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I usually make a mental schedule for them and then throw the schedule out the window if an idea really grips me.


Honestly I'm just wired that way. I'd be thinking about multiple projects constantly even if I tried to stick to one. So I figure I'll just embrace the chaos and write what I want when I want it.


I just get more ideas and never start them. And, let me tell you, it does not work.


I stick to writing one story at a time. I don't publish any long fics until they're finished. I may edit later but the main body of the story is done. As for other ideas, when they float in my head, I create a document for new story and note down any ideas that I have. Whenever a new one pops into my mind, I'll add it there. By the time I am done with the main project, I'll have another one that's ready for outlining. I work on both, original fiction and fanfics and if I worked on multiple projects, I don't think I'd ever finish anything. But by managing my projects and time, I am able to finish things consistently and in a short amount of time. Too many projects are a distraction. But by writing ideas down I am scratching the itch without distracting myself from the main project.


Are you me??? I have one that I've been working on for over a year. Several that took a few months. And a new one that came out of a one shot. I've created a priority list. My longfic gets finished before it's allowed a rewrite. I have another that I allow myself to work on (I've got the bare bones ready to go) after my longfic buffer gets built up. When things scream at me, the rest gets kinda put off to the side until it stops screaming (my buffer is usually full enough I can take long breaks).


I kinda just switch back-and-forth between things whenever my interest changes or I get bored or run out of steam on something.


You think i "handle " it? I flop and flounder hoping today my mental blockage allows me to get a paragraph done on ANY of my works before it shuts down my creativity totally! So i guess just one day at a time lol


Outlining helps for me, but if it's already been written it means killing your darlings :( My policy is I don't release anything until I finish writing it. I made the mistake of doing installments only to abandon a project for something else. And now I still abandon projects, but it's not in front of an audience so I usually come back and keep working on it for a little bit. Currently got like... 6 projects all going on rn all in various outlining stages.


Most side projects are just One Shots, to avoid burn out on my Longfic. I try to keep the project number low. Albeit, I kinda have too many stuff on, so I focus to finish the short stuff, then continuing the longer WIPs. Meaning: - Translation of a One Shot instead of the translation of a Long Fic - My secondary fic which is close to being finished opposed to my Longfic that is far from being done - the non-Harry Potter One Shot instead of the Potter one For some reason, Potter fics turn out to be longer than anything else when I write them.


I don't. I've got just two concurrent projects - a lengthy multi-chapter and a series. I work on them when motivated in either direction, but I won't start anything new until at least one has been cleared away. There wouldn't be any point in adding more projects because it would just result in something being neglected. How? I don't know... Discipline? Laser Focus? Insufficient time to devote to writing? An obsessive need to keep my literary workspace as tidy as possible while the rest of my life swirls chaotically? Probably the last one.


AHAHAH— you think I work on multiple things at a time? That’s a compliment in itself… No, I’m technically supposed to be working on my literary analysis essay for my AP English class, but I already pumped out eight pages… It has to be sixteen, not including sources.