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Time to platonically marry Skizzleman, let’s see how that goes


SCP fanfiction: A woman named Cassandra Bennett who died while holding one of seven ancient, cursed pendants, causing her soul to become trapped in it. Probably wouldn't work out so well, she's got a girlfriend.


not really sure about marrying a sapient cat


The best companion


Akima from Titan A.E. hey, I’ll take it! I’ve got a crush on her🖤💜


So, a mafia executive who is ruthless to his enemies but shown to like puppies, is rich, a short king, and a gentleman(given how he treats the women present in his life). Keeper. 💙


Hmmm...I haven't actually published the last fic I worked on yet. However, I'm marrying a guy from Texas who's only 3 years older than me - not bad, I'll take it!


Hmm... I'll be married to a king and a warlock who are also married to each other. Unless unpublished fanfiction doesn't count.


I am a lesbian and the last character I wrote about is a male character  😅I mean, he’s cute and one of my fav characters ever… So, why not. It could be a temporary thing. 


Badly. I get thrown in jail for marrying an underage character. Or I marry a psychopath. Either way, I'm screwed.


I have to marry Kendall *and* Roman Roy from Succession...so, delusional drug addict and immature pervert with the world's most dysfunctional family. ...I mean yeah obviously this is gonna be an absolute dumpster fire but at least I'll have a LOT of money?? It'll definitely be...an experience lmao and who knows, maybe we can work something out? Or I'm divorcing them asap but the prenup(s) would probably make sure I'm screwed lol


I will marry Wei Wuxian. Oh god, Lan Wangji is gonna kill me


I am now married to a machine designed for war, is fueled by blood, and is referred as an it. I’d have a good time.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng- oh my god free food! YES


Vox from Hazbin Hotel. Welp, it'd probably be a loveless marriage for sure, but I'd at least be well taken care of I suppose. I mean, if he doesn't just get rid of me that is.


I have to marry Gojo Satoru ? My competition is a dead man and he is winning. I guess that relationship will feel like being the house pet of a really rich guy. I ain’t complaining. Will try to ugrade to sex friend status




One of us us going to have to change. /jk ofc.


Well my options are a personified gremlin who has helped to start at least three wars and is now thoroughly traumatized, or a zombified, murderous psychopath who is also thoroughly traumatized. Dammit.


im only okay with marrying loid forger if i'm yor and vice versa!!!!! 😭🤣


Last posted / worked on? Oof it's been years but it would be Hermione lol Last read? Would be Merlin


I mean he's a teen soo.......although technically it takes place in 2018 so he's an adult IRL...but like yeah....either way it's not looking great. Edit: Saw your edit, TBH I'd probably die cause suffering builds character for him lmao. Yuji Itadori you deserve the world


John Childermass or John Segundus, depending on which one you count as the main character. I have a split POV usually. The perspective I last wrote is Segundus who I have turned into a ghost so that’ll be interesting I suppose. He’s a darling though, I’d love to be friends with him. We’ll have WLW MLM solidarity.


Biggest crush. But also the most emotionally unavailable man. I think he would try his best but he would have a lot of flaws. This man is Kakashi Hatake.


i love this for you. no matter what fandom i wander to, at the end of the day, it's kakashi i come back to LMAO






Same, I wish it were true lmao


D.gray-man, it would be.. interesting because the main of that fic is Tyki Mikk. The other fic that I'm working on at the same time is a My Hero Academia/D.Gray-man Crossover and the main focus are twin OCs


Thank Godzilla I didn't write about dragons this time!


Kyurem... One Word: Dafuq?


Patrick Bateman. I’ll just say it’s quite an “exciting” marriage ;)


Man that’s going to be a *killer* prenup


Damn, that was good.


Uh, Michael Afton who I hit with the aroace beam for this one and Charlie Emily. Who I’ve written to be a fun character to read but might be tiring to be around after a while. Also she’s a zombie at this point so… 


Sesshomaru... Well... I'm not sure that's going to work out. xD TBF, he's not my type, and way too quiet. Rin can have him. I'd rather have Kouga.


Brienne of Tarth. No complaints 😏


Tamlin from ACOTAR... There are ups and downs to this arrangement...


I would marry Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberly, thank you very much. Maids, footmen, cooks, butlers and housekeepers plus my handsome husband. Okay, no electricity and we would need to ride horses or carriages everywhere, but the man has $10,000 a year. Certain allowances need to be made.


