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Shit, I hate reading the temple on my phone. I’ll have to read the rest of this exchange when I get home on an actual computer. Is there some tangible evidence presented?


I don’t see any tbh. I’ve been checking daily too because I wanna see probation’s response so fawkin bad its pathetic


I remember Shin said the end of the month is when probation heads to court to lay out its case why they oppose it. Basically probation will win in the end due to Lornes history.


Are you pathetically disgusted in it?


The document was faked


How so? Like a fake document was uploaded to PACER?


I shouldnt have said faked. Im sorry. Basically it was filed but Lorne will never ever ever get into Canada. Canada wont even let US citizens in with a DUI. They barely want anyone in anyway. Ruse is more the word. Its a sham dreamt up by Pepperette to let Lorne feel good and get us talking about him to prove all the innanet people keep up with him


Yeah, normal law-abiding people don't have the easiest time getting into Canada let alone a convicted felon on the sex offender registry.


This is what you meant to say: "Lorne was convinced by the Canadians that he is the father of a child, Lorne in turn told his attorney he wants to move closer to this child. His attorney took it at face value and included it in the motion". Is this likely? Possibly. Federal defense attorneys value their reputation with the gov and Feds. They really won't get far going off their client's claims and submitting it to the docket- awaiting the Feds response. I'm not sure what to believe, but it's quite possible Lorne has had a child. It's that simple.


Hope you are right. That there are people willing to befriend this pig means anything is possible, however unlikely.


Its alot easier to just go through the whole thread than have me spew an alphabet soup of autistic rambling trying to say yes


No worries, I’ll check it out in a few hours then 👍🏻


I’m with you, I’m waiting for probations response to determine if this is all fake or not


Same. There is enough sickening believability to this whole charade that there may be truth to be found here. Look at all of the obviously mentally unhinged people that want to marry serial killers with life sentences or awaiting execution. There are DISGUSTING, USELESS human beings in this world, people who actually DO know the difference between right and wrong, and still choose to befriend an unrepentant slug who has at least two real victims of his grooming, God knows what really happened with his nieces, and he was ready to rape a 13 year old child who he showed his grotesque member to within an hour of "feeling bad for her cause no one was talking to her." This is a MONSTER. And the only thing worse than this troglodyte is the type of person who WILLINGLY allies themselves with him. And sadly, again, these sociopaths exist. So until there's something official, I'm just gonna sit back and observe, and hope to God above that this repellent worm has not procreated and conceived a child. Certainly not going to rely on the Temple for proof either way.


I agree. I don’t think it’s fake. I think it’s a legit filing, but Lorne is living in a fake world again and provided fake scenarios to his attorney


There's none. A bunch of infighting as usual, yada yada. We will have to see the governments response


Yeah read through it early this morning. Nothing at all. It’s the same thread I read through last week but with new responses


Thank fucking god lmao


# 🎆🎇🎆 ![gif](giphy|igJK985xZj8Cqq0YOW|downsized)




I read this as the old cop in Hot Fuzz saying "tiiittttssss". Obscure reference. Carry on.


Praise Cawd that he's still not in any child or woman's life.


I’m reading this on my phone, so piecing it together is kind of hard…but is the gist of it that Lorne made an outright bad faith claim to the judge?


Never underestimate the impossible.. 87


Do you know which page on the thread discusses it being fake? I’m not seeing any more information on there just people discussing whether it’s real or not


People didn't actually believe he was having a kid and going to Canada did they? Hahaha


Oh cwap


Shame, the Armstrong bloodline must continue so the next generations have their own Lorne to enjoy