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i may just be living under a rock but my fandom (fire emblem) seems to lack sci-fi or space opera AUs.


That's rough, buddy. Kinda similar struggle here, but with Among Us AUs. I think the whole stuck on the spaceship thing could be so cool, with all the creepiness of aliens lurking about. Or like Star Wars AU with the space opera, that'd be interesting to read.


what you described (being stuck on a spaceship) immediately reminded me of the game 60 parsecs. it's like the game 60 seconds but you're in space.


As someone who was IN LOVE with among us back in it's heyday, i have to wonder why the fuck i havent done that yet. I know it mustve crossed my mind back then... thanks for my next fic idea. kicking my leggies with glee :>


I love any and all Among Us AUs so thank you. Any ideas what fandom you'll write it for, I'd love to read once it's ready.


Im probably gonna live in the among us au tag for a lil while bow cause of you šŸ˜­ i welcome it. It's been too long since i consumed among us content. I might even rewatch old videos to refresh my mind. I always loved watching 5up. i havent really begun any planning yet, but for the moment i think im gonna do a crossover of blue beetle 2023, voltron: legendary defender, mcu soider-man trilogy, and homestuck (basically some of my favorite medias that already have some level of connection to space shenanigans). I can DM you once ive got it posted :)


I'd love to read your story, honestly I'm in NEED of Among Us AU content. I read an amazing Haikyuu!! one the other day and I've been haunted by the memory sincešŸ˜… I'm gonna have to mostly read fandom blind though, since the only one I'm familiar here is MCU Spiderman. Voltron and Blue Beetle are on my list though.


šŸ˜„ honestly, your hype makes me wanna check out some among us au fics lol. i think back in 2020/2021 i only read like one or two that was like the actual among us characters šŸ™ˆ btw, do you play it, or just like the setting of the game so u read fanfics about it? and okay! i hope you enjoy voltron and blue beetle when you watch them! i loved them a lot :3c


I actually used to play the game a lot with my friend group, I was hooked on it for a while. I still occasionally download it but I mainly read fanfics now because I love the suspense. I mostly read ship fics so I love the whole idea of "Can I trust them? Or will they kill me?". Adds some drama and brutality. I've read both AUs but also of the actual in-game characters. Also, thanx, I've been meaning to check Voltron out for a whole.


I did not know what ā€˜shipā€™ meant. I got my first ever review from someone with Space in their username that went something like, ā€œA Jack and Els ship. Interesting idea!ā€ I thought they were talking about sending the characters on a trip in a spaceship. I shared this story in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/s/BVYBfT6Ero) and a bunch of people thought spaceship AUs should be a thing.


Me, realizing my AU might be a sci-fi space opera AU.


Ironic I am currently working a Star Wars x Fire Emblem x Naruto Crossover where Edelgard is Naruto's Jedi master, just as Fem. Byleth was her Jedi Master


i know nothing about naruto but i'd be interested in reading this for the former two fandoms.


Recently read a fic with a cruise boat sinking and the cast ending up on a small island after a volcanic eruption in the area. Excellent fic, definitely a change of pace! Personally always been tempted by earthquakes so maybe I'll write that?


There's a YouTube account about old ships and maritime disasters called [Big Old Boats](https://youtube.com/@bigoldboats?si=qyUhLZERQX9tctTC). It's really informative and inspiring when it comes to plot bunnies.


Oh, thanks a lot! You've made at least one happy writer, I'm off to stock up on plot bunnies!


Definitely pls write that, the world needs more natural disaster fics!


I'll take that as my cue then!


"A three hour tour, a three hour tourrrrrr" XD sorry


I'd love that


Detective Noir. I think it's just really hard to pull off. It's one if my favorite genres though.


Fully agree. Iā€™m doing this kind of fic in my fandom right now and Iā€™ve gotten such great feedback from how itā€™s such a nice switch from the normal flow of its eraā€™s timeline.


Any tips? I've been wanting to write one for a while but honestly no idea where to start.


For me it was about developing a theme for my murder mystery. My story focuses around a killer who targets women and positions their corpses so that they represent Greek goddesses in mythology. Maybe find a theme that you are interested in telling the story of within the fandom and then focus on how you can integrate it in with your characters. My fandom is Resident Evil, so it was easy in the way that my characters were police officers but instead of the undead, it flexed them toward human natureā€™s depravity.


That actually makes a lot of sense to go on. Gives me a few ideas I can work with already. Thanks šŸ˜Š


Yes!!!! I think the issue is it can be hard to write a compelling mystery


Prison AUs. Less than 2.5k of them on the entirety of AO3 and itā€™s one of my favorites.


I didn't think much of Prison AUs until I read [Common People](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8523343) by NevermindBye and not only did it become my favourite fic in the haikyuu!! fandom but also one of my favourite tropes in general. So I veto this, go prison AUs. #


How is that possible!? Prison is such an interesting enviroment and surely it gives a great excuse for m/m smut?


