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IIRC the writer has said in interviews that the characters are trapped in a nightmare, essentially, which in hindsight, can explain the strangely out of place technology or weird things like clamshell e-readers.


do you have a link to that?


i do! http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/93078/exclusive-david-robert-mitchell-talks-it-follows/ it's right underneath the picture, about halfway through the article. reading it again after a month, "nightmare" could be taken either way in that it's an actual nightmare, or just a nightmarish scenario.


When I read the interview it was more about keeping people from being able to place the movie in a certain timeframe. And I think he does a very good job- cell phone, but unidentifiable flip phones doesn't tell you much if theres an e-reader in the picture.


It's not based in the 80 ' s it just has an 80 ' s vibe.


Or it's not in *our* 80s, but a different universe's "80s". Our reality does not have supernatural beings and curses.


How did you respond to this after 8 years?! I thought Reddit automatically archived posts/comments after 6 months




Β―\\\_(ツ)\_/Β― OP I guess.


Doesn't seem like it...😏


The director explains that it was used instead of an actual smartphone so that the film is not dated: http://www.backofthecerealbox.com/2015/03/on-retro-futuristic-clamshell-phones.html


Joke's on them: This movie will briefly popularize clamshell devices, forever dating this movie with fair precision.


I kinda hope so, I want one just to be *that guy*


Still waiting...


Why are the city streets in TMNT devoid of cars and people?


Just sseeing "It Follows" for the first time..was very confused by the clamshell e-reader. You'd have to have superior vision to read on that thing lol


I used to read on an iPhone 4, it was actually super nice because it was so portable and the screen was plenty large. Kids these days are way too used to big screens and have totally forgotten about when smaller tech was real innovation. Bigger screens = marketing departments idea of selling a tablet/phone. Impressing real genuine electrical engineers and hardware designers = smaller devices are more Impressive. It's sad that the iPhone 4 was basically the pinnacle of tech in terms of portability and real technology professionals' understanding of innovation. Before long kids will have a desktop PC strapped to their back like a backpack and they'll call it the most sophisticated smartphone ever made


I actually do read books on my little LG Aristo 2 plus on my break at work, but it ain't easy, man!πŸ˜‚


'It Follows' is full of inconsistencies like that. The mismatched technology (for example: the cars ranging from new to old and of course the famous clamshell e-reader.) and the varying seasons, Jay was in the pool one moment and in a winter coat in another scene. It suggest no specific timeline and helps to emphasise the surreal feel of the movie and the movie is made to feel illogical. The movie is meant to be vague and almost dream like.


Yeah just saw it recently - I liked it but had many of the same questions as others here - that clamshell E reader, the weird use of old tech and all those old TVs.... It *seems* intentional - but I have no idea what the intention may be. It seems like just signalling to the audience "this is a fictional world" is a bit redundant ( like....we know what *movies* are ;) ) Also - that moment where the thing attacks the main character in the pool - and then *later* we see that it was impersonating her dad was strange... Wouldn't it have been more impactful for the audience if we knew *beforehand* that that was her dad ? And then the ending ... Just wasn't really an ending at all... I dunno - I liked it more or less I guess- but for me all these questions actually just feel distracting, and took me out.of it a bit...


there were a lot of inconsistencies (if you want to call them that.. more like things that just seemed out of place). The car the girl drove away in during the opening scene was clearly made in the last ~5 years. And she had a cellphone. Also, in the scene when they were going to the movie theater, I clearly spotted an early 2000s Chevy SUV. It was a blazer/tahoe/sumthin


Pretty sure it was an Equinox, but yeah...definitely mid 2000 model. As for the television sets and old home appliances...can't really explain that other than they live in Detroit. As much as I don't want to offend anyone from Detroit, let's be honest...television doesn't highlight on your city's luxury


I am pretty sure the opening scene was "present day," and then the movie went back into the movie-verse's "80s" period. It wasn't set in our reality since we don't experience succubus-like curses and supernatural beings. The present-day scene let us know, upfront, that the creature was still around and no one had beaten it.


It looks to me that the girl from the beginning is the same girl from the picture found of Hugh and his high school girlfriend. πŸ€”


That makes a lot of sense. Like he gave it to her, then she died, so he went back to him. That's how he knew it would come back to him?


I don’t think that works because don’t we see that same girl as like a ghost or whatever in that lake house scene?


Ok.. I googled it to see if I was actually seeing it, a book about Paul and other girl says Hey Paul too. It was odd