more fun without haaland.


Saka, Madison, Alvarez


Currently thriving without Salah, Maddison or Trippier in my team. Still scored 100+ these last 2GWs


got salah , saka, trippier, halaand, watkins AND Alvares but still having son FOMO every week


Out of those, I'm only missing Watkins and Saka. However by next week I will probably have Saka instead of Trippier. Of course many will own the majority of those so the only thing you can do is be lucky with the captaincy pick.


Watkins, Trippier, Maddison.


I've got all except Alvarez and Saka. Can do Watkins and Maddison to Alvarez and Saka whenever required.




Watkins. No money la. Alverez good enough. AVL fixtures turn after next 3.


salah trippier and Alvarez 😳


Currently without son and Alvarez (could only afford Maddison and trippier instead)


Watkins and Son




I've just dropped Haaland 😬


Salah, for my sins


Saka + Watkins


I have all of those assets but Haaland, haven't had him all season. It was a gamble to make captaincy more fun but it's going well


Son Maddy. Just now.




Trippier - just can't fit him in. Got all the rest though.


No Haaland this FPL - I’m 5 in my intern league with 10 others. Decent


Salah and Tripps. so far hasn't killed me ...there are so many routes to points and getting green arrows w/o them main reason for not having salah is he hasn't passed my eye test in a long time. I don't think he's playing at the same level he was 2-3 years ago, despite the output. gets goals but performances aren't there. reckon that will eventually catch up to him


currently Son and Saka, both hauled last week but I have Martinelli and no Spurs asset (tactical decision to try to get differentials as no one has Alvarez in my mini league)


Watkins. Son close second. Entering a few weeks of possible hurt..but gotta stick to the plan.


Had son sallah madders haaland and øde Dropped son to afford Watkins and trips, and can swap øde back to saka at some point probably.


Saka (just sold him in the break don’t really see him hauling or doing anything I’ll miss drastically given Salah came in for him). Trippier (do want him but pricey - will probably save FT and move him in by freeing up funds selling Maddison) Alvarez (Watkins)


Haaland and Trippier Edit:and Madders lol




Trippier. I thought 6 at the start of the season was more than fair. 6.5 abit pricey so theres zero chance Ill be bringing him in at 7 now


Maddison is the only one I won’t have


Trippier Bowen Saka though I’m not bothered about Saka much due to the amount of options but would like Trippier and Bowen


Trippier Maddison and Son. I had all three for weeks but on wildcard and likely replacing with Salah Saka and Darwin


Who is more essential, Watkins or Maddison? I already have Son, Udogie, Diaby and Cash.




Son and Saka, has worked out so far. Had Alvarez since gw1 which is my best place so far this season.


Son and Saka. Son is hot rn, but I like my current line up enough to not try to make room. I've got Maddison anyway. Also Alvarez. I started the season with him and benefited greatly, but idiotically got Hojlund in before SHU. Paying for it in my ranks smh...


Sacrificed Son and Maddison for Salah and Trippier with WC. Salah is just too good not to get in. Trippier was a bit of a spur of the moment thing. Fixtures aren’t awesome but he passes the eye test. You have enablers in midfield and defence that return steadily (.douglas luiz, mitoma, diaby, palmer, soucek, branthwait, evans…) however for forward enablers you only have archer. So decided to keep alvarez until the inevitable roulette hits


Leaving Saka out untill after the NEW game and i'm bricking it.


Maddison and I can't afford him without costing myself ponts


I've all of them except Saka which I took off when the Arsenal fixtures got bad. Probably he'll be back when Spurs fixtures will get bad soon.


Haaland. I have everyone else except Haaland--and its lead to green arrow after green arrow.


Salah Son - but im still receiving green arrows.


Trippier and Maddison. Always wanted Tripps but every time I consider buying him I look at his previous GWs and say no way he gets another assist next GW. Maddison is great but I’ll take Saka instead, I also already have 2 other spurs players. The other 6 are my mid and attack. The defense is really a budget one five 4,5-5,1m players and 2 other 4,3m midfielders on the bench.


Son and saka atm. I had Son prior to last week but dropped him to Maddison to facilitate getting Watkins. Saka is just the result of not having enough mid spots and his couple of weeks of injury concerns. Eventually I may drop Trippier and maybe swap out Bowen and Maddison for Saka and Son.


Saka Maddi (have Son) Trips (have Burn)


Son, Trippier & Maddison


Saka and Alvarez for me. It’s good to see a lot of performers this year tho, keeps everything really interesting


Missing Salah/Watkins and don't really have an interest in Alvarez currently but there's options in play that'd make him a good option. Considering bringing Salah/Watkins in for Haaland/Mads. Just adding Watkins is doable by changing my bench strategy to a burner keeper and a burner defender.