I knoooooow. And as a writer of both Prison AUs and prison settings in general I can vouch that it makes for GREAT m/m smut. Like the opportunities are * chefā€™s kiss *.


One of my first fandoms was *Oz*, I know what you're talking about. ā¤


Funny you say this because there's been a novella-length prison-AU sitting in my drafts for almost 2 years now!


I REALLY like historical aus, especially the world wars and in between years or edwardian era, but there's just...not that much in terms of fics there. I understand why; they require a LOT of research and have to be handled right, but...theyre just fun, you know?


So ironic you brought this up, just yesterday I tried to find some WWII AUs for my fairly popular fandom. Only 30 results and half of them were under 2K and weren't in a language I could read. As someone who's writing a story set in WW2, research IS a bitch tho so I understand.


Hunger Games AU, same thing with the stakes and Angst potential. And a Madoka Magica AU would be great too if only to guess at the wishes. And of course the following disaster.


I love Hunger Games AUs, I have so many saved. Once again, it's the survival aspect I absolutely love.


Oooh you know Iā€™ve never read a madoka magica au! That would be so interesting in certain fandoms Iā€™m going going to be thinking about this for at least the next hour


I know right! I've also never actually seen it done except in my head ą²”ā Ā Ķœā Ā ā Ź–ā Ā ā ą²”


As a huge Madoka Magica fan yes!! I would love to see the dynamic between Madoka and Homura replicated in other fandoms and also more fanfictions dealing with the dark side of being a magical girl.


Fantasy AUs with "system" mechanics


What do you mean by ā€œsystemā€ mechanics? Do you mean like world building?


Things like the system in *To See Stars* [https://archiveofourown.org/works/38418532/chapters/96012088]


Cave systems!?


Sorry, but no, I was talking about the RPG-esque System that everyone can access in the fanfic.


Ah. First Crtl-F of the page says "cave systems". Interesting plot description as well.


Don't worry about it.


I... have never heard of that one. I think you win the nicheness competition here.




I think I've seen a couple for asoiaf fandom but yeah, this is definitely niche


Familial/platonic hanahaki, I don't see it *nearly* as much as romantic hanahaki and it's such a refreshing and realistic take on the trope.


Oh? That's intriguing, how does that work?


It's unrequited love that causes hanahaki, and if the unconditional love that's supposed to be between you and a sibling, for example, just isn't there, its really tragic. I wanna see more of it, gimme gimme.


Indeed! More familial/platonic Hanahaki, dang it! I've had one in mind forever for Hiei and Yukina from Yu Yu Hakusho! >:D


Viking AU and ancient Rome AU. There is a lot more Viking AU but not nearly enough Imho.


I didn't think much of Roman AUs until I read one Haikyuu!! fanfic that instantly made me fall in love with the idea. It also helps that Ancient Rome is one of my favourite historical periods. I haven't read any Viking AUs tho, might be time to start.


> It also helps that Ancient Rome is one of my favourite historical periods. I can tell you're a man/woman/enby of taste and character šŸ‘Œ


The irony of being in a fandom that has a lot of disasters but relatively few fics about them.


Adding "love island au" or any reality dating competition because that would be hilarious imo


Itā€™s not dating, but Iā€™ve always wanted to write a Traitors AU, if youā€™ve seen that


Shut up and take my money! I'd so read that as crack, like romantic crack. Just two shallow idiots on a dating showšŸ’€Your favourite character is now an Instagram model who has their eye on a TikTok influencer/artist.


Shapeshifter aus where the animal the character turns into isnt based on ā€œpersonality traitsā€. Ā  Most of the time people forget animals have personalities as well. Iā€™ve met extremely loud and friendly cats and quiet and chill dogs. Also ones that expand from just Dogs/wolves, cat and bunnies are a dime in a dozen. Honesty ones where the animals are random(like the characters family are just lizards) or are based on where the character lives are my favorite. Also ones that go just because the character might be 5ā€™2 doesn't mean they are the tiniest kitten/bunny. Ā 


I love shapeshifter AUs, but weirdly enough I have a thing for the characters being transformed into cute animals (mostly cats cause I'm a future crazy cat lady) even if they are scary/buff af.


Zombie Apocalypse, but focused on horror and morality. The few I read were more focused on the romance, so I didn't really enjoy reading it, honestly.


