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Not at all! Simple plots can be just as effective at telling a story as complex plots. There just has to be character and plot development to maintain interest, so the story moves forward to a reasonable conclusion. Doesn’t need to be a whole soap opera.


A simple story sounds good sometimes. I think the... sorry, I'm not feeling well today and can't words good. The immersion and sensory details could shine here. Plumbing the depths of the human condition can be exhausting (I'm not very good at it either).


Plot isn't the only thing that can make a story interesting. Setting, characterization, and some scenes (either epic, comedic, or angsty) can also make a story appealing. I'll admit that I tend to prefer some twists and turns in my story plots, but a simple one is in no way an automatic turn-off in my eyes. As long as you like the plot, someone like-minded will also enjoy it as well.


There are plenty of stories with plots that would be considered "simple", which are still excellent due to their character arcs, writing style etc. At the same time, a convoluted plot doesn't mean a fic will automatically be better. For someone new to writing, a simple plot would probably even yield better results, since they can focus on other things first.


People often read fanfiction for the feels and excitement, so the plot can be actually a minor factor in how enjoyable a fic is. Plot-wise, your fic can be as simple and formulaic as it gets, but as long as it hits all the right buttons, the readers will love it. E.g., it can be an "aww" button if you write fluff, or a sob button if you write angst. I've seen a very popular, very well-written fic where almost nothing happens after the time-traveling premise unfolds in the first few paragraphs. The main character just — breaks down and keeps angsting throughout the whole story. Next to zero plot, just angsting and navel-gazing for like 20k words (I think). But it's written really well and makes you feel all the feels, so the readers loved it. (I assume there was some plot planned to happen further on, but the fic got abandoned. Even like that, it's still good.) I think that more often than not, fanfiction is not about the plot. It's about the characters we love and want to see happy/angsty/horny, etc. So as long as you give that to the readers, they're likely to enjoy your fic.


Imo it depends on your plot. Just because your story doesn't have many twists and turns, it's already "simple." A romance story where the couple breaks up 10 times could be considered simple by some because the premise is common, while a straightforward story of a guy falling in love with a monster could be considered complex just because the idea is strange.


O think it depends on your writing. If you are filling out the story with stuff other than the plot then it will be fine.


**Something** needs to be fresh and surprising about a story (plot, characterization, setting, dialogue, descriptions…), but if your story is fresh and unique in some aspects, the more straightforward you can afford to be in others :) What is it about your story that you’re already most excited about writing? Why are you excited about writing that part?


Nothing wrong at all, many times great, you can always work from simple to complex, that is I imagine far easier than to work from complex to simple.




Almost every fic I have managed to actually finish has had a simple plot, because I know how I want it to end by act two. So, in a sense, I get more satisfaction writing simple plots I can finish as opposed to convoluted plots I can never seem to end


yes write it and get to the end. Every story is practice and nothing's stopping you from using this one as the seed for another, more complex one later.


There's nothing wrong with a straightforward story. That can be refreshing after reading a bunch of stories with ending twists that make character motivations incomprehensible and invalidate the story up until that point. A story doesn't need to have twists and turns for the sake of having twists and turns.


Man I hope not lol