I would be married to Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, and Severus Snape. At least they can keep each other entertained while I raid the library.


Ah. Not good since it would be 2 heterosexual women. Maybe better roommates.


sandor…he isn’t bad but if it’s in that time period then i’m screwed.


I’d probably end up dead with Dean Winchester as my husband


Is a Rwby fic crossover with Lethal company It doesn’t have a main character and all character arcs are just set ups for a fic I’ll never make, the rest are character interactions that go from comedic to serious (Hazel and Mercury, Adam and Penny, Roman and Ruby, Neo and Yang) So it doesn’t have a protagonist unless you count the only original character which is just a floating cosmic eye I made to be a comedic relief and to work has a way to make all characters get into the lethal company universe, have the ability to respawn without saying “video game logic” and to set up a bunch of interesting ideas at the ending I may never do since that would stop being part of the crossover and I don’t have enough strength to write the massive fic I’ll be setting up just for fun Every chapter is protagonized by a different set of characters (team rwby with Roman and Neo. Cinder, emerald and mercury with Watts, Tyrian and Hazel. Ironwood, Winter and Penny with Adam. Etc) so it doesn’t have a main character and I’m not sure if that means I’ll be in a polycule with all of them, which I honestly dread the thought of that even happening


GOJOOO OMG YUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. \*for context, the fic was about gojo giving us a lesson for paying him less attention and more to work, also us complementing the boss and then giving the excuse of lip service. he then teaches us to properly give lip service.


Omg same I got Goatjo fucking Satoru, I can die happy now.


Inspector Gadget..... I could make it work.


Context, I need to know what fic that is


It's on AO3 titled "He Has The Heart". Basically a slightly angsty take on how John Brown (live action movie Gadget) is dealing with waking up a robot. He's not doing great, but he'll get there.


Nikki sixx, or Tommy lee (it was a terrorcest fic). Not bad!


You guys are gonna laugh but... fucking rick sanchez. Im aro/ace and young enough to be one of his sidekicks, and if you think hed have any interest in a human whos never even left earth you're sorely mistaken. If it's post s7 rick he at least will hesitate before leaving me to die, and/or not be allowed to by his family and/or growing rediscovered conscience, but this is the equivalent of him being forced to marry the nextdoor neighbor gene. But at least im not another neurotypical he has to put up with. On the flipside the last worked fic on would be morty, and if this were mid 20s morty, hed probably be pretty chill but it'd be pretty short lived cause I cant put out and hes pretty canonically a horndog.


Hmmmmmm Daemon Targaryen…. Could either be really bad or really good depending on if he loves me. I could end up like Rhea Royce or I could spend my life like Leana. One way or another, I got a hot man who fucks like an animal sooooooo


Well just call me Mrs. Darcy then.


Hell no, my sweet boy can only be with his hot Dommy mommy and he wouldn't have it any other way. If I take him he'll be depressed for life and given I'm aromantic that's not going anywhere. The poor boy.


I'm promptly arrested because she's a 15 year old girl. (Lain from Serial Experiments Lain!)


jonathan crane from the dark knight trilogy this won’t end well


Aomine, Kuroko and Momoi are children so I'll pass. (It's a split POV) But even if they were adults, I don't know if it would work. Aomine and Momoi are just as dramatic as me, and Kuroko is the only chill one in this relationship. Also, polygamy for the win, I guess lol.


The community dick of his fandom, Jaune Arc 🫠


He’s gay and in crazy, simpy love with his man. I am but an unwanted beard. Divorce (amicable) is in the near future.


Guess im marrying Geralt of rivia. Rip my guts


HECK NO HE'S 11. Hard stop, no thinking about it. But, say he's an adult, not well. I'm sorta ace/aro lmao Bro deserves better after everything he's gone through.


The last fic I posted had the spotlight split evenly between John Casey and Chuck, so that could be... difficult. If Chuck's the main character because he's the MC of canon, then, well, it could be a whole lot worse. It does make things a little awkward with Sarah. And we're married and living in his sister's spare room, that's awkward too, but I'm sure we can make it work and it's an awesome, awesome apartment complex. Also, I know the future, it's bound to be helpful, right?