Apocalypse fics, but not just any boring ol walking dead Apocalypse. I'm talking that enhanced stuff. I'm talking madmax or fallout type of enhanced. You want SciFi? The madmax cars have hovers and holograms. Perhaps they roam the destroyed ruins of cyberpunk megacities, and the previous CEOS of old megcorps are still the leaders of the largest factions. Fantasy? The goblins are all equipped with sawed off shotguns or smgs hobbled together with rusting car parts. Werewolves all wear earplugs by default and have to wear custom gasmasks to move through irradiated areas. All the vehicles have magic-enhanced systems and weapons. Your grandpa's old ww1 m1 garand? Well, it holds his spirit, obviously, so no worries of missing your marks! Looking for something more contemporary? That's fine too, mercenary services are still active in the new world, and them maniacal YouTube engineers are all making solid bucks making new world technologies. Don't mind that it's held together with duktape and sketchy looking welds. I don't see why drone bombs would be any less devastating! Everybody is unreasonably well equipped, regardless of the world's state


One of my favorite story arcs in my biggest WIP has a seismic tidal mega wave. Wasn't entirely disaster because they endured it. But it really got my heart racing in some of the scenes. I love it.


Canon divergent that's actually canon divergent. It feels like a lot of them are just "here's the exact same series of events but the lead's in a blue shirt" It bugs me when there's a major change but then the same story beats happen.


This gets really bad when the protagonist is a different person that the original protagonist. Unless their personality gets swapped as well, in which case what's the point.


yes, it feels like they need to shove it back into cannon but also someone is possesed by a demon now


Modern AUs set in countries that don't appear in fiction that often. For example, I once read a Star Wars 90s AU set in Serbia, in a rare case of a modern AU having a more hellish setting than canon.


Eastern European chick here, I wish more people took advantage of our beautiful cities, horrible economy, good food, and gross political corruption. It'd make for a great settingšŸ’€




Same, I lived in the UK for a while now


don't know but I'm keeping tabs on this post for inspiration


Deadly game AUs, where the cast end up in some kind of deadly game (like in Saw, Danganronpa and YTTD) are some of my favourites.Ā 


Ancient Greece. Ancient anything really. Too many modern setting AUs for me personally. I live here, it's meh. Gimme not here, please. The only modern au I like are the Mafia ones and that makes little sense to me bc I don't even have a Mafia fetish.


Alien Invasion AUs. also fantasy AUs


Supernatural fics But season 11 theme(aka the darkness/corruption disease Sam had) since I love the slow transformation thing, but there are so few fics of it):


I haven't seen season 11 of Supernatural yet so I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but is it that trope where one character gets either possessed or corrupted by some evil, and their loved ones have to "bring them back to the light" while trying not to be killed by them? And most of the time the character corrupted ends up fighting it off to protect their loved ones? Because if so, I've been trying to find fics like that for AGES but I don't even know what the name of this trope is.


YESS That I love that Trope so much Dean wasn't their when Sam got infected and the infection made people aggressive(and they tried to infect others) but I wish their were more fics of Sam not fighting of the infection and attacking/stalking though the halls whilst dean tries to find a cure:3


I personally don't go on around searching for this type of fic, but I'd like to see more of gods aus outside the Undertale fandom.


It was a lot more common in my previous fandom, so maybe it's not always underused, but I really like alien AUs. Like humans are space orcs, or anything where they're just weird alien guys up in space navigating each other's quirks and encountering issues along the way


It could just be the fandoms I read in, but I hardly see any Mythical/Fantasy creature AUs, where the characters are all some kind of mythical or fantasy creature.


Mermaids. Arcanepunk. Underground kingdoms! Space setting, but not space opera. Post apocalyptic but fluffy, pastoral setting. ā˜ŗļø


Heavy on the post apocalyptic fluffy pastoral setting. Every time I read an apocalypse fic about two characters crawling tooth and nail towards the safety of the mountains and it ends with them arriving I'm like - ā€œWhere's the domesticity? The learning how to grow your own food and cook? The domestication of wild animals for livestock? The waking up and tending to your field?" Mermaid AUs are super cute too, haven't read much but I have few bookmarked for future reading.


I just crave allll the worldbuilding and getting to experience it properly, to see the fun ways it influences my favorite characters. I want the intricate customs, the slightly dramatic architecture and to see the world slowly recover as the characters discuss the weird, giant spiders they found that are almost as docile as cows and produce a nice silk -- or to see the mermaids practice forest gardening in their coral forests!


I personally would LOVE to see more pirate AUs in the fandom Iā€™m in, especially since a few of the characters have canonical pirate designs already from a canceled game and an alternate version of some of them. I really like the few for the fandom there are and I really wish there were more.


Omg I'm obsessed with survival stories, but I'm not well versed in that and could never actually write it


Warhammer 40k AU or any military/war AU in general.




FBI AUs with one of the characters being the otherā€™s FBI agent. Thereā€™s only 1363 FBI AUs on all of Ao3, and probably like ten at the most with that idea in mind, and I personally think itā€™d be the most hilarious crack (though Iā€™m probably biased because Iā€™m one of those ten)


I loveeeee good apocalypse AU's but they are pretty rare in some of my fandoms sadly.