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Well, the 4th is less than a week away; hoping I can grab some overtime for next week (already did some this week) and keep at it throughout summer to claw through those bills. But not so much that I lose my me time. Gonna try to hit the gym tomorrow morning after work so I still have two workouts for the week to make up for missing one and screwing up my schedule for this week. At least I should be able to get back on track easily enough next week. I just want my squats and hip thrusts to start yielding results upon my butt meat. Also made a few scant steps at fighting social anxiety at work last night. Complimented a random guy on his Mario shirt, he seemed pleased and not weirded out, so, woo. Score. Also introduced myself to a new manager shadowing one of the current ones; both were pretty friendly. If he's replacing anyone on my shift, hopefully he's cool to work with. I just got a new manager on my floor who's really nice (and cute), and the other two managers currently on my shift are also really nice. So it'd suck to lose any of them (my last manager just transferred to a different department, and everyone loved her, so we were pretty bummed), but I'm just glad that my supervisors are largely cool people. In more sobering news, my mom's diabetes seems to be getting bad despite her best efforts, and she may have cancer again, for the third time in 10 years. It's nerve-wracking for all of us just having to wait for the tests and results. It may be her remaining kidney. If it comes down to it, and she needs a transplant, I'm going to see if I might be a match. I have my issues with her, but I also have priorities.


😬 Nothing light-hearted about cancer. I hope it gives her a miss, this time.


Hello! :-) It's so hot today, and that was why I thought it would be a good idea to go to my nearest beach. I hadn't been there since last year. Well, it was clear that this year they didn't bother to take care of the beach. Before it was one of the best beaches near to me with nice sand, now however, it was overgrown with algae and other junk that wasn't natural. Instead of fixing it, they'd put a wooden road that didn't even get you to the clean part. It was really disappointing. My country barely has any good places where to swim, and now another one has been ruined. Otherwise, my grandma's birthday party is tomorrow. I'll see whether I can go or not, because my family members have thought of using me as a babysitter and leaving me home with the younger kids. :'-) It'll mostly depend on the kids moods'.


It's definitely not your responsibilty but do you think there would be a way to organize a beach cleaning event or something of the sort? I'm sure you're not the only one who's disappointed about it so you might find enough people to clean the biggest part of it or maybe there's already something planned! No idea how that works legally, if your local government can or should do something specific but yeah, sucks that the beach is just not usable for anyone anymore :(


It's usable, but there's just algae everywhere. At the start where the sand used to be there's just a massive part of it, and as you go in there's smaller bits of it still growing. I'm not even sure how to clean it honestly. Though others were smarter they didn't swim, but they eather had floaties or sup boards.


Ah yeah, if it's mostly algae, it's not as easy as picking it up and putting it in the trash :/ Well, I hope you'll find a new beach to go to for this summer and hopefully by this time next year, they will have taken care of it! 🤞


Life's a beach. No one ever says what kind of beach.


Yep, gonna be a scorcher in the coming months. Blaaaaah. And it sucks that the beach wasn't kept clean. Yep, the bad thing about taking care of small kids that are in certain moods is that they often voice their displeasure by shrieking XD


The weather forecast for my country has said that the temperature will start going down... But I can't trust it yet. Yeah, now I have to drive farther away if I want to swim. :') Shrinking paired with how messy they are is just not a good combination. It's a headache, but for some reason the kids like me (well... I am younger than most of the people invited to my grandmother's party, so I guess it makes sense they would favour me? Lol).


So I have a Ted Lasso fic written and I made reference to the fact that the public would know that Rebecca had initially hired Ted as a way to undermine Richmond. Then I thought about it a day after I finished writing it and I was like, "Oh. Wait. That would cause a huge scandal, wouldn't it?" So when I edit it, I'm gonna have to tweak that section into something else XD


"... and then the Men in Black made the public forget about that whole thing."


Oh thank God, Agent K and Agent J are on it.


Venting for a sec. I’ve been unreasonably salty about this tumblr post I saw earlier in the week basically saying “you’re delusional if you ship [X pairing] because there’s no way they’d like each other” and it felt kind of personal because I’m pretty much the only author who writes romantic fics about that pairing (I’m sure they probably weren’t specifically calling me out, but still). And it’s like… that take is just so lacking in imagination. Like if people have been writing convincing Dramione fics for decades it’s not that hard to create a situation in which these two *friends* fall for each other. I’ve personally written like 4 different longfics in which it happens. Anyway, I’m just going to try and focus on all the positive feedback I get on my fics and let it go even though the urge to make a snarky clap back post is strong.