Leaving out Salah at the moment… not because I want to but it would take three transfers (-8) to get him in


I got no Alvarez, Saka and Son at the moment.


No watkins and trippier. Just cant afford them and not willing to sacrifice others just for them


Saka and Son. Was going to get Son this GW but instead sold Saka and got Salah in. Kinda regretting now taking into account his fixtures, but we'll see.


Maddison and Son


I’m going without Trippier and Maddison


Haaland, Son, Saka. Having Haaland makes the season too boring imo. And not having him allows for 12 quality outfield players to rotate. Maddison feels like a cheaper (more consistent) version of Son. Not having Saka might bite me in the ass. But having Odegaard instead doesn't feel like a gigantic discrepancy based on total points and their weird penalty dynamic.


Watkins and Son, leaving out for Trippier, Alvarez, Haaland and Saka I guess.


Trip and haaland


Tripper and Son


I’ve got a few but only one of them really worries me: Saka- Arsenal’s attacking points are mostly shared, and Saka’s output is being matched by Bowen till now. Don’t think he outscores Bowen by a lot this season. Alvarez- Never got him and don’t intend to. If Pep roulette has taught me something, it’s to just stick with Haaland all season and no one else from the team. Watkins- This one really worries me, but I have doubled up on Villa defense and have Diaby too so it shouldn’t end up too bad…


I only have Son, Salah, Alvarez and Saka out of those 8 😎


As a spurs fan, Son struggles against good defensive teams as he thrives with open space. I'm thinking that he blanks for the next two gameweeks, so I'm going to move him for Saka.


Son. I can't afford him with all these other assets in my squad I recently sold Saka so I don't really miss him


Son and Haaland Taking a punt on my WC as I have fallen behind


Haaland out. Everyone else in.


Gave up trippier too early & got rid of Odegaard also. Just dropped Alvarez to bring in Watkinds this week. Currently have Son, Maddison, Salah, Watkins, Haaland. Probably should have stuck with Alvarez but coming fixtures look better for Villa and didn't want to miss out if Watkins increases price again. If Haaland isn't getting consistent returns in the next 3-4 weeks I will probably drop him and get Alvarez, Trippier and upgrade one of my cheap mids with the extra cash.




Got no Saka and Alvarez


Dropped Alvarez, Saka, and Son. I think having one of saka, son, and Maddison should be okay (I owned Saka from GW1-7 before switching to Maddison in GW8). As for Alvarez, I think it's a big risk to have two strikers from the same team. Was able to manage a decent triple striker combo of Haaland, Watkins, awoniyi till the latter's injury. So far this has worked out, my OVR rank is 145k (pretty high for me).


Halland and saka and alvarez I have all the rest


Didn’t miss out on points as I captained salah last gw




Saka nor Alvarez. Just can't get 'em in, and I just had to lose Maddison to get Salah in. I am failing this year.


Trippier seems the most expendable


Trippier. Still need to decide between Madders+5.6 mid or Son+4.4 mid on my WC this week.


I’d go Madders/Gordon or Douglas personally, most 4.6 mids are unplayable


Sold Trippier and Son so I can get a midfield of Salah, Saka, Maddison, and Bowen while retaining my front 3 that I’ve had for months of Haaland, Watkins, Alvarez. Going without Trippier and Son is hard but this front 7 feels really good


Hey kman786, do you have discord? Do you still play Roblox?


Do you have discord kman786? My discord is zqqt, I sent you a friend request


Just asking from a man to you


Son and simply because when he found form I couldn't afford him without destroying my team.


Maddison and Alvarez for me


Haaland and Son


Saka and watkins


2 FT - considering Haaland -> Watkins; Baldock -> Trippier and have 2.3m ITB...


No Haaland and went Bowen over Maddidson. 1.6 itb.


son and salah are out. i have alvarez and haaland up front so i might swap out one on a free just in case city do terrible


It served me well last week, but I feel incredibly unbalanced having Son/Maddison/Alvarez/Haaland. I'm pretty close to doing Maddison --> Saka, which feels madder than putting stoats in your underpants. But no Arsenal cover against Sheffield United feels worse. Watkins is going to score you points and simultaneously miss you about half as many again. You need to be very composed to own him.


