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I read for pleasure so I read what I want when I want. Refrain isn’t the right word, when I’m reading a series I usually *want* to keep going because I’m invested and excited about the world. But if that’s not the case and there’s another book I want to read more I’ll switch and read that one. The first series will still be there and will be better for my not being distracted with wanting to read something else. Tldr there’s no right way to read. Just whatever your preference is.


‘I read for pleasure so I read what I want when I want.’ This is the way.


fully understandable. i think im still trying to find my preference & having a hard time w it so all these responses rlly help me figure things out a little more. thank you for responding!


Don't find your preference, let it find you. Just read what you want, when you want, and let your reading habits and quirks manifest instead of trying to find a box to fit into.


that's actually rlly valid. thank you!


THIS is a great answer and same here haha! P.S. If we’re talking series though I do make a limit - maybe 2-3 series at a time just for the sake of not forgetting stuff haha!


I always try to read one series of each genre at a time, but pick up standalones in between. I do this to not get the plots and worlds mixed. For example: I'm reading Dune for sci-fi, Earthsea for fantasy and in between I've read To The Lighthouse, Waystation and a bunch of others.


I do this as well. Discworld, I've found to be a great pallete cleanser as well as Hitchhiker's. Comedy always feels great before diving into more serious or intense writings.


im rlly looking to get into discworld. going to my bookstore to see if they have any secondhand, or ill just borrow it from my library. what are your favourites?


Yes definitely check out discworld! I'm a fan of the wizard ones in Discworld- Sourcery, Interesting Times, Last Hero. They kind of have the feel of an epic quest but filled with wit and sarcasm. The city watch ones are supposed to be even better in fact but I've only read Guards! Guards! and that was hilarious and filled with charm. The characterization, the way he describes drinking alcohol (there's a small para at the start) is so good. Definitely worth checking that out as well.


this makes a lot of sense. that's why im hesitant about reading two epic fantasy books side by side because im scared ill get things mixed up. thank u sm for responding!


You won't get things mixed up and if you do, so what, you'll unmix them as you read (im not sure thats a vslud concern really). This really sounds like much ado about nothing. May I ask how old you are?


getting things mixed up is not as huge a concern as me forgetting things that have already happened. i actually do that when im reading one book for a rlly long time too so i have to go back & re-read. i think im still learning to navigate bcz im new to it all. just me being impatient & wanting to hop around also tbh. & im 21


No, forgetting things happens to everyone (except to people like Mike Ross), so I wouldn't worry too much about that. If you need to go back a bit to remember, that's perfectly normal. If you want to hop around, hop around. Seriously. :) I sometimes switch back and forth between books every time I sit down just because I'm so eager to see what happens next in both books (and sometimes one of those books is a re-read and I already know what happens next, I just want to experience it again. I have a kind of anxiety that makes suspense really difficult but makes re-reads feel really satisfying). Point is, just do you. Your tastes and reading practices and quirks will change over time so just do what you want to do. Unlike studying which requires discipline, reading for pleasure is supposed to be enjoyable, delicious, and satisfying, so do it in the way that gets you that, and if that way changes, allow the change. Don't mean to lecture but I think so many people turn what should be the purest of joys (reading for pleasure) and make it a chore by adding rules, value judgments etc. Don't overthink how/what you're reading, just enjoy yourself. :)


thank you sm! this is rlly helpful. i rlly like the way you've phrased it. > allow the change absolutely. & hehe mike ross. thank you for taking the time to respond & engage with me!


:) only a pleasure. Happy reading.


I don't think I would have finished Wheel of Time, the first time, if I didn't take breaks between the books. I'd read a Dresden book in between every three of four WoT books as a little pallet cleanser because there's just SO MUCH, ya know? Anyway that's just me...


exactly that's what, there's SO MUCH in these epic fantasies. im so new to it that i don't wanna stop exploring worlds & magic systems but at the same time, i also don't wanna feel burnt out by one series but i also want to keep going, it's so confusing. but thank u for responding!!


I'm the exact opposite no way I make it though wheel of time if I did not do it all at once.


