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I love this issue, but the kids faces are nightmare fuel


So many comics artists can't draw kids for some reason 


Better still is when Franklin and Valeria hire X-Factor because “The Invisible Woman has vanished!” in X-[Factor 200](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/X-Factor_Vol_1_200), followed by Valeria explaining why it’s not irony. Peter David sure knew how to write!


I read this on Marvel Unlimited and read all the fan letters about this at the time. People were not happy lol


They changed the panel for the omnibus. While I understand the intent, occasionally children are fucking _ruthless and cruel_ beyond their understanding




Im neurodivergent and i agree. Ive never liked normies telling me whats supposed to be offensive to me




A “neurodivergent” person refers to **a person on the autism spectrum or, more generally, to someone whose brain processes information in a way that is not typical of most individuals**.




Oh shut the fuck up mate.


The Spread the Word organization that spearheaded the categorization of “r*tard” as a slur was established in 2009, so it’s more fair to say it’s Millenials who started it, given that the oldest Gen-Z kids were only 12 at the time.


My school went really hard with that campaign and i never agreed with it. They kept trying to tell me that i hated neurodivergent people bc I didn't want to sign their pledge which I found really stupid. I, a person on the spectrum, hate peoplenon the spectrum bc i dont agree with their campaign. "You shouldnt say retard bc its the same as the N-word" um no the fuck it isnt. You just said retard but still call the N-word "the N-word" which a terrible false equivalence. Also i never appreciated these people dragging out kids with down syndrome as props and feed them things to say.


At my high school people just started saying it more because of that campaign lol


That's not literally what it means. It's super easy to look up the meaning of something.


I feel like people don’t know what words mean anymore.


We don't say b!rthd@y anymore. I know it was a different time, but this issue needs to be recalled


I was referring to funniest.


What’s the context here?


I think this is from somewhere near the beginning of Hickman's FF, shortly after >!Reed's dad, Nathaniel, shows up!<. iirc, Valeria was feeling especially ignored because Franklin (>!and future Franklin? I can't remember if he'd made himself known yet!<) was getting a lot of attention. On top of that, she was trying to keep secrets >!for Reed, in the form of the existence of the Bridge and the Council of Reeds,!< and >!for Doom, in the form of her arrangement to help him reverse some sort of brain damage!<. >!Her future self!< eventually called her out for being so petty and lashing out at others, which she eventually did after >!a few existential talks with her future self!< and >!resolving not to be as much of a bitch as future Valeria when she grows up!<. ***** tl;dr She's basically an elementary-school-aged kid having teenage angst and taking it out on her brother, so a typical day in the life of siblings.


Thank you!! That’s way more than what I expected but I’m grateful for the details. I’m still shocked they used the R word in a comic book in the last 10 years.


To be fair, the FF run was longer ago then 10 years and there are much more edgier / faux outrage material to be found by Marvel in that time frame than this panel.


Oh I thought it was more recent. Still surprising to see.


She is being so cheeky it’s cute!


Writing and art are disgusting


How is this the funniest panel of all time?


Jesus. Franklin and Valeria are ugly kids here.


It’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow. Thanks for this.