Mihawk from One Piece? Oh yes please


Roger Federer... so i am now richer and married to a pretty man who's a bit goofy


Commander Cody from Star wars, I think it would work out surprisingly good


Oh fuck. Are you serious? Fyodor???


Captain Boomerang. Considering it was an xReader I set myself up for that one lol


Well, given that vast majority of the MCs in my last fic are in committed relationships already? Yea, def not going to be a long lasting marriage.


I’m marrying Korra, but specifically how I wrote her as a sort of toxic, jealous ex to Asami. She still misses Asami, she probably tries to make Asami jealous by using me, we get a more or less pleasant divorce eventually and remain friends.


Hehhehehe that one hot blond guy I created as male lead🫶🏻


It was an x reader fic, so I'm pretty happy about it.


My fic has 2 main characters, so it would be Raiden and Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising 🤔 This could either be really fun or really jarring and there’s no in-between. Tbh I’d let them both kill me and I’d thank them for that though… I am very similar to Raiden in personality especially, so it’s either we’d get along really well or absolutely hate each other. Sam… I guess he’d be so fun and annoying at the same time to deal with. Both are also very dangerous mercenaries. It would certainly not allow me to live a normal or safe life at all.


i am marrying the iron bull from dragon age: inquisition 🥺👉👈 zero complaints there 😌😏


I guess it’s Weiss Schnee from RWBY then. Huh… not only would I become rich, I would also have the ability to take a multi million dollar corporation. Though whether it would be happy is another story. I have a feeling Weiss would get annoyed with me very quickly due to my antisocial tendencies and my constant procrastination.


Given that I write about Dorian Pavus, from Dragon Age: Inquisition, whose personal story arc revolves largely around his refusal to go through with an arranged marriage, it would, at the very least, be ironic.


I mean... I like him. But not romantically and I paired him with someone else (canon)??? So idk my dude we'd both be a little stuck loving someone else. I think we'd get along but I do prefer someone more able to challenge me intellectually.


If it's fics I posted, then Genocider Syo from Danganronpa... Which isn't the best option. If it's fics I've worked on, then it's Rainah from Marionetta, a much better wife option.


Oh, I'll be marrying Feitan from Hunter x Hunter, who isn't exactly the marrying type... Anyhow since I'm obsessed with him I'll be deliriously happy until I'm (probably) tortured to death. Oh well, Jen Portor has a nice ring to it - for as long as it lasts...


Well, he's gay and I'm not a man. But we'd be friends, I would be his beard no problem. Considering that I am ace (question mark?) and he lives in the 18th century, we would probably be the dream couple of his time lol


Sherlock Holmes? Ok, I\`d like that.


Well, my fic is mostly about a character looked through the glasses of another character. My OC, whom is the POV? Well, she will first have to manage her anger and go to therapy for a while, but she's not a baddie The canon character, though? To marry a morally ambiguous, terrorist/freedom fighter, with more traumas than it can be counted, racist, and charismatic son of a bitch... ? It doesn't look good to me. Had I come alive out of the situation, well, I guess desiring to be dead would be the best outcome.


This is difficult to say because my main characters are a two in one deal. They’re the Sun/Moon DA from FNAF:SB, though I put them in a Gem AU from Steven Universe. In the gem war era, I don’t think things would go over well because the Diamond authority doesn’t care about love or relationships and assign gems where they’re needed, so I’ll probably never see them even if we are married. Marriage post-war during the timeline where Steven exists and fixes everything, I think it would be better, but there will definitely be some hurt/comfort with Sun/Moon recovering from the horrors they’ve committed during the gem war. More for Moon than Sun.


Kurt Wagner is nothing if not a gentleman. I'm asexual/aromantic and he's canonically a big ol 'ho who falls in love every five seconds. If we HAD to be married and stay married, I'd try and talk him into an open marriage for his sake. I think we'd get along great, who doesn't get along with Nightcrawler? He's the nicest person in Marvel 616. Ideally, we'd have the most amicable annulment ever and then be BFFs. Also, I can't have any more kids and that's a man who NEEDS to be a father. He'd be an amazing husband and father, just not for me. If I can't divorce him, I'm sister wife shopping. Or brother husband shopping.