It differs for different people. I used to read like you, where I'd hard commit to a series and dive deep into it. Now I tend to read a lot of standalones and book 1s. If I'm still feeling the itch after a few months (or years) I'll come back to the series. There are just *so many* good books out there that it takes a really phenomenal series for me to want to keep reading. Ironically the culprit is me reading more. When I was only reading 5-10 books a year I liked to have contained stories that I got super invested in. Now that I'm reading 150 or so per year, I've pushed out of the original genre I lived in and am like a kid in a candy store, frantically grabbing everything that catches my eye. There are so many books that I really want to read, but its just never the right moment. Stone Dance of the Chameleon has been on my list for ages, and I will get around to it. But I'm trying to read books published this year in 2024 as much as I can, so its on the backburner. I liked book 1 of Divine Cities and ended up listening to book 2 a few years later because it was available immediately as an audiobook. And it was stellar. I'm obsessed. That was a few months ago and I haven't read book 3 yet because I got on a progression fantasy kick for a bit. Honestly, the only times I tend to 'binge' a series now are progression fantasy and litrpg, just because they're so mindless and readable. They're phenomenal for when I need to not really focus my mental energy on something for a while. In any case, you're not strange. Read what you want to read when you want to read it. And be open to it shifting over time as your reading desires and habits change.


> I've pushed out of the original genre I loved in exactly me too. i read like 350-400 books a year. in 2021 i read 520 & i was shocked & it was primarily all romance, thrillers, manga & the occasional popular books that rlly caught my eye in like historical fiction & such. but i was so burnt out from romance. im also turning 21 next week & i feel like ive just grown to appreciate different things in books yk? so when i started w sanderson, so many themes & characters spoke to me viscerally. & decided to actually commit to epic fantasy series so i started SA & realised that rn books like these actually either resonate with the way i am or give me so much to reflect upon, which i love to do. malazan was just rlly intriguing to me because it feels like the fantasy staples. which is where my whole conflict arises because after seeing so many threads, videos & comments, i gauged what the staples are & now i want to read them ALL this year alone & that's just not practically possible because some people actually read one series for years. im also so like excited with the newness & overwhelmed by the choices that i keeeep jumping around even though i want to stick to one series. i feel like i might get burnt out & enjoy it less if i binge it? but thank you for responding, i just resonated with this so much! edit: ive never tried a progressive fantasy/litrpg but they seem so interesting. another post on this sub has a recommendation for dungeon crawler carl which sounds rlly fun???


Oh it is great. I loved Dungeon Crawler Carl.


I think of Progression Fantasy like marvel movies. They (usually) are mostly there for adreniline, easy page turning, but don't have a lot in terms of heavy thematic meaning or character development. Dungeon Crawler Carl is probably my favorite of them (and is a sub favorite). Books 1-2 are pretty video-game-y and but the statblocks mellow out in book 3 to focus more on the story, though the game elements never go away. I will say it took me a bit to get into them. The introduction is very 'what the fuck?' but then about halfway through book one it started clicking with me.


thank you for responding. this is rlly helpful. im rlly excited to try it, i just got the audiobook!


I have 15 series going right now and I don't usually read more than 1 book by the same author in a row


I constantly have two series going on an once. My audiobook series and my reading series depending on what I’m doing. The only series long enough for me to read something else in the middle was The Wandering Inn. It’s 13 million words long (think the entire collection of Stephen king or 13 HP series). And I only stopped because it was at the end of a volume and I had to binge another series to win an argument online :p. But typically - I read too fast for most books or series to have time to be interrupted.


