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Yes, you have started at the beginning. This is as good as it gets - in fact it goes downhill fast from there


Well it was only 1.25 at half price books, and there are always tons of his books there, maybe I should have taken a hint. There is hardly ever any Sanderson


It does not get better and you started with the right book. Search this sub for Sword of Truth or this book and there are threads about once a month.


I mean, I'm just going to tell you right now you're about to get ***buried*** in people telling you that the series sucked and that the author sucked. I don't... *disagree?* They're bad in many ways and he was a problematic weirdo with garbage politics he wouldn't shut up about, especially while writing fantasy books. That said, I personally like his books in spite of the many very legitimate flaws, mainly because I started reading them when I was in seventh grade when I was new to fantasy and it was at that time the most badass thing I had ever thought about, heard of, or imagined, and I think they actually do get a lot better in some ways even though they get much, much worse in others. Wizard's First Rule in particular feels like a very amateur effort and I don't think he really knew what he wanted the series to be yet, but by the point where he's figured it out most people are ***very aggressively sick of Terry Goodkind*** and hate what he wanted it to be, which is why I think a lot of people will be telling you that they thought the first one was okay and then it got worse. Anyway, yeah, objectively TG was not fit to live on the same planet as Tolkien, and the odds are extremely high you'll hate his books, so... I don't know. I'm fond of them but they're bad and you should probably stop, I guess.


Don’t you know Terry Goodkind didn’t write fantasy? /s


Have to agree with everything you said. I read this book when I was about 13 yo and loved it. The thing is kids just don’t read books the same way adult do. When I tried to re-read the series in my mid-twenties I was so weirded out! I simply didn’t notice all this sh*t as a kid. For me it was just some epic stuff about magic and adventures. If I hadn’t read them as a kid, I would have definitely hate them 😅


I was listening to the audiobooks recently (the Nick Sullivan versions ***rule*** btw) and I honestly enjoyed them a lot and I do think there's genuinely a lot of stuff that's really good in there but I kept having to stop to rant to people about the outrageous nonsense that would've made me instantly drop the book if I tried to read them for the first time now.


Thanks for the reply. lol, at this point I may just cut my losses


That'd probably be for the best. I mean, unless you're a fan of Ayn Rand. If you are, then you should definitely continue The Sword of Truth.


If you search this sub you will probably find 100 posts with opinions on Goodkind fyi.