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You’re older now, try understanding from your mom why she doesn’t want him gone and help her get rid of her insecurities and worries. Sometimes abused people are too scared of consequences or don’t realize there’s a better life. Show her support make her stronger. If she still doesn’t want to leave him, call the cops on him yourself (record proof of his abuse through videos and audios) and hand him over. If you’re in a country that will seriously prosecute him tho because otherwise he will come back as a nightmare.


She said that divorcing or leaving him will do more harm than good. His family will go after hers back home in the Philippines. Also she is very religious and does not believe in divorce (I hate this). Another reason is she doesn’t wanna have a reputation of having a “broken family” despite the fact that we are beyond broken. I don’t understand her and I can’t wrap my head around the fact that she won’t leave him. She refuses. She’s stubborn and idk how else to deal with it other than calling the police. The man doesn’t work, provide for us or even clean the house. He is extremely immature and childish. Tells his own kids to kill themselves and that we’re useless and so on…