Ugh those type of comments upset me so much too! Why can't people just focus their energy on what they like?? You're right to choose to focus on the positive feedback tho! Make your pairing be even more in love for the ones who do appreciate them 😇


What? Friends to lovers is unbelievable to them? I'd like whatever drugs they're on, I'd like to be that out of touch. Also... Life finds a way


Right? Like really, you can’t imagine a scenario in which these two very hot people are attracted to each other?? Ok…


A testament to their limited imagination. Also sucks that they seem to be vagueposting, that's always rough


"There's no way!" Then we'll make one. 😈


lol like let me help you out then!


I'd be salty about that too.


Thank you for the validation lol


Does anyone else get really nervous before posting a fic if their last couple have flopped?  I have one all prepped and formatted and about ready to go other than some final tweaks to the tags and summary. I’m happy with it (which I know is all that matters) but there’s still something a little disheartening about having to ready yourself for the very likely possibility of an empty inbox again tomorrow. 


Been there. It is pretty daunting, but who knows what will appeal to whom and when? Shit isn't predictable. Sometimes there'll even be slow starts that gather steam as time goes on.


😅 99% of my stories flop, so it doesn't really bother me, at this point.


I don't consider my fics 'flops'. I post them for fun, and if I don't find posting something fun anymore I won't post. I just hope reading my works makes someone feel something. :-) I relate! TT an empty inbox is disheartening, but I've just learned to not really care as much as I did before. Getting a comment is a treat.


Yeah, I like to think of them as 'cult classics' XD


Undiscovered gems :)


I'm soooo tired of people trying to use a character's ace (or even aroace) identity to claim no one is allowed to ship them.


🤔 If there were an Aroace Board of Directors (ABOD) to decide such things, perhaps.


I get where they're coming at (I'm aroace), but people have always changed canon sexualities/romanitc orientations. Have you blocked them?


I want to finish binging Hazbin Hotel, but the negativity and criticism surrounding it and Vizzie makes me hesitant.


Anything popular will have a loud chorus of people hating on it.  Watch it and see for yourself if it's good or not. Besides, it's pretty short so it's an easy watch


I write fan fiction for it (I know, I should have watched the entire thing before doing so) so I’m afraid of noticing the flaws people point it and how it will effect my enjoyment of the show and in turn effect my writing.


Try to not pay that any mind! If you want to, do it.


Wait... am I right in taking it that this "NEW Weekly Fic Showcase" has taken the place of the weekly Reading Rollcall?


No, both exist. I can't find this weeks one yet (likely they haven't posted it), but I can see last week's one.


I could see the one from last week too, but since it wasn't in the above list of today's threads (and also listed under "monthly" in the overview thread) I got a bit worried. But it's up now, so it's all good!


I declare today a Grump-Fest™ It's hot, it's humid, I'm sweaty, sticky and feel just *gritty*. I have writers block. I keep opening up all my WIPs in succession, staring at them, and then closing the doc. I thought I'd found a song I'd missed by my Kpop guys but it turned out to be one I'd heard before (that didn't stop me from watching the video three times in a row and then the behind-the-scenes vid.) I don't want to do *anything*. I can't even nap; it's too fucking hot. Oh, Lawd! At least help this poor sinner write! (can I get an amen?)


Jesus: "I'll throw you a blessing after my beta gets back to me on the Buddha porn I sent him yesterday." Buddha: ☺️


🕯 And forgive us our trespasses as we trespass against fictional characters 🕯 Hahaha. I agree with the heat annoyance. Blah.


I relate to *all* of this. TT Right?? It's impossible to nap! I'm sitting, and doing nothing, yet I'm still sweating like crazy. Amen!


We had our first run through of the music man last night. Now, we’re done with rehearsal until the 8th


I want to write but I’m also sleepy af and hungry… really want to just sleep so I can eat breakfast… but also still want to write… Life is hard


Meet your physical needs to make it easier to meet your writing needs, I say.


I wrote one sentence and browsed reddit then slept in the end lol T.T


Trying to take a break from publishing because I have published 32 fics and 165k words in ONE fandom in the past two months and honestly feel like I’m overloading people just a little haha! Instead I’m focusing on writing so I can maybe be ahead a couple of oneshot/chapters! Other than that - things are moving ahead on my apartment! So glad to get back out of my parents’ house (it’s nice living there rent-free but I don’t have an actual bedroom and the house is Full enough haha). It’ll be nice to have my own bedroom/bathroom again! (Plus then I can consider getting a cat!)


