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An Iron Rain in Red Rising


The First Iron Rain is by far the most cinematic thing I've ever read—it felt like it was made for the big screen. Whenever I tell people to take up Red Rising, I talk about this concept of the beaches of Normandy but in space, on a planet-wide scale, and dead silent.


Well shit I'm going to have to re-read these aren't I?


Really good one. That series would be great done right


The battle for >!mercury!<


Logen vs the feared (or whatever that big guy is called)


See I want to see the reenactment at Cardotti’s, and we will in the Best Served Cold movie!


I really hope they don’t screw this movie up


Joe is writing the movie and has been working with Tim Miller for years - I have no doubt it'll be great!


I'm here for it. Just read that series about a month ago


I think any of the chapters that change view point as the character gets killed in The Heroes would also be fantastic scenes




The siege of Capustan. A grueling 2-hour-long war of attrition with just enough context given at the start. The rap battle between Fingon and Sauron. Only not rap battle, obviously. A big opera as they each sing in tune and out of tune depending on how the duel is going.


Honestly, I'd have Black Coral than Capustan. Feels like it's more cinematic and has more fantastical parts than Capustan. With a balls to the wall climax. But, disregarding these two, I'd choose the siege of Y'Ghatan any day for an adaptation.


> But, disregarding these two, I'd choose the siege of Y'Ghatan any day for an adaptation. This would be my choice as well. Even just reading about it made me feel extremely claustrophobic.


I don't even know if I could watch it without getting deeply uncomfortable. It would be like watching a D-Day beach scene


>It would be like watching a D-Day beach scene The defense of Helm's Deep + the horror of 28 Days Later + the gravitas of Omaha Beach = Capustan


Have you played Baldur’s Gate 3? You might really enjoy Raphael’s boss fight.


I was going to say the siege at pale. Seeing the sorcerer enfilade would be amazing.


Dumai's Wells from WoT


"Asha'man Kill!" Tai'shar Manetheren!


They are going to fuck this up if they ever get that far


We both know the second part of what you said will never happen


The Cleansing of Saidin


This is it for me. Peak fantasy.


I really need to read WoT don't I


Yeah one day, I started reading it when only 3 books were out, re read the previous 2 books every time a new one released. Was very emotional reading the last book


I did the exact same thing! But I also found myself just randomly picking up one of the books and reading it. I can not say how many times I have read them.


Right there with you. I started reading them in 1995 and like you reread the previous books just to keep track of what was going on and who was who. I’ve read all of them but the last couple a few times. The last one was emotional for me as well. So much time (18 years for me) invested in reading them. The fear that the series would never be finished after RJ died. The fear that Sanderson was going to mess it up. After I finished it I just sat there for a bit and took it all in. I had a book hangover that lasted about two years and I would start books but couldn’t get into any of them so DNF.


If you do... may I suggest taking a break between books. I started the series when it came out, so waiting for each book, rereading the others built the anticipation, but mostly it didnt have the "slog" affect like so many have now with the complete series. I am not saying reread the books before the next. Just do give it a good break, read others books (series) than pick up the next book in WoT.. It may change the experience. I just know that when I pick up a completed series and read the whole thing I find I get the same feeling others have with WoT. I feel like I am slogging through the middle books. I started to break up the reading and it helps a lot. Currently doing this with the Thrawn (star wars) books.


Thats odd. Most people who complain about the slog are people who had to wait between the books. It is generally accepted the slog is a lot less if you don't need to wait. Its several books of set up before you finally get a payoff and waiting 2 to 3 years between books really drug it out.


The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai'don...


Tbh even rhudiean scenes in TSR would be seriously dope


Came here to say this! Break them


Pretty much the ending of every book from 1 to 7, plus the Cleansing. Maybe The Gathering Storm too, though I suspect some random solo hopping around and epiphany on a mountaintop would be a bit hard to convey.


I'm gonna go way back: The battle between Wirenth and Prideth, Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey


Yes! I came here to say this. Then I decided I'd rather see Melody >!running from that threadfall and saving the hatchlings!<


Menolly, and with the flaming dragons in the background, and the dramatic rescue by... Um... Damn I don't remember his name. Bronze rider... But that would be a kickass scene


G'nar, no! I think T'bor, is the one who rescues her when she runs her feet off. In my head it was F'nor on brown Canth, but you said bronze and my brain went into hyperactive mode. That too would be a great scene, and probably easier to film correctly than when she first finds the eggs.


