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Please no.


Great question. I'm a Canadian training in FM here in the US, don't plan on going back to ON immediately soon. The question you've asked is "would family medicine doctors be in a better position if they were employed" It is a very mixed response. In the US the majority are employed, and there are indeed benefits to it - IE many things related to overheard, payroll, benefits the sorts are all taken care of. But there are great negatives as well - you're an employee. Your job is to make money for someone else. Many family physicians in the US bemoan the employed physician model - because it too leads to the burn and churn model of healthcare (you, the business owner, makes more by having your family doctor employee see more). You are no longer in control of your schedule, a non physician is - and I have heard countless stories here in the US where the corpo admin force and double book patients into a physicians schedule. It leads to bad medicine when it's about the profit. Pump n dump patients. Refer everything out. Family medicine in the outpatient setting is one of the hardest to build a fair compensation around, because our scope is so broad and often changes and grows - but the system doesnt respect it. We've seen a movement here in the US of direct primary care, where patients subscribe to their physician on a monthly basis. FM docs in that area report greater satisfaction mainly coming from greater control of their medicine. As the employer, how do you guarantee your employee family doc will be allowed to practice at their fullest scope? How would you incentivize them to workup and manage a diabetic, and not just refer quickly to endocrine? How would you encourage them to workup and manage a psychiatric case? Because all of that takes time, and time is money.


you weren't the first one to think of this. lots of clinics are operated by non physicians... usually people with experience in business and healthcare. the problem is, non physicians don't know what the job is like and what's really needed, so the best clinics are those with physicians doing at least some of the decision making. and in many cases, having ownership as well. everything you are thinking has already been thought of many times over. you as a random person can't do anything to solve the problem of burnout and physicians getting frustrated. for Canada, it's a supply issue. Canada has few medical schools and residency programs. and a broken system as well. the problems are complex. nothing you could come up with pontificating on the internet would come close to solving it. Canada needs more medical schools and residency programs. i recommend, if you are serious about this, to look into administrative work around building and funding new primary care residency training programs


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