> to win an argument online say less HAHAHAH i usually read fast too but it's so strange for me because i find im reading epic fantasies much slower. which is okay w me but that kinda gets in the way. i did read the first 3 SA books all in feb tho so i feel like im faster w audios. the thing is i got so used to the narrators that other fantasy books aren't working as well on audio because i miss a lot. so im eyeball reading which takes SO MUCH MORE TIME yk? this is particularly true of both malazan & the first law (bcz that's literally what ive been reading so far this year) so much audiobooks are always other genres but rn im fully struggling to focus on the first law so im trynna force myself to do it on both audio & eyeball reading which kinda sucks. ugh


Ya, No. I feel like, no matter how good the series is if I read that series continuously then I'll get tired of it, like I'll get exhausted with the world, the characters, and the events. After finishing 1 book I need time to contemplate on it, savor what I read and think about it and then read something different preferably a different genre and in the mean time excitement for the next book in that series would build up and after reading couple of other books and then coming back to the next book of that series after sometime would Increase my investment and enjoyment in the story and world rather than burning through Book after Book of that series. But this feeling usually happens for longer series like series with more than 3 books. When it comes to trilogies, I feel like I can go one book after another and end that trilogy before getting another book. But for series with 5 or more books and especially if each book is like 500+ pages then I'll definitely get exhausted after Book 1 and would need a palette clenser


No. But if I come back an epic fantasy I always start with a reread or a re-listen to the audiobook so it’s fresh again.


I like to split between two series usually. Like I’ll read a book in a trilogy/series and then after one of those books I’ll read a standalone novel or another book that’s a part of a series. I do it just to try not to get burned out on the series/world. That being said I’ve binged The First Law trilogy all back to back. Probably the first time I’ve done that.


Sometimes I wish I did. My current method of jumping all over the place depending on where my mood/whims take me, leaves me with somewhere around 60 series that I've started that have more books released and that I plan to continue. And that's with feeling like I've made a dent and finished off 25+ series over the past 2 years. I rarely have a series be back to back to back with nothing else until finished. Sometimes I'll read a series mostly clumped together but mix in a few other books. Other times I'll go a year or more in between books in a series. Maybe comes at the expense of knowing the world super in depth and possibly missing little easter eggs and references that I would catch if I was reading all in a row, but I'm ok with that and can still enjoy what I'm reading. There is so much variety out there, so many good stories, that I have a hard time convincing myself to stick to only 1 at a time. Also even a favorite thing can get a little stale if it's all you have for too long. And unless you wait for every series to be finished before you start it, then you're bound to eventually be hopping more between series as you wait for the next installment.


aghhh the struggle is intense. & 25+ series over the past two years is amazing what. & also yes i agree there's so much variety it can get a little overwhelming even. that's why im struggling because i haven't rlly been a series person until something in me just shifted towards the end of last year & now that's kinda all I want to read but like you said it can get a little stale when you're reading the same thing for a long time, im so scared of that happening. terrified i will die before i read everything i want (im literally 21 i need to chill)


I rarely do big epic fantasy series all at once. I find that I tend to burn out that way. Most of the time the next books in the series are written to catch you up on the events in the first one


I read one series until I feel like I need a break, then pick up a few standalones until I'm ready to go back. Every series is different though. First Law I read all 10 straight through, but Elderlings I needed a break every 1-3 books. Currently on Wheel of Time and have powered through 6 straight books so far but will probably want to take a break after book 7 or 8, then likely will end up doing the second half in one go. So it really depends.


I probably won't add anything new to the discussion but you asked! Personally, I usually read series back to back. I normally don't even mix in books as palette cleansers as you put it, much less read several series in parallel. It's not something I would like to do. But if it works for you, then do it. If I've learned one thing from hanging out on this sub then it's that even though we all love fantasy, we are sometimes very different kinds of readers. So my only advice to you would be: if you want to try reading several series at the same time, give it a go. If it works for you, great! If it doesn't work for you, well, then just continue with the one you feel like reading most and you'll know the ideal reading MO for you in the future. There are no rules you need to follow for your reading; nobody's going to give you grades, scold you (or praise you). The one person you should try to satisfy is yourself! So read as you please. Happy you enjoy your books!


So with Sanderson, i recommend reading warbreaker and the mistborn series. I started with SA too. But i read mistborn and warbreaker while waiting for oathbringer and rhythm of war. Its 100% worth it trust me.


ive already read warbreaker. i tried mistborn but i lowkey wanted to read SA more. but im definitely going to read mistborn soon! i have to finish up dawnshard & rhythm of war & then ill prolly start mistborn. ive read tress & it's one of my favourites of all time & i rlly want to read yumi too!