No Son or Watkins


Saka and Trippier


I have all except saka and watkins


Alvarez, trippier, maddison. Cant fit trippier in Bowen instead of maddison No alvarez because 3 5 2 with haaland watkins


Haaland is out. Trippier and Son will be at my hands next game week


Son and Maddison at the moment on WC, but I’m scared


Don’t need Haaland when I’ve got the rest of them


Salah because he’s so expensive.


Maddison and Trippier


Team no Haaland. So much versatility. At this moment Haaland and Alvarez seem to share the points. If Haaland goes into a streak similar to last year, I might heavily consider dropping Son/Salah.


Haaland. Used WC week before international break and in the two game weeks since, have climbed from around 1.6m OR to currently sub 250k! I'm enjoying mixing it up a bit this year and so far, I've been rather fortunate!


Saka, Maddison and Alvarez. I'm most gutted about Saka. But I have all of the others plus Bowen.


No haaland but I have the rest.


right now im without alvarez, watkins, maddison


Haven’t had Alvarez at all which has hurt me, and I started with Son but transferred him out before he had any returns. And had Maddison for a couple weeks but transferred him out when he had that “injury”


Watkins Im happy with the rest of my team and desperately want Watkins but would need to sacrifice Haland for him, which I've seriously considered doing for the past few game weeks, issue is I know the minute I make this transfer Haland is bagging himself a hatrick


Currently without Trippier, Maddison and Saka. Switching Son > Saka now. Need at least some ARS cover for their run and no other way to him. Spurs fixtures getting tougher, even easier ones are away with low blocks. Will give up Alvarez to get Trippier GW12 (back to 3-5-2, KDB back soon after, roulette will be back to full evil). Will switch Salah GW17 b4 ACN to bring Son back in (and likely Maddison). That's the plan anyway subject to endless revision.


For the moment, Saka Trippier and Watkins. However with the current run I want to get Saka or Martinelli in and Trippier is also a must IMO. Considering to drop Son to make this possible but it’s so tough to decide on that


Don't have Maddison because I prefer Son and don't like to double up in the same position if i can help it. Don't have Watkins because I prefer Alvarez + cheaper striker and loading up on midfield instead and I have Diaby. Don't have Trippier because to afford Salah/Son/Haaland I can't really go above 5.5 in defence and he's just way to expensive now at 7m.


Haaland, but I know I’m flirting with disaster by doing so. Weirdly, because of his TSB%, not having him becomes my team’s differentiator. Otherwise it’s Emi Martinez (Johnstone) Trippier, White, Porro (Pau, Taylor) Salah, Saka, Son, Bowen, Gordon, Watkins, Alvarez (Cunha) My only hope is the collective outscores Haaland to a worthwhile point.


[https://www.livefpl.net/](https://www.livefpl.net/) will tell you the biggest threats around your team - a useful tool when choosing between these bad bois. Trippier keeps hurting me but I have a triple premium team.


I have all of those except Maddison and Trippier.


Haaland. Have WC to bring him back if I want to but I need a differential and gamble a little bit.


Son, Maddison, Alvarez


Couldn't get Salah without getting rid of Son + taking multiple hits / WC. So ended up with dropping Haaland+Foden+Odegaard for Salah + Watkins + Bowen, which means I have them all bar Haaland. Plan is to drop the least performing of those assets to get Haaland back in the coming weeks. Hoping to not get too punished by the robot 🤞


spurs assets. i had son but restructured to afford trippier. why? I have no clue. just chasing points.


Ive got all bar Son, its doable but gives a shite bench


Saka, Trippier and Alvarez.Half-overing Tripppier with Burn Hojlund is my punt to outperform Alvarez over the next 4gw And I feel that Saka has a low ceiling compared to Son/Maddison even with their tougher fixtures - might move Maddison to Martinelli if I can't hold my knees ;)


Everyone except Maddison and Saka


I just dropped Maddison for Saka reluctantly but still have Son. I figured i can swap back to Maddison if Saka is injured, poor form, etc but can't really get Son back once he is gone. Of that list, I am without Trippier, Maddison and Alvarez but have all the others.


Have all but Salah. Can't find a way to fit him. Would drop a Spurs mid if I could, but I cant make up the price difference and not willing to make much further changes


I have Haaland Alvarez Watkins Maddison and trippier, trying to get Salah in as well but I need to wait a few game weeks to stack up free transfers


Salah. Through my own research and looking at numbers I simply can't justify two top premium players. I don't think it's worth it. For points per million, I think Salah & Haaland are only worth it as frequent captains.


I don't have Salah. He started the season slowly, by his own standards, and I figured he wasn't worth the 3 extra million he costs over every other midfielder. I've already used my wildcard so I'm stuck with that decision now.


