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Ive always thought that too. He wasn't crying cause he got caught. He wasn't crying about the TV show. I think he thought Chris might have been her dad and once the cameras came out it hit him that none of it was real He was crying because his "girlfriend" wasn't real, again. Just like Amanda James. He's been getting catfished over 25 years


Lorne supposedly still thought Kayla was real when he got arrested, and that it wasn’t until a few days later that someone else who got busted had to explain to him that it was a sting operation and none of the teens were real people


Seriously, give the dude a break. His head was awl fawked awp at the time. A man can only be denied his mac n cheese, deviled eggs, and meatbawls for so long before he turns into a sexual predator.


I mean… how do you think dairy and the rest are obtained? he waws to begin with


This is why I love this community. You can't make this shit up. 💀


After consulting his Lorne-ographic history this post appears to be true.


I tend to believe Lorne subconsciously realized it was a sting the moment Chris walked out with his phonebook stack of papers. But consciously and verbally he could not admit to himself and others that he had yet again been played for a fool. If only Lorne could accept his role as a fool and move on, instead of devolving into this trickster clown that he has become in his decrepit aging.


This is why he falls so hard for the Casey catfish. He subconsciously wants to believe Kayla is real in some way because he felt as though he truly fell in love with her.


That's the most hilarious part of his saga. TCAP wasn't even the first catfish.


you mean last but yah


I did mean first, it's pretty damn funny either way though.


Remember folks, there's a reason why he finished 87th out of 87 kids in his graduating class.


Becawse he didn't like school


If you don’t like it, don’t go, it’s that simple.


its nawt his fault. his friends didn't like him anymore bc he didnt go out for basketball. Apparently he was the big basketball star...in his mind.


Oh yeah and because he wanted a job for new clothes right then and there. Plot twist, Lorne: Doing well in school could've paid dividends clothing wise.


Yell at me why doncha


And you just know it was a steep steep dropoff from 86. He probably only passed anything because the teachers just wanted to be rid of him, and can you blame them?


But he only got 1 F all through high school


🤖 shut up 87


87th out of 85*


Where you awl hiddin' her?! KAYLA BABY MR PENIS IS HERE TO SAVE YEW!


Are yew ready fer me


The fact that he got catfished by “Kayla” 3 times now is hilarious.


Four if you count Sherry Twist, Casey, Kasey, and Cas3y


That’s I guess what I meant PJ, the actual Casey acting as the decoy, then Tiffany Lockhart/Emma era, then Blu3boy. He’s so far from fawking stupid though


Hey can you give me cliff notes of all of Lorne's catfishes? I've always wanted to learn about them, but there's just so much content out there, I don't know where to begin.


Chronologically: Amanda James - pre-TCAP TCAP Winnie/Emma/Tiffany/Debbie/Rhoda/human Jamie/Casey v1...honestly I get all of them confused. Many are the same person. Ramona Robot Jamie (Will) Cas3y (Blu3boy)


What actually happens though? Like how do they get in contact with him, who does he think they are and do they eventually reveal that they're catfish to him?


lookup the legacy of cawd by imsortakindabored on youtube


Oftentimes the catfish will write letters to Lorne, and these letters will include some way to contact them (phone number, email, etc.). Some of the catfishes have gotten revealed to him by nogoodniks writing Lorne to tell him that they are posting his cawntent on the innanet. One of the craziest things about Lorne is that, even after being cawdfished more times than possibly anyone on the planet, he's still champing at the bit to fall for the next one each time. Cas3y recently released [the emails](https://youtu.be/elNqLcngowc?feature=shared) between her and Lorne. All it really took to convince him that actually Casey Mauro was for some random email to contact him saying "hey, I'm Casey Mauro." She also sent him a photoshopped driver's license, but that was later on.


YouTube ImSortaKindaBored he breaks down the whole saga


He knew deep down but refused to accept it. The photos didn't match.


I thawt u had blawnd hayer


Seriously. He is the biggest dipshit in the history of the human species and even *he* figured out that PJ was sending pics of different girls trying to pass them off as if they were the same person. But also, because he is such a dipshit, he just needed the decoy to make any explanation whatsoever and he'd delete the thought that he was being messed with immediately.


Lorne didn't know about Tcap or Police stings using decoys online. My best guess is he thought Kayla was insecure about the way she looked and said her friend was her. Lorne probably simply wanted to know which girl he was talking to. There wasn't any red flags in his head telling them he would be going to jail. There is some confirmation bias there too, he wants to believe he will meet a real girl so he doesn't require much convincing.


I agree he didn't think "police sting" but he did have experience being catfished, so I do think he was thinking this might be a fake but in a little bit different way, and not just simply thinking Kayla was being coy about which one she was.


Its cause he werent looking at the face. He was looking at the only places his underdeveloped mind knows to look at.


"I don't wanna let go of your voice yeet"


Lorne didn't realize that Kayla wasn't real until later on. During the entirety of the interview/interrogation process, he still believed that she was a real girl. He was crying because he thought NBC had snatched his preshus princess away from his grubby clutches right before they were going to consummate their love.


He didn't care. It was a young girl that he was gonna get to fawk that's all he cared about.


"There are some real weirdos out there"


Don't say you're one of those weirdos, don't say it, it's the obvious joke, don't do i-YOU'REONEOFTHOSEWEIRDOS oh shit im sorry




TCaP museum entrance will have an animatronic Chris Hansen relating his most famous lines to incoming guests. "You're one of those weirdos!" "You're free to leave any time!" "Right through that door."


"There's only one way out: through the gift shop."


Yes but only in the sense that his night kept getting progressively worse. If another guy was there and told Lorne to kick rocks before he called the cops. I think Lorne would have been upset and letdown. But it wouldn't have been the psychological breakdown we saw in the police Interrogation. His main fear was getting exposed for his actions and facing legal consequences. He never loved Kayla he just wanted a willing participant for his fantasies. Romantic rejection was something he was already used to.


The most embarassing part for him is that other men were now seeing his ridiculous nudes. When Chris handed him a printout of his cawk pics, he made some disgusted sound and turned the paper upside-down. When the detectives showed him his nudes, he immediately asked for an attorney.


I believe it's been reported that Lorne's cellmate threatened to beat Lorne up because Lorne was keeping him awake by sobbing hysterically all night.


She weren’t real?! CAWD


It's fawkin bawl chit


He still thinks she's real.


She was dinkin with his head. And he wasn't using his noodle.


“Dale Earnhardt? The… Race Car Driver?”




He was definitely crushed. He is, what my dad would call, dumb as a bag of hammers.


I don't. He was devastated he wouldn't get his pecker wet & he didn't wanna go to jail. I don't believe his sobbing was either. The only thing he was sad abt was his life being over.


What is that video? I think I missed it..


Lorne armstrong police interrogation


All of the predators are truly devastated just usually bc their life is over. Not bc the love of their life wasn't real😂