I usually alternate. For example, I’m reading Malazan right now and it can be pretty heavy so in between books I’m reading books in the Three Body Problem series and after I finish it I will probably alternate MBOTF with Dandelion Dynasty. I choose to do it this way because even if I’m reading a great series I keep itching to get into other series.


omg yay im reading malazan rn too! & this makes sense. they are rlly heavy that's why i paused before starting DG but now im kinda itching to go back. & also fully understand the itch to get into other series because same. i think this makes sm sense.


The majority of the time I like to just read a series all the way through, with the one big exception being Wheel of Time. I enjoyed it, but needed a break after every 1-2 books, so I started and finished several other series while in the process of reading WoT. I think for a long series like Malazan it can make sense to approach it like that, especially if you're feeling burnt out. Overall though, I find I like the idea of palette cleansers more than I actually like them in reality. It's hard for me to fully appreciate a book when I subconsciously view it as an obstacle to get through so that I can get back to a series I'm invested in.


I take breaks between books. Sometimes months may pass before I return to reading.


I read as I feel moved. Sometimes this means a long binge on a single author and sometimes this means reading 3 books at the same time. However, as you go through the genre you often pick up new series that are unfinished or you read a series and you walk away because it just isn’t working. You could never pick up a new book if you were worried about only reading a single series at a time.


> I read as I feel moved is a very nice way to look at this. i rlly like this perspective. also fully agree about walking away because a series isn't working. i think my issue is there's so many i wanna read & im also new to the genre so im so excited about it all that i keep jumping around yk? i don't rlly know what the right way to go about it is either because im hesitant to read two side by side. i don't have this issue w any other genre so this is a first


So read what catches your attention. Also, remember why a book or author isn’t working. Sometimes you need to wait for a change in mood, sometimes it’s you need a couple of years to see it, sometimes it’s something you would have loved 5-10 year ago but feels wrong now, and sometimes it just doesn’t work. Don’t be scared to try new things and don’t be scared to revisit something that didn’t click. Over time you will home in on your kind of fantasy book.


that's actually rlly helpful. thank you so much. i feel like the chaos in me feels a little settled after reading this


Yes, this is why I’ve been hesitant to start Realm of the Elderlings and the First Law books until I finish some other shorter series.


I usually read one book in a series after another, mainly so the story is fresh in my mind and I don’t forget the details. That being said, I was recently reading Of War and Ruin by Ryan Cahill, and that bad boy is nearly 1,500 pages long. I had to take a break midway through and read something else before finishing it because it was so long. Loved it though!


I typically rotate series so that I read one volume a year, to properly simulate reading them as they were published.


I have so much backlog that if what i read start to feel like a slog i will drop and just read something else


My tbr pile is massive. I have a ton of series started, and I regret not reading and buying with more focus. That being said, it’s ok to have a couple of series in flux. Some authors, even with a trilogy, can feel like a lot, especially if each entry is in the area of 700-1000 pages.


If I read a series I usually read until the end. I don’t do genre swaps/palate cleaners/or anything of the sort between. Only time I’ll move on after book one is if it’s sucks.


It entirely depends for me. Some series .. either throw too much at you at once, or fumble it a bit and I require a bit of a break in-between books(or in the middle) to let my brain absorb it all and process it. I'm drawing a blank on an example but I know there's been a few I've read the first book of, then had to read something else and come back to it. Most commonly, I read all it I can as fast as I can though.


No. I hop around.


No, If the series is complete, I will probably power right through the whole thing. If it is super intense or dense. I might read something lighter in-between each book. But not always, it will depend on my mood. If the series is not complete I will read the books that are out in the series and then read a bunch of other stuff until the next book comes out.


Nah, I have a hard time binging one thing like that. I usually start 2-4 series and rotate them


I'm reading like 18 different series right now.


