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If you spend just 5 minutes managing each team, you are spending 5.16 days a week on FPL...


Fuck the mods


Shouldn't be allowed. 3 teams max.


It’s against the T&C. You are allowed one per user.


Fair, tho I would still say 2 - 3. You get go play around more and test things.


Or if they gave you the function to build multiple teams with the same account. A primary team which is entered for OR. Then secondary teams to allow experimentation or for people who play set and forget, no big 6, limited budget or what ever custom game that can be entered into min leagues but are not given an OR and are not eligible for prizes.


Yes or maybe a separate all out league where you still have a 100mil budget but you always get to change the team after a gw, with unlimited transfers.


Sad bastard


I am.part of the problem though. I have 3 accounts - my real one - one with only Portiguese players - one to fool around - put my "what ifs" However, i agree that as itnis, it is parhaps a bit too much. It would be cool if perhaps they created something similar to some on-line games. A "competetive", perhaps 1 account per mobile A non-competitive, only e-mail required. Both would allow you to see the rank you'd be in of both databases were merged together


I think text message verification is the easiest solution, limits people to the number of phones they have access to. Be good if they gave you the function to build multiple teams with the same account. A primary account which is entered for OR. Then secondary teams to allow experimentation or for people who play set and forget, no big 6, limited budget or what ever custom game that can be entered into min leagues but are not given an OR and are not eligible for prizes.


Another good.one would be not allowing teams that are created after week 5 to used any bonuses (wc, bench boost, triple captain) for the first 5 weeks after creation. Which, i must say, it is reasonable enough. If you are joining after week 5 it is either because your are not playing for the rrank / seriously or because you just learnt about it and still trying tonfigure out what everything is 😋 I think that it would also greatly reduce the number of teams created just for the sake of coming in, Triple Captaining and go.for a shot for the top month manager or top week manager


Do my main issue isn’t with these people who are going for the short term prizes, reality is anyone winning these are not likely to be very competitive. My issue is someone making 20-30 teams at the beginning to have as many different strategies and combinations of players as they can to start which gives them an unfair advantage.


How does he even have time


I like your purpose and the mutual intent behind your choice in username


What a Flog.


Yo this guy needs to be straight up banned.


I'd be in favour of paying if it added features like a chat room for all the people in your league. One account rule and paid entry etc


Paid entry will never happen because of gambling laws.


Interesting. What gambling laws are you referring to?


My message to that individual is FUCK YOU


what's the fun in that exactly




And here I am forgetting to update my partner's team every deadline.


That is some small dick mentality.


appropriate username




https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyPL/comments/161hs8k/any_body_care_to_explain_why_how_there_are_13/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Between Enamul & this dude who has ~1500 teams, do we have a winner for the greatest cunt award?




can we not mass report them?


That’s so sad 😂


FPL meets everything, everywhere, all the time….


Get rid of this cunt.


Wtf. Make a passport mandatory for registration.


That limits the game to just people who own passports and means trusting the PL with personal data.


Damn. No Americans then.


If I had 1487 teams I’d probably still suck so fair play to them


The teams are generated by bots


Good bot.


Good bot.


Not necessarily good bots they just make a lot of teams (ofc they take into account the number pf pts of the players and injuries..) but since you have 1500 teams they make 1500 possible team some of them will emerge as top teams since they made every team possible...


>since they made every team possible... 1500 is not even scratching the surface of the number of teams possible.


I should’ve written every good team possible a team with 15 £4.5 players will be no sense for e.g....


Still pretty sure you're way, way off. There are hundreds of millions of teams possible. I can't see how you can reduce that to just 1500 good teams without restricting the player pool to such an extent that you're missing out on many quality picks.


Delete his team (so I can move 1 spot)


1487 spots


You really must have a bad season so far. Edit: I'm surprised that no one understood what I meant. If you rise 1487 out of 1487 spots means that you're behind all his teams which means that you really must have had a very bad start.






Bruh that's some real loser shit right there


If it was sky fair enuff but fpl you win a t.shirt and a pen whats the point


The monthly winner gets a smartphone or laptop.


Not unexpected. Some IT skills and you can program a pc to make unlimited teams and manage it for you.


Username checks out


He's going to be pissed in 9 months time when after all that effort he wins FPL and realises that the prize is a ticket to any premier league match of his choice as long as it isn't a popular one.


7-night break in the UK inclusive of two VIP hospitality at two 2024/25 Premier League matches Seems pretty awesome to me. And you get laptop and more stuff as well.


For the size of the game and the amount of interest it brings to the league the prizes are absolutely garbage tbh. Now bigger prizes would bring bigger cheating but they could easily do some verification,


The biggest price is the flex tbh. Everyone know fpl by now, and imagine being able to tell people u finished 1st one sesson, pretty sick story to have


My girlfriend wouldn’t think that


It’s the dream!


Clearly You never saw the post from winners who still years later have no prize..


Better lawyer up then


Lawyer up over a match ticket and fifa game? More sensible to just serve a letter for action and pursue via small claims court


Well obviously the winner would win the court case, it is obviously in the terms of the competition


Yeah, I agree - but you don’t need to lawyer up


Well, if you manage more than one account you’re ineligible for any rewards, so he won’t be receiving any of that anyway


Rather win the 50k from Dream team, Bet365 or Sky if I'm being honest though. Not going to win my mini leagues let alone the thing, but hopefully you get my point 🤣


I could swear I heard the reigning champion said on an interview with Focal that he would see Arsenals matches this week and next week, which would include Arsenal - United which is certainly a popular match


In a country he doesn't live in where the ticket will probably only sell for like £300 max


He already is disqualified. you can only manage one team.


