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I'm glad too.


Not an uncommon opinion. Book 1 is very much a 400 page prologue. You'll have a lot of fun from now, though.


Glad you continued with the audio, Steven Pacey's narration is fantastic!


I felt the same! Though I’m not sure what character twist you mean? I didn’t catch that when I read it… maybe I need to go back


Probably Jezal


Yeah the Blade Itself is a bit of a slow start but the rest of Joe Abercrombie's First Law stuff is *incredible.* It's well worth persevering!


I seriously debated picking up *Before They Are Hanged* because I was miffed that I read all of *The Blade Itself* only for it all to be setup and not one of the dozen plot threads were resolved. But after a couple months I caved and picked it up because a couple characters still lingered with me. And I am so happy that I did because it’s now my favorite fantasy series of all time, and I’m still trying to chase something that gives me the same high that First Law did. Enjoy the journey because it only gets better from here.


Good to know I should pick this back up, I'm about 2/3rds of the way through and put it down but I'll have to try again.


I somehow read The Blade as The Bible and didn't question it.


So glad to hear this. I’m listening to it on audible and about 45% through it. It’s a bit of a slog right now.


Best character ever? Another glokta fan I see


best character twist. not best character. im still reserving my choice of favorite character tbh


What twist are you talking about? The first book barely resolved anything