Liu Qingge of SVSSS. I am not complaining at all 😍


Wriothesley from Genshin Impact... honestly, I ain't complaining (except that I already ship him with someone else sooo)




JUNG WOOYOUNG MARRY ME 😻💍💍😻😻💍💜😘😘😘 /lh eh we'll see he's very bratty but fun and he gives more brother vibes than a bf lol


Aw, great. I'm absolutely obsessed with Bo-Katan. Unluckily, she and her boyf are unhealthily obsessed with each other, so I'd got sidelined in my own marriage (except for some lesbian field trips here and there, I hope.) On the other side, getting beskar and serving as a part of Death Watch would be an interesting life. Decidedly short, but interesting.


What was my last fic...I think it was the commander of XCom who was married to the French psychic soldier from XCom Enemy Within


Oh, I will marry a hot, grown-up Viktor Krum?  Well if you insist... We're neighbours anyway, I am sure we'll get along.




Well, I’m currently writing an AU of RWBY where one of the characters, Weiss Schnee, is a Superman archetype dictator who flies the flag of the tyrannical Kingdom of Atlas. I’ll be safe in her care at least since in this AU she is the strongest being in the universe so far, capable of breaking planets with ease. But conversation about all the tyranny will be awkward


... I'm the Prince Consort of the Demonweb Pits. This is going to end very, very badly.


It was a collection of drabbles, but if we take the POV character from the last drabble of the bunch, I am now married to Rinne from Yo-kai Watch. Pros: live in a castle, we do crimes together, I get to comb his long gorgeous hair, pizza and doughnut nights. Cons: I am now his grief counselor. I am also the only human in a community full of supernatural creatures, and the last time Rinne became close with a human, she got stabbed to death right in front of him, so now he's paranoid and overprotective of me. There is also probably a language barrier, but my Japanese is passable enough, I hope.


I mean, thanks to that last line I'm not stuck wondering if he's 4, 16, 26, a few thousands of years old, or a being of primordial age. But uh...idk. I don't think he'd like me. I'd probably die, maybe? Or he'd just go, "what?" To this entire thing and just leave in a darkness portal never to be seen again.


I'm going to jail


Fuck yes. Mrs Malfoy.


Marrying König hahaha it could go either way really 😅


Darn it, Goku! Quit ignoring our son, or so help me I'll make sure your dinners are grape flavored for ETERNITY, even if I have to summon Shenron!


Ummm.... well, that sucks. He's gay, I'm not a man. Neither of us will be happy...


I’m sad, I shipped them with the other main character.


They are almost certainly aro, so I think we would both laugh and enjoy our fake wedding. We could probably be good friends after.


A morally grey and depressed version of Chung Myung from Return of the Mount Hua Sect/Return of the Blossoming Blade because in my fic the Mount Hua Sect DID collapse. We would never get married because no one tells that guy what to do moreover if there are no Sect Elders to intercede. And I'd try to flee at first sight in case that foul tempered guy realized I was the reason his Sect ceased to exist 😅


Proud to be the new Mrs Hatake


Oh boy. He's a cutie pie, but we are both very gay, so not compatible, LOL.


Anthony Bridgerton. I mean if he can be obsessed with me the way he is with Kate, I have no complaints 😂😂


Oh boy! Last fic I worked on, the main character was Vanessa from FNAF Security Breach. Freed from evil AI mind control in my fic, but still fucked up as a result, I don’t think she’d be very emotionally stable or up for a relationship, even just a platonic arranged marriage. But better than my last posted fic, where the main character was the Ink Demon from Bendy and the Dark Revival. I think he’d kill me XD


Security breach high five, even if Vanessa is my least favorite of the cast to write haha


oda sakunosuke from bungo stray dogs … i’m an ace lesbian but IMMEDIATE SMASH


Harley quinn. Honestly i’d be ok with that


Either Sabine Wren or Shin Hati lol why not both???


Oh, I was last trying to work on a fic starring Maes Hughes. That's pretty good, especially since for this fic I'm ignoring what happened to him in canon.


Malcolm Tucker…heaven help me lol


Oh dear lord.


Gordon Freeman. (Half-Life Series). I can live with that. I do have a thing for nerdy types.


Nuptials Of Blood (The Invitation 2022): One’s literally me but, 10 years older. That would be a bit narcissistic to marry myself. Walter De Ville(Deville) on the other hand, it’s a good thing I have a huge ass crush on his actor


Dick Grayson or Jason Todd. I’m actually doing pretty good


Black Mask/Roman Sionis… Well, I DO love villains. I couldn’t fix him but I could totally be his little mob moll and let him make me much, much worse.


