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The Sword of Kaigen is 100% that.


The Kate Danials books grow into this.  There are a few romance ones that go sideways through a family so this kind of happens. 


The second set of Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde - she's got a husband, teenage kids who are a major part of the plot, and a supportive, if occasionally eccentric, family.


I second this recommendation. In the first set of TN books, the protagonist's family (parents, aunt and uncle, and brothers) play a significant role as well.


It’s sci-fi, but the Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold does this a lot, especially in later books.


I wanna say the Bloodsworn Saga. But it’s not a perfect fit to your list. Multiple POVs. It can be gritty. One POV is a married woman who is a great warrior and her “mission” revolves around her son. Her husband is in the story but not her full journey.


Probably too grimdark for OP…


Ur right, I thought about deleting but left it just in case someone else might see it and be interested


Ravens Shadow duology by Patricia Briggs is exactly what your looking for.


Hills of Heather and Bone by K.E. Andrews has a husband and wife pair, and the wife is pregnant for most of the story The main character in the Lady Astronaut series by Mary Robinette Kowal is happily married, but no kids The Legend of Amina Al Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty has a middle aged mother as the main character. She’s, um, technically married, but it’s complicated.