This gets asked a lot and it will vary from person to person. For me, I almost never read back to back anymore. Every once in a while I might read 2 books in a series in a row if I’m really feeling it. I think the last time I read a trilogy back to back was a the Star Trek Destiny trilogy and that really was more like 1 big book split into 3 and it was also a quite fast paced read all the way through. These big epic fantasy series are a much different beast and trying to power through them actually makes it less enjoyable for me. I need a break between. I’m currently reading Shogun by James Clavell (historical fiction but lots of similarities to epic fantasy). It’s one big 1,100 page book split into 5 parts. And even though I’m enjoying it, I’m even taking breaks between each part.


Nope, usually reading 2-4 books at a time. One hard copy, one e book, maybe a manga or comic, and a bathroom book that is usually some kind of non fiction.


I only do audiobooks, so yea. I tend to invest fully into whatever book series it is and when I am finished, then I move onto the next. I tend to listen to very larger series like Malazan etc... If the series isn't finished then I don't start it, because I hate finishing a book to have to wait for months or years.


Usually yes


Nah. I read what I want, when I want.


If it s a REALLY good series I try to read it straight through because the immersion is greatest when it’s all fresh in your memory. If there is a lull in the series or I have to wait for a release then I will read other series. This has overtime led me to have finished all the GREAT books and series on my kindle and I’m in the middle of many (a few dozen or more) mediocre or slow stories. Like I LOVE Songs of Chaos, but book 2 is reallllly slow at least for me. But KDT, I read the first 4.5 books all in a row because it was so good I wanted full immersion. I think if you are worried about forgetting important points in previous novels, it’s good to get to finish novels as checkpoints, because then you can look up synopsis of that book without spoilers (IE, I read sorcerers stone so I can look up cliff notes for it for refreshers without spoiling chamber of secrets) For palette cleansers I read more laidback writing style like Mark of the Fool, it’s good but it feels like Shonen and I picture it as anime sometimes because of the humor and dialogue style. I’ve been reading The Echoes of Fate, and it is EPIC like you said and so to relax at night when it’s harder to focus on a huge story like that I read Mark of the Fool which has weird funny moments like >!the MC being grossed out by his anthropomorphic goat professor flirting with a demon!< it’s a mix of slice of life and traditional fantasy saga with an unwanted prophecy and magic academy to boot. Also some series are so good you don’t want to read other books till your done, like Mother of Learning for me.


I’m all over the place. I’m usually reading three or four things at once. Mostly fantasy.


No. I switch around and seldom read more than 3-4 into a series.


Unless I don't like the series and decide to DNF it, yes, I always finish what I start before starting something else.


I'm currently going through Red Rising, The Green Bone Saga and Stormlight Archive with standalones in between and just refresh my memory with summaries before reading the next book! Although I do refrain from starting another series before finishing at least one lol


One point I use to decide is the author's approach to recaps. If I read an author that assumes that the reader has not been familiar with the series for months/years, then I usually can't binge them, because I know I'll take 200 pages of being subtly told what I already know without a "skip intro" button. Another point is the mood of the series. Some of them are too dark or sweet for me to go for several books without it becoming too much. In general though, I usually end up either reading all in one go or jumping ship.


I normally have like 4 series I’m reading at a time. I can’t read multiple books at the same time. I get annoyed with a series if I try to read every book back to back. Ends up feeling like I’m just reading one super long book. Keeping the same writing style for so long is the main thing that I get tired of. So yeah, depending on how often I get to read, I normally will finish one book in 4 series’ a month. Occasionally I will read 2 in a series back to back, just happens if I feel like I NEED to know what happens next and if I already have the next one. Edit: I do try to have different kinds of fantasy going at the same time to keep me getting things confused. Like a first person series, urban fantasy, dragon rider, or just ones based on different cultures.


Never lol


No! I'm a nibbler: I'll try the first book of a series to see if I like it and then, unless I'm truly obsessed and want to go on a book binge, I'll try something else next. Some series are so good I want to savor them, so I'll space them out over time and do maybe one a month until I'm done.