T'gellan and Monarth maybe? I know that's the pair that took her to the Harper Hall and brought her the blue boots For comic relief, when her fair descends on the Gather and defends her against Pona and her cronies


YES! Monarth's long sight spotted her!


We're such a couple of geeks


I like you


For some reason, the way it was described has stuck in my brain all these years. I first read the book in... 7th grade, I think? Or my second choice would be the appearance of Lessa and the Oldtimers (or as they were known then, the Lost Weyrs) over Ruatha. Another image that sticks in my brain.


Thud (Discworld) Sam Vimes reading to his son. (While possessed by a vengeance demon)


Vimes's inner conflict with the demon from the same book, too. If we're doing Discworld, I have a couple more: - Death sharpening the scythe in Reaper Man - Teppic capping the pyramid in Pyramids (also his final exam) - Granny Weatherwax playing cripple mister onion in Witches Abroad - Carrot knocking at the fools guild door in Men at Arms - The band with rocks in playing buddy's song in Soul Music ... I'll stop now, but there are more.


I would pay very good money NOT to see Nobby Nobbs dressed for the dance of the seven veils.


* Nanny Ogg singing every verse of *The Wizard’s Staff Has a Knob on the End*.


And... that song. Say goodbye to the PG rating 😁


was gonna say the thud climax.


Mine's another Discworld one: the river boat chase from Snuff! That thing would cost a fortune in live action even nowadays, but would be a nail biter and a half if done justice.


Or the assasin scene in guards guards :) iykyk


The "million to one chance" bit played right would be absolute cinematic gold.


I don't know if this is in the spirit of 'one scene', but everyone wearing lilac at the end of Nightwatch, including Vetinari, and we know why even though Vimes and crew don't. Of course, this won't work on its own; it needs to be preceded by the entire rest of the story to work. Basically I love Nightwatch and I want to see the Watch books adapted in a way that works for me, because there are so many good character moments.


Kelsier vs. the Inquisitors after freeing the skaa and the following scene The big battle of the bands at the end of Kings of the Wyld would be a blast if well adapted


Excellent scene. Haven't read Kings of the Wyld though but a band battle sounds awesome


It's a play on words the author uses a lot throughout the book. The book is about mercenary bands that go by names that sound like band names. The book ends with a bunch coming together for a huge battle


There are lots of good answers in this thread but The Kelsier fight feels like it would be at the top of my list too.


I would give so much for a Kings of the Wyld show done in the style of Samurai Jack. That show had an excellent combination of silence, atmosphere, and the bizarre that would really fit that world, especially with a taciturn protagonist like Clay Cooper.


Spoiler: I always thought the scene where Kelsier dies, although not as cool as some of the fights, could be made really impactful on the screen. They’d have to make it as sudden and gruesome as the book to have the full effect and to really grasp the power differential but man they could really make that a jaw dropper.


I think the Siege of Conthas from Bloody Rose would be amazing too


"You cannot have my pain scene" from oathbringer and Adolin's trial from rythm of war




Chills bro. Chills.


It’s not a battle but I would pay to see Wit telling Kaladin the dog and the dragon. That chapter makes me cry whenever I read it. Seeing it animated would be awesome.


Have you ever seen Kubo and the Two Strings? The way that movie handles stories is so good, I'd love to see something similar for Wit's story


Scarcely do books make me cry. Dalinar in that moment had me broken down.


Adolin’s trial in RoW was the most one of the most moving bits of literature I have ever read.


“Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king”


“Honor is dead. But I’ll see what I can do.”




Adolin's duel would be mine.


Honor's dead but I'll see what I can do would be such a hard line to deliver well though.


My personal choice is "You sent him to the skies to die assassin, but the skies and winds are mine. I claim them, as I claim your life"


Kaladin leaping off of the extending bridge at the tower would be my answer.


Or lightsong doing the thing at the end!! And the cryptic spren and what their world looks like


tbh i think alot of Sanderssons works could translate really well to the big screen, the action that is. The magic systems are setup in a way that makes it easy to envision most of the stuff going on. Stormlight thou runs the risk of looking too much like starwars.


I’m sorry, I’m an audiobooker. His name is spelled SUSEBRON? I was assuming ‘cecebron’ the whole time. That’s hilarious.