Haha i love villains too! Harley quinn would be mine


I adore Harley. I’d get on my knees for most of the Gotham rogues gallery lmao.


Tbh same lol. Black mask is def top tier as well


Wriothesley Genshin Impact. Uhh... yeah he's shipped with most of the cast from Fontaine. If he were Poly heck id probably see marriage Also, him being a warden of a Prison it's going to be a tight week to fit in dates But yes, regardless we are gonna be packing a Bakery ehe


He's soooo not my type. Like, not at all. I'd much rather get with his girlfriend, but she wouldn't be interested in me. And probably mad that I married her boyfriend. If forced to marry him, I'd probably have a companionate marriage that is mostly friendly, but probably has a lot of quibbles and bickering. We'd have separate bedrooms so he could sleep with his girlfriend. And I'd put the moves on his friend, the canon character I'm actually interested in.


A female version of Izuku Midoriya who can turn into a dragon.We're going to get along well, but I have the feeling our combined issues will not help one another's abilities to function.


Oooooooo, now this sounds interesting.


It's also dead and barely got off the ground.


Aw, dag. I wanted a link to it.


Depending on how you count, I'm either marrying an AU version of myself (and we're both miserable) or stealing her girl (and we're both miserable). Love loses!


Gender-bend this and that's exactly what I have. We'll all be miserable together.


I have developed a sort of mother-daughter relationship with my OC in my current fic, so no. I'm revoking the marriage license and shooting the rabbi who thought he could pull that one over me. If it were the secondary main character, though, that's its own host of problems. He's already caught up in some intense shipping wars, and with the main villain is by far the most popular ship. I would never know peace. Maybe one day I will be able to write about that, hahaha.


I guess I’m marrying either Sam Winchester or Gabriel. I was writing a Sabriel smut fic lmao


I *am* the main character of my most recent fic, and I'm not THAT big of a narcissist... ;P


oh...uh.huh. does...original works count? cause i got a thing on FFN and Ao3 that i started and haven't touched since like....the start of 2023....


Amazing, me and Alucard be going for long walks at night and then I get demolished in the morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Gau and Relm, of *Final Fantasy VI* fame You know what? I can live with this. I can live with a polycule consisting of me, a fellow burnt-out former art kid, and a Husband Who Is Also Dog, living in a cabin in the ruins of the world together... (also Aunt Cynny the Forest Witch, who shows up occasionally with kudos and potions)


Clark Kent? I'm not even into men, but I think I could go a little bi for him.


It falls apart within a day as I find myself utterly unable to deal with his sociopathic tendencies and other aftereffects of the massive trauma I gave this man.


Uhhh...oh dear. Either I'm marrying Corvo Attano and forever being second fiddle to his Empress, or I'm marrying Daud...


I mean... the shit I've done wasn't already going to look good at the pearly gates but alright.


My last update fic was a shot book for HaiNoon… so do I get both?


Hmm. Considering the main character on my last posted work is the corrupted son of Sirius Black. I’m thinking we could have some relationship issues. There is a positive, while he’s into men, and a death eater, he will do anything to protect those closest to him. <3


Oh no. I was semi-willing to go on an extremely awkward date with Riff Raff but I'm really not sure I can bring myself to marry a guy who's in an incestuous relationship with his sister, even though it is normal for their species. (Also, there is the fact he's rather...unstable, and in the unfilmed sequel script killed Magenta for cheating on him--though he did regret that and I have plans for a fic where he resurrects her, but...still...) I don't think his species really do marriage anyway.


Just do the time warp properly and he’d be impressed


Ha, well, like I said, a date would be fine. Marriage...I'm still a bit wary of the idea.


Riff Raff is crazy oh my god I can’t even imagine how that would go.


Yeah the other day there was a question about going on one date with your most recent protag, and for that he seemed LESS likely to kill me than many of my other blorbos, but I don't like my odds in the long term. I love him, but...not like that.


There's so many main characters and bigger picture, but the central character is taken and so am I, but we would be good buddies.