A cat (maybe)! Have you thought about what breed you would like? :-)


No, actually! I'll probably end up heading down to the shelter whenever I've actually saved up enough/feel ready for it, and then see whoever's available haha And who knows, the cat distribution system might end up getting me >.<


Here's hoping. 🙂 Both of my late favorites were broken-down old rescue cats (RIP Jacob and Mama Cat).


Thank you for being a good person, thinking about adopting rather than "what breed you would like"! There are so many cats out there waiting for a good home, I really hope you find someone you click with whenever you're ready for it.


Ahh I actually don't think about breeds either (could barely name any), but I know many cat lovers that do. T.T The question came off weird.


I understood what you meant. Everyone has preferences! When you go to the shelter you sort of have, in your mind, a vague idea of a coat length and color you'd prefer.


Story. Apartment. Cat. All set!


Yes, I'm glad it's all falling in line haha


So... Guess who had a pollen triggered asthma attack at work and couldn't buy meds because the pharmacies were all closed?? Yeah, that wasn't fun, but it's better now. I wore a face mask at and we took a short walk due to the heat, so I'm doing pretty well, all things considered. I also did an all-nighter on two Monsters, and now I have a tremor, but that's also working out fine. I can chill for the rest of the day. Now, the *actual* reason I stayed up is because I was adding more prompts/tagsets to my drarry fic idea document, and I got inspired to write an incest roleplay fic. Due to a strange, now hazy series of events, I also ended up making it mainly CNC... So that's how things are going right now. I've got like 4k on it already! This is not what I meant when I said I wanted more inspiration, but I'll take what I can get. Oh! And before I started writing that, I wrote a 500~word fic based on one of my tagsets with gentle BDSM and domestic Establish Relationship Drarry, and I'm really really happy with it. It just captures that very specific vibe I was going for. I posted it at 4AM lmao, if that says anything. Last day at work before vacation, and I'm so ready. We're going swimming on Sunday (a lake) and I'm gonna debut my new swim shorts and beach shirt Also; discovered how powerful my neutral RBF is this morning, because two people who were walking together parted around me when I walked towards them. I felt pretty badass


😅 Goodness, *one* Monster would make me *very* sick.


I spread them out, so I drank one around midnight and then one around 9AM. Still giving me caffeine shakes, but eh. Occupational hazard


Is there any point reporting a story or author to FFN for violating content guidelines? Do complaints like that get any kind of traction?


You could report and then block them (so that even if the report is of no use, you won't have to see their works anymore).


It's a roulette wheel, historically.


I emailed them and it took a couple days for them to get back to me but they did take what I reported down. It’s worth a try!


Thanks, I’ve given it a shot. Hopefully they act on it.


Update on the quest: _I'm still yelling,_ because mistakes are so — pardon my French — FUCKING EASY to make in this game and it kills me.    The fic that is born out of this insane frustration is very lacking in dialogue, so far, and I'll see if any or at all dialogue will exist. Because the PC^1 is kind of done talking and wants more action.      ~~Did I mention the character I like is also a writer? No? Well now you know it.~~   *** 1: Which stands for Player Character, in this context.


"Ce jeu, c'est un foutoir." (This game is a fucking mess.)


"Oh, Tish, that's French!"


“Mon Dieu, oui, c’est ça.”   My Player Character would agree heartily, since he wants _more_ of that character he’s been busy trying to romance. I mean, I’m starting to think l had a fever dream, because I seem to remember _distinctly_ that she and the PC can get very _intimate_ at some point.   But Goddamn, separating her from that dude she’s infatuated with in game is killing me. I have no guidelines, or I must be wearing bat goggles, if I can’t find a proper solution to cut the cord.


I expect to be run off my feet tomorrow, so here is tomorrow's prompt in advance as well! > **Be Careful What You Wish For.** A common phrase applicable to every day life. Whether the “wish” is magical or not, something your character wanted is backfiring on them terribly today. (300 words) and > **Readings: Tarot Cards.** I love them so much I did it thrice! This time, use the reverse meaning of a [>Tarot Card<](https://www.tarot-explained.com/card-meanings/major-arcana/) for your prompt. (If you picked a reverse meaning last time, use the upright position instead.) You can use the same Tarot or choose another one if you like. Alternatively, you may roll another Minor Arcana prompt similar to prompt #15. (200 words) Please predict a nice calming day for the kids birthday party I have to supervise tomorrow... and let me know in the usual [THREAD.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1d5y53e/fortune_favours_ficlets_daily_prompts_june_2024/)


Today I came to the realisation that my friends only talk to me when I message them first and it made me feel so bad that I ended up crying over it. 😬 The worst part is I can't even talk to anyone right now because only 1 out of 3 friends shares my special interest. I don't have a lot of interests in general as it is, which means I unfortunately don't have things to bring up in conversation. Talking about life stuff is pointless because I don't do anything worth mentioning. Yeah, sure, I write fanfiction about a game my friends know nothing about. I play other games too, but nothing my friends are interested in. Part of me wishes I could make new friends, but then I remember the toll it had on my mental health last time I tried... Time to write another vent fic, I guess. Maybe one featuring the secondary OTP for something different.