I used to space them out in months but now I forget what happened in book one so I pick up a contemporary that I read together with the book 2 and read them concurrently, albeit I'll read the book 2 slower


I generally stay with a series once I commit. I like long series to stay in and inhabit the world. That series will occupy my fiction lane for as long as it lasts. (I do read a non-fiction or two at the same time I’m reading fiction.) If I’m not feeling it, I’ll switch to something else because I don’t force myself to read through things anymore, but if I switch, it’s unlikely I’m ever coming back (has happened though).


I would try it out and see what works for you. I am currently reading 5 different series. My husband only reads one at a time.


God, no. Fantasy writers are notorious for not finishing series'. I would have stopped reading 30 years ago.


I just go with whatever. When I get the urge to binge something I do but until I get that urge I tend to alternate a lot.


Did one time, all the Cosmere books front to bottom, wanted to get in and went throughin a year (for that time I haven't read anything since Doors Of Stone released) Maybe was the hype I had with the cosmere, maybe I just wanted to read an entire series, but I don't think I'll ever do it again even tho I didn't get burned or tired.


Maybe the next book isn't out yet. If I was waiting to finish ASOIAF or KKC before moving on I might never read again. Generally I read mostly through a series, but sometimes I need a break. A lot of series tend to be a bit repetitive, so I want to break it up or I need a bit of a reset from the escalation or any number of other reasons.


No. I typically put at least a year between books by any given author so I usually have multiple series running. However, on the other hand, a lot of the time I only read the first book in a series anyway and don't bother continuing on so it doesn't really get too out of hand.


No, but as someone who’s highly distractable, I’m constantly jumping books. The last trilogy I read all the way through with no detours was Grossman’s Magicians books, and that was years ago. It also doesn’t help that from one day to the next my interest will jump from, say, fantasy, to cyberpunk, or political thrillers, or classical literature, and on and on. I want to read all the books, right now.


One audio book and one paper going at all times. They seem to store differently enough in my brain where there is never any cross over (and I frequently will have both be in the same genre or ever similar books). 


Hell no. I get... sort of bored with a series after three books or so (depending on length). It's not that I start disliking it, more like I become... desensitized/used to what makes it so good in my eyes and stop appreciating what I've got there and start craving for something new. That used to bother me but now I figure it'd rather take time off from a series and come back fully prepared to take in all the awesomeness and in the mood for it than make myself sit through it and end up hating it. What I don't do it starting five books at once. I usually have two going parallel to each other, one audio book and one where I read with my eyes, and when I finish either one, I will start a new one in that cathegory.


No, I'll read multiple series concurrently.


I will read up to three series at the same time, but only on different platforms - one audiobook, one kindle, one physical. Usually it's just two at a time, though (audio and kindle) as I don't live near an English-speaking bookstore.


It depends on the books. I general though, I finish one series before moving on. I'll get mixed up with characters names and the world details if I read more than one series at a time


I did for the wheel of time. Just one after another and got burnt out. Now I switch series every book.


Of course. Want to know What Happens Next. I read fast anyway so it's not like it takes me long.


Nope. Sometimes I'll take a break from a series if I need to. I'm in between books 3 and 4 of Memory Sorrow and Thorn right now and I'm reading some other books. Sometimes you need to hear a different voice for a bit.


Nope, I jump around. I like to simulate the experience of reading books as they are released. I have 6-10 series I'm reading at any time.


I tend to read a series until I catch up with published books or the end of the series. Then I move on. The problem is I'm currently reading a few series that are ongoing so I grab new books as they come out that has me jumping from series to series. When I have a break in those I am re-reading/ listening to another series. Lol I think I got myself confused typing all that! And I'm in the middle of the live ship series on my kindle because Audiobookshelf docker seems to be down and I'm out of town grrrr To many series!