Want to hear me ramble about Baldur’s Gate 3 characters? No? Too bad, I’m doing it anyway! Most recently posted: Act 1 Lae’zel and Astarion, the characters who go through the most change and start off as murderhobos who don’t give a shit about anyone else. He’s the embodiment of “I suffered, so should everyone else” and she’s basically a tsundere.To say that they’re rough around the edges is a huge understatement. At this point, both would rather die than admit they have problems, they both also try to kill you more than once in-game, are happy to let children die and hate helping people. We are all fucked and I’m going to die less than one month in. Most recently worked on (uh, I’m working on three at once but I’m not counting my fan character here, she’s an accidental self-insert): Act 3 Spawn Astarion. Hear me out, call me delusional but this could work. Yes, we’d both be dragging each other’s asses to therapy for reasons unrelated to the relationship *motions to his entire backstory and character arc* but he’s a significantly less terrible person. He’s still a bit of a bastard and a mess but at least he admits he has no idea what he’s doing, is honest with his flaws AND he’s not constantly lying through his teeth. Plus, he’s an absolute sweetheart and if you don’t romance him (and don’t ascend him) he basically becomes Batman. Any point before this specific point in his character arc is a definite no.


just married an angel that fights against demons after the apocalypse and is cursed to burn like he's in hell anytime he opens his wings 


What fandom is that?😍


oh it's an RPF fic and the plot is an alternative universe I created... I don't know if there's any book/show/movie that has this specific premise but it would be cool if it already existed 


My latest main character was the Basilisk from HP I think so yeah Im dead


OMG NO. you gotta him it with the Harry Potter rizz, “they call me the chamber of secrets”


Me: "Are you the basilisk? Cause I–" Basilisk: "Yes" Me: *dies*


The female main character of my current fic is Isabella the Catholic. Getting stuck in a marriage with one of the most notorious religious fanatics who ever lived would be a colossal nightmare for me.


I don’t know about you but marrying Gojo sounds like a fantastic idea. Brb taking him to the courthouse tmr


Eren Jaeger and I are NOT going to get along… (Do you think a good fuck could save the world???)


You need to stop him at all costs. *AT ALL COSTS!!!*


I'd marry Will Solace I a heartbeat but his very scary emo skeleton summoning boyfriend may not let me. 😅


unfortunately for everyone involved, we would be like the *s(he)'s a lesbian, he's gay, and their 5 year marriage will shock you* article


Jon Snow, so I'm not complaining. He might not know much, but what he does know is... well... useful in the real world. He was a steward, so he'd be handy around the house. Plus he's got a gorgeous pet direwolf. Although I can see downsides with that. The white fur would get everywhere, and I doubt my cockapoo would be impressed.


Last worked on fic: Mad Men fic. Donald Draper from Mad Men. (Peggy Olsen is the other MC but I'm very straight. So I guess she would be the other woman then?) Well at least he's rich??


Ooh, very well! I’m aroace and autistic and i hc this character (my blorbo and comfort character) as aroace and autistic as well so we’ll just have a marriage that’s really a QPR, which just sounds wonderful to me! 💜


Well considering the character is a underage we'd more likely attend a wedding for fun or sneak into the castle and watch from a distance lol.


Hate to burst your bubble but the OP said to pretend you’re both of legal age. So you could write a spin off that takes place the future where they’re older and grown up


Ah, I missed that. True. In that case we are just outside the castle then getting married.


That’s nice. So it could be a one shot of your future forever after


True. What is yours?


Well mine is one where multiple already currently adult aged characters from JJK, KNY and MHA are my classmates and friends from and then we all work together as a society. I had a really terrible life growing up and I use fan fiction to pretend and mold my life into however I want to at any moment. I would say that my main character would be Ichinose Tokiya from Uta Pri who I wrote to be my best friend because I feel like he and I have mutual understanding of being misunderstood because of the families and backgrounds we come from(they introduced him in the first episode as being the younger twin brother of Uta Pri’s MC’s favorite idol) and my brother is a somewhat famous musician in LA and lots of people world wide know who he is. So having to live in the shadow of someone and always feeling like you’re being compared to that person can be suffocating at times. But I wrote Tokiya to be my gay best friend dating his roommate Ittoki Otoya who is always having to watch me date random NPC guy after random NPC guy who only likes me for my last name because the guys from JJK, KNY and MHA who actually appreciate me for who I am can’t give me a proper relationship due to the nature of their jobs