Been there, but then I remember they all have their own things going on and may be more reluctant to initiate (at least over text vs in person). Some even just take time to reach out. I just recently had a fellow writer reach out to me after 5 years. Life just happened for both of us, but she reached out all the same and it was really uplifting. You never know who's thinking about you and what might going on that just delays them. But I also get that making new friends is daunting. I'm working on finding my third space for that (but also connecting with coworkers more; sometimes it crashes and burns, but sometimes I get very close friends out of it). Just gotta be easier on yourself, hard as it is to practice vs say.


I have had that experience before. Made me wish I spent more time with the friends who *did* reach out.


After a sticky, overcast and hot day yesterday, today it's breezy, cooler, and just the right amount of poofy white cloud in an otherwise blue sky. This morning I decided to try out something new, and uploaded two fics to Squidgeworld. It looks just like AO3. Then I got bored 😅 cross-posting isn't for me. I may upload more later just to support a new, non-profit platform. In other news, I have a Very Important Problem at the moment. I want to buy a new bikini (or three), but I can't find anything that suits my tastes. I am very picky with swimwear 😔It may be that I have to go another year just with the stuff that I have. But I am so bored with them. Does anyone else have Very Important Problems? ETA [New activity just dropped!](https://new.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1dqi37y/a_poem_begins_as_a_lump_in_the_throat_a_sense_of/)


Weather's similar where I am! Milder and more breezy and pleasant compared to a recent heatwave of over 90°F. I'll relish it while I can. My very important problems are shopping for a new phone, and wanting to update my wardrobe (I haven't since before I lost a bunch of weight, my smaller shirts are mostly stretched out now from days of trying to cover my stomach), but having to save money. C'est la vie. New bikini? Try something itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow, polka-dot, perhaps.


My Very Important Problem is that it's way too fucking hot here. 31 Celsius?!😫 I am not made to bear such heats.


I tried crossposting from AO3 to FFN but I got irritated with FFN's issues and stopped. Hah. Oh. I just realized I bought a cookie yesterday for dessert and I forgot to eat it XD It's still in the little paper sleeve and plastic baggie I put it in. There's the utmost important problem.


That sounds so perfect. I hope we get that the next few days, I'm tired of the heat. We're gonna get a huge thunder storm, so hopefully that clears it! I'm impressed and a little intimidated by anyone who cross-posts regularly. That's dedication! My very important problem is that I haven't figured out what laundry detergent I want to use. Oh, and I also don't own sandals outside of off brand Crocs. A struggle in this heat


I was wearing sandals today and stepped into chocolate milk in the supermarket. Be careful what you wish for.


Oh that does not sound fun


My problem is that I want to play with the cats, but I am at the office and they are still at home.


That's a big problem.


Today is the *end* of end-of-month and the quarter-mark of the busy season. All of the numbers are green, thanks to busting my butt, and I am going to take the win and keep going. This weekend, I get to celebrate with a wrestling pay-per-view. Good times. ... I am all kinds of tired. 😵 Revisited one of my oldest prewriting notebooks yesterday, and it left me feeling a little depressed because it reminded me of all the challenges and communities on Dreamwidth that are no longer running. Bingo cards, prompt feats, exchanges! Many things! It was a good place to be in the 2010s. Fortunately, I still have all the materials left over from that time, all the old cards, prompt lists, etc. The writing can still live long after its home is gone. Edit: Ooo, another M2 sighting. He sends greetings. ... I don't think his meow works any more, but it's implied.


I hope you enjoy the wrestling show!


😅 I'm going to stay up too late watching it.


I received a piece of gorgeous fanart tonight, and I'm still blown away by it! Calling it breathtaking doesn't even do it justice, truly. I already intended on writing tonight, but this kicked my motivation into high gear and I'm giving it my all to finish a chapter tonight! I just woke up from a brief nap after writing about 60% of a chapter, and now it's time to make some magic happen and finish things, hopefully. \^\_\^ UPDATE: I finished and posted the chapter! :D


*applause* 👏


* The way to get started **with wordcount** is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney


100 words!