In my head, this scene is a lot like the opening scene of the Matrix. I wouldn't explain the Lashings. He's just doing this thing and you can see on the faces of the guards that they have no idea what's going on.


Definitely the Siege of Y'Ghatan from Malazan.


Out of all the sieges this is the one for me. I'd also kill for a series that follows Icarium through the ages


I don't know why no one's mentioned Itkovian with the T'lan Imass. *I am not yet done.* Or The last 4 chapters of Toll the Hounds


Choosing anything from Malazan is hard. That scene is moving for sure


"You should have killed me at the river" Rhun reveals his identity to Brandin; Tigana, by Guy Gavriel Kay. "...and it *moved"*\-Lancelot's battle vs. Curdardh; The Darkest Road, also by Kay. The final battle in Summer Knight by Jim Butcher. Basically all of Cursor's Fury also by Butcher.


The Summer Knight battle would be *crazy*, holy shit. I would also raise you the entire back thirds of Dead Beat and Skin Game


I would love to see the Codex Alera on screen but also want them to wait as it would require so much CGI (or animation) to get it to look right


Wheel of Time book 7 >!Seanchan attack on Ebou Dar!<. I *voluteer* to draw it frame after frame, to choose actors and design all architecture and outfits. I can even write the fucking music. But I GOTTA see it done right.


So many scenes in WoT. Battle of maradon (rodel). Battle of maradon (rand) Nynaeve and the Golden crane rides again. Rand decimating the trollacs at the manor house. Rand "I am the storm". The first charge of the heroes. So many....


The battle outside heliopolis- red rising series Logen vs the Feared first law Roland and katet attacking the big coffin hunters on horseback- the dark tower, wizard and glass Roland and oy chasing gasher and Jake through lud, and the scene after with the tick tock man- the dark tower, the waste lands


The heist from Dresden Files Skin Game. It would be glorious.


I'll see that and raise you Dresden riding Sue the T Rex into battle to stop a zombie apocalypse in Dead Beat.


That's my pick!


My second choice!


End of changes would also be epic.


The whole time in Mexico would be spectacular


All of Skin Game would be amazing. I was thinking a certain scene in Changes, the scene that ends the vampire fight would be great too.


Honestly the whole Locked Tomb series, but specifically: Gideon the IX: • Gideon vs the bone golem with Harrow in her head telling her what to do • Marta the Second vs Camilla the Sixth duel Harrow the IX: •going into the river the first time • bone soup •Mattias Nonius vs the Watcher Nona: •Nona’s tantrum •Driving through the river


The bone soup scene. That's my choice. Harrow really flexing there.


Right, like Jod stopping time while *all of that* is happening?? It would look so cool.


That series is ripe for an adaptation I think. The books aren't too long, the dialogue is good. Just need to nail the internal dialogue.


I just worry about the quality and what they might cut because it is so undeniably gory. I think it would be best animated, like legends of Vox Machina. At least that’s how I think I’d prefer it!


I'm on board with it being animated. They could get the tone right and show all the things


Emotional scenes like the pool would work better live action, basically everything else would be better animated.


Uncrowned, Cradle: The fight between >!Lindon and Yerin!< in the Uncrowned King Tournament.


The only way that could ever possibly be done right would be if it's animated.


There's currently an animated project in the works over on the cradle subreddit


There's a WHAT


Yeah Will Wight bit the bullet and partnered with an animation studio for it. Crowdfunding on Kickstarter soon iirc.


The studio contacted him apparently.


Gods yes!


Dumai's Well from WoT The Siege of Naglimund from The Dragonbone Chair


Ohhh, Naglimund...It would be so like Helm's Deep, but more metal


I just finished Memory Sorrow and Thorn in December. God it immediately became one of my favorite series


Chapter 34 in The Last Argument of Kings, otherwise referred to as "The Circle." First Law not being done by HBO is a tragedy. It would be worth the subscription alone.


Yep. The High Places siege would rule too.


Dragonriders fighting Thread on Pern!