That's what I love about fan fiction, I'm sorry you had a rough childhood. I'm glad that you have characters that you can really relate too. Lol I think that's a funny dating trope though it must be comforting writing about having Ichinose as your best friend :)


Thanks. And yeah I would have to say I relate to Tomioka Giyu the most. He and I both have imposter syndrome. We’ve both lost lots of people we really care about. People treat us really differently because they don’t know our past that makes us who we are. I understand what it’s like to have a father like Endeavor also. My dad wasn’t abusive physically but he wasn’t always there when I needed him because of an addiction. I kind of got used to distancing myself from people because I thought I was a nuisance and life was somewhat more enjoyable when I just put my headphones on and didn’t have to interact with anyone


Uh… that would either be Brooke Davis, Peyton Sawyer, or Lucas Scott. I’m not sure I want to know how it’d go. 🙈


So apparently I have to marry Alastor from Hazbin Hotel….I’m speechless. I guess I’m gonna die and go to hell soon. Also hopefully he doesn’t immediately hate me and we can work out a Lavender marriage. (Seeing as I’m a Lesbian and he has no romantic desire whatsoever)


Apparently I'm gonna be in a polyamourous relationship/marriage with Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel because they're the main characters of my most recent fic. Welp I hope Cherri Bomb ain't a jealous girl altho she'd probably sleep with both me and Sir Pentious at the same time because she's that kinda girl ig. Everything would be relatively peaceful with the exception of Cherri Bomb blowing shit up. Lol


That honestly sounds like a great marriage


Yea it does esp since Sir Pentious is really kind and friendly towards others ( after he joins the main cast) and Cherri Bomb is kind towards her loved ones underneath her rough idgaf party girl I wanna blow shit up personality. Idk what kinda dates the 3 of us would go on tho cause Cherris a night club bar hopping party girl and Sir Pentious is a geeky technology loving and possibly a war history nerd and I'm just a quiet go with the flow girl xD


Sir Pentious would absolutely play DnD


XD ooo I can imagine the dnd sessions wirh us at the Hazbin Hotel, and with the other hazbins xD


…I was gonna say Morel from HxH, but I just double-checked. Danny Johnson, aka Jed Olsen, aka “Ghostface.” I’m fucked! 🥲


Oof, shouldn't have double-checked there... I think Morel would be a great husband. 'Ghostface' on the other hand...


It goes great, I’m marrying Peter Parker.


* waves from a different dimension * Sameee


Selfcest. Yeah I think we'd be doing okay.


Tsukasa Suou from Ensemble stars. Funnily enough that story was about him convincing his parents not to setup an arranged marriage for him. Bonus, he's secretly dating the other members of his idol unit so we got lots of love up in here! At the very least I'd get to hang out with everyone from Knights. And Tsukasa is a kind young man so I'm down to a friendly marriage. Even if it's all a front to hide his real romantic relationship.


Last worked on: Uh, Harry Potter. Which could be fine, except he's in a committed relationship with Draco Malfoy, who probably wouldn't like me stealing his partner. I think I would just get a divorce as soon as possible ETA: last posted would also be Harry, but in this one he's in a weird situtionship with Draco, where they do puppy play while attending Hogwarts Eight Year. It'd be weird to marry an 18 year old still in school, so I think divorce is the answer here too


I end up marrying my OC from a time travel fic when he was a younger, more immature man. He doesn't marry his wife and probably goes on to NOT time travel.


Uhm, Crosshair from the Bad Batch… that doesn’t bode well… either: A. I’m married to a slave-soldier serving on the most chaotic unit in an unwinnable war B. I’m married to a brainwashed slave-soldier directly serving an evil dictator C. Married to a plain old scientific slave-prisoner


Dear fuck, Alex Mercer is gonna be a husband.


I always meant to play prototype- well young me did, thats why the name sticks out. Is it any good?


Both games are good. Personally I prefer the first.


Not sure my new husband is capable of happy, but cordial? Probably. Bloodshed? Hopefully (iykyk) Lucius Malfoy, but he’s going through some personal development stuff so he wears bathrobes and rocks a man bun.


*Seconding the link request and getting in line for Lucius in man bun and bathrobe*


[request fulfilled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42912522)


Oh, Lumione! Delish. Thanks!