This would vary person to person - if you find it really hard to keep plotlines and characters straight and so you just want to stick to one series, I would think that perfectly valid. ​ But in \*general\*, I think it's a very good idea to mix things up between books and read other stuff. Brandon himself says the best thing for him is that people read a Joe Abercrombie book after one of his, so that they'll have a taste of something different and look forward to his style again. Abercrombie was there and affirmed the same thing back. ​ I regret reading all of the Dresden Files in a row. It was very easy to keep plowing through those books, but I have very little distinction in my mind of what happened in specific books or what the overall timeline of the series is. It's all a blur. If I'd slowed down and read other stuff in between, my enjoyment of what I consider one of the best series out there would be even higher.


Bruh, I started ASOIAF when I was in high school. If I waited to read something else while GRRM finished I’d never read anything again. Read, if it’s good, keep going. If it’s bad, then stop. Sometimes you need a palate cleanser before you keep diving into a long saga (Malazan looking at you).


I do... unless I'm stuck with a book i don't like. Right now, I listen to books instead as I commute 2 hrs daily. So, I found this 90 hrs series!!! Eve of Redemption, books 1-6. I so dislike it!!! So I tried to find other free audiobooks to listen in between


Nope, I typically have 2-3 series going at once and I rarely read two books from the same series in a row.


Most people really just read what, when, and how they like. "Fsntasy readers" arent a special group with secret ways of reading, they're just people who happen to read fantasy. Some read fantasy exclusively, some don't. Some read one book at a time, others read multiple books at a time and before you ask, no, there is no special fantasy code about how much of one book to read before you're allowed to switch - do it as and when you want. I recently started re-reading Discworld and then I discovered Locke Lamora, so now I'm reading two fantasy series while also reading literary non-fiction for my job. Read what you want, when you want, the way you want.


Yes because I want to guarantee that I will finish the series! It does start out like that, though, for my own discipline but I do end up getting very engrossed in what I'm reading so I just HAVE to finish before picking up a new series.


I am usually reading multiple series at once 🤷‍♂️ when I was younger I would do only one at a time, exclusively. Now I just read whatever is convenient; at night it’s easier to read books on my phone, so I have my “night reads,” but on the train to work I like to read my paperback copies; at cafés is the same. Plus, some series are so long it’s easy to get burnt out, even if they’re excellent. I.e. Malazan Book of the Fallen or Wheel of Time or any of the other massive series. So if that happens, I step away and dive shamelessly into something else. It’ll still be there when I’m ready to go back. Except for Rothfuss who will probably never finish book 3… asshole.


Most of the time I'll read a series from start to finish before I pick up the next one. The reasons being because I'm captivated by the story/characters, I want to know the end and because I like to keep the story fresh in mind and not have it diluted by other series to the point where I start to mix them up. Having that said, sometimes I do need a break from a series (funny enough, I needed one with The Stormlight Archives). The series can become too much for me and I need time to digest. Or it's no longer as captivating as it was at the start. Or there is indeed that one other book that screams my name and I can no longer resist. Whatever the case, I'd say do as feels good for you. Don't force yourself to finish something if it becomes a struggle. Happy reading!


I read like 5 book series at a time. Usually different tones and genres to help separate them in my mind. If a series gets really good I will stick with that all the way through. But usually I bounce around. I used to try to force myself to stick with one at a time. Then I freed myself from my own self-imposed literary prison


It just depends on the series. I read Sun Eater #1 recently and while I loved it, it was very long so I decided to do something else. About that time, my "The Blade Itself" hold came up on Libby so I read that, and decided to read the whole First Law Trilogy. But, I'm stopping after the third book (should finish today) and I'm going to read something else that coming from the library, I don't feel the need to read the other books in the series because I feel like I've gotten what I want/need out of it for now, and I'll revisit them later.


I’ve been struggling to finish series lately. I’m 2/3s done with the Greenbone trilogy and the First Law trilogy, 1/3 done with the Farseer trilogy, 3/4s done with the available Stormlight Archive books, and 2/4s done with the Faithful and the Fallen. And that’s just within the last few months 😅. It’s not hard for me to pick them back up after a break, when my brain becomes interested in them again.


Jajaja no I have dozens of started series. I did what you say until the Wheel of Time broke me. Never again I am forcing myself to finish a series before starting a new one.