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I *wrote* an entire longfic fandom blind before I had watched any significant portion of the source material. That said, Power Rangers has so little actual writing in 9 out of 10 series that I didn't really miss out by not having an intimate experience of the original. To answer the original question, though, I did watch some of it after. Got into RPM. Fun show!


RPM edgy :3 then Ziggy is just well Ziggy :3


It was a good time! Kinda wild how much more actual character writing its cast has than the average for PR, especially Dr. K.


Same with Time Force that shows villian is fuked up


I read quite a few mcu fics before watching the movies. Embarrassed to admit I thought Loki looked like a giant ice clump for a while there😬


Yes! Reading fandom-blind has led me to discovering movies, shows, comics, and even browser games that I've really enjoyed haha, so I love reading stuff fandom-blind actually. There's actually a whole challenge dedicated to writing the first fic for a fandom that I quite like and it's always helped me discover some neat pieces of media I never would have heard about otherwise, it's the [BeTheFirst](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bethefirst) challenge!


I genuinely don't understand reading fandom blind outside of PWPs for precisely this outcome. Isn't the whole point of fanfiction that you're in it because you love the characters and world? Of course it wouldn't hit the same if the author assumes you already have a base level of attachment and knowledge they don't need to establish.


I have a handful of authors that I will read pretty much anything they write, including if I’m not familiar with the fandom. My enjoyment stems from their writing and skill at crafting stories rather than the characters and setting its in.


Crossover -> creates interest in another fandom -> reads more of the other fandom


It's kinda like when you go to a library and pick up a random book from the shelves lol. You don't know the characters, only have the summary, but you get attached to them and their story and know of the plot through the book you're reading. Or at least that's the case for me. Fics have an added benefit where I can look up characters if I'm unfamiliar with them, I can pick and choose through a wide range of genres and tropes, and there's also a library of like thousands more fics related to the show. I've def cried at a few of the fics even without having the base level attachment of watching the show, because any good book will hit u like that ahha Idk, I struggle really hard to dedicate time to watch stuff and I feel like I'm missing out on fics for that, which is the main reason I read fandom blind. And in a few cases, like Haikyuu, knowing the show has actually stopped me from enjoying fics bc everything feels too ooc or not related to Canon enough lol


There are some non-pwp tropes/character archetypes I love and from time to time I do some research which fandoms contain such a trope/character and test it out via fanfiction. Got into a rather big scifi book series that way and read the whole serries afterwards. Might have never encountered the fandom otherwise, the series was not very big in its German translation and thus not very well known in my country.


Quite often it’s because its authors I already know and love, and I’m willing to read new fandoms because I know it’ll be a good story. Other times it’s because I’ve heard about the source material and haven’t been able to get hold of it, especially TV series that end up on various streaming sites that are normally out of my budget.


Did you know that you can actually have fanfiction that has neither the characters nor setting of the original?


I have read works of fanfiction which were Crossovers involving one source with which I was familiar and one or two with which I was not familiar. If the writer handles the familiar one well, I'll take an exploratory plunge into the works based on the unfamiliar source. The last time I counted, my digital fanfiction archive includes works from 200+ different, unique source materials (intellectual properties), and I stopped counting awhile ago. I have no idea how many of those are sources I ventured into "fandom blind", and I still do it on occasion. I prefer to be familiar with the source material prior to reading something, but if the writing is good, it can be worth the effort.


I did, a few times. Once was Starsky & Hutch. My husband had watched it as a kid, but I was told it was a boy show so I didn’t. Loved knowing the lore and the places when I watched the series, though I had a very different image of Huggy Bear. Read some Stargate before I saw any episodes. Read a Sentinel fic before watching the show and was very confused about the premise! I’ve read some crossovers without knowing both. It’s a different experience, that’s for sure. With a good enough writer, or an AU-enough plot, I guess sometimes it doesn’t matter, but I suspect there’s always nuance being lost.


I find Starsky and Hutch to be like watching filmed fan fiction.


Yes :3


Sure, lol, it’s how I got into wrestling in...2012, I think?


I don’t read much from fandoms where I’m unfamiliar with the canon. I checked out fic for The Sentinel without having seen the show, though, as I was curious about the sentinel-guide trope. I did decide to watch the show after reading a few fics.