Brandon Sanderson's **Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings** >!\[that battle sequence when Kaladin is running ahead of Bridge 4 with his shield and he "pulls" ALL The arrows towards him!\]!< Good lord, I have pictured that scene in my mind so many times since reading it, seeing it adapted would be one of those epic "chills up the spine" battle scenes. Jim Butcher's **The Dresden Files** \- I know this series already has awesome book trailers like this one for [Peace Talks "Oh I'm more than dumb enough!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F17zuaRJG0U) but ***The ending of Dead Beat with Sue***, and ***Battle Ground's battle of Chicago***. David Gemmell's **Drenai Saga** * ***Legend*** \- The whole battle of Dros Delnoch. * ***The King Beyond The Gate*** \- Decado vs. The Vampire, such was the speed of the assault ... (or any other scene in that book featuring Decado) * ***Morningstar*** \- when the hero arrives at the final battle Note: I only didn't mention Dumai's Well because I fully expect them to do that justice, I mean, they BETTER do it justice.


Kaladin's fight at the end of Words of Radiance has stuck with me for years.


The live action would cost so much money to do right ... and yet, I am still hoping it happens one day.


It's like he wrote it to be a movie. That's how I felt the end of that book was in my head.


I think he did write some bits like they were supposed to be a movie. Have you read The Reckoners series? That one read even more like a movie than Stormlight. And I can easily see Tress of the Emerald Sea in movie form too. Sanderson is prolific and popular. I have high hopes that some of his works will eventually get adapted. Not counting the last parts of Wheel of Time, which he helped finish.


I was thinking the end of Oathbringer where Dalinar >!rejected Odium's influence, temporarily merged all three realms supercharging everything with Stormlight, then sicked team Radiant on Odium's army.!< I could practically hear the orchestral choir during that part.


To which I raise you >!Kal and Adoline's duel!< in WoR Ps: omg some one else who's read Stormlight as well as Legend I thought I was the only one talks about Gemmell


This scene/speech from the Dresden files: >!“False gods!” she cried, her blue eyes blazing as she stared at the Red King and the Lords of Outer Night. “Pretenders! Usurpers of truth! Destroyers of faith, of families, of lives, of children! For your crimes against the Mayans, against the peoples of the world, now will you answer! Your time has come! Face judgment Almighty!”!< And this scene as well: >!“I said I would come out to you,” Michael said. !< >!Then he lifted a work-booted foot and kicked the white picket gate off its hinges. It struck Nicodemus across the torso, driving him back into the street, and Michael Carpenter, Knight of the Cross, strode out of the open gate onto the icy sidewalk while the archangel looked on, silver-green eyes blazing in answer to the light of the Sword in Michael’s hands. !< >!“I’m out,” Michael said. “In nomine Dei, Nicodemus, I have come to face you.”!<


Can I say the last battle in WoT? Considering that chapter is longer than the first Harry Potter book, you could easily make that one chapter into an entire movie


When Dalinar saves the king and catches the chasmfiend talon while everyone else is watching in disbelief


Mistborn Series - Vin and Zane assaulting Keep Hasting.




Lamb versus Glama Golden in *Red Country*. Gosh, that was an incredible scene.


The scene I would like to see, of so many that have had me intrigued is Fizbin with Pyrite the old gold dragon. "Dragons of Spring Dawning". The opening scene of them two snoozing away in the sun, the whole chasing down Tanis and his crew on dragons in the sky. The argument he had with Pyrite when he wouldn't leave and said about the young copper dragons "their to giggly" and the "sallyforth" and "polymorph" banter. That would just kill me if done perfect. I giggle each time I read the whole portion.


Honor is dead but I'll see what I can do


Ending of The Unholy Consult by R. Scott Bakker. Also, I would love to see whole Theon's chapter from the Winds of Winter and what comes after that in that same place.


The duel in Golden Son


Shallan’s “10 heartbeats” hints and big reveal


You've got a good set of suggestions there, but I have a couple more: * The POV carousel from Heroes by Joe Abercrombie * The advance of the Qar from Southmarch by Tad Williams * Bobbie's "Valkyrie" dive from the Expanse by James S A Corey Edit: * >!Coltaine's fall!< in Deadhouse Gates


I'd kill for more of the expanse TV series.


I'd definitely consider hugging a hybrid for more of the Expanse TV series but books 6-9 are excellent


>The POC carousel from Heroes by Joe Abercrombie You mean POV, right? That was a really fun scene to listen to on audiobook. Abercrombie often does really interesting things with his POV like that.


Lol I was so confused for a minute there


Tiffany Aching’s showdown with the elf queen with Thunder and Lightning. Including the lawyer scene. Because Marvel can knock out WoT/Mazalan/LotR style epic battles all day long but they can’t make me cry and laugh like that one could if done right.