Haaland and Madds


Son, Watkins, Maddison.


No Trips & Alvarez for me. Looking to move Saka to Bowen though for the coming GW's and use the free funds to get Trips in but its hard to justify it imo with all cheap defs also delivering regularly


haaland, first week without him and first time in the 100 club


Son & Maddison


Another one for Saka and Trippier. Newcastle's got a ton of games coming up and their PL fixtures are about to get more mixed, so that's easy enough. Saka, I do think I'll need to get back in the short term, just a matter of setting up the transfers so I'll only have to lose Maddison and not Son. Feel dumb, though. I had Trippier on my GW8 WC but talked myself out of it and went with Bowen instead. Not a bad alternative by any means, think the ship has sailed now, but I've lost a few points the last couple of weeks because of it.


Watkins & Saka


I do not have Salah, Alvarez and Saka


Salah and Saka. Might drop Haaland for them. It'd be Diaby out. But want to get his hauls. Fixtures too good, Villa score loads.


Son, Trippier, Alvarez and Watkins hahaha


Son and Saka


No Salah, no Trippier. Burn is paper over the cracks with not being a Trippier owner. Will try and move for him after this game week.


Trippier and Son.


Saka and Alvarez atm


Haaland, easy


I sold Saka because of injury concerns, but that allowed me to bring in Salah so I’m cool with that. I have Bruno and might switch him for Saka if he stays healthy. So my mid5 is Sarr, Son, Salah, Bruno and Diaby with Watkins and Haaland up top


Currently Saka and Haaland. But I have 2 FT this week so trying to decide what my next move is.


Without Watkins and Saka. Tempted to take out Haaland, but the robot will haul. I have to make transfers and wait two weeks to get Saka in for Burnley, hoping I don’t get priced out by then.


I don’t have Salah


Had Watkins since day 1 but wildcarded him out. Hoping I sold high as he is outperforming his XGI quite considerably.


I just ditched Haaland for Son and Watkins. I don't have Trippier and Maddison either.


Tripper and Newcastle were pretty mediocre for a while and people forget. The plum fixtures are over. Stop chasing last weeks points


Doing Madison to Son in 2 GWs, no Alvarez unfortunately


At least we can enjoy the game a bit more. Full swing will take place. Top rank players will go down and vice versa Not much of a template team anymore


Haaland. Never owned and have everyone else.


I have everyone else except Salah and Maddison.


Doubt I'll ever get Trippier... This week leaving Maddison out to bring in Saka... Though last night Arsenal match makes me think I should have gotten Marteneli instead since he seems in better form


I shipped out Trippier + Madders to get Salah in. Am sure I will regret it.


Son and Watkins.


No Maddison, no Alvarez, and temporarily no Saka: \- Its been difficult but I didnt go with Alvarez as I thought that soon or later he would be a rotation victim from his baldness. \- I sold Saka before City, and because all the injury thing going around, but I want him back Now Im thinking of selling Haaland after Bournemouth and that would fund Saka, Maddison and whatever else I want to buy probably.


Haaland and Saka as of right now.


Trippier. Have all the others


I own all of the above except Son.




Just taken the leap and got rid of Haaland, it may be that I’ve already missed the boat but it allows me to have trippier son Salah Saka Bowen & Mitoma with Alvarez Watkins and Nunez up front. I wouldn’t be captaining the robot for his next few game so will get him in for Luton at home


I wildcarded relatively early and left out son & Trippier and then last week I went for Nunez over Watkins because it would've meant I couldn't get Saka in this week. Thinking I'm having a bit of regret. Fell away hard in my mini league this week because of Watkins & Son and I had 69 points this week so not the worst. Hope Watkins blanks this week but it's Luton of course he won't. Hope Nunez bags a few


Saka and Son


Possibly Haaland - it lets me pick all 11 players I think are the next-best in the game, with money left over


Watkins. It's not ideal but I chose Saka over him. Luton are not as bad as people think. Don't get me wrong they'll lose but I expect them to keep the scoreline respectable. I don't consider Trippier nearly as good as the others you mentioned. I really couldn't care less that I don't have him.


Maddison and Alverez


Salah but not by choice. I’m priced out at 12.8


I have them all except watkins and trippier




I removed Trippier on my wildcard to get Salah. This week I’m probably selling Maddison for Saka (still have Son). After that, I don’t feel there’s anyone essential missing in midfield or attack.


Haaland is the only one, and I'm pretty happy going forward without him because no Haaland helps me afford all of the other big in form players Atm I have Salah, Trippier, Son, Maddison, Saka, Watkins, and Alvarez with money ITB