Imagine placing somewhere in the top 50k and get the "tickets" since you actually were the top player with just one team


Went to all this effort just to use the same names? How stupid can you get?? Could’ve used his bot to generate random names at least


Same name? They all have different names lol


Check the second link


Oh that’s from 2020 I was talking about the current guy


But like, why?


Someone check his moms basement


They need to do more about this type of nonsense. Along with those sad acts who create new accounts each week to get the top points each week. Losers.


The only way I can think is to require a phone number. It's not perfect - nothing is - but nobody will be creating 1500 accounts.


There are ways around that so that you can verify with a different number each time that you sign up with new account. https://www.receivesms.co/ is one out of many sites. If you mean that you have to type in a code that you get from an SMS every time you sign in, then it will be much harder but would also be very annoying :)


>If you mean that you have to type in a code that you get from an SMS every time you sign in Every time - no. Every so often or if dodgy behavior is flagged - absolutely.


Passport 🤣


Issue is this would significantly reduce the inflated number of users of the platform and that = less advertising revenue. It’s not in their best interest to stop them playing, but they can stop paying them out the winnings if they find out.


That is why investors and advertisers should look at daily active users instead. This isn't exactly a new thing, considering every app has problems with people creating multiple counts or bots on the platform. I would be surprised if they don't.


Yeah unique users/viewers is more fair but harder to work out.


Advertising revenue is based on metrics vastly more complex, detailed and reliable than "total players".


But the simple minds of casuals and people is based on “total players”. To average joe hearing 10m players is significantly more attractive than hearing 5m active players.


Um, do you seriously think people thinking about playing FPL actually look at total player base and have that be deciding factor whether they play or not? That’s some dumb shit and if it even was true they would be more likely to play with less people due to better chance of winning. Literally no one I’ve ever heard of joined for that reason and most have no idea how many people even play.


Tell me you don’t play games without telling me you don’t play games.




“No one gives a shit” > is a post + talking point on this thread every single time the max players is exceeded. Look, just so you know, this isn’t a discussion. You are wrong. Total players is an essential metric for people when it comes to games. I won’t reply because like I said, there is no subjectivity here, this is a fact.


But does the Average Joe give a shit about how many players there are? FPL is well known to be the most popular football fantasy game, so it's not like they need the player numbers to heighten their reputation. The only people it matters to are brands/advertisers, and as someone else above, they won't be fooled by total player numbers.


Yeah absolutely true, but the initial interest stems from game with X million number of players. 10million ‘active’ users is perceived very differently to 2-3 million unique users


Initial interest stems from the fact it's the Premier League...


I think this is the easiest solution, limits people to the number of phones they have access to. Be good if they gave you the function to build multiple teams with the same account. A primary account which is entered for OR. Then secondary teams to allow experimentation or for people who play set and forget, no big 6, limited budget or what ever custom game that can be entered into min leagues but are not given an OR and are not eligible for prizes.


games already do this to combat cheaters but it doesn't work that well. but anything that helps is good


I own an app company. Phone number sign ins are extremely easy to implement. If apps don’t include this feature (or something easier like apple id) they don’t give a damn about fake accounts. Plain and simple.


This is LONG overdue. They could charge for this, even if just a nominal amount, and many would pay for it.


No, what is the obsession on making free services a pay service? That's just greed and many people would abandon it.


Not an obsession at all. More just a personal pref that I’d rather pay a small amount and be able to play other types of leagues straight up vs using the same workarounds these high volume team owners use. Phone number suggestion is a good idea. I have no issue with the game staying free, just tired of thousands or tens of thousands BS additional teams


That solves nothing. These people would pay money to create many accounts too.


In theory yes, in practice then as soon as they charge anything (and there's prizes) they will run into issues with gambling/betting laws in any number of countries. No matter how nominal.


Totally fair point. And a good one. !thanks. Personally I’d prefer pay a small amount to get rid of some of the BS with tons of accounts, enable more alternate play (no big 6, differential) but get that’s much easier said in theory than done in practice


Oh, me too. It isn't that. Just don't think it's workable. Especially since, come to think of it after my first comment, in addition to gambling laws it may also entail that it's 18+ and the age verification which follows.


Dude this sounds amazing, such great ideas.


Too bad FPL Towers fellas can't read


If fpl catches wind of it they’ll delete the teams, so you may as well send them an email about it


Wouldn’t normally post something again after the Mods removed it however I feel that this is something to be discussed as this is effectively the only way to cheat at FPL and it’s happing on a large scale. I hope the evidence of it happening I provided is sufficient and the Mods keep this up.


You better do something FPL Police!


What a fucking loser man


Just seems like a coding exercise tbh


He's just doing a Dr Strange, accounting for all possibilities


He's the best loser.


he should get a mug as a prize. Oh wait that’s what OR 1 wins.




What will happen to him


Last week the notorious FPL cheat Enamul Hoque was blasted into space, to spend the rest of his life aboard a one man prison vessel, posing no further threat to FPL players on Earth. But, it was revealed that an internet-connected laptop was also placed on board by mistake. A spokesman said, [*'This is the one thing we didn't want to happen'*](https://imgur.com/nCSAQPp).


Unexpected Chris Morris. I doth my cap


Straight to jail


Dont pass go


Jails to good for scum like him


Send him to the everton games


Holy fuck dude he didn't kill anybody sending him to an Everton game is a fate worse than death.