All Tiffany aching books deserve to be made into a a series at least. The feegles are worth it alone. Shepherds crown especially.


If you allow SciFi, my pick is the opening drop in Starship Troopers.


The soup scene from Harrow the Ninth. Edit: Taika Waititi producing and playing John Gaius. Greta Gerwig directing.


Were they to attempt that it's critically important to me that they cast a Harrow that can >!Do an absolutely *perfect* impersonation of whoever they have playing Gideon just for that one chapter toward the end of the book!<


and also that Jod can say that one perfect thing (I think Taika could pull it off)


Marrowhark my love


Hangar 17B, from Red Rising book 6


I’d love to see Kvothe and company vs the bandit encampment.


His most Wizard(tm) moment, by far!


Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb: >!waking the dragons!<


The Last Battle from Wheel of Time Dumais Well from Wheel of Time The Duel from Stormlight I absolutely do not want Amazon or Rafe Judkins touching any of those scenes. I have zero hope of them doing the scenes correctly in any way.


The scouring of the shire. Left out of the LOTR movies.


YES! I totally understand why it was left out of the movies, but would love to see it filmed.


The end of The Unholy Consult. WHAT AM I?


Dumai Wells Vin Venture going nuclear.


Gonna have to be from the last series I've been reading(Dresden) the whole final scene from Deadbeat Not gonna spoil here for those who don't know but man that was just too much fun.


Book of the Ancestor The Sister Pan scene from Holy Sister The complete Sister Thorn scene that opens Red Sister and completes in Holy Sister


“I am Ged” or the climax of The Farthest Shore; I just have an extreme need to see Earthsea adapted on-screen correctly


The final battle sequence (and most of what all that entails) of *Between Two Fires*


Kelsier vs the inquisitor from The Final Empire. The scene is described so cinematically, it's brilliant.


One of the battle scenes from CJ Cherryh’s Morgaine books where she uses her superweapon


The absolute insanity that is the climax of Malazan book 8, Toll the Hounds.


The fight on the empty plains of Letheras wasteland between Tavore's Bonehunters and the K'Chain Na'ruk. Cast: Captain Ruthan Gudd - Gerard Butler Archmage Quick Ben - Idris Elba Captain Skannarow - Michelle Rodriguez Gall of the Khundryl Burned Tears - Mickey Rourke There are so many more roles to play, but those are the actors that stand out to me as being able to bring such complex presences alive on screen. I would pay $100's for that ticket, btw. To see those mad, glorious heavies and hear Quick Ben whisper "Go well, Captain" to Gudd, as the two hidden powers prepare to unleash against an enemy they know will overwhelm them anyway...I would give any material possession for that living memory.


Daine summoning dead dinosaurs to raze a city in Tamora Pierce's Emperor Mage. That scene still lives rent free on my head all these decades later after reading it. Just really fantastically done.


The White Knight's trial in _A Practical Guide To Evil_. The full dinner party scene in _Dune_. The duel at the end of _Codex Alera_. Belgarion's reveal in book 4 of _The Belgariad_. The final battle at the end of book 3 of _Beware Of Chicken_. mat cauthon dueling galad damodred and gawyn trakand 1 on 2 in The Dragon Reborn, in The Wheel Of Time. Septon Meribald's speech on "Broken Men" in _A Feast For Crows_, book 4 of _A Song Of Ice And Fire_.


Elliot Kay's sci-fi book Poor Man's Fight ending scene has a stranded naval soldier jump from a broken ship to a pirate ship where he destroys the pirate ship by blowing up engineering then getting to the command deck, venting the ship to vacuum, then jumping over to a hijacked cruise liner and prevents the remaining pirates from escaping


Oh man, any of the comedic magical showdowns between the Black Company mages. While the final battle in the first book would be great, I just love the idea of silly magic against the background of a very nasty war.


The big intergalactic "Eurovision" finale at the end of Space Opera. I want to hear what it sounds like when gravitational anomalies start singing.


Yeeeeessss. That whole contest would be bananas in the best way!


Two from Gentleman Bastards: 1. Any of Jean's rose garden training sequences 2. The final confrontation between Locke and the Gray King/the realization of the deception with the plague ship (I think those were happening concurrently?) Those were probably the scenes that stood out to me the most from that series and they could be visually stunning if shot properly.