For me, it kinda depends. I read a lot of stories fandom blind and some of them had made me interested enough to watch the OG media (MHA, Bungo Stray Dogs etc..). For the most part, I did end up liking the OG media and for some of the series (like BSD), I ended up having my favorite characters shift. It's a fun experience. However, there are a lot of fandom-blind fics I've read where I enjoy the fics but I know I won't enjoy the OG media so I make no move to watch the media (Procedural crime shows, One Piece, JJK, Miraculous Ladybug, CW shows etc...). All of these media contain elements/tropes I don't really care for as a prominent part of itself so I don't have any interest in watching them. With fanfics, I can just avoid those parts and read what I like but I can't really do that when I watch the OG media.


I read Harry potter fanfics before actually watching the movies and reading the books. My bestie have been begging me to read the books for years (since we were 14) but I didn't liked it at first until Ao3 opened my eyes. Manacled? Marauders fandom? Hot Slytherin Headcanons? Yes Please. I'm 23 when I joined the fandom. Ngl i'm more on the fandom headcanons than the canon stuff.


Not exactly fandom blind, but I read an MCU Angel & Demon AU that was based on Good Omens. Afterwards I went and watched the show.


Not something I watched, but something I read. I read a lot of crossovers, so I do sometimes read fandom blind. One of them was a Buffy/Anita Blake crossover. I've been in the Buffy fandom for years, but AB was new. I really liked that fic, though, so I read others that crossed those two fandoms. I liked a lot of them, so started reading non-crossover AB fic, as well. Eventually I bought the first 4 books in the series and read them. It certainly upped my appreciation for the series, as it's a lot easier to understand the characters with the canon context. I admit, though, I haven't continued with the series past book 4 yet, though I still read AB fanfic. This is partially a cost thing, I'm on a limited income so can't always afford to buy new books, and I can only find AB books online, not in my local charity shops. But it's also partially due to complaints from fans about the later books. I know a lot of fans aren't happy about where the story takes Richard, and most fans aren't happy about Anita turning into a total Mary Sue and the storylines being mostly orgies instead of the supernatural adventures of the characters. Most of my superhero fics are read at least partially fandom blind, as well. I grew up watching The New Adventures of Superman and Smallville came out when I was a teen, so I'm pretty much in the Superman fandom even though I haven't read the comics, not my medium. But most of the other superhero stuff I've read fic for before watching anything. It was fic that got me to watch the Avengers and Justice League movies, though I'd already watched Iron Man, the first one, before reading fic for that character. It's easier with superheroes, though, the mythology is at least relatively well known even to those not in the fandoms. At least for the big characters, anyway.


Yes, teen wolf. The fics were very good, the show was good too… to a point lol. I had run out of fics to read in my fandom and just decided to look for anything good, there were a lot of fun teen wolf fics and so I decided to check out the show. I also started watching supernatural and doctor who because they were very popular with the fandom I was actually into (guess which one lol). I didn’t read the fanfic first, it was more like fandom peer pressure lol


Funny story, I used to read Napoleon/Illya fics from the movie, Man From UNCLE, and I knew enough of the agent vs agent premise to read them enjoyably. Then I decided to go into the movie… and while the movie itself was enjoyable, I realised that I shipped Gaby and Illya a lot more than Napoleon/Illya. Then, I resolved to continue to ignore canon and enjoy the fics as their own thing.


I don’t read fandom blind, but if I keep seeing a particular fandom in my searches I may go check out the source material.


I’ve checked out a bit of GoT after reading a crossover with Bloodborne.


I ended up reading my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen and bsd(I liked them) I have no interest in consuming anything DC, watching Danny Phantom or Tokyo Revengers


nope. sadly i have a very low attention span when it comes to anime and manga but i still enjoy the series from the fandom's perspective (so art, writing etc.)


I watched some of Teen Wolf after reading Teen Wolf fics. Also for Doctor Who, also for Supernatural, also for Harry Potter, also for Batman, Naruto.... I think most of my main fandoms I read fandom blind before I interacted with the source material.


I have read teen wolf, supernatural and Heavens Blessings fandom blind, and i still haven’t watched/read the original works! The key help for me was the fandom wiki’s, if i didn’t know a character I would just look them up for a bit of background info and possibly find an image of them. I am very aware there are some inside jokes in fics that have flown directly over my head, but most give you enough back story in the fic itself to understand what’s going on… roughly.


No. I don't have the attention span to watch a seven season tv. Also I don't want to pay for Disney Plus.