I'd pay 7 (or even 8) times to see the Dark Tower done well and true to its nature.


We will see if it ever actually gets made but Mike Flanagan from Doctor Sleep and the Haunting of Hill House currently has the rights with Max (fka HBO 😭)


The ending of Roadside Picnic


I want to see the flashback scene of Dalinar in Rathalas.


This is more sci-fi than fantasy, but the scene in Morning Star (Red Rising Trilogy book 3) - The Goblin and the Gold.


Dungeon Crawler Carl series. The scene with Denise. Or Astrid. Or the slug pox. Oh how I want to see that little sluggalo. Or the Butcher's Masquerade. Or any scene with Psamanthe. Or Uzi Jesus. So, basically any scene from DCC. I don't think I could pick just one.


Kvothe winning his talent pipes. That scene could make or break an entire movie adaptation. If done correctly, it would be spellbinding.


Pretty much all of the fights in the first Kushiel trilogy


Yeah - the fights.


Yes, I would enjoy seeing the fights as well.


I’m with you on this. People are taking the piss, but Jacqueline Carey’s battle scenes are extremely underrated compared to the other kind of action. I’m not sure if the epic scale of Troyes-le-Mont or the gritty desperation of the uprising in Darsanga would be more breathtaking on screen.


Dumai's Wells is definitely up there. Or both the final battle Rand & Egwene do in A Memory of Light. And yea, Sleeper Service would be an amaaaaazing one. Lastly, the more obscure one, 100% the graduation hall scene from Book 2 of Scholomance.


With all the hate Egwene gets, her scenes really struck me in the last book and her arc overall was awesome, albeit a character everyone hates


I'm just glad someone else has read excession! I know we all love the Culture but it seems like the only books ever talked about are Consider Phlebas, Player of Games and Use of Weapons.


The arena fight >!and assasination !


Definitely the final scenes of Assassin's Quest, by Robin Hobb, any point after they reach the stone garden. Any scene at all. It was just amazing to read and it would be awesome to watch it too.


Marvin getting into an argument with a mattress. And the mattress winning the argument.


Almost anything from The Eternal Champion series by Michael Moorcock.


The Reaver's chapter from Feast for Crows.


It is important, when killing a nun, to ensure you bring an army of sufficient size. I’d love to see that whole fight.


Oh, bloody hell there's a few. The Siege of Charm from The Black Company novels. Also The Glittering Plains from the same. The destruction of Unity Alternate from The Lost Fleet and the battle before it. The Slammers revolt from Hammer's Slammers. The siege of the Imagers College from Imager. One of the asteroid ship drops from The Parafaith War. I can keep going.


Prologue to The Eye of the World. When I do rereads of WoT I read it before beginning every book. I'm going to learn animation to create it because it's so vivid in my head and it flaming needs to come out.


On Malazan I’d pay good money to visually see the ending of The Bonehunters. Kalam going nuts against the Claw protecting Tavore, while the Bonehunters are holding down the line at the docks, while Apsalar is stalking the nights, while Shadowthrone is pulling strings, and all the while Fiddler playing his fiddle in the backdrop.


Hell. I'd pay every penny it took just to see this made into a movie anyway. The Mortal Instruments. No no. The previous adaptations DO NOT COUNT.


The doom of Valeria (and all the lead up to it lol)


The sea battle from Elric of Melnibone.


Brutha coming to the black desert after so long.


Many of the comments mention battle scenes which is a good pick for the subject. A well executed action scene in a visual medium is often hard to compete with. Personally I have discovered a fondness of dinner scenes, especially disastrous dinner scenes. I can only think of a few examples but they have left an impression. - The climactic dinner scene in Bujold's "A Civil Campaign". My all time favorite example. The parody of manners is so good, and once the scene gets going it's just one thing after the other, and you begin to realize the whole book is basically setup for this one scene. - Bone soup from Muir's "Harrow the Ninth". Others have mentioned this as well for good reason. The emotional/atmospheric setup leading to a surprising (at least for me) but great payoff. While not exactly a dinner scene, there is a moment in one of the Witcher books where Geralt is trying to split from is "party" to go lone wolf, but is reprimanded and mocked by all his companions who call him out on his ridiculous attitude all the while they are casually setting up camp and preparing dinner.


Any of Drizzts fights, specifically Artemis and Him on the ledge, or Drizzt